Children's Literature Reflections

The Three Pigs
David Wiesner
picture from Houghton-
Clarion Books, New
Caldecott Medal
York (2001)
Winner 2002
Wiesner’s illustrations are never a disappointment to me. The
imaginative aspect of his art is perfect for my fourth grade students
and they do not see it as an ordinary “picture book” (they would
consider that for babies)! And this was no ordinary picture book.
Wiesner takes a familiar tale of the three pigs and after some overly
aggressive huffing and puffing; the big bad wolf actually sends the
pigs out of the story!
I read this book for the first time to my two year old son and found it
difficult to use as a read aloud. The adventurous plot, like many of
Wiesner’s stories, has few words, thus one needs to use creativity to
create their own words and dialogue. This would be a great
introduction to imaginative narratives. Showing students how to take
a familiar story and tweak and deconstruct it is something I try to do
each year in preparation for the state writing assessment. We
practice with rewriting fairy tales and reading fractured fairy tales, and
I think this book would be a perfect fit into my curriculum.
I love the idea that the pigs are flying on paper airplanes made for the
story they came from no less! After running into multiple famous
characters, the pigs bring a dragon and the cat and the fiddle back
The illustrations are especially intriguing. While in the original fairy
tale, the pigs look animated and picturesque, but after escaping the
story they take on a realistic piggy look. The text is gone and
replaced with dialogue bubbles and smaller frames. There are
references to other familiar and not so familiar stories throughout.
New characters join in to escape their own fairy tales and rhymes. It
is obvious why this modern picture book won the Caldecott, and I feel
Wiesner’s illustrations and themes are reminiscent of Van Allsburg,
one of my favorite authors/illustrators.
Joey Pigza Loses Control
Jack Gantos
Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, New York (2000)
Newbury Honor Book
In this sequel to Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key, Gantos continues a
humorous storyline, while creating touching and sometimes
heartbreaking situations for Joey. I read this book in one sitting, which
is not unusual for me, but it was a page turner. As a teacher and a
mother of two boys it was heartbreaking to see Joey finally gain
control over his disability to only have his estranged father flush his
medication down the toilet. Each trip to StoryBook Land or a
ballgame had me on edge waiting for his father to become violent.
Even though Joey is still young, the book was almost a coming of age
tale, with a young man realizing that sometimes you do need help to
overcome your obstacles. Joey with his severe ADHD is so similar to
a student I had last year, down to the patch for meds. I am sure many
teachers feel that if they had something these children could connect
to; it may be easier for them in school. I only wish I had known about
Joey Pigza. Perhaps he could have seen that he was not alone.
Biblio-therapy can be powerful for these seemingly isolated students.
I think the grandmother was one of the best characters in the story.
She was so spunky. Often speaking degradingly to Joey and her own
son, Carter, she never lets him get her down. Carter leaves her home
alone and neglects her. She is quite sick herself from smoking and I
could just picture her in that buggy going down to the store to get
more cigarettes with the oxygen tank in tow. The book is made better
by the first person point of view. It creates a world with which I am so
unfamiliar with, the chaos of Joey’s mind and the heart of gold.
Joey is a true hero. He has overcome a difficult stint in school and
found the self control his life needs. Not only does he conjure up the
courage to face his father, he bonds with his zany grandmother in a
strange way. They have some sort of deep understanding that is
evident as Joey escapes behind his father’s back and looks back to
see grandma on the front porch waving.
The Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins
Author: Barbara Kerley; Illustrator: Brian Selznick
Publishing Info: Scholastic Press, New York (2001)
Award: Caldecott Honor 2002
Summary: This is the heartbreaking story of Benjamin Waterhouse
Hawkins, a model maker who created life-size dinosaur models in
hope of bringing to life these ancient creatures for all to love. His
artwork was brought to New York City’s Central Park only to be
destroyed shortly thereafter.
Personal Response: This genre is my favorite, the narrative story bio
I call it! I chose this book in particular. I read two of Selznick’s
collaborations from my basal each year and the illustrations are
captivating and stand apart from others. His style is noticeable and
memorable. The story of Waterhouse Hawkins is new to me and the
fact that it’s about dinosaurs will draw in many readers.
Evaluative Comments: Selznick is quickly becoming one of my
favorite illustrators! I love the beauty of his characters, especially the
eyes. I just finished his newest book and was completely captivated
again with his illustrations. They are life like, but with a dream like
quality. The blurbs and author’s notes are some of my favorite
aspects of this book. I love the biographical feel of his work in
narrative story form. I think this style of picture book is quickly
becoming the favorite among boys, as well as my own preference.
Each picture was based on research (minus the outlining of the
building in Central Park that was never to be) and that makes it an
even more powerful tool for teachers.
Hush: A Thai Lullaby
Author: Migfong Ho illustrator: Holly Meade
Publishing Info: Scholastic, New York (1996)
Award: Caldecott Honor 1997
Summary: A mother has just gotten her baby to
sleep. She hears something and this sets off a panicked spree of
hushing each and every animal that moves so her baby is not woken
Personal Response: As a mother I definitely identified with this book!
You finally get your rowdy toddler to sleep and suddenly every slight
movement sends you into panic mode! You will do anything to keep
the baby peaceful in hopes you can get some rest too. This is exactly
how the plot moves along quickly. I loved the ending, she has finally
quieted all the animals, from the mosquito to the elephant, and at last
the mother is so tired she falls asleep. Then we see baby is resting in
his hammock; fully awake! I chose this book after someone brought it
up in class. I have a number of Hmong and Asian students are I try
constantly to fins books from their culture. This Thai lullaby will also
be a great read aloud for traditional literature units as well as a
wonderful bedtime story.
Evaluative Comments: The artist used cut paper and ink. This
combination creates a wonderfully fun, bold book captures the eye
immediately. She chose to outline in red rather than black, and it
certainly works. The colors demonstrate the desperation of the young
mother and the expressions on her face and her body language add
to the comical light feeling of the text. Hands on her hips, finger to her
lips. The onomatopoeia is unusual and new. No longer is the duck
saying “quack, quack” or the cow mooing. Now we hear “uut-uut”
from the smelly pig and “hoom-praa” from the elephant. The Thai
barnyard is very different from the usual one we teach our children.
There is much action for paper cut illustrations. I did not even notice
the child is hiding and exploring in every picture until the third time I
read the book!
Gone Wild: An Endangered Animal Alphabet
Author/Illustrator: David McLimans
Publishing Info: Walker Publishing Co., New York
Award: Caldecott Honor 2007
Summary: Twenty six endangered species features are transformed
into the letters of the alphabet. Not only do we have a wonderful eye
catching illustration about each animal, McLimans gives us more with
websites, animal classification, status in the wild, habitats, and
interesting facts that will set each animal apart from the next.
Personal Response: I personally love alphabet books, especially
animal ones. I chose this book based on my curriculum. Each year I
combine poetry with animals and one type of poem in particular, a-b-c
alliteration, will become even more inspired using this book as a
model. I love reading nonfiction, but I also love more information after
the fact. You do not have to go far to get it with this book. This will be
a wonderful tool to jumpstart endangered animals and the text is
more advanced than most animal alphabet books, lending itself well
to my fourth grade.
Evaluative Comments: The illustrations are bold to say the least.
They almost have a crude, tribal feel to them. I found that they were
created with ink, Bristol board, and computer. I can imagine the
amount of research required to find that perfect animal, one that fit
the issues of the book and the letter of the alphabet in name and
shape! I have come to appreciate well researched books more as I
use them to introduce issues and topics in my classroom. The black
and white is striking and he also includes a red on white information
box and the entire animal is illustrated. There are just so many textual
details. I was surprised to read this was the author/illustrators first
children’s book. McLimans’ research and talent pays off in this work.
Tale of Depseraux: Being the Story of a Mouse, a Princess,
Some Soup and a Spool of Thread
Author: Kate DiCamillo, Illustrator: Timothy Basil Ering
Publishing Info: Scholastic by arrangement with Candlewick
Press (2003)
Award: Newbery Winner 2004
Summary: Desperaux is a hero, an unlikely hero; marked for
certain death with a red thread tied to his tail because he sees
a world not visible to his mouse family. He soon meets Princess
Pea, whom he falls in love with, a rat named Roscuro who killed
the princess’s mom, and a servant girl named Miggery Sow
who wants nothing more than to be a princess. Four tales
intertwine to become one story about love and hope.
Personal Response: I could not put it down! I read the entire
thing on the way to the beach and was spellbound the entire
way. DiCamillo’s narrative style is captivating and the
characters are completely real. She says it was written for her
nephew who requested a story of an unlikely hero and that this
is what inspired the style of narration. I have read several
critiques of the book and was shocked to see the number of
bad reviews. This is no “happily ever after” fairy tale for the
lighthearted! The adventure, true love, and agony the
characters face makes it all the more real.
Evaluative Comments: I think the intertwining plot and “dear
reader” narration kept this a page turner for me. The plot was
adventurous and not hard to follow even though it is written in
four sections. As far as style, DiCamillo takes time out to
explain difficult words to her reader making this book
appropriate for a read aloud for younger readers, not to mention
older ones. Her theme is one that makes your heart break and
race all at once. The characters are struggling for things that
are seemingly impossible and remain untouchable. But we still
have a happy ending, and I for one still like
happy endings!
I have since read all her young adult novels and all her
characters and strong, with both strengths and weaknesses,
even though many are animals.
Illustrations: The pencil drawn illustrations actually enhance this
novel. We see the desperation is all
characters through Ering’s artwork. Lightness and darkness are
very important to DiCamillo’s tale and Ering incorporated both
Author: Walter Dean Myers, illustrated by Christopher
Publishing Info: Harper Collins, New York (1999)
Award: Coretta Scott King Author Honor Book 2000
Summary: Steve is a young teen sitting in jail for something he did
not do, or did he? The reader does not know for sure, but no one
around him believes he’s innocent. “Monster”, this is what the
prosecutor calls him. But was he simply in the wrong place at the
wrong time? We see the story unfold as he begins to keep a journal
which turns into a screenplay of his trial proceedings and prison life.
Personal Response: Myers is a mover and a shaker. His work is so
inspired and deeply powerful; rooted in showing another side of
African American life Myers again gets his point across. This book
was another I read in one sitting. I had to find out what would happen
to Steve. I knew he was innocent and the fact that I felt this stirs up
other justice issues. What a wonderful book for high school
discussions! It leaves so many questions unanswered.
Evaluative Comments: While I would not share this book aloud with
my fourth graders, I may have it out on the shelf. The peer pressure
and personal struggle themes are worth while for younger readers
and for older readers the theme of stereotypes is another. At first I
thought the style would be hard to follow, but once the plot moves
along, you do not even notice the director’s instructions, or
cameraman’s angles. It is worth a second read just for that tough.
They would almost take on an illustrator’s job. The book is also
enriched with photographs and a young black man, a blurred face,
mug shots, and expressionistic text and fonts.
Goin’ Someplace Special
Author: Patricia C. McKissack; Illustrated by Jerry Pinkney
Publishing Info: Anne Schwartz Book/Antheneum, New York (2001)
Award: Coretta Scott King Illustrator Honor Book 2002
Summary: ‘Tricia Ann is going Someplace Special, somewhere she
will be welcome and no one will treat her like less than human: the
library. Set in the 1950s south, we follow this young lady on her path
to a seemingly simple place only to discover it is going to be a long
Personal Response: The plot seems simple enough, a young black
girl wants to go somewhere by herself and grandma lets her go. But
we soon see the trip there is not as easy as she thought. She faces
discrimination and “For Whites Only” signs staring her in the face
every step of the way. She even considers turning back, but she gets
there…the public library where all are welcome. I appreciated that the
story had a happy ending, but nothing felt sugar coated. The
message of books as freedom also fit into what I hoped to use as a
social justice project, and this book became my catalyst. “Since I felt
welcome there, I checked books out more often. And the more I read,
the better I understood why my grandmother believed the library was
someplace more exciting, more interesting, and more informative
than hotels, movies, restaurants, and amusement parks.” This quote
form the author’s note sums up all I wanted my kids to learn and what
I brought from this book.
Evaluative Comments: I love the dialect of the book. I love to read
aloud with my southern accent to my class! McKissack’s style is real
and honest. And coupled with Pinkney’s watercolors, the blurred
lines, and the realistic features we get a bittersweet story about
segregation that is harsh enough to get the point across to younger
readers. You can see the pain and shock in ‘Tricia Ann’s eyes and
face as she is kicked out of places and when she looks up to see the
library. Her dress stands out among the others who are draped in
drab colors. The strong characters are also apparent in a short book.
‘Tricia Ann is strong, determined to be somebody, to hold her head
up. We also meet Blooming Mary, who convinces ‘Tricia Ann to carry
along on her journey, to hear her grandmother’s voice in her heart.
This book is worthy of being used as an introduction to the concept of
segregation and racism for children.
Esperanza Rising
Author: Pam Munoz Ryan
Publishing info: Scholastic, New York, (2000)
Award: Pura Belpre (2002), Jane Addams (2001)
Summary: Esperanza is the daughter of a
wealthy landowner in Mexico. Tragic circumstances force her and her
mother to come to live and work on a migrant labor camp in the
United States. Set during the 1920s-30s, the story follows Esperanza
on her personal journey to find who she really is. More than a spoiled
rich girl, Esperanza finds it difficult to adapt to her new living
conditions, but when Mama gets sick, she must take care of the
Personal Response: In no way could I never identify with the
tragedy that faces Esperanza and her mother, but as a mother I felt
the frustration she must have felt to make the decision to move her
daughter and lifestyle in Mexico for a life of her own in the US. There
were so many parts of the story were I think I would have given up if I
were Esperanza, and Munoz Ryan does a wonderful job showing the
young girls strength despite her upbringing. I was pleased to learn
that the novel was based upon the author’s grandmother. I think a
piece of validity is important to historical/realistic works. This is a
wonderful book to share in today’s educational setting. A touching
story of “assimilation and immigration” is just what students need to
hear to appreciate many of the hardships their classmates are living.
Evaluative Comments: Munoz Ryan is one of the best descriptive
writers I have read in a while. The characterization and description
puts you into the story instantly. We see opposing views of the harsh
living conditions the migrant workers lived in. Marta, a strong-willed
girl who teases Esperanza for being formerly rich, leads the strikers
who fight for more. Miguel who is happy with what he has, and
Esperanza herself is somewhere in the middle. The theme, so quoted
by Ryan, is a Mexican proverb, "The rich person is richer when he
becomes poor, than the poor person when he becomes rich". There
is no better way to sum up the plot of this novel.
Becoming Naomi Leon
Author: Pam Munuz Ryan
Publishing Info: Scholastic Press, New York
Award: Pura Belpre Honor Book (2006)
Summary: Naomi Soledad Leon Outlaw lives with her misfit brother
and grandmother is a small trailer park in Lemon Tree. She is
surprised by a visit from her mother, whom she has not seen for
seven years, and who decides to come back into their lives. Unstable,
her mother causes more harm than good, but Naomi desperately
hopes for the best. Then her mother “Skyla” decides that her
daughter needs to come to Las Vegas and live with her, and her new
boyfriend Clive. Gram, outraged and a force to be reckoned with,
hooks the trailer up to a friend’s truck and they all escape to Mexico
in search of Naomi’s estranged father. Here Naomi learns about her
true family and herself.
Personal Response: After much disappointment and worry, Naomi
begins to discover who she really is. What a journey to get here. I
was so scared for her as she ran through the trailer park from her
mother and Clive. And I was heartbroken when her father evades her
at the Oaxacan Night of the Radishes festival. But I think I responded
most to the librarian at her school. He takes the time to invite other
misfits, like himself I assume, and eats with them each day in the
library. It’s their own special club. He knows each of them individually
and showcases their talents. Naomi’s name itself plays a large part in
her discovery after Blanca, a new girl at school, tells Naomi what it all
means Leon the lion and Soledad, a big saint in Mexico. This
intrigues Naomi, makes her feel special. I loved Esperanza Rising,
but this book “outreads” it any day.
Evaluation Comments: Again, Munoz Ryan puts you right into the
story with her description and characterization. I can just see the
Baby Beluga hip hopping down the roads of Mexico and Owen
covering himself with tape for comfort. Her novels do so much for the
Hispanic community. She makes their culture so accessible to today’s
readers. Reminiscent of the Higher Power of Lucky, all the characters
quirks and uniqueness make this a must read for upper elementary
The Thief Lord
Author: Cornelia Funke
Publishing Info: The Chicken House, United Kingdom
Award: Mildred L. Batchelder award for outstanding
translated book (2003)
Genre: Fantasy
Summary: After their mother’s death, 12 year old Prosper and 5 year
old Bo are staying with their aunt and uncle, the Hartliebs. They
discover Aunt Ester only wants to keep Bo so they decide to head off
for Venice, a place their mother always told them stories about. Here
they are met by a group of young thieves and the Thief Lord, a boy
named Scipio who is a master thief. Then the gang is asked to steal
something that has been an historical mystery for years, a wooden
wing that pieces together a magical carousel. As they grow up and
live together, many secrets are uncovered in this realistic fiction
turned fantasy.
Personal Response: I had previously read Inkheart and Inkspell, so I
decided to read this book by Funke with hopes it would live up to the
others. And while it is a touching story, it seems to be missing
something that I cannot put my finger on. It almost feels like a puzzle
of other young adult books I have read. A little cliché. This is not a
bad thing, but her other books were so strong that I was a little
disappointed. I know my students would enjoy the novel. And I too did
enjoy reading it. But at times it read a little slow, especially in the
beginning. By the end I was hooked, as always. The mystery of the
carousel was a little predictable but the idea was not. And the fact
that Scipio was a rich kid and had been stealing from his own father
to help the other children! Wow, I did not see that coming!
Evaluative Comments: The plot is exciting and the descriptions and
details are very strong and well written. I would not have thought that
her novels have been translated if I did not know. Prosper is a
likeable hero, and while the reader may be a little turned off by Scipio
when his real identity is discovered, you must admire his reasons.
The elements of magic were a surprise. No magic was expected by
the reader until it actual moment we see the ride. This may seem a
little out of place, but it brings the story full circle and to a satisfying
end. The scattered humor adds a lighter feel to the overall work and
is nicely fit into the plot.
An Extraordinary Life: The Story of the Monarch
Author: Laurence Pringle, Illustrator: Bob Marstall
Publishing Info: Orchard Books, New York (1997)
Award: NCTE Orbis Pictus (1998)
Summary: This is the story of one monarch butterfly and her life
cycle. It begins with her mother’s death after she lays hundreds of
eggs in a Massachusetts farm field. We follow this butterfly, Danaus,
from caterpillar to adult butterfly and over thousands of miles of
migration in a few short months.
Personal Response: Honestly, upon first glance, I thought this would
be a dull book. I was pleasantly surprised. Rather than a purely
informational text, Pringle delights and saddens us with a narrative
nonfiction piece following a single female monarch butterfly and what
becomes an extraordinary journey across half a continent. At times
you actually felt short of breath following this insect that weighs 1/25
of an ounce and flies for thousands of miles. I learned so much and I
felt like I was sitting back in my own schoolroom. I remember learning
about these butterflies when I was young, but the importance and
magnitude of their journey was never told. The book is also user
friendly with colorful sidebars and an index for quick reference. My 8
year old looked through the book after he had to read a small
nonfiction leveled reader on the monarch. He was much more
impressed by this one to say the least!
Evaluative Comments: The narrative of Danaus was most
unexpected, but what a great way to get an increased number of
younger readers interested, especially girls, in nonfiction. I was
instantly drawn to the storyline and the fact that Danuas escaped
close calls after close calls. The details are relevant to the story; while
not drawing attention away from the plot. There is so much
information contained here I could have reread this book several
times and found new bits and pieces each time.
The artwork, watercolors I am guessing, are phenomenal. The large
one and two page spreads do nothing than to add to the wonderment
of the life of this tiny creature.
When Marian Sang: The True Recital of Marian
Anderson: The Voice of a Century
Author: Pam Munoz Ryan, Illustrator: Brian Selznick
Publishing Info: Scholastic, New York (2002)
Award: NCTE Orbis Pictus Winner (2003), Siebert Honor
Summary: Marian Anderson was a black contralto during the early
1900s. One of America’s greatest singers, she was turned away by
venue after venue because of her race. Her frustration led her to
eventually leave for Europe where she could sing of any audience
and what became known as “Marian Fever” swept the continent.
Upon returning to the US, President Roosevelt (with the urging of his
wife Eleanor) granted her a concert on the steps of the Lincoln
Memorial. And in 1955 her dreams of singings at the Metropolitan
Opera come true. It is a story of a quiet activist with the voice that in
“one breath sounded like rain…and the next she was the thunder…”
(Introduction from the book.)
Personal Response: I could not pass up another Pam Munoz Ryan
and Brian Selznick collaboration. They are my favorite author and
illustrator of the moment. This book was even better than Amelia and
Eleanor! While his illustrations instantly grab my eyes, her words grab
my heart. Ryan has a way of describing her characters that I just do
not get from many authors. I love the author’s/illustrator’s notes at the
end and both of these writers include such wonderful details in their
notes. Selznick got the idea for this book from his grandfather who
actually showed Anderson and Roosevelt around town during the
Lincoln Memorial concert! Honestly I knew nothing about Marian
Anderson and now I feel like an expert just by reading one narrative
nonfiction bio. That is one powerful book!
Evaluative Comments: Ryan’s style of writing instantly grabs
readers’ attention once again. She writes as if she was right there
with Anderson throughout her life. The research done must be
extremely thorough. The first pages are set up like an opera program
with “written” and “illustrated” replaced with “Libretto” and “Staged”
by… This would intrigue students to keep reading. The artwork is
definitely the focus of this picture book. The words are carefully
placed around the two page spreads and both are profound and
wondrous. The climax of the story is told with the illustration of
Anderson spotlight at the Met and just a phrase, “and Marian sang.”.
You can literally see the soul of Anderson in the artwork.
The Green Glass Sea
Author: Ellen Klages
Publishing Info: Viking Juvenile, Penguin Books, New
York (2006)
Award: Scott O’Dell Award (2006)
Brief Summary: After her grandmother has a stroke, Dewey finds
herself whisked away to live with her father on a top-secret base in
the middle of the desert. She soon learns that everything in the
remote military town of Los Alamos is secret. This is the site of the
Manhattan Project where, during the 1940s, scientists moved their
families here while they worked on the atomic bomb. “Screwy Dewey”
as the other girls call her, loves being here with her father after not
seeing him for so long, but he soon has to leave to visit Washington
and she is to stay with one of the meanest girls in the town, Suze.
These two misfits quickly learn that in order to make it here, they will
have to band together.
Personal Response: I was completely engrossed in this novel. I was
surprised to learn this was Klages first published children’s work, but I
am sure it’s not the last. Historical Fiction is one of my favorite genres
and this one is timeless. I identified with Dewey; with her nerdy side.
Any of my friends and family will tell you I am a closet nerd. I love to
put things together without the instructions, I love technology, and I
read in all my spare time. Dewey is proud and confident, unlike Suze
who tries to fit in with the other girls. While it may appear to be for
girls, I think my boys would enjoy the adventure and quirkiness of
Dewey and Suze. I love to read the research part following historical
fiction novels. It is apparent that Klages did her homework and this is
a wonderful addition to my bookshelf.
Evaluative Comments: Klages gets you right into the head of her
opposing heroes. We see things from each girl’s points of view and
the thoughts and feelings are so powerful. The novel is part coming of
age with a finding where you fit into a new world theme. Both girls are
unique and budding artists, Dewey with gadgets and Suze with
collages. I really felt these were true stories of actual women until I
read the Afterward. Los Alamos is not a place that people know much
about and this community is revealed with accuracy and respect to
the times. The relationship between these two girls is real and
When Sophie Gets Angry-Really, Really Angry…
Author: Molly Bang
Publishing Info: The Blue Sky Press, Scholastic, New
York (1999)
Award: The Jane Addams Peace Award (1999)
Brief Summary: Sophie’s sister takes her toy and Mom fusses at
her! And when Sophie gets angry, she runs. She runs and runs until
she is alone. Her family understands and lets her be. She returns
home to find that her sister has abandoned her gorilla for another toy
and all is okay again.
Personal Response: I bought this book to use as a catalyst for
teaching how to write feelings. I teach fourth grade and the looming
state writing assessment. Students often have a hard time describing
their feelings and this is the perfect example of how to write about
being angry. The onomatopoeia is also something I teach and this is
a wonderful resource. After reading the book, I decided to share it
with my oldest son Jackson who is 8. This book reminds me of what
is must be like in our home everyday! His little brother always wants
what he has and I often tell Jackson just to let him play with it since
he is younger and does not understand sharing. Hopefully Jackson
will see he is not alone in the world and is among other older siblings!
People deal with anger in different ways and being alone is a safer
way I would gladly share with children.
Evaluative Comments: Who knew anger could be so beautiful? This
was also a Caldecott Honor book and deservingly so. Through sparse
text Bang shows what it is like to feel so angry you have to just leave.
I think the book has an accurate portrayal of how many deal with
anger including children. The artwork carefully personifies how
Sophie feels, when she is crying and hunched over, so are the trees,
when she is again happy and ready to return home, the trees are
upright and tall. The colors exemplify every characters feelings.
Sophie starts out in a calmer orange and rages into red. When she
finally gets her thoughts in order she is surrounded buy blues and
purples. And when everything is back where it should be (Sophie with
her family) there is a puzzle being completed. The artwork is eyecatching was thoughtfully laid out.
The Higher Power of Lucky
Author: Susan Patron, Illustrator: Matt Phelen
Publishing Info: Simon & Schuster, New York (2006)
Award: Newbery Winner 2006
Personal Response: I loved this book! A 10 year old
girl searching desperately for her Higher Power; what
an inspirational tale for all ages. The idea of a little girl who becomes
inspired while cleaning up and eavesdropping on various 12 Step
meetings is a wonderful lead into the struggle Lucky faces when she
perceives that her Guardian is going to return to France. I thought the
book read easily and was true to life in many ways. Lucky has been
through a lot, like many children, but takes it all in stride until she
sees Brigitte’s bags packed. She deals with life in her on ways and
many children could look up to someone like Lucky. Sometimes we
all need to get away, to run off to get noticed, especially when we are
feeling alone and scared. I found it an interesting plot twist that Lucky
is in search of a mother and in the end, winds up mothering Miles
during the runaway. As far as the controversy over the word scrotum,
I am shocked adults care so much that children learn to use correct
words for body parts! I would love to hear that word over some of the
others heard in the school’s hallways. Kids in the reading range of
this book are full of curiosity and it answers some of these life
questions in an honest, thoughtful way. I think it would be great in
upper elementary.
Evaluative Comments: The characters in this book are nearly
unbeatable as far as depth. Each quirky character brings their own bit
of hurt, love, and small town charm to the story. Even the names are
wonderful: Lucky (who seems to be anything but lucky), Short
Sammy, Lincoln (named to be prepped for future president and can
see the heart of a knot), HMS Beagle, and Hard Pan (the city where
everyone seems to have it hard). The characters are not full of selfpity as one would expect, but they help each other always giving and
never taking. Many lessons can be learned from this theme. Patron’s
language is strong and descriptions even stronger: In one example
Lucky compares the jail to her specimen boxes, like rows of beds.
The use of capitals in words like Higher Power and Guardian show
hidden meaning and insights into Lucky’s heart. The red slip even
dress takes on symbolism. Everything seems to come to life and take
form in some way.
Out of the Dust
Author: Karen Hesse
Publishing Info: Scholastic, New York (1997)
Genre: Historical Fiction
Awards: Scott O’Dell (1998), Newbery Medal (1998)
Summary: Billie Jo is a fourteen year old girl living in 1930s
Oklahoma during the dustbowl times of the Depression. She is the
only child of parents who wanted a boy and Mama is finally pregnant
again. But an unfortunate accident leaves Mama dead and Billie Jo
scarred physically and emotionally for life. Her father becomes so
grief stricken he is fading away before her. Billie Jo is left to deal with
her own demons, as well as Daddy’s.
Personal Response: I really truly felt dirty, and gritty, and angry
while reading this book. I have a little knowledge of this time from my
own father who was born in 1933, but he of course lived in North
Carolina’s mountains and was a small child during the Depression.
This novel puts you right in the mind and world of Billie Jo and she is
honest and selfless. Her attitude towards others who argue and take
pity on themselves is so honest. I loved her thoughts about the
neighbors fighting over killing rabbits, she makes them seem so
childish and petty to argue over who killed the most rabbits, but then
we have to understand how everyone was so on edge during these
times. I think the story connects you with the hurt and frustration of
the times. On the first page you think this may be another coming of
age tale, and it that, but so much more. Billie Jo remembers always
being in Mama’s way, always living in this little Panhandle. But this is
also symbolic. Billie Jo sees that piano as her way out of the dust,
then she burns her hands. She slowly begins playing again and her
hope is restored.
Evaluative Comments: I was so mesmerized by the character to
Billie Jo and the setting that I did not even notice the free verse. I am
not usually a fan of books written this way, but what a moving tale.
Hesse managed to convey a difficult time to comprehend to people
who would have little knowledge of the Depression or the Dust Bowl.
The setting is so strongly felt that it becomes a character and Billie Jo
is fighting against it every step of the way.
The Breadwinner
Author: Debra Ellis
Publishing Info: Groundwood Books/Douglas &
McIntyre, Toronto, Ontario (2001)
Award: Special Commendation from Jane Addams
Peace Award for trilogy (2004)
Genre: Realistic/Historical Fiction
Personal Response: As a woman and a mother, this book was a
difficult read. I cannot imagine the heartache her mother felt as
Parvana puts on her dead brother’s clothes so she can go out into the
marketplace to earn money. On the other hand, I cannot fathom the
idea of women being hidden and kept indoors. I think the fact that
Parvana is westernized makes this book accessible to American
readers. We are sympathetic to her cause and pity the people of this
war torn region. Parvana seems to suffer loss after loss and still
remains strong. After her father is kidnapped by the Taliban, Parvana
has to go to the marketplace to read and compose letters for illiterate
people to make money. For me, her mother was the more realistic
character. Her pain and suffering are increasingly shown and she
finally breaks down and falls into a silent depression. Yet the 11-year
old heroine stays strong and continues to work, even taking on a
second job as a grave robber to make money. The novel is not too
harsh and in fact we see a lighter side of one Talib who has lost his
own wife. I think this is a wonderful way to share knowledge about a
little written about part of the world with young adults.
Evaluative Comments: Ellis visited many Afghan refugee camps
prior to writing this novel, a first in a series. The research is important
and evident in the details of Parvana’s thoughts and actions. The feel
of the novel is much more personal and character based. We do not
get a lot of details on the setting, but enough is given to get a mental
picture. For example, “there are more land mines in Kabul than
flowers” and the description of the tea boys selling off trays bumping
into everyone in the market. Several themes appear in the novel
including an unexpected friendship, loyalty, and survival. Suspense
was included appropriately to keep the plot moving. I was worried she
would be caught several times, especially when escorting the lost girl
and when she was digging up bones. There are also a few mysteries
including the ending that added a little more suspense. I never figured
out the person tossing things down from the window to Parvana as
she worked or even what happened in the end. I am anxious to read
the sequel.