The Outsiders: Chapter 5-8 Test - English

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The Outsiders: Test 86/100
In 2-3 thorough and well-written paragraphs, compare and contrast Greasers and Socs.
You will need to be specific, use quotes, and focus on similarities.. You may use the book
and the Word copies of the chapters. Do not use the Internet. Doing so will result in a grade
of 0 on this test.
Greasers and Socs have a very big rivalry in the book The Outsiders. But surprisingly they
have something’s in common. One of the things they have in common is PonyBoy and
Randy Adderson, a Soc both wanted the world to be normal and not have he rivalry
between the Socs and the Greasers they both think that if there wasn’t a huge rivalry then
people won’t have been dying and thy wouldn’t have a big fight that would kill other
people. in chapter 7 Randy met PonyBoy at a gas station and asked to speak to him in his
car. When they were talking Randy said “… And tonight people getting hurt in rumbles,
maybe killed. I’m sick of it because it doesn’t do any good.” In that sentence Randy is
trying to tell PonyBoy that he doesn’t want the Socs and the Greasers to fight anymore and
that he doesn’t want anybody getting killed. And earlier in the book PonyBoy was talking
about how he wanted to live in the country where there weren’t crimes and fights and
rivalries. He was saying that he wanted the life he had before his parents died. That
evidence shows that both two people that are in different gangs are similar somehow and
that the Greasers and the Socs aren’t exactly the opposite from each other.
Another thing that is similar between the greasers and the socs is they are both labeled in
society. The greasers are known to be poor. For example some of the greasers work at a gas
station and walk everywhere because they cant afford to by a car. And they have to sneak
in to the drive in to see a movie and they steal a lot of things. When the socs are know to be
rich. For example they drive their cars everywhere one of the Socs have a Mustang and
they don’t steal a lot
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I. Multiple Choice: Type the letter of the best answer on the blank. 18/30
__C___1. Pony and Johnny pass time at the church by
a) playing checkers.
b) texting on their cell phones
c) reading Gone with the Wind.
d) reading a book of poems.
__D___2. Pony doesn’t want Johnny to cut his hair because
a) Soda told Pony not to cut his hair.
b) they don’t have scissors.
c) it would make him look too old.
d) long hair is the Greaser’s trademark.
__B___3. At the church, when Pony and Johnny talk about the night of the murder
a) they cry until they get used to the situation.
b) they decide together to go home.
c) they argue and blame each other.
d) they agree that Bob had it coming.
___D__4. Johnny sees Dally as gallant because…
a) he admires Dally’s manners.
b) Dally took the blame for something Two-Bit did.
c) Dally tells the truth.
d) Dally would clobber him if he didn’t.
___D__5. Johnny tells Dally that
a) he was a fool to help them escape.
b) he admires him.
c) Cherry Valance wants to help the Greasers.
d) he’s going to turn himself in.
___C__6. While Pony waits at the hospital, and Soda and Darry come in and…,
a) they are angry at Pony for running away.
b) Pony finally realizes that Darry does care about him.
c) they all go home right away.
d) Darry slaps Pony again.
__C___7. When the newspaper comes out the next morning, Pony
a) tries to hide the picture because of his hair.
b) reads that Johnny has died.
c) finds out there will be a hearing and he might have to go to a boys’ home.
d) finds out he’s being blamed for the murder.
__A___8. Randy won’t be in the rumble because he
a) is sick of fighting.
b) is scared.
c) misses Bob too much.
d) doesn’t want to upset Cherry.
__A___9. After Pony talks to Randy, he
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begins to see Randy as a real person, not just a Soc.
hates Randy more than ever.
blames Randy for everything.
decides to become a Soc, too.
__D___10. Johnny says that he’s not ready to die because
a) he thinks being a hero is fun.
b) he wants to become a fireman.
c) there’s a lot he has not seen or done.
d) he wants to repair his relationship with his parents.
Short Answer: Answer each of the following questions in 2-4 complete sentences.
11. Explain why Ponyboy was so upset about having to cut and dye his hair. Give 2 reasons.
One of the reasons why PonyBoy doesn’t want to cut his hair is because he said that it took
him along time to grow his hair and he wont look the same when he cuts it. Another reason
why PonyBoy doesn’t want to cut his hair is because it the trademark for the greaser. The
greasers are known for having long greasy hair. 20/20