Name: C.P. Eng. II (Murphy/Pavlisin) 12/6/11 Voc. List 7—For quiz

C.P. Eng. II (Murphy/Pavlisin)
Voc. List 7—For quiz 12/16
Words from’s 100 Top SAT Words authored by Vince Puzick (
brazen (adj): unrestrained by convention or common moral codes
-also: brazenness (n.), brazenly (adv.)
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camaraderie (n.): mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together
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digression (n.): a temporary departure from the main subject in speech or writing
-also: digress (intransitive v.), digressively (adv.)
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extenuating (adj.): partially excusing or justifying (note: usually extenuating circumstances or
extenuating reasons)
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fortitude (n.): courage in the face of pain or adversity
-root: from Latin “fortis”: strong
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fraught (adj.): (fraught with) filled with or destined to result in (something undesirable);
causing or affected by great anxiety or stress
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-over for more
impetuous (adj.): characterized by undue haste and lack of thought or deliberation
-also: impetuousness (n.), impetuously (adv.)
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precocious (adj.): characterized by exceptionally early development or maturity
-also: precociousness (n.), precociously (adv.)
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rancor (n.): long-standing bitterness or resentment
-also rancorous (adj.)
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scrutiny (n.): close and thorough examination
-also: scrutinize (v.), inscrutable (adj.), inscrutably (adj.)
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surreptitious (adj.): kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of
-also: surreptitiousness (n.), surreptitiously (adv.)
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vindication (n.): cleared of blame or suspicion through the use of proof
-also: vindicate (transitive v.), vindication (n.),
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wary (adj.): showing keen caution, carefulness, and prudence
-also: wariness (n.)
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