Amish Culture: Sociology Worksheet on "Amish on Break"

Amish on Break
Viewing Questions
Mrs. Madison
Directions: Answer the following questions as you view the film Amish on Break. Read each question carefully. Use
supporting examples from the film when asked to do so.
1) Identify at least five components of material culture from the Amish:
2) In the chart below, list five examples of Amish values expressed in the film. Then, list a norm that results
from the value you identified. Finally, identify if the norm you described is an example of a more, a folkway,
or a taboo.
Because the Amish value…(Value)
Amish teenagers should / should not…
Is this norm a
folkway, more, or
Amish on Break
Viewing Questions
Mrs. Madison
3) What sanctions do the Amish face for violating norms of their society? (List at least 2)
4) Do any of the Amish teenagers experience culture shock? If so, when? (Give at least one example)
5) Describe at least two examples of ethnocentrism expressed in the film. Who is expressing it and how are
they judging it in comparison to the values, norms, and sanctions of their own society?
6) Which of the cultural groups shown in the film does the best job at practicing cultural relativism? Why do
you think this is? List two examples that support your argument.