UDL Print Checklist Check all you can find on the Sample Syllabus: Yes No Handouts/E-text ___ ___ Font: 12 or 14 in Arial or Tahoma ___ ___ No words in all CAPITALS ___ ___ Tabbing minimized and tabs are consistently used ___ ___ Bobby Proof: Navigable by screen reader, Linear, picture captions ___ ___ Linear ___ ___ Color-coded handouts ___ ___ Notes posted on web prior to lecture ___ ___ Scaffold meaning, i.e. build vocabulary, concepts that lead to new vocabulary and concepts ___ ___ Context Embedded vs. Context Reduced: comprehensible references, content uses context clues, relates to student experience, frame of reference, use examples, no jargon Tell Textbook representatives that you must have books ___ ___ Available in e-text for adaptive technology ___ ___ Logical order of chapters and information ___ ___ Bolded Key Vocabulary and Concepts ___ ___ User friendly Table of Contents, Glossary and Index ___ ___ Supplemental CDs/Web is accessible 1 UDL Student Organization Checklist Name: ________________________ Course: ________________________ Term: ________________________ Yes No Textbook/Print/Handouts ___ ___ Textbook Pre-reading: Cover info, Publisher, edition, ISBN, Table of Contents, Glossary, Index, Bolding, etc. ___ ___ Handouts dated and organized in binder or folder ___ ___ Login and password for Web/Blackboard/Webadvisor Planner with Months and weeks ___ ___ Have with me always ___ ___ Note general tasks by day on Monthly Calendar ___ ___ Note details on day on weekly Calendar ___ ___ Look at Planner first thing in morning and last thing at night Note-taking ___ ___ Write Course, Date on paper every class ___ ___ Categorize and note topic, details, use bullets, underline ___ ___ Highlight Key Vocabulary and Concepts ___ ___ Confer with peer or instructor to check quality Monitor Grades ___ ___ Where will you record grades… every grade? ___ ___ Write every grade by date received ___ ___ Average grade weekly/Check grade with instructor 2 UDL Communication Checklist Name: ________________________ Course: ________________________ Term: ________________________ Yes ___ No ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Communication Collegiality, mutual respect, diversity of learners/processing time, turn taking, topic maintenance. Choral repetition of multisyllabic new terms (weak readers/difficulty sequencing sounds) Control vocabulary, define jargon. Send “I” messages (initially at least!). Repeat, paraphrase key points. Less is more, use precise language. Body language and tone of voice support meaning. Increases self-insight by pointing out effective communication. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Lecture Provide objectives at start of each class and emphasize important information. Visual Cues: use board, Tablet PC, PowerPoint. Give time for information processing. Move around, monitor student notes and participation. Linear/repetitive/paraphrase. Vary with student exploration, activity. During activity develop questions based on student outcomes. Post accessible notes on web. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Questioning Techniques Start with review questions. Connect old learning to new and overall objectives of each class. Students make the connections and identify why this is important. Wait…give the gift of processing time. Wrong answer? Praise attempt. Explain that research shows the best learning occurs from mistakes. Repeat key points by multiple students: memory, automaticity, enforces importance of Information. Try, “Raise your hand if you can tell me…”, then wait. Call on specific student. Incorrect answer? Call on another; return to first, so they can answer correctly. 3 Methods of Assessment Checklist Name: ________________________ Course: ________________________ Term: ________________________ Yes ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ No ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Traditional Assessment True and False Multiple Choice Fill in the Blank Short Answer Essay College Paper Project Portfolio Take Home Exam ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ UDL Methods of Assessment Multiple Assessment Options for Students to Choose From Test in Same Manner You Teach Untimed Tests Vary Test Format Oral Exam (Student can explain all in class and flunks paper/pencil) Test-Allow Study-Retest Provide Assignment Instructions in both written and oral “Clickers” during Class Quick Surveys: electronic, print ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Writing Assignments Provide Consistent Grading Rubrics Allow for Drafts and Revisions Display Examples of Work for Grades: A, B, C, D, F Class reflection papers: Develop Student insight and Provide Faculty Feedback One Minute Papers ___ ___ Testing Tips Relaxation Techniques, i.e., 4-5 deep cleansing breaths, positive mantra Chew gum, sip water, soothing music 4