

Department of Defense




SUBJECT: Strategic Human Capital Planning

References: (a) Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) Memorandum,

”Competency Management and Workforce Planning Information”

(b) Section 1122 of Public Law 109-163, “National Defense Authorization Act”

for Fiscal Year 2006, January 6, 2006

(c) Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness) Memorandum,

“Human Capital Strategy Governance,” June 6, 2006

(d) Section 300.103 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations

1. PURPOSE. This Instruction: a.

Supersedes Reference (a). b. Establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for competency-based civilian workforce readiness planning to meet current and future civilian employee requirements consistent with section 1122 of Reference (b) and the DoD human capital strategy at Reference (c) and the CFR at Reference (d.)

2. APPLICABILITY. This Instruction applies to OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector

General of the Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within the Department of Defense (hereafter referred to collectively as the “DoD Components”).

3. DEFINITIONS. Definitions are in the Glossary.

4. POLICY. It is DoD policy that: a. A structured competency-based workforce planning approach will be instituted throughout the Department that applies job analysis methodologies compliant with the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP), and that meets the requirements and objectives of section 1122 of Reference (b) and (c) and Reference (d). This approach will be used to identify current and future civilian workforce requirements, including those of an expeditionary nature.

DoDI xxxx.xx

It will also be used to establish a plan to ensure the readiness of the civilian workforce to meet those requirements. Control of resources, management, and execution will remain with the

Components in the implementation of this policy. b. The approach will be holistic and systematically implemented to manage the life-cycle of employees from accession through separation. It is also designed to support manpower requirements analyses. The holistic end state will be achieved in phases.

c. The holistic approach will initially cover all U. S. citizen appropriated fund positions to include positions in the Senior Executive Service, and Senior Level and Senior Technical positions. d.

The holistic approach will be implemented systematically, in part, through redirection of existing job analysis work and resources rather than through new funding. e. A separate DoDI that provides implementation guidance will be developed jointly with the

Components, the Functional Communities, the DUSD(CPP) and the DHCSPEO for this policy.

f. This holistic approach, at a minimum, will:

(1) Identify projected civilian force requirements, including expeditionary requirements, and the strategies needed to build the civilian force to meet those requirements.

(2) Identify competencies required in positions, competency proficiency level requirements of those positions and competency proficiency levels of employees.

(3) Be used to compare required position proficiency levels to an inventory of employee proficiency levels to determine current competency gaps and gap closure methodologies.

(4) Articulate future competency proficiency requirements (three years and out) for comparison to current position requirements and employee proficiency levels to identify future competency gaps and gap closure methods.

(5) Be used to identify career paths that provide a road map for employees to aid in their career planning and development.

(6) Be used by supervisors to develop their employees to close competency gaps and track impacts on employee development and performance.

(7) Be used by managers and supervisors to select candidates for position vacancies on the basis of their possession of competencies required by the positions to be filled.

(8) Be used by DoD leadership to develop and implement strategies that will ensure a sufficient civilian expeditionary workforce, which meets all required deployment criteria, is available to meet current and projected expeditionary mission needs.


DoDI xxxx.xx g. OSD Functional Community Managers (OFCMs) will be appointed by the Office of the

Secretary of Defense and Component Functional Community Managers (CFCMs) will be appointed within each Component by the Components. OFCMs working with CFCMs,

OSD/Command leadership, manpower representatives, and human resources consultants will monitor the implementation and the execution of DoD policy for expeditionary and nonexpeditionary workforces and the FCM concept and support the development and promulgation of best HR practices throughout the DoD, in order to enhance functional mission accomplishments in all areas where civilians constitute a significant element of the workforce

5. RESPONSIBILITIES. Responsibilities are in Enclosure 1.

6. RELEASABILITY. UNLIMITED. This Instruction is approved for public release. Copies may be obtained through the Internet from the DoD Issuances Web site at

7. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Instruction is effective immediately.




1. Responsibilities






(USD(P&R)). The USD(P&R) shall have overall responsibility for the Department’s competency-based workforce planning.



OFFICER (DHCSPEO). The DUSD(CPP) and, for the duration of that office, the DHCSPEO, working with the Components, will co-lead the effort to develop and establish a cohesive DoDwide direction for competency-based workforce planning, to ensure the readiness of the civilian workforce to meet mission requirements. They will execute the following responsibilities and objectives through a dedicated program office to provide guidance to the OFCMs on DoD

Human Capital Management policies articulated in this instruction that include:. a. Monitoring the readiness of the civilian workforce to meet current and future mission requirements, including expeditionary requirements, through a network of Office of Secretary of

Defense (OSD) and DoD Component Functional Community Managers (FCMs). b. Developing DoD guidance governing the selection and training of OSD and DoD

Component FCMs. c. Developing DoD policy, guidance and strategies for competency-based workforce planning and forecasting. d. Providing policy oversight for issues relating to competency-based workforce planning and forecasting. e. Establishing common taxonomies for competencies by occupation and across occupations as necessary to meet DoD-wide workforce planning needs and to facilitate life-cycle management of the DoD workforce by the Components. f. Establishing a benchmarked, 5-point rating scale to be uniformly applied throughout

DOD to measure competency proficiency level requirements of positions and levels of employee proficiency. g. Overseeing the compilation of civilian workforce and capability requirements, including those which may require expeditionary deployments. h. Ensuring DoD remains informed of external agency initiatives (governmental and nongovernmental) and partners on human capital efforts as appropriate and applicable.


i. Instituting an automated system, tied to a DOD-wide accepted competency taxonomy, that can be used for locating expertise, assessing workload based requirements, forecasting workforce requirements necessary to meet current and future mission requirements and maintaining a readiness index that gauges the Department's talent and expeditionary capacities. j. Establishing timelines for achieving the holistic end state on a phased basis. k. Develop DoD guidance governing the selection and training of OSD and DoD

Component FCMs. l. Ensure OFCMs are trained and have the capabilities to perform the responsibilities outlined in paragraph 4. m. Ensuring the Human Resources (HR) community is trained and has the capabilities to provide advice to the OSD and DoD, and Component FCMs in carrying out their human capital responsibilities. n. Issue guidance for meeting the annual reporting requirements in section 1122 of

Reference (b) and any other workforce planning related reporting requirements.

3. MEMBERS OF THE DEFENSE HUMAN RESOURCES BOARD (DHRB). The members of the DHRB shall serve as the senior advisory group for competency-based workforce planning, advising on general conceptual, strategic and implementation issues and other issues related to planning execution.

4. OSD FUNCTIONAL COMMUNITY MANAGERS (OFCMs), located in OSD, will work with CFCMs to manage and track the health of their respective communities Department-wide to ensure functional readiness of the communities. In executing these responsibilities, the OFCMs shall monitor the integration of competency-based workforce planning into the full spectrum of life-cycle management of employees within the functional communities. In executing this role, the OFCMs shall confer with OSD/Command leadership, manpower representatives and HR consultants. The OFCMs will monitor the following responsibilities of the CFCMs that includes the following: a. Analysis of new and projected mission requirements (both expeditionary and nonexpeditionary), environmental influences, attrition and retirement trends, and workload forecasts to identify current and future community staffing requirements. b. Inventory analysis of the community against projected staffing needs to identify competency gaps. c. Assessment of the competencies of the community members against those needed for mission performance to identify gaps. d. Development and implementation of strategies to address the identified competency gaps.


e. Assessments of the effectiveness of the strategies in reducing gaps. f. Oversight of and assessment of functional training and other strategies to ensure closeure of identified competency gaps. g. Monitoring of the application of competency based workforce requirements to the management and readiness of the community expeditionary workforce capability, commensurate with community expeditionary requirements. h. Inputting to annual reporting requirements in section 1122 of Reference (b) and any other reporting requirements established by DUSD(CPP).

5. HEADS OF THE DOD COMPONENTS. The Heads of the DoD Components shall be responsible for providing Component level guidance to institute the following: a. Developing, implementing and operating job analysis programs, applying methodologies that comply with the UGESP and meet the requirements and objectives of section 1122 of

References (b) and (c) and Reference (d). The specific job analysis methodology used by the

DoD Component is at the discretion of the Component, provided its use will not conflict with overall competency-based workforce planning policy and guidance issued by DUSD(CPP). b. Integrating competency-based workforce planning into the full spectrum of life-cycle management of employees within the Component, as defined in section 4 above. c. Appointing CFCMs to support the OFCMs in ensuring their respective communities have the skills needed to support the Department’s mission by exercising the responsibilities in section

4 above. d. Ensuring their CFCMs are trained and have the capabilities needed to perform their assigned responsibilities. e. Ensuring a cadre of trained HR consultants is available to advise the FCMs on recruitment, compensation, retention and development strategies needed to address identified human capital competency gaps.


Community shall provide advice and guidance to the OFCMs and CFCMs, including data to make necessary decisions, on strategies that will facilitate achieving human capital goals.




DHRB Defense Human Resources Board

OFCM OSD Functional Community Manager

CFCM Component Functional Community Manager

HRC Human Resources Community

UGESP Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

PART II. DEFINITIONS civilian expeditionary workforce. A subset of the DoD civilian force, who, because of their unique skill set, are needed to meet complex Departmental missions, such as stability, security, transition and reconstruction operations (SSTRO), humanitarian assistance efforts, crisis interventions or contingency operations. The civilian expeditionary workforce can be deployed anywhere around the world to address these operations. They may occupy pre-designated positions based on documented requirements, or possess special capabilities, not necessarily related to their position of record, which may be needed to address these operations. Such personnel are ready, trained and cleared for immediate or subsequent deployment to meet global national defense missions. The term civilian expeditionary workforce should not be confused or combined with the term emergency essential personnel who are key members for mobilization or with key and essential personnel who can provide vital assistance to contingencies such as humanitarian assistance and base restoration following a natural disaster. competency. A competency is an (observable) measurable pattern of knowledge, abilities, skills, and other characteristics that individuals need in order to successfully perform their work. competency-based management: A systematic approach to evaluating and effectively merging personal competencies with mission and job requirements throughout the human capital life cycle.

OSD functional community manager: Individual charged with the responsibility of monitoring and tracking the implementation of this guidance on Strategic Human Capital Planning.

Component functional community manager: Individual charged with the responsibility of planning, managing, executing the implementation of this guidance on Strategic Human Capital



Human capital: An inventory of skills, experience, knowledge, and capabilities that drives productive labor within an organization’s workforce. job analysis. The process of identifying and defining, at an appropriate level of detail, what the basic duties and responsibilities of a job requires in terms of both job tasks and employee competencies needed to perform those duties and responsibilities. The competencies derived from the job analysis must be relevant or demonstrate a linkage to the tasks or duties of the job.

There are various well-developed, systematic approaches to job analysis. (ref CFR 300.103) taxonomy: the classification, categorization, or grouping of similar items or things, in this case competencies

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (UGESP). A uniform set of principles adopted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office of Personnel Management,

Department of Justice and Department of Labor to govern use of employee selection procedures in the public and private sectors consistent with applicable legal standards and recognized validation standards. Section 300.103(c) of Reference (c) requires that the employee selection procedures of Federal agencies must meet UGESP standards.


