RNSG 2414 – Integrated Care of the Client with Complex Health Care Needs Unit VII – Care of the Client Experiencing Complications of Pregnancy 1. 2. 3. Behavioral Objectives Apply the terms listed in the content column appropriate to the client situations. Compare and contrast the normal anatomy and physiology to the physical and physiological changes of a pregnant woman. Analyze factors included in the assessment of the client experiencing complex problems of pregnancy. I. Content Outline Applications of terms A. Abortion B. Cephalopelvic disproportion C. Dystocia D. Cystitis E. Erythroblastosis fetalis F. Exchange transfusion G. Hydatidiform mole H. Hydramnios I. Hydrops fetalis J. Hypertonicity K. Hypotonicity L. Incompetent cervix M. Kernicterus N. Polynephritis O. Trophoblastic disease II. Anatomy & Physiology of the Female Reproductive System A. Developmental considerations 1. Non-pregnant 2. Pregnant B. Review normal physiologic adaptation to pregnancy III. Assessment of the pregnant client A. Interview 1. Chief complaint 2. Precipitating event 3. Gynecologic history 4. Pregnancy history a. Current b. Past 5. Medical history 6. Family/Social history 7. Religious/culture history Clinical Objectives Identify priorities and make judgments concerning the needs of multiple clients in order to organize care. Learning opportunities Readings: Lehne (2010) Manage care for multiple clients. VCR: #1091 – Electronic Fetal Monitoring – Interpreting the Tracing Apply management concepts in assigning and/or delegating nursing care to other members of the nursing team. Use critical thinking as a basis for decision-making in nursing practice. Prioritize client care and followup on problems that warrant investigation. Serve as a member of voluntary health care and community teams to provide services to individuals and communities and unmet needs. Promote collegiality among interdisciplinary health care team members. Collaborate with members of nursing and other health care organizations to promote the profession of nursing. McKinney (2009) Computer Simulations: #2105 Analgesia and Anesthesia/Maternity Client Review Cardiovascular Unit Level III 1) Rheumatic Heart Disease a. Congenital Heart Disease RNSG 2414 – Integrated Care of the Client with Complex Health Care Needs Unit VII – Care of the Client Experiencing Complications of Pregnancy Behavioral Objectives Content Outline 8. Occupational history 9. Partner’s history 10. Medication histpry a. Prescription b. Non-prescription B. Physical exam 1. Respiratory 2. Cardiovascular 3. Neuro 4. G.I. 5. Abdomen 6. Breast 7. Edema 8. Weight 9. Vital signs C. Diagnostic tests 1. Lab a. CBC b. HBG/HCT c. PT d. PTT e. Bleeding time f. Coagulation g. Fibrinolytic activity h. Rh factor/type i. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) j. Glucose k. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) l. Creatine m. Total protein n. Electrlytes o. Liver enzymes 2. Urine a. Urinalysis b. Culture 3. Amniocentesis 4. Lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) Clinical Objectives Learning opportunities RNSG 2414 – Integrated Care of the Client with Complex Health Care Needs Unit VII – Care of the Client Experiencing Complications of Pregnancy Behavioral Objectives 4. Differentiate between the etiology, pathophysiology, and clinical manifestations of selected complex problems of pregnancy. Content Outline 5. Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) 6. Nonstress test (NST) 7. Contraction stress (CST) 8. Fetal activity 9. Biophysical profiles 10. Electronic fetal monitoring D. Cultural influences 1. Hereditary/genetic 2. Environmental 3. Health belief/practice E. Developmental influences 1. Age specific a. Pregnant adolescent b. Over 35 IV. Complex problems of pregnancy A. Gestational onset 1. Abortion 2. Ectopic pregnancy B. Fertility issues C. Hypertension 1. Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) 2. Chronic hypertension 3. Chronic persistent with superimposed PIH 4. Late/transient hypertension 5. HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver function, low platelet) D. Endocrine 1. Diabetes Mellitus a. Pregestational b. Gestational 2. Hyperemesis gravidarum E. Infectious 1. Prenatal a. Toxoplasmosis, rubella, Clinical Objectives Learning opportunities RNSG 2414 – Integrated Care of the Client with Complex Health Care Needs Unit VII – Care of the Client Experiencing Complications of Pregnancy Behavioral Objectives 5. Discuss analysis, planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing management of clients with complex problems of pregnancy Content Outline cytomegalovirus (TORCH) 2. Postpartal a. Endometritis b. Mastitis F. Preterm labor G. Post term labor H. Hemorrhage/clotting disorders 1. Placenta previa 2. Placenta abruption 3. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy (DIC) 4. Postpartum hemorrhage I. Perinatal loss J. Post partum psychiatric disorders 1. Depression 2. Psychosis V. Selected nursing diagnoses/interventions/evaluation A. Knowledge deficit of home health maintenance/diversional activity deficit (Home Care) 1. Independent interventions a. Physical Assessment 1) Edema 2) Vital signs 3) Weight b. Home assessment 1) Client responsibilities 2) Dependents 3) Support system 4) Sleep/rest 5) Leisure activity 6) Socio/economic status c. Assess knowledge level/readiness to learn Clinical Objectives Learning opportunities RNSG 2414 – Integrated Care of the Client with Complex Health Care Needs Unit VII – Care of the Client Experiencing Complications of Pregnancy Behavioral Objectives Content Outline d. Teach 1) Bed position 2) Stress/Relaxation 3) Exercises 4) Nutritional needs 5) Medication 6) Recognition 7) Signs/symptoms 8) Community Resources e. Encourage family support 2. Collaborative interventions a. Administer medications & monitor for signs and symptoms 1) Sedatives 2) Antihypertensives 3) Diuretics 4) Anti-depressant 3. The client will remain compliant with home care regimen as evidenced by: a. In bed, on left side 90% of the time b. Participating in diversionary activities (TV, puzzles, reading, and crafts) c. Performing gentle exercise 4 times/day d. Utilizing relaxation techniques to cope with stress e. Allowing family to assist in care of house and children 4. Risk for complications (Hospital care). a. Independent intervention 1) Physical Assessment Clinical Objectives Learning opportunities RNSG 2414 – Integrated Care of the Client with Complex Health Care Needs Unit VII – Care of the Client Experiencing Complications of Pregnancy Behavioral Objectives Content Outline a) Neuro status b) Respiratory status c) Deep tendon reflexes (DTR) d) Edema e) Vital signs f) Weight g) Fluid volume balance h) Urine (1) output (2) protein (3) specific gravity 2) Monitor pertinent labs 3) Maintain seizure precautions 4) Monitor blood glucose 5. Collaborative interventions a. Administer medications & monitor for desired effects/adverse effects/side effects 1) Sedatives 2) Antihypertensives 3) Diuretics 4) Anticonvulsive 5) Tocolytics 6) Steroids 7) Insulin 8) Calcium gluconate 9) Magnesium sulfate 6. The client will not develop seizures or signs that indicate her condition is deteriorating as evidenced by: a. Develops no seizures b. Reflexes are 1+ or 2+ (scale 0-4+) Clinical Objectives Learning opportunities RNSG 2414 – Integrated Care of the Client with Complex Health Care Needs Unit VII – Care of the Client Experiencing Complications of Pregnancy Behavioral Objectives N\ADN Spring 09/RNSG 4214 Unit VII Pregnancy Content Outline c. No clonus beat are observed d. Respiration are >12 breaths/minute e. Urine output is >30 ml/hr f. Reports no headaches or visual disturbances g. Reports no abdominal tenderness h. Reports no vaginal bleeding i. Reports no nausea, vomiting, fatigue, or anorexia j. Fetus has no late decelarations k. Fetus has a heart rate of 120-160 BPM l. Nonstress test (NST) is reactive m. Contraction Stress test (CST) is negative Clinical Objectives Learning opportunities Reviewed 06/11