Chapter 16 – Minerals: A Nonrenewable Resource Cornell Notes How does the government lose money from the General Mining Law of 1872? What effect has mining left on the environment? Minerals Sulfides Oxides Rock Ore What is the difference between a high-grade ore and a low-grade ore? Metals Nonmetallic Minerals Which minerals are abundant in earth’s crust? Which minerals are rare in earth’s crust? Discuss the distribution of mineral deposits. Magmatic Concentration Hydrothermal Processes Why is the dissolving ability of water greater when chlorine and fluorine are present? Sedimentation Evaporation What are some of the tools used to discover mineral deposits? Surface Minin Subsurface Mining Overburden What are the two types of surface mining? Open-Pit Surface Mining Strip Mining Spoil bank What are the two types of subsurface mining? Shaft Mine Slope Mine Compare subsurface mining with surface mining. Smelting Slag What are some of the effects of mining on the environment? Acid Mine Drainage What kind of economic analysis should be conducted before a mine is developed? Tailings What are some of the environmental impacts of refining minerals? What happened in Copper Basin and what was the solution? What are the goals of reclamation? Derelict lands Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 How are wetlands helpful in reclamation? Phytoremediation Strategic materials Mineral reserves Mineral resources Total resources/world reserve base How does the economic situation impact the reserves and resources? Antarctic Treaty Environmental Protection Protocol to the Antarctic Treaty/ Madrid Protocol Manganese Nodules UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) Biomining What role does economics play in finding mineral substitutes? Reuse Recycling Why are the benefits of reuse greater than recycling? What are beverage container deposit laws? What are some of the advantages of recycling? Sustainable manufacturing Dematerialization Why is dematerialization not an effective solution for material consumption?