Lesson Plan for 2/11/14 Standards-based Objective: (What will students DO with their language in “real life” after this lesson that they could not do before?) Students will review for a midterm test through practice of real speaking situations about breakfast foods. While students are able to use notes and vocabulary sheets for this test, it is to give them an idea of how things will look like at the end of the term. Assessment Task: (What will students PRODUCE or PERFORM as evidence that they have achieved the objective?) Students will be able to answer all questions in the stations around the room. There will be six stations set up around the classroom. Stations will include a speaking stations, and a variety of different writing exercises to help students prepare and know how to study for the exam the following day. Context for the Lesson: (How will the Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, & Communities standards provide an authentic audience, purpose, setting, and resources for communication?) Social Issue (Communities) Talking about foods you like and those you prefer to avoid in a breakfast meal. Culturally Authentic Materials (Cultures & Comparisons) No real culturally authentic material. The setting for the speaking stations is just two friends speaking about foods. Content from Other Disciplines (Connections) No real connections to other disciplines. Targeted Grammatical Structure: Key Vocabulary Words: 1)Up to this point any breakfast food words that have been seen. Panqueque, jugo de naranja, Leche, miel , pan tostado, mermalada, Jugo de manzana, wafle. PRE-ACTIVITY There is no real new vocab taught with this lesson just time to review for the test. . Story-based Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu (In no more than one sentence, describe the students’ and teacher’s role for each activity.) Activity Title 1 Warm-up: 2 Contextualized Experience: 3 Focus on Meaning: Students will . . . 1. Have their warmups out when asked to do so. 2. Write the date of the warm-ups 3. Write practica para estaciones 4. Have partner sign under the date if they participated. 5. Take out a piece of paper for stations. The teacher will . . . INTRO: 1. Great students at the door and remind them that today is stations. 2. Inform students to take out warm-ups 3. Inform students they may also use their notes/vocab sheets for today’s activities. Warm-ups: 1. Take out warm-ups and write todays date. 2. Write practica para estaciones under todays date. 3. Inform students they will be working with their gemelo today practicing the speaking portion of the test (part of todays stations) 4. Have partner sign under the date if the practice was completed Because of the 1 two times during the nature of the day will allow stations there is not students to going to be as much participate in a contextualized contextualized experiences as I experience the first would like to see, comes during the Students will warm up. participate in the 2 make sure the speaking portion students understand that will really help what they are doing them in a real now is to help them situation that could prepare for the happen to them. speaking test and is a real practice. Writing will be a large portion of the test. So students will need to finish the Remind students that the test will be very similar to the test itself so they will need to Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu stations to be able to do well. Remind do all the practice questions to do well. 1. Introduce the stations and place 6 students at each station 2. Explain that vocab and notes are available on these stations, but not the test. 4 5 Focus on Form: Focus on Communication: 1. Students will be asked to complete the Stations focused on the grammatical principals of stem changing verbs including querer/preferir/ jugar . 2. Grammar principles include translate sentences with the vocab that is most likely to be on the test. 3. Students are allowed to look at their vocab sheets so any questions should be able to be resolved through this sheet. 1. Students must abide by the rules and not speak English during the alotid three minutes. 2. Students are to prepare with the 1. Being that communication is one of the key points of todays practice don’t allow students to skip any stations or take them lightly. 2. Remind students that are not complete the other stations will not be allowed time to talk with their partners before the final speaking test. 1. Evaluate students on a scale from one to ten during the speaking portion of the stations 2. One means they were present in the Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu 4 minutes before the speaking test to review what they would like to say with a partner. 3. IF students are not using their time wisely throughout the other stations they will not be given this time to prepare. 6 Closure: 7 Homework: = Assessment Task: Students will be given time ask any questions from the stations that they didn’t understand. 1. Review Stations 2. Complete stations if unable to complete them. 1. Students will turn in the stations the day before the test so they are given time to review for the midterm. 2. Every station but the speaking station is worth 4 points and not complete a section will lose you all of those points class and didn’t say a word. 3. 10 meaning they participated and spoke the whole 3 minutes without saying a word in English 4. For every three word during the speaking test prounced in English, the score goes down one point. 1.Leave 10 minutes at the end of class to answer any questions. 2. Remind students this is only the midterm and can receive assistance if needed after the test. 1. Correct stations 2. Any big problems consider removing from midterm. 1. The students will be given 10 minutes at each of the six stations to complete the requirements. 2.It is really meant to help them remember what they will have to know by the end of the term. This is just a little review to assist with this. Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu Título de la actividad: Instrucciones: (No more than 5 steps, 7-10 words per step) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Saquen un hoja de papel para su warm-ups Escriben la fecha Escriben “Practica de prueba” Hablan con su gemelo Firma la oja de su amigo si lo cumplen bien Stations: 1. 2. 3. 4. Make sure all the papers are printed and clear Ask students to push tables together to form 6 stations. Take out piece of paper If not working no time to prepare for speaking test. Adaptations: (For students who are gifted, heritage/native speakers, learning disabled, or who have other special needs) 1) Students who are gifted will be asked to lead the discussions in . Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu Título de la actividad: Spanish I Station 1 Unit 3 Regular Verbs - Write the AR Endings – Without looking! - Write the ER/IR Endings – Without looking! Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu Título de la actividad: - Conjugate Cocinar, Comprar, Beber, Deber, Comer, Vivir, Asistir Irregular Verbs Pink List - Conjugate Ir, Ser, Tener, Estar, Hacer – Without looking! - Conjugate Querer, Preferir, Entender, Pedir, Poder Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu Título de la actividad: - Pick 3 Irregular verbs and write a sentence with each Spanish I Station 3 Unit 3 Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu Título de la actividad: Los Pasatiempo s - Pick 3 past times and 3 health verbs and conjugate them Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu Título de la actividad: - Then choose four of them and use each of them in a sentence Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu Título de la actividad: Spanish I Station 4 Unit 3 Vocabulary La comida - Write 3 sentences about foods and drinks that you consume at EACH meal (9 sentences) - When you finish your sentences, quiz yourself with a partner Spanish I Station 5 Unit 3 Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu Título de la actividad: Frequency and other useful words List all “how often” words, then list 5 “useful words” Choose 3 from each section and write a sentence with each (6) Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu Título de la actividad: Spanish I Station 6 Unit 3 Speaking 1. Be ready to talk about foods you like and don’t like. Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu Título de la actividad: 2. Be ready to talk about which foods you eat at the different meals. 3. Speak for 5 minutes, you may use your vocab sheet. Thematic Lesson Plan Template ♦ 2011 ♦ Cherice Montgomery, Ph.D. & Span 378 Students ♦ cherice_montgomery@byu.edu