Unit 4 Review 2012 True/False Indicate whether the statement is

Unit 4 Review 2012
Indicate whether the statement is true or false.
1. The periosteum is a dense, white, fibrous membrane that covers bone except at joint surfaces.
2. In an infant’s or child’s body, virtually all of the bones contain yellow marrow.
3. Most bones of the body are formed from cartilage models.
4. Bones of the appendicular skeleton form the brain case and vertebral column.
5. There are five pairs of false ribs.
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
6. In bone formation, the cells that produce the organic matrix are the:
a. osteoblasts.
b. osteocytes.
c. osteoclasts.
d. chondrocytes.
7. Which of the following is not one of the primary functions performed by bones?
a. Mineral storage
b. Protection
c. Hormonal production
d. Hematopoiesis
8. Hematopoiesis is carried out in the:
a. osteoclasts.
b. osteocytes.
c. yellow bone marrow.
d. red bone marrow.
9. Which type of bone consists only of compact bone?
a. Long bones
b. Short bones
c. Irregular bones
d. All types of bones are composed of both compact and spongy bone.
____ 10. Which is not a part of the axial skeleton?
a. Rib
b. Vertebral column
c. Mandible
d. Clavicle
____ 11. Which is not a part of the appendicular skeleton?
a. Coxal bones
b. Parietal bones
c. Radius
d. Clavicle
____ 12. The term sinus, as it relates to bone markings, may be defined as a:
a. raised area or projection.
b. cavity within a bone.
c. tubelike opening or channel.
d. groove or elongated depression.
____ 13. Which skull bone articulates with the first vertebra?
a. Temporal
b. Occipital
c. Sphenoid
d. Ethmoid
____ 14. A fontanel can best be described as a(n):
a. bone in the skull.
b. unossified area in the infant’s skull.
c. articulation between two skull bones.
d. small opening.
____ 15. The number of thoracic vertebrae is:
a. 5.
b. 7.
c. 10.
d. 12.
____ 16. The ulna articulates proximally with the:
a. carpal bones.
b. humerus.
c. scapula.
d. none of the above.
____ 17. Metacarpal bones form the framework of the:
a. wrist.
b. hand.
c. ankle.
d. foot.
____ 18. The longest and heaviest bone in the body is the:
a. tibia.
b. fibula.
c. coxal.
d. femur.
Match each bone type with its corresponding description.
a. irregular bones
b. flat bones
c. sesamoid bones
d. short bones
e. long bones
____ 19. often described as cube-shaped or box-shaped
____ 20. bones that are found in tendons; the patella is an example
____ 21. often clustered in groups and come in various sizes and shapes; vertebrae are an example
____ 22. easily identified by their extended longitudinal axis; the femur is an example
____ 23. generally broad and thin with a flattened or curved surface; ribs are an example
Short Answer
24. Explain all the ways parathyroid hormone helps to increase blood calcium levels.
25. Differentiate among true ribs, false ribs, and floating rib