Nov. - Dec.
UNIT OUTLINE: Interest Groups/The Media
(*dates/assignments subject to adjustment-there may be additions/deletions-will make
every attempt to give advance notice when there is a change)
1. Schmidt: Ch. 7, 10 (*quiz will be announced)
2. Burns: Ch. 6, 10
3. Lanahan: Birnbaum (The Lobbyists), Grieder (Who Will Tell the People),
Sabato(Feeding Frenzy), Kurtz (Spin Cycle) (*quizzes will be announced)
(note: keep up with reading assignments in order to be prepared to discuss in class)
ID’s/QUESTIONS (Schmidt)
Use the textbook website online to do the Tutorial Quiz and Essay Questions. Send the
results in email.
1. Ch. 7: Due date 2. Ch. 10: Due date TEST:
ID’s: Use the website to do the following and send in email:
Ch. 6, 10 – Practice Test, Glossary Quiz
QUESTIONS: Use the reading and/or class notes (hard copy):
Ch. 6
1. Why do Americans organize and join groups so readily?
2. Give at least two examples (names) of the following:
a. economic interest groups
b. foreign policy interest groups
c. government interest groups
3. What factors make interest groups so powerful politically?
4. List and describe the techniques used by interest groups, including email and litigation
5. Explain the function of lobbyists, including a couple of the more positive activities.
1. Define mass media.
2. Identify and very briefly describe how the role of the media has evolved in the last 200 years.
3. What is a “photo op”?
4. Summarize/access the issue of political bias in the news media.
5. How/why does the media have a powerful influence in setting the national agenda and framing issues?
6. Describe the impact of the media on the choice of presidential candidates.
7. Describe the impact of technology and media consultants on the campaign process.
8. What is the “horse race”?
9. Describe the relationship between the following:
a. Media and Congress b. Media and President c. Media and Supreme Court
1. Interest Groups
a. general categories
b. kinds
c. incentives to join an interest group
d. ideology
11. Media Regulations
a. license
b. libel
c. prior restraint
d. issue ads (review)
2. Tactics Interest Groups Use to Achieve Goals
12. Press and the President
a. The Press Room
b. role of the media
c. media and campaigns
d. candidates use of the media
3. Interest Groups and Political Parties
a. kinds of support given
b. membership
4. Lobbying in Washington
a. who does it?
b. rules
c. the “revolving door”
5. Value of Information from Lobbyists
6. Influence on Political Process
7. The Media
a. brief history
b. influence on public opinion
c. reliance on media
d. role of media consultants in campaigns
e. liberal/conservative press?
8. Television Coverage of Campaigns
a. tv news
b. cable
c. conventions
9. Influence of Editors
9. Sound Bites and Photo Ops
10. Equal Time vs. Equal Coverage