January 6, 2016 AP US Govt Interest Groups-Basics AND Types http://votesmart.org/interest-groups/WA/#.VoxK1G6rGez Objective: Examine and understand the differing types and functions of Interest Groups Quick Interest Group Intro Definition: interest groups Madison’s Dilemma (Federalist #10) Definition: pluralism/hyperpluralism/elite-class Reasons for growth of interest groups Basic Functions 1. Origins: 1. Federalist #10 2. 1st Amendment 3. Failure of Govt. 2. Change-Policy 3. vs. Political Parties 4. Growth 1. Political Parties 2. Technology 3. Diversity I. Economic Groups 1. Goal: 2. Types: 1. 2. 3. 4. Agricultural: American Farm Bureau Labor: AFL-CIO, UAW, Teamsters (Local…) Business: Trucking, Railroad Professional: AMA, ABA II. Equality 1. 2. 3. 4. Goal: Good Ol’ Boys Glass Ceiling Examples: 1. NAACP, NOW, MALDEF III. Single Issue Groups 1. Goal: 2. Examples: NRA, MADD, NORML, PETA, PETA IV. Environment 1. Goal: 2. Examples: 1. Environmental Groups: 1. Sierra Club 2. Wilderness Society 3. National Wildlife Federation V. Consumer/Public Interest 1. Goal: 2. Examples: 1. Consumer Product Safety 2. Toys 3. Auto 4. ACLU Lobbying (tactic/strategy) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHiicN0Kg10 -Jack Abramoff-super lobbyist 1. How do lobbyists get public policy changed? 2. How do lobbyists advance American democracy? 3. How do lobbyists pose a threat to democracy? 4. Why will major change most likely never take place regarding lobbyist’s access to politicians?