Mount Pleasant Cottage School

Mount Pleasant Cottage School
Union Free School District
1075 Broadway
Pleasantville, New York 10570
Board of Education
Barbara Mann, President
Rita Golden, Vice President
Jane Gertler, Member
Jacqueline Irwin, Member
Hope W. Levene, Member
Peter R. Roth, Member
Andrea A. Stein, Member
Candace Tinagero, Member
Marci Bernard – District Clerk
Mount Pleasant Cottage School UFSD
Dr. Norman Freimark
Superintendent of Schools
Ms. Dawn Johnson-Adams
Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Mr. Walter Callahan
Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Paul Angeron
CSE Chairperson/Pupil Personnel Director
Ms. Christine Bueti
MPCS School Principal – H. S. Program
Mr. Gregory Fusco
MPCS Principal – K – 8 Program and
Ease of Entry
Ms. Elizabeth Gallo
Director of Educational Technology
Ms. Christine Leamon
Edenwald Principal
Mr. David Rader
Director of School Facilities, Operations,
Maintenance and Transportation
A Bill of Rights and Responsibilities of Students ............................................................................33
Agency Appointment Sheets ...........................................................................................................10
Appendix (list) ......................................................................................................................Section 2
Asbestos Hazard Re-Inspection in the Mount Pleasant Cottage School UFSD .............................25
Audio Visual Policy…………………………………………………………………………………..…….40
Bus Drills .........................................................................................................................................11
Child Study Team ................................................................................................................ ………27
Code of Behavior ............................................................................................................................34
Committee on Special Education ....................................................................................................16
District Wide Disciplinary Procedures for Students with Handicapping Conditions ........................32
District Wide Regulation of Public Order on School Property .........................................................31
Dress Code/Supervision…………………………………………………………………………………..52
Drug and Alcohol Protocols………………………………………………………..…………………...…41
Duplicating ......................................................................................................................................17
Ease of Entry ..................................................................................................................................14
Educational Program ......................................................................................................................21
Emergency Procedure to be Initiated for Student Requiring Injection for
Anaphylaxis (Allergic Emergencies) ............................................................................................30
Employee Responsibility Regarding Change of Status...................................................................26
End of Day Procedures ...................................................................................................................27
Expectations for Teacher Aides/Assistants ....................................................................................18
Expectations for Teachers ..............................................................................................................17
Faculty Meetings .............................................................................................................................26
Faculty Rooms ................................................................................................................................26
Field Trip Planning Procedures.......................................................................................................20
Fire Drills .........................................................................................................................................11
Forms ..............................................................................................................................................27
Forms (list) ...........................................................................................................................Section 3
General Student Services ...............................................................................................................13
Homework .......................................................................................................................................21
Incident Reports and Student Behavioral Observation Reports .....................................................16
Lockdown Procedures……………………………………………………………………………………..41
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) .............................................................................................25
Medical Treatment of MPCS Staff………………………………………………………………………..38
Mission Statement ............................................................................................................................8
Mount Pleasant Cottage School UFSD Administration .....................................................................2
MPCS High School Course Offerings .............................................................................................24
Notes – Blank Page ........................................................................................................................42
NYS Testing Schedule ....................................................................................................................22
Off Campus Programs ....................................................................................................................25
Pass Program………………………………………………………………………………………………13
Pass System ...................................................................................................................................10
Procedures for Calling in to Report Staff Absences .......................................................................15
Procedures for Staff Handling Allegations of Abuse and Maltreatment ..........................................28
Progress Reports ............................................................................................................................28
Purchase Requisitions ....................................................................................................................29
Repair Requests .............................................................................................................................19
Report Cards...................................................................................................................................21
Report Card Dates ..........................................................................................................................22
School Delays and Closings ...........................................................................................................26
School Hours…………………………………………………………………………………….…………. 8
School Improvement Plan for 2006 - 2007 .......................................................................................5
School Telephone System ..............................................................................................................20
Security ...........................................................................................................................................15
Sexual Harassment Policy ..............................................................................................................35
Sexual Harassment Regulations ....................................................................................................35
Smoking Policy ...............................................................................................................................11
Staff Parking ...................................................................................................................................15
Staff Plan Books .............................................................................................................................26
Statement of Philosophy of School Conduct and Behavior ............................................................30
Student Attendance…………………………………………………………………………………………8
Student Confidentiality ....................................................................................................................16
Student Dismissal .............................................................................................................................9
Student Dress Code........................................................................................................................12
Student Entrances and Staff Positioning ..........................................................................................9
Student Escorting............................................................................................................................10
Student Folders ...............................................................................................................................27
Student Health Services .................................................................................................................13
Student Incidents ............................................................................................................................16
Student Property .............................................................................................................................12
Student Publications .......................................................................................................................17
Student School and CSE Files ........................................................................................................27
Student Supervision ..........................................................................................................................9
Student Visiting………………………………………………………………………………………….…..9
Substitute Folders ...........................................................................................................................26
Supplies and Equipment .................................................................................................................29
TV/Video/Computers District Wide Procedures ..............................................................................12
Universal Infection Control ..............................................................................................................25
Use of the Back Room……………………………………………………………………………………...9
Visiting Children of Staff Members……………………………………………………………………….27
Visitors ...................................................................................................................................... ..…15
Westchester Campus Staff Attire & Behavior Code...……………………………………………....…18
Working Papers…………………………………………………………………………………….. ….....20
Frequently used forms are included in the back of this handbook. Please duplicate
them as needed.
Mount Pleasant Cottage Schools-Union Free School District
School Improvement Plan
2007 – 2008
In order to improve the District’s ability to hire and retain quality paraprofessionals the district will:
As part of the Tuition Rate Appeal process, continue to seek funding for a compensation
package that includes benefits so that current and future employees will want to work for the
Evaluate the effectiveness of the multi-tier system of hourly and full-time titles intended to
motivate paraprofessionals to work towards self-improvement and enhanced job performance.
Continue to utilize the system of evaluating the performance of paraprofessionals so that
strengths and weaknesses can be identified and addressed and raises can be tied to
Provide for the ongoing training of paraprofessionals in areas necessary for their effective
functioning, including maximizing the use of 8:30-9:00 AM, defining a model
teacher/paraprofessional relationship, and clarifying roles and expectations.
Standardize the orientation process for paraprofessionals including finalization and distribution
of the Aide’s Handbook
In order to address the need for an effective behavior management system and to promote an
environment that is friendly, helpful and responsible the following will occur:
All new staff will be trained in Choice Theory as a non-coercive means for managing students’
Advanced classes in the utilization of Choice Theory will continue to be provided.
Continue to have regular Time-Out, Pass Safety (TOPS) meetings to ensure the continuum of
behavioral responses continues to work towards maximizing students’ appropriate on-task
behaviors including the use of written plans by students.
The Opportunity For Success (OFS) program will be continued and replicated if needed.
The Professional Development and Shared Decision Making Committees will continue to meet
to discuss and make plans regarding strategies for improving the districts behavior
management system.
The state mandated Code of Conduct, including a students’ Bill of Rights and Responsibilities,
and emergency procedures will be disseminated to staff and students.
A student council will be developed and involved in peer mediation and conflict resolution
activities and other efforts to improve the school.
In order to integrate the newly acquired technology into the educational program the following will
The District’s Grant Writer will pursue grant monies.
A Librarian/School Media Specialist will make the library a center for research by staff and
students including developing, maintaining and distributing a list of available software.
The technology committee, consisting of teachers and administrators, will continue to make
recommendations for the implementation of technology including all software requisitions from
individual teachers.
Additional hardware will be purchased to give more students computer access.
New staff will be trained regarding how to best utilize the new technology for IEP development
and as a tool for classroom instruction.
District wide utilization of E-Chalk will provide for the development of web pages and enhanced
In order to improve learning and help students meet the new standards teachers will be provided the
opportunity to access training and support that will enhance their repertoire of skills and the following will
Teachers and administrators will continue to attend ‘Dimensions of Learning,’ four-day
workshops for improving teachers’ abilities to teach the thinking skills required for meeting the
standards and enhancing student learning in general.
Schedules for staff and administrative assistance will facilitate the development of teams for
integration and coordination of curriculum.
Teachers will attend staff development activities in their curriculum areas.
The continuum of pre-vocational and vocational programs will be expanded and will include
additional work-study positions within the district.
An after school program will be provided that enhances learning and self-esteem.
In order to maximize the academic and social growth for each student the district will: provide
for the ongoing (minimally annual) assessment of student progress; derive teacher driven goals
from ongoing assessments; respect individual students’ strengths and needs; and facilitate
meaningful learning, projects, integrated curriculum, and teaming.
The professional development library will be further developed.
In order to promote positive morale for the educational staff the following will occur:
Continuation of teacher recognition activities that recognize the contributions of all staff and
provide additional recognition for announced retirees, twenty-five year employees, and staff who
have received tenure or completed their Masters or Doctoral Degree.
Physical improvements will continue to be made to the school’s facilities that will make it a more
desirable place to work and learn.
A shared decision making process will continue to be utilized to monitor school improvement.
The Spirit Committee and other groups dedicated to improving the school will be supported and
encouraged to continue their efforts.
The staff handbook will be updated and available through the District’s web page.
In order to improve communication and coordination between the School District and the Agency,
(Pleasantville Cottage School, Edenwald and Diagnostic); regular meetings will be occurring
between the administrators of Mount Pleasant Cottage Schools and the Agency. Other avenues of
communication will be developed to allow for enhanced cooperation.
The District and the Agency will work together to implement the SPRANS grant.
A Day Student Program will continue to pursue students to stabilize enrollment and generate revenues
that will help the district to achieve its goals.
In order to update the policy manual a review of current policies and a policy manual template from
Erie BOCES will be reviewed and recommendations will be made to the Board.
A tuition rate appeal will be further pursued to allow for the funding of additional positions necessary to
meet the needs of our students.
In order to maximize the use of the school’s facilities an analysis will be completed to determine if
adding capacity through a long-term capital project will allow for better services to students. The
replacement of the ‘BOCES’/Diagnostic building and providing space for new programs will be the
primary considerations. Improving the MPCS school office is also an objective.
Revised: 7/10/00
Updated: 11/6/00
Updated: 6/06/01
Updated: 5/02
Updated: 8/29/03
Updated: 8/03/04
Updated: 8/19/05
Updated: 8/29/06
Updated: 11/13/07
Mount Pleasant Cottage School
P.O. Box 8
Pleasantville, New York 10570
(914) 769-0456
Norman Freimark, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Dawn Johnson-Adams, Director
Director of Curriculum, Instruction and
September 2007
All Staff
Dawn Johnson-Adams
Welcome back to a new school year. You will be receiving information from your principal
which is specific to your assignment and program. There is also general district wide
information which is covered in this handbook. Please take the time to make yourself
familiar with the material contained within.
If you have any questions regarding the material, please contact your principal, Dr. Freimark
or me.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to ensure that our students will achieve high academic standards and social
success within a safe, supportive and attractive environment.
Our Beliefs – All members of our community have the ability to become productive citizens
Respect themselves and others.
Accept responsibility for their behavior
Develop the academic and technical skills to provide for themselves within their
Have respect for their bodies and health.
Have respect for the law
Develop the skills and motivation to continue their education in community schools
where appropriate.
ALL full time staff MUST sign in no later than 8:30 AM and MUST remain until at least 3:05
PM (or 8:45 AM to 3:20 PM if that is their assignment).
Students’ day begins at 9:00 AM
Lunch is from 12 Noon to 12:50 PM (or as determined by the Administration)
The afternoon session begins at 12:50 PM
Student dismissal is at 3:00 PM
*NOTE: Full time aides lunch from 12:05 PM to 12:45 PM
Student attendance is taken in all classes at 9:00 AM and 12:50 PM.
If a student is not physically present when attendance is reported please check the absence
column on the attendance sheet. Please DO NOT assume that a student is at an
appointment and will return to class. The School Office secretary will follow up the
whereabouts of any student marked absent. IMMEDIATELY UPON A LATE STUDENT’S
reports attendance to the Agency each morning and afternoon.
Student attendance is important! Every student is expected to be on time and attend all
classes. Attendance is to be taken by all home base teachers every morning and every
Special subject teachers are to maintain daily period by period attendance records of those
students who are present for instruction.
All students must be accounted for AT ALL TIMES.
Teachers are responsible for the supervision of students in their charge. They are also responsible for a team
effort in supervising students in common areas (corridors). Students are to be under the direct supervision
of a teacher at all times during the school day. Direct supervision means that the responsible teacher can
account for the student at all times while the student is in his/her charge. Teachers, substitute teachers,
teaching assistants and teacher aides must:
 have a student in sight at all times, or
 provide the student with an adult escort to the destination
 report any student who cannot be accounted for immediately to the School Office. Do not leave
classroom to search for a missing student
 escort whatever classes – including special subject classes – that have a noon and 3:00 dismissal,
to the appropriate school exit.
 be outside their classroom - (one member of teacher/aide team may be inside classroom
once students enter) during AM arrival and return from lunch at 12:50PM
 non-homeroom teachers will be assigned to common areas to be determined by their Principal.
(See Student Entrance and Staff Positioning.)
A student who leaves the school building or any school program without permission MUST be reported to the
School Office at x 333 for grades 9 - 12 and x 241 for grades K – 8 at MPCS and x 234 or x 235 at Edenwald
IMMEDIATELY. It is the responsibility of the staff member reporting a missing student to be certain the report is
made to the school office secretary where it can be recorded and immediate search action can be taken. Any
student who leaves his or her class without authorization is to be followed by the teacher’s aide or
teaching assistant until there is an appropriate disposition.
Students are not permitted to visit other classrooms. Teachers and Teacher Aides will not allow students from
other classes to visit. If a student leaves the classroom with the intention to visit another classroom, the student
is out of program and subject to student management protocols. If a student refuses to leave, call the Safety
The following guidelines and procedures must be followed in the event a student needs to be excused before
the end of the school day:
Early dismissal of a student for an emergency reason must be approved by the Principal.
Medical releases will be approved only through the Principal’s Office.
Routine clinical appointments (see Agency Appointment Sheet)
Students may only be released to non-agency persons (including relative) with the specific
permission of the student’s Principal or the Superintendent or Designee.
The back room of the classroom can be used for many educational purposes (e.g., one on one tutoring,
counseling and computer work etc.). Under no circumstances is a student allowed to use the back room unless
under direct supervision of the Teacher, Teaching Assistant or Teacher Aide. The backroom is not to be used
by students if there is only one adult in the room.
1. All teachers, assistants, school monitors and aides are expected to be at their assignments by
8:55AM and 12:50PM
2. Students will enter the Edenwald School Building through the main foyer. Students will enter MPCS
through entrances 5 (Cottages 6, 7, 8, 19, 20, 21 Boys IL), 7 (Cottages 13, 9) Elementary only, and
1 (Cottages 5, 10, 12, 14, 16 Girls IL). Diagnostic students will enter the school to which they are
3. Personnel are to be stationed in the following locations no later than 8:55AM and 12:50PM
MPCS HS Principal….……………….Second Floor Opposite School Office
Edenwald Principal………………...…Lobby Edenwald School
MPCS Principal K – 8 ………..…..Second Floor Opposite 8th Grade Quad
CSE Chairperson…………….……....MPCS 1st Floor in CSE Office
Edenwald Intervention……..……......Edenwald – School Classroom Wing “A”
MPCS Intervention……..………….…Blue Doors Off of Main Lobby
CSE Psychologist…………….….......First Floor Center Stairwell
Classroom Teachers & Aides……....1 in Classroom and 1 in Corridor
Special Subject & Support Staff….....In Corridor by Instructional Areas or
as assigned by their Supervisor
j) HS Guidance Counselor………………2nd Floor School Office
k) Student Safety Team.………………..Designated Posts in Foyers &Corridors
l) MPCS HS Phys. Ed. Teacher……....Outside Big Gym – Adjacent to EOE Annex
m) Safety Coordinator……………….…..2nd Floor East (9th grade quad area) at
MPCS and Lobby at Edenwald Center
n) Assistant Safety Coordinator………..Second Floor Center Stairwell
o) Day Student Guidance Counselor….. Main Student Entrance
p) Dean of Students (Edenwald)………..”A” Wing
q) Dean of Students (MPCS)…………….Blue Doors Off of Main Lobby
Teachers and teacher aides or assistants are to accompany the classes at the following times:
1. To and from special subject classes and Physical Education
2. To the school exits at 12:00 Noon
3. To the school exits at 3:00 PM
Teacher aides or assistants are to escort students to any destination in the school building. Students with
passes for agency appointments are to be escorted to the proper school exit.
Students MUST be under direct staff supervision at ALL TIMES!!!!!!
When the agency student appointment sheets are available prior to the opening of school they will be placed on
the District Office counter at MPCS and in staff mailboxes at Edenwald. If appointment sheets arrive after 9:00
AM a student messenger, designated by the Principal, will deliver the appointment sheets to the individual
classrooms. Medical releases will be approved only through the Principal’s Office. Routine clinical appointments
(a reason for dismissal) for students will be designated by one of the following:
scheduled as per appointment sheet
individual signed pass from person desiring to see the student
notification of appointment via School Office staff
The purpose of the Pass System is to assure student accountability and reduce the number of students who
delay their return to their class after a clinical, administrative or medical appointment. Students may not leave
class without permission.
1. It is imperative that appointment schedules be strictly adhered to so that loss of instructional time will be
2. No student will be allowed to leave the school building without a pass which is to be signed by his or her
teacher or designee, with the time of departure indicated. Teachers must be able to verify the need for
a pass!
3. When any student has completed an appointment, a pass should be signed and appointment should be
indicated. (MPCS Note: All students must enter and leave through the center doors.)
4. Any student in the corridors or out of the school building without a SIGNED pass for an agency
destination or an escort for an in school destination, will be considered to be out of program and should
be reported to the School Office and/or Principal.
5. Students who report to class without a proper pass are to be accepted into
class and the School Office is to be notified of the arrival.
It is important that students who repeatedly do not adhere to the Pass System are reported to the
1. At the sound of the alarm students are to line up at the classroom door and wait for teacher instruction.
(Students receive instruction as to procedures as part of classroom orientation.)
2. All windows and hall doors are to be closed (not locked) and lights are to be turned off by the last person
leaving classrooms and office areas.
3. Students are to walk with their teacher and proceed to the area outside of the building designated by
their teacher. Teachers will be informed by principals regarding the required distance from the school
buildings. (The designated route for each classroom is posted in each classroom and the school office.)
4. Once the class is in the designated area each teacher MUST take student attendance.
5. While waiting for the signal to return to the building teachers are to actively supervise their students who
are to remain together in the area designated by the teacher.
6. Students are to follow all school rules and codes of conduct throughout a fire drill
7. SPECIAL NOTE: No children, visitors, teachers or other personnel are to remain in the building during
a fire drill.
8. When the all clear signal is given for the return to the school building students are to remain in a group
with their teacher and return to the building and their classroom in an orderly and quiet manner.
9. All students are to return to the classroom from which they exited at the start of the drill. This is
to assure accountability for students in the event of an actual emergency.
New York State schools are mandated to hold three bus drills each year. The drills have two components:
1. Classroom instruction prior to the actual practice drill. Teachers will be provided with materials to
be reviewed by the students prior to each drill.
2. Practice drills are conducted by the bus drivers. Principals will provide teachers with a drill
schedule. Teachers and aides/assistants will supervise classes during the practice drill.
3. The safe and orderly conduct by pupils in boarding, exiting and riding the bus is essential to reduce
risks. In the event of an emergency, cooperation and correct actions are essential for efficient and
safe exiting.
Smoking in any of the buildings or on any of the grounds of the Mount Pleasant Cottage School UFSD, or on the
entire JCCA Westchester Campus is NOT allowed. Smoking at any time on school property is a violation of
public health law. NO “SMOKE BREAKS” are to be provided to the students. Student smoking in the building
or on school property during program should be reported to the Principal. Staff smoking is not permitted at any
time in school buildings or on school property..
Please remember young people identify with staff, including the way they act and dress. It is important for our
residents to always see staff as the adult professional.
Thank you for your cooperation.
1. Approval and Use of Audio Visual Materials: An educator who wants to show any movie, DVD or
video or request a program to be recorded off air must submit a Video Approval Form to the Director of
Instructional Technology or your building Principal for approval.
2. Teachers are responsible for previewing all movies, DVD’s, videos and off air recordings prior to
showing them to the class, as stated in the employee handbook.
A movie or video with an NC-17, TV-M rating is prohibited from being viewed in Mount Pleasant Cottage
School District Schools. Television programs with a TV-M rating or movies with an R rating may be
shown with approval from the Director of Instructional Technology or your Principal and
parental/guardian consent.
Enforcement: Violations may result in loss of access. The building Principal, on a case-by-case basis, will
review each case. Loss of access can vary from one day to six months depending on the severity.
Appeals from staff may be made to the Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment. Further appeals
may be made to the Superintendent.
Additional disciplinary action may be determined at District level in line with existing practice regarding
inappropriate language or behavior consistent with the teachers’ and civil service contracts and the provisions of
Education Law section 3020A and section 75 of the civil service agreement.
1. TV sets are in classrooms as instructional resources and are to be used ONLY for that purpose.
TV’s are to be used for educational programs, educational videos or video programs which relate to
the educational program in a classroom. TV SETS ARE NOT TO BE USED IN THE CLASSROOM
2. Classroom computers will be assigned to classrooms for computer aided instruction and student
record management. Once a computer is assigned to a classroom, the teacher assumes full
responsibility for the proper use and supervision of the equipment. Use of Internet connected
computers requires strict adherence to guidelines including supervision of students and no other
use other than for educational purposes. (See “District Acceptable Use Policy” for further details on
computer use.) Please call Virginia Johnson if there are any problems with the computer or printer.
Students are required to attend school in appropriate dress which meets health and safety standards and does
not interfere with their education. Appropriate student attire will be determined to be consistent with JCCA,
Edenwald and PCS dress codes. No hats, handkerchiefs or scarves are to be worn in the school building. (Girls
may wear scarves with the permission of the principal.) When student attire is not consistent with the agency
dress code, the principal will contact the agency administrator on duty to arrange for the student to return to the
agency for an appropriate change. Students MUST wear sneakers when participating in the Physical Education
Personal items belonging to students which may be a distraction or a target for theft or which may be used as a
weapon are prohibited from school. Students may not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES bring radios,
walkmans, video games, money, (money may be brought upon approval of the principal for special occasions),
lighters, matches or weapons (which would include a knife, box cutter or razor of any size or description) to
school. Back- packs are permissible for day students, BOCES and credit-class students. Backpacks are
subject to search and seizure. Students who are non compliant with staff in giving up any of these items are to
be reported to the principal immediately.
If one of your students is ill or requests to go to the Health Center and you determine it may be a legitimate
request please follow the steps outlined below:
All requests are to be communicated to the School Nurse.
2. When a student leaves for the Health Center or School Nurse, he/she must be provided with a pass and
escorted to the Nurse’s office, school exit or Health Center. Please call the MPCS School Nurse at Ext.
219 or the Edenwald School Nurse at Ext. 343 before escorting a student to the Nurse’s office.
Related Service Counselors – The School Psychologist, Counselors and Social Workers are responsible for
providing student counseling services as mandated by the IEP’s and is responsible for the preparation of
student psycho/social summaries for CSE meetings. The Related Service Counselor is also available to staff to
assist in the interpretation of student records, psychological testing and as a consultant regarding behavioral and
psychological issues presented by students.
Guidance Counselor – The Guidance Counselor is responsible for coordinating the initiation, updating and
completion of each high school student transcript and will meet at least once each academic year with every
high school student to review his/her transcript and educational goals as expressed by the student and as they
are outlined in the IEP. The Guidance Counselor is also a District liaison for MPCS students at BOCES and the
local School Districts. The Guidance Counselor is primarily responsible for career and post high school planning
counseling and serves as a District liaison with the agency and VESID relative to post high school options for
Dean of Students – (at Edenwald) – The Dean of Students provides counseling, crisis management and child
study meetings for the students at Edenwald regarding long term misbehavior and/or emotional difficulties. The
Dean also provides outreach to parents and agencies regarding day student issues. The Dean coordinates
transportation, lunch, and conferences for students. The Dean attends committee meetings and provides
coverage under the supervision of an administrator in the event the Principal is absent.
Dean of Students – (at MPCS) – The Dean of Students provides counseling, crisis management and child
study meetings for the students at Mount Pleasant Cottage School regarding long term misbehavior and/or
emotional difficulties. The Dean also coordinates activities in Time-Out and Pass. The Dean attends committee
meetings and provides coverage under the supervision of an administrator in the event the Principal is absent.
Time Out, PASS, Safety (T.O.P.S) – The T.O.P.S. (Time Out Pass Safety) staff are available to assist with
students who need to be re-focused in order to function in the classroom. Involvement of the T.O.P.S. staff is to
occur only after all classroom resources have been exhausted. Placement in the Intervention Room is to be for
a limited time – always focused on re-entry into the classroom. The Intervention Room is neither a substitute
for, nor an extension of, teacher assigned detentions. Staff may not use the Intervention Room as a place to
keep students during teacher directed detentions from special subject classes. The Intervention Teacher/Social
Worker must ALWAYS be notified when a student is en route to the Intervention Room. Once a student is
placed in the Intervention Room, the Intervention Staff in conference with the classroom teacher will make the
determination regarding the readiness of the student to return to program and will then contact the appropriate
staff to arrange for immediate return to program. The classroom teacher is to provide instructional work for the
student to complete while in the Intervention Room if appropriate.
PASS Program – PASS is an acronym for Positive Alternative to School Suspension. Students who have
continuous problems may be referred to the program through the Principal. Placement is after usual school
interventions have been exhausted. The Building Principal (or his/her designee) must approve all PASS
placements and develop/implement applicable procedures concerning referrals. Teachers who refer students to
PASS are responsible for providing work to be completed in PASS.
In the Mount Pleasant Cottage School, referrals may be made by teachers through Reggie Rountree and Marlon
Green utilizing the PASS Referral Form which must be signed by the principal prior to student placement in
PASS. Appropriate documentation in the form of Incident/Behavioral Reports and other anecdotal records must
be provided prior to PASS placement.
The re-entry process should involve the PASS teacher, the classroom teacher and the principal or his/her
1. In-class strategies have been utilized without any observable improvement
2. Time Out – has been utilized without appreciable improvement in behavior.
3. CST meeting and/or contact with Agency team (i.e., social worker milieu staff.)
* Note:
Students may be referred to PASS because of an egregious infraction of the Code of
1. After Ms. Bryant has reported (bottom of PASS Referral Form) that the student has completed all or
most of the work sent and that his/her behavior has been stabilized as noted by the PASS teacher.
2. After a brief meeting or contact between the Principal or the PASS teacher, the classroom teacher and
the student has taken place.
Speech and Language Instruction – Students whose IEPs specify speech services are scheduled in accord
with the service level specified.
Testing Accommodation - Adjustments in the usual or standardized method for the administration of student
tests must be specified on the IEP of the student. Any test modification stated on an IEP must be made
available to the student in all classroom evaluations. Teachers may not withhold IEP specified testing
Educational Evaluation – Mr. Mazzullo at MPCS, Room 201 will conduct the Educational Evaluations as a part
of the Ease of Entry Process. Day students will be evaluated on an appointment basis.
All students who are new to the District will participate in our new EOE Program (approximately ten school
days) which will provide a complete assessment work-up. There will be two classes (age/ability grouped) led by
teachers. In addition, all “long term” absent students (AWOL, Hospital, other) will be enrolled in this program
for approximately five school days. Our school counselor, Dr. Kolesar, will register all students at The Annex
and “track-out” JCCA records. In order to maximize availability for registration we will need our new student(s)
to be accompanied by JCCA staff to and at the The Annex to facilitate this process. Registration periods will
continue to be 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., and 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Assessment will include the following:
Academic (SRA, STAR, WRMT, KTEA)
Counseling (Initial Review, JCCA Contact, Orientation, Psycho-Social Summary, Social Skills Inventory,
Student Registration, other)
Occupational Therapy (Screening for Evaluation to Related Service recommendation)
Speech/Language (Screening for Evaluation to Related Service recommendation)
Staff Observations (Narratives to be included)
Vision/Hearing (Conducted by Nurse; Ms. Palange-MPCS, Ms. Powell-Edenwald)
Vocational (PESCO)
Each student will receive an orientation package that will include a school calendar, Code of Conduct, School
Procedures and self-evaluation checklist. A portfolio of assessment results, staff observations and work samples
will be forwarded to the program principal, (for placement) JCCA Social Worker/Case Manager, and the CSE
file. Students will be expected to meet with their principal and teacher prior to actual classroom placement.
CSE Initial Reviews will be scheduled after the student’s EOE experience and adjustment period to classroom
Persons who are not students or staff MUST report immediately to the School Office when they enter the school
building. The appropriate principal must be contacted by the school office staff and approval MUST be
obtained and visitors must sign in. Any visitors with permission to be in the building must receive and wear a
VISITORS PASS which is to be returned to the school office upon sign out.
In the event that you will be unable to be in school, it is imperative that you call the District Office at 914-7690456, extension 500 prior to 7:30 A.M. each day you will be absent or late, with the following information:
1. Your name
2. State the date and reason for your absence and if your absence will be for a full or specific part of the
day. If late, state the projected time of arrival.
3. Your regular assignment and Principal/Supervisor
4. If for any reason you call after 7:30 A.M. call 914-769-0456, speak to the operator or leave a message
on extension 200.
It will be assumed if you have not called in the above information to the voice mailbox or the District Office
switchboard that you will be in school for the regularly scheduled time. This information is vital to planning and
staffing for a consistent school day for students.
1. During the school day, if you are in the building and know you will not be in or late the following day, you
may report directly to the District Office switchboard in person or call extension 200.
2. All reports after 3:30 P.M. should be left on extension 500, the voice mailbox designated for staff
Staff may park in designated spaces in the following parking lots: (Obtain a Parking Pass from your Principal or
the District Office to enter campus.)
In front of the Edenwald School Building
In front of the Mount Pleasant Cottage School
Adjacent to PCS Cottages 6 and 20
Near the Big Gym and EOE Annex
Parking is not permitted in any other location. Use of the handicapped parking spaces requires a handicapped
license plate or the visible display of a permit.
1. All staff are reminded of the importance of keeping personal vehicles locked at all times when parked on
school and adjacent property. Staff are also reminded to secure personal belongings within the school
2. All classrooms are to be locked when not in use at any time during the school day. When students are in
classrooms the rooms must be kept unlocked.
3. All empty classrooms are to be locked during the lunch period.
4. The Edenwald School Building and the second floor of the Mount Pleasant Cottage School will be secured
at 4:00 PM. On days when the After School Program is in session, the areas will be secured at 5:00 PM.
Once an area has been secured exiting is always possible but one may not re-enter the area after leaving it.
5. Student lavatories are to be kept locked at all times. Staff escorts will unlock lavatories for students and will
check the condition of the facilities prior to and following use and then immediately relock the facility. Only
one student may use the lavatory at a time.
6. School keys are to be used ONLY by school staff. Students may not use school keys at any time or for any
Reports are to be filed on the day of the incident or behavior before staff leaves. Questions regarding the
appropriate filing of reports should be directed to your principal. A blank form is included in the appendix for
duplication as needed.
1. Incident reports may be filed by any staff who determine that student behavior warrants recording and
2. Incident reports MUST be filed by any staff directed to do so by an administrator.
4. When an incident occurs that requires filing a report you MUST immediately contact an
Administrator. You may be directed to communicate with agency personnel.
In any instance involving student restraint these procedures must be followed:
Proper therapeutic restraint techniques must be used. (As per TCI training, single person restraints
are not permitted.) All staff, including safety team members must call for assistance when engaging
students in any situation that may require a restraint.
The School Nurse must examine the student immediately after the restraint for the purpose of
assessment, treatment and documentation. Note: If the School Nurse is absent, examinations are
to be completed by the Agency Health Center.
The School Nurse, at the conclusion of a restraint, must also evaluate staff participating in the
Accident reports for each individual examined by the School Nurse will be filed.
Incident reports are to be individually filed by all staff persons present during the precipitating events
and the restraint (without exception.)
Staff involved in a restraint must notify the Principal and/or Safety Coordinator as soon as possible
for follow up steps to be taken.
All student/staff issues that are safety related (i.e., drugs, weapon possession, threats, assaults) are
to be reported to the building Administrator immediately.
Incident reports and all supporting documents day. In cases of a 12 Noon or 3:00 PM dismissal,
staff should seek direction from the Administration.
All staff are considered mandated reporters and are responsible to assure that reporting
procedures are followed.
CSE meetings are held on a regularly scheduled basis to determine initial eligibility for the purpose of developing
or updating an Individual Education Plan for students who reside on the JCCA Westchester Campus, placed by
a social service agency at either the Edenwald Agency or Pleasantville Cottage School. Notice of the meetings
are made at least two weeks prior to a scheduled meeting to allow time for the required preparation and the
necessary staff coverage arrangements. The classroom teacher and school psychologist are required to attend
CSE meetings with the CSE Chairperson.
Practices and Procedures to Assure Confidentiality of Student Information:
1. CSE student reports/recommendations are made to the Board of Education with students referred to by
number. Student names are blocked out whenever district data is requested.
2. Student health information is disseminated in accord with current legal guidelines which insure the
privacy of students.
3. No information regarding students is to be given to the media without releases and administrative
1. Students are to have the right to express their views in speech, writing, or through any other medium or
form as long as the expression occurs in a medium or form which does not violate the rights of others or
result in the destruction of property.
2. Any student publication must comply with the rules for responsible journalism. Libelous statements,
unfounded charges and accusations, obscenity, false statements, materials advocating racial or
religious prejudice, hatred, violence, the breaking of laws and school or agency policies and/or
regulations, or materials designed to disrupt the educational process are not permitted.
3. Student newspapers and/or publications which are paid for by the School District and/or produced under
the direction of a teacher as part of the school curriculum are not considered a public forum. In such
cases, the staff reserves the right to edit or delete such student material which it feels is inconsistent
with the District’s basic educational mission.
Xerox copy machines are available for STAFF use only. Students are not permitted to use the Xerox
equipment at any time for any reason. Xerox machines which are available for general staff use in accord with
Copyright Law are located in:
Edenwald Computer Lab
The School Offices (Edenwald and MPCS)
MPCS Faculty Room
EOE Annex
In addition to providing an appropriate classroom program in accord with the directives from your Principal,
teachers are expected to:
1. Be familiar with and follow all procedures outlined in this handbook.
2. Provide direction for, and supervision of, their assigned teacher aide/assistant.
3. Seek clarification from their administrator regarding any unfamiliar procedures or uncertain information
regarding students.
4. Provide a positive role model for students and reflect professional conduct at all times. Summer attire
may be casual but must be in good taste and abide by the same rule set for students – no hats may be
worn by males or females in the school building.
5. Be aware that the students are individuals with a range of abilities, learning styles and behaviors. Some
of the behaviors are age appropriate and some reflect the problems and issues which are the reason for
placement. Be professional and objectively read student records so that you are informed and able to
respond in the best way possible for your students.
6. Be well prepared for instruction each day with an appropriate balance of activities and structure to
involve the students to the greatest extent possible in a solid program every minute of every day.
7. Be aware that some days will be better than others – when in need of ideas, reassurance or specific
direction seek out your administrator – two heads are always better than one.
Work hard and you will probably be very tired at the end of the day but remember that the reason you
are here is because we want you to be here – because we consider that you are the best people to
provide the best program for our students.
Teacher assistants/aides are expected to assist teachers in presenting a program for students. The
responsibilities include:
1. Presenting a positive adult role model for students and reflecting appropriate conduct at all times. Attire
must be in good taste and abide by the same rules set for students – no hats may be worn by males
or females in the school building.
2. Arriving at school by 8:30 AM to sign in before reporting to the classroom signing out after student
dismissal is complete.
3. Being available to teachers at 8:30 AM.
4. Accepting appropriate teacher direction and assisting the teacher in whatever way is best in order to be
an integral part of the instructional team of teacher and aide working with the students.
5. Assisting the classroom teacher in escorting the students to and from special subjects as well as to the
school exits at 12:00PM and at 3:00 PM.
6. Staying with the assigned class of students in special subjects and assisting the special subject teacher
in whatever way he/she directs you. Even if the Assistant does not have expertise in these subjects,
he/she can listen to the teacher’s directions to students and because of their understanding of these
students, circulate among them and provide appropriate assistance. Assist with the student attendance,
clean up and prepare students to leave at the correct time in an orderly manner.
7. Being familiar with the Staff Handbook and following the procedures and guidelines outlined in it.
8. Being familiar with student attendance procedures and being able to follow them in the absence of the
9. Teacher aides who are absent for all or part of a school day must follow the staff absence notification
procedures outlined in this handbook.
10. Sexually suggestive clothing is strictly prohibited. Tank tops, mesh or sleeveless shirts should not be
worn. Staff is encouraged to wear collared shirts and avoid tee shirts. Shorts should only be worn
during athletic activities except during summer weather.
11. Attend Professional Development meetings as per contract.
The assignment of teacher aides is at the discretion of the principals and may be adjusted on certain days to
best meet the needs of the overall program. The teacher with whom an aide is working is the immediate
supervisor of the aide during any particular period.
A major part of the social development for young people who reside or are educated on the Westchester
Campus involves important role modeling that staff performs for children. This includes the way children are
spoken to, the demeanor of staff, the values and attitude that staff transmit, as well as the way in which staff
dress. Staff on the Westchester Campus are professionals and should always be cognizant that they are under
the scrutiny of residents and families. To this end, staff is being asked to adhere to the following guidelines:
1. Staff is to refrain from the use of inappropriate or vulgar language, (slang or “street” talk).
2. Staff must remember they are not “contemporaries” of the children in care and should
maintain healthy boundaries with our young people at all times. This means no personal
or clinical/milieu issues should be discussed in front of children.
3. Residents must be treated with respect at all times. This includes those instances in which a
resident may be too upset or angry to respond in kind.
4. Staff must dress professionally at all times. Clothing should be clean, neat and loose fitting. Staff
should be especially cognizant of dressing professionally for special events, i.e.: assemblies, honor roll
ceremonies, meetings with parents and open house.
5. Sexually suggestive clothing is strictly prohibited. Tank tops, mesh or sleeveless shirts should not be
worn. Staff is encouraged to wear collared shirts and avoid tee shirts. Shorts should only be worn during
athletic activities except during summer weather.
6. Staff are not to wear hats indoors.
7. Excessive jewelry is discouraged.
8. For residents/students, there is a NO SMOKING ANYWHERE on the campus.
9. Staff may smoke only in the Agency’s designated areas.
Use of the PCS and Edenwald Staff Dining Rooms by school staff is permitted and encouraged. However, staff
needs to be mindful of the following:
1. It is a courtesy extended by JCCA to allow school staff to use the dining rooms; &
2. Parents and guests often use the dining room along with agency staff.
Therefore, it is expected that whenever you are in the dining room you should maintain the same level of
professionalism expected of you when you are in school including, appropriate dress and language. Nobody
would want to go to their child’s school and find staff using profanity or acting in a loud or vulgar way.
We know this does not apply to everyone who uses the dining room but, please do not allow this to become an
issue that makes all our staff unwelcome or presents us as less than professional. Everyone does need to be
aware of their appearance and language at all times.
Smoking is not permitted anywhere on school grounds
Please remember young people identify with staff, including the way they act and dress. It is important for our
residents to always see staff as the adult professional.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Repair or classroom maintenance requests are to be submitted to the building principal as soon as a repair
need is evident. (See “Repair Request Form” in the FORMS section.)
Student assemblies and concerts are part of the educational program.
Student conduct at assemblies is to reflect responsible audience participation:
Take seats in an orderly and quiet manner
Participate in an appropriate and respectful manner to the Pledge of Allegiance and the
National Anthem.
Pay attention to the speaker/performer(s)
Applaud only when appropriate
Teachers and teacher aides are to accompany students to assembly programs.
Students are to be accompanied to assemblies by their home base teacher and teacher
assistant. ALL support staff and special subject teachers who are not teaching during the time
of the assembly are to attend the assembly and be available to assist with the general
supervision of students entering, during and leaving the assembly.
1. Discuss plans with Principal. The field trip must be relevant to the required instructional program. The
destination must be within 50 miles of the District.
2. Submit written request form two or more weeks in advance of trip. (see section on Forms) Plans for field
trips must be submitted no later than the first Friday in May for the balance of the school year. There
will be no field trips during the final week of school in June.
3. Submit a purchase requisition for staff admissions and parking at the same time the trip request is
4. Make appropriate arrangements for staff supervision of any students unable to go on the trip.
5. Contact the School Nurse regarding proper procedures for the administration of student medications.
(See District Policy on the following page).
6. Teachers are to assign staff to supervise and be accountable for specific students throughout the field
8. Buses will stop only at approved designations.
9. The principal reserves the right to cancel a field trip at any time for the following reasons:
a. Lack of available funds or transportation
b. Inappropriate student conduct
c. Inadequate staff supervision
10. Departure times are to be planned no earlier than 9:15 AM and returns no later than
2:45 PM. (Exceptions can be granted by the Superintendent of Schools.)
11. Teachers/specialists who have classes scheduled while class groups are on field trips will be assigned
responsibility by their principal during their regularly scheduled class(es) for students on a field trip.
Classroom telephones are for staff use for school related business. All staff should be aware of the following:
1. Voice mail is an important feature of the system. It is important to check voice mail messages on a daily
2. Staff has been provided with information regarding the operation of the system. If additional assistance
is needed please contact your principal who will direct you to the appropriate person.
3. The telephones located in the faculty rooms are for the convenience of the staff to conduct school
related communication.
4. Telephones may be used for personal emergencies if necessary.
According to New York State Law, any minor between the age of 14 and 18 must have working papers in order
to be employed. Edenwald students may apply for working papers in the Edenwald School Office. Mount
Pleasant Cottage students may apply for working papers in the CSE Office.
Our program is designed to integrate the goals of each student’s Individual Education Plan with instruction which
will encourage each student to develop his/her maximum educational potential by providing fundamental
academic skills and basic knowledge. Opportunities are provided to develop individual interests and abilities
according to individual potential. Our program promotes the physical, mental and emotional development of
each student. We seek to foster good work habits, integrity, self discipline, good sportsmanship, self—
confidence and a sense of purpose for all students.
Homework provides opportunities for developing good study habits, providing for individual differences and
abilities, and encouraging self-initiative on the part of the student. Homework assignments ARE TO BE
COUNTED toward each student’s quarterly grade.
All students are to have homework assigned each Monday – Thursday evening.
Elementary students…………………..30 minutes a day
Middle school students……………….45 minutes a day
High school students………………….1 hour per day
Students who attend community-based school, the BOCES occupational educational program or are working
toward a high school diploma may find it necessary to spend more than one hour per evening on homework.
EDENWALD: All students are to be assigned between 20 – 30 minutes of homework on Monday and
Thursday evenings. Credit seeking students will receive homework Monday through Thursday evenings.
1. Each Principal will develop a report card distribution and completion procedure to meet the needs of
his/her staff.
2. Explanatory comments which include suggestions for improvement are to be given on
students receiving failing grades.
report cards of
3. For the Edenwald School ALL report cards are to be distributed, returned to the School Office, given to
students and mailed on the same date. Report cards are to be distributed to students on the
AFTERNOON of the mailing date noted below.
4. For the Mount Pleasant Cottage School report card procedures are in the process of change. Staff will
be notified in writing. Teachers follow a written procedure. Questions are to be directed to the Director
of Educational Technology. In the case of course grades or credits, contact the Guidance Office.
November 2, 2007
November 16, 2007
November 26, 2007
December 3, 2007
January 17, 2008
January 31, 2008
February 5, 2008
February 12, 2008
April 4, 2008
April 18, 2008
April 25, 2008
May 2, 2008
June 13, 2008
June 27, 2008
June 20, 2008
June 27, 2008
November 19, 2007
December 7, 2007
December 11, 2007
December 20, 2007
March 10, 2008
March 25, 2008
March 28, 2008
April 4, 2008
June 6, 2008
June 27, 2008
June 24, 2008
June 27, 2008
2007–2008 School Year
Administration Dates
Make-up Dates
Field Tests
Grades 3, 4 & 5 English
Language Arts
Monday, January 7Friday, January 11±
Monday, January 14Friday, January 18^
Tuesday, January 22Friday, January 25 %
Grades 6, 7 & 8 English
Language Arts
Monday, January 14Friday, January 18±
Tuesday, January 22Friday, January 25^
Monday, January 28Thursday, January 31 %
Grades 3, 4 & 5
Monday, March 3Friday, March 7±
Monday, March 10Friday, March 14^
Thursday, March 13Wednesday, March 19 %
Grades 6, 7 & 8
Thursday, March 6Wednesday, March 12±
Thursday, March 13Wednesday, March 19^
Thursday, March 13Wednesday, March 19 %
Grade 4 Elementary-Level
Science Written Test And
Performance Test
Wednesday, April 2 Wednesday, May 7
Thursday, April 3 - Friday,
May 9
Grade 5 Elementary-Level
Social Studies
Grade 8 IntermediateLevel Science Performance
Wednesday, November 14Booklet 1
Thursday, November 15Booklet 2
Wednesday, April 2Wednesday, May 7
Friday, November 16,
Monday, November 19,
and Tuesday, November
Thursday, April 3 - Friday,
May 9
Administered in a
Department-selected sample
of statistically representative
schools. Selected schools
will be contacted directly by
the Department.
Local Diploma Requirements
Regents Diploma
Regents Diploma with Advanced
Designation Requirements
Score 65 or above on 2
required Regents exams and
score 55 or above on 3
required Regents exams.
Earn 22 units of credit.
Score 65 or above on 5
required Regents exams.
Earn 22 units of credit.
Score 65 or above on 8 required
Regents exams. Earn 22 units of credit.
Score 65 or above on 3
required Regents exams and
score 55 or above on 2
required Regents exams.
Earn 22 units of credit.
Score 65 or above on 5
required Regents exams.
Earn 22 units of credit.
Score 65 or above on 8 required
Regents exams. Earn 22 units of credit.
Score 65 or above on 4
required Regents exams and
score 55 or above on 1
required Regents exam. Earn
22 units of credit
Score 65 or above on 5
required Regents exams.
Earn 22 units of credit.
Score 65 or above on 8 required
Regents exams. Earn 22 units of credit.
Score 65 or above on 5
required Regents exams.
Earn 22 units of credit.
Score 65 or above on 8 required
Regents exams. Earn 22 units of credit.
Note: The Regents Competency Test safety net for students with disabilities will continue to be available for
students entering grade 9 prior to September 2010. Students using this safety net will receive a local diploma. The
low-pass option of scoring between 55-64 on the required Regents exams to earn a local diploma will continue to
be available for students with disabilities, without local option.
For students who entered High School September 2004 and before, please refer to the following for High School
The current requirements for a Regents Diploma include the following:
1. Completion of 20.5 TO 22 units of school credit and the passing of specified Regents Exams (please
refer to grid above) depending upon students entry date into high school
2. The following units of credit:
- 4 units of English
- 4 units of Social Studies (including 1 unit of American History,
½ unit of Government and ½ unit of Economics)
- 3 units of Science
- 3 units of Mathematics
- 1 unit of Art and/or Music
- ½ credit of Health
- 4 1/2 units of Electives
- 4 years of Physical Education required (2 credits)
3. Successful completion of sequences in science, math, a second language, music, art, or occupational
education subjects, as prescribed by the Commissioner’s Regulations. With certain exceptions, student
must have completed a sequence of three units of credit in a second language in order to earn a
Regents diploma.
The current requirements for a local diploma include:
1. Completion of 22 units of school credit (as listed above)
2. Successful passing of all required competency and/or regents exams.
3. Successful completion of sequences in science, math, music, art, or occupational education subjects.
Under certain prescribed conditions, students may earn a maximum of six and one-half units of credit for either
a Regents or local diploma without completing the above units of study for such units of credit. (See Appendix –
General Education Diploma Requirements)
The current requirements for an IEP include COMPLETION of the goals and objectives of the Individualized
Education Plan (IEP) as defined and approved by the Committee on Special Education (CSE)
An official diploma will only be issued upon completion of required Regents or local diploma requirements. Any
student earning an IEP diploma will receive a designated certificate and will be informed in writing of his or her
right to attend the public schools of the district until one of the following occurs:
The student earns a high school diploma.
The student attains the age of 21 prior to September first of a school year.
ENGLISH……………………………………English 9, 10, 11, and 12
SOCIAL STUDIES………………………….Global History I & II
US History and Government
Economics/Participation in Government
SCIENCE……………………………………Living Environment 1 & 2
MATHEMATICS………………………….. Algebra & Geometry pt 1 (Regents)
Math A pt 2 (Regents)
Consumer (Business) Math
Vocational Math
HEALTH…………………………………....Health Education
ART………………………………………....Studio Art I
Studio Art II
FAMILY & CONSUMER SCIENCES..…..Food and Nutrition
Clothing Construction
TECHNOLOGY…………………………….Introduction to Woodworking
Production Systems
EDENWALD CREDIT CLASS…………….Students in Edenwald have the opportunity to earn
High School credits and to participate in the New
York State Regents and RCT programs. All
courses parallel the general education curriculum.
High School Students who have demonstrated growth in social skills and who have BOCES Alternative High
School, The Academy Program or Culinary Training Institute, the prerequisite academic skills, may be
considered for a BOCES vocational/technical education program, a work study program at a local business or
for a local community High School program. Students must be recommended by staff and have the approval of
their clinical team and the CSE for placement in these programs.
New York State enforces an OSHA regulation for the protection of workers. In order to comply we must
maintain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) when applicable on products purchased.
MSDS sheets are normally required on any material which may be hazardous; such as, flammable liquids,
cleaning products, paints, markers, white out, etc.
The use of gloves is recommended to protect one’s hands if the skin is broken or an open wound is present.
Intact skin and frequent hand washing are the best protection against infection. Please contact the School
Nurse (Ext. 219) if you would like a box of gloves to keep in your office or instructional area.
Dispenser boxes are routinely kept in the following locations:
Edenwald and MPCS School Offices
Principals’ and District Offices
Crisis Intervention Rooms
District Office
In addition we will supply classrooms with a few band-aids, alcohol wipes, etc.
In compliance with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
(AHERA), in the fall of 1988 we performed inspections of each of our school buildings for asbestos-containing
building materials. In 1992, 1995 and 1998 we performed a complete re-inspection of each of our school
buildings. The inspection finding and asbestos management plans are on file in the District Office and
document that the District is in full compliance with New York State and Federal regulations governing asbestos
in schools.
In order to insure the safety of the students and employees attending the Mount Pleasant Cottage School UFSD
and to be in compliance with Federal and State asbestos legislation, the Mount Pleasant Cottage School UFSD
conducts an extremely thorough re-inspection of the entire building space in the District every six months. The
only asbestos-containing building materials in the district are certain floor tiles which have been thoroughly
encapsulated with a hi-solids water based urethane polymer coating. None of the asbestos was found to be in
friable condition. Friable means the asbestos is in the crumbling or powdery state. All asbestos materials in this
School District area in good condition and we will continue to manage them in place, as recommended by the
accredited management planner.
The new legislation requires that all parent groups, teachers’ union and school employees be informed in writing
regarding the district’s re-inspection for asbestos. Every six months we monitor and inspect all areas
determined to have asbestos. If any of the areas should be determined to be of a friable nature, appropriate
action will be taken in accordance with New York State and Federal regulations governing asbestos in the
schools. A completed copy of the entire re-inspection report is available for review in the District Office.
Tenured Members of the professional staff are required to attend up to five professional development meetings
after the school day for a period not to exceed two hours each. Non-Tenured members of the professional staff
who are employed by the District prior to July 1, 2002 are required to attend up to ten professional development
meetings for a period not to exceed two hours each. New members of the professional staff hired after July 1,
2002 are required to attend two days of professional development, one day in August and a day to be
determined, and up to ten professional development meetings for a period not to exceed two hours each. In
addition, all staff are required to participate in at least one parent-teacher after school meeting. Friday afternoon
professional development meetings will only be scheduled by the unanimous consent of those involved.
In the event of inclement weather school may be closed or the starting time may be delayed. The decision to
delay or close school will be announced over radio stations WHUD 100.7 FM and WFAS 1230AM and WFAS
103.9FM. Staff will also be notified by the procedures outlined in the telephone snow chain. Staff are required
to notify the Business Office immediately of any change in their home address and/or telephone number.
It is the responsibility of the individual employee to notify the Business Office within 30 calendar days of any of
the following changes in family status. This is to assure continuation of employee benefits as prescribed by law,
contract and in accordance with employee wishes.
exchange in employee marital status\the marriage of a child
the birth or death of a child
the death of a spouse
any changes in the full or part-time student status of a child who is between their 18th and 25th birthday
change of address and/or phone number
There is a Faculty Room in both the Mount Pleasant Cottage School and the Edenwald School. The room is a
common area for the comfort and convenience of any and all school district staff during break or preparation
time. Staff who use the Faculty Room are reminded that their conduct while there and their use of the amenities
should be done with consideration for all staff. Any staff member in a Faculty Room has the right to an
environment where they can work or relax free of inappropriate conduct, offensive or oppressive language or
clutter left behind by another.
All teachers are expected to maintain daily plan books. Plan books should be a working guide for teachers
which reflect planning for instruction and daily revisions. All teachers are to complete the indicated information
on the cover page of the plan book. Plan books will be reviewed periodically by principals. All plan books must
be turned in to the principal’s office on the last day of instruction in June.
During the first week of the school year, all teachers are to compile a comprehensive substitute folder. The
folder is to be kept in the center drawer of the teacher’s desk. As the school year progresses the folder should
be kept current and must contain at least the following:
Class list and a seating chart
Complete class schedule (Specials, PE, Electives, Standing Student Appointments)
Classwork (minimum three school days)
Class rules and individual behavioral plans
Instructions for attendance, Agency appointments, and other important classroom routines
Copies of the Substitute Summary Sheet (see Appendix)
Any other information which would be helpful in the continuation of the program for students
ALL substitutes are expected to complete a Substitute Summary Form summarizing the school day relative to
the above points. One copy will be forwarded to the teacher; one will be kept on file in the Principal’s office.
Teachers are to clip the substitute summary sheet in their plan books. ALL substitutes are expected to record
student attendance for the day and to sign the attendance book in accord with the procedures outlined in the
student attendance recording directions found in the Attendance Register.
Student folders are distributed in September to each classroom to be placed on file for the current school year.
Any teacher who does not receive student folders should notify their Principal before school opens or the class
begins. Additional folders for new students will be included as part of the student evaluation process.
Frequently used forms may be found in the Appendix for you to duplicate as needed during the current school
year. Check with your Principal regarding any questions you have about how to fill them out, as well as when
and how it is appropriate to use them.
1. Students are to assist with the general cleanup and straightening of the classrooms. Teachers and
teacher aides/assistants are to incorporate an end of day procedure in the classroom routing whereby
the students will put away materials and supplies and do a general “picking up” as well as place their
chairs on top of their desks before leaving for the day. Chairs should not be on top of desks during the
school day.
2. Incident/accident reports for the current day MUST be turned in to the Principal prior to leaving for the
3. Attendance registers are to be updated daily and signed if there has been a substitute.
4. Classroom/office doors and windows are to be locked.
5. Staff (teachers and aides/assistants) are to escort their students to the exits.
6. Keys are to be returned to appropriate keyboard.
7. Staff are to sign out
Children of staff members (under the age of 18) are not permitted on school grounds, when school is in session,
without prior permission of the staff member’s immediate supervisor. Children of staff members over 18 years
of age must follow school visitor’s procedures (see page 17).
Student school files are kept in the School Office. CSE files area kept in the CSE Office in MPCS room 113. All
teachers are encouraged to review the files of their students. Files must be signed out and signed back in.
Please ask CSE clerical staff for assistance in obtaining files. Files must be reviewed in the CSE or School
Office. No student file is ever to be taken from the office or school building.
1. The child study team is an interdisciplinary team consisting of the principal (when available),
psychologist, guidance counselor, teacher and other appropriate school personnel.
2. The child study team is a school-based team that is chaired by the Principal or his or her designee and
has as its focus the needs of the child from an educational perspective. Whenever possible, Agency
staff may attend and are encouraged to participate.
3. The child study team is an integral part of the daily operation of our school system.
4. There is to be a regularly scheduled weekly meeting time and place for each program’s child study
5. A designated member of the CST will be responsible for preparing a written summation of the meeting
in a format which is deemed appropriate by the team for each building. A copy of each meeting
summary is to be sent to the Superintendent. Individual student plans should be placed in the student’s
file and distributed to appropriate staff.
A referral form (see Appendix) is sent to the Principal to initiate the CST process and may ultimately become a
plan for a particular student. CST meeting schedules and locations will be determined by each principal with
his/her staff. Provisions must be made to schedule meetings so that all staff have the opportunity to participate
in CST’s which are relevant to their class groupings.
As of October 1, 1986, the State Central Register of the State Department of Social Service has jurisdiction over
all reportable allegations occurring within residential schools and Special Act school districts. Procedures for
handling allegations of abuse and maltreatment at the Mount Pleasant Cottage School Union Free School
District are as Follows:
1. The allegation should immediately be shared orally and in writing with an administrator (Agency staff:
Unit Director, Division Director or Administrator on Duty; School staff; Superintendent, Assistant
Superintendent or Principal.)
2. If the allegation involves physical abuse, either the school nurse or the appropriate Health Center staff
will immediately examine the child and document their findings.
3. A written statement must be immediately obtained from the child and any eyewitnesses to the alleged
incident. The administrator shall review the documentation.
4. The Division Director or designee or School Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent shall interview
the child and if an allegation has been made, contact the State Central Registry. The agency and
school will dialogue the incident with one another. Steps will be taken to protect the child from
subsequent abuse, including eliminating contact between the child and the alleged abuser when
5. The New York State Central Registry should be called within 24 hours by the administrator or their
designee at the following number (800-635-1522). Obtain the name of the person contacted at the
Registry and if the case is accepted also obtain the assigned case ID number. The administrator or
designee must complete form DSS-2221 within 48 hours of learning of the alleged incident and the
administrator will mail/fax the form to the Registry (Fax # 800-342-3720). Copies of the document and
supporting documentation shall be kept in the Division Director or Superintendent’s office.
6. When there is reasonable suspicion a crime has occurred appropriate law enforcement officials will be
7. When the allegation is against the family, the Administrator must notify appropriate family members of
the allegation and actions taken. However, if it is a Day Student, the Department of Social Services will
handle communications with the family.
8. Note: There are legal penalties for failure to report cases of suspected child abuse and immunity from
liability for staff member’s making reports in good faith.
All staff are urged to complete mid-quarter/mid-trimester progress reports on their students for:
unsatisfactory effort or failing work
commendable effort or improved work
A suggested format for written progress reports is included in the appendix.
Staff are encouraged to have a system of daily reports to appropriate agency staff.
At the first indication a student may be jeopardy; both agency staff and parents are to be notified of any student
whose academic grades do not meet minimum standards to pass a subject.
All school supplies and equipment valued at $100.00 or more are inventoried according to their specific location.
Equipment and materials may be moved from one location to another only with administrative approval.
Administrators approving the moving of equipment are to give written notification to the Business Office with a
CC to the Maintenance Foreman of Buildings, Grounds and Transportation.
The inventory will be updated on an annual basis. Staff are responsible for the accountability of supplies and
equipment assigned to their classroom, office or instructional area.
A form is provided in the Appendix for use in requesting repair and/or maintenance of equipment.
When filling out purchase requisitions please be sure to use complete information (i.e., supplier name and
address, prices, etc.) If ordering an item from the BOCES bid list be sure to include the bid number on each
All purchases must have prior approval. There will be NO reimbursements for purchases made by
individuals who do not have prior approved Purchase Requisitions. All material, including that which is ordered
with a preview option, must be ordered in accord with the procedures outlined below.
1. Submit a COMPLETED requisition form to the principal for approval. Attach copies of catalogue pages
depicting evidence of vendor name, prices, shipping, handling and phone number. Catalogue evidence
is not required for items on state contract.
2. Principals submit all requisitions they approve to the Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
for approval. After that papers are to be submitted to the Superintendent and then the Business Office
for final approval. Requisitions, when submitted by principals, are to be categorized by subject and
3. Teacher and administrator copies of the requisition will be returned to the teacher and principal as a
record that the request has been approved and processed. Neither teachers nor administrators are to
remove their copies prior to Business Office processing of the requisition.
4. When materials are delivered packing slips MUST be verified against the contents, signed, dated and
noted “Received” and then immediately forwarded to the Business Office. DO NOT sign the packing
slips for items which are on preview unless the decision is made to keep it. Preview items which are
being rejected are to be given to the principal who approved the preview. Administrators with the
authority to approve requisitions are the only staff authorized to arrange return shipment.
5. Educational Materials Return Procedure –
a Place the following in the original packing container:
i. all educational materials to be returned
ii. the packing slip which came with the materials
iii. a MSD sheet, if applicable and was included with the original shipment
b Deliver the material to your principal with a request and a rational for RETURNING the
a. Determine whether the material should be previewed or used by other district staff.
b. Material which is to be PREVIEWED by other District staff should be
forwarded to them. As long as material is in preview status there should
be no signatures placed on the packing slip. If it is determined that a
preview item is to be kept in the District the procedures outlined in the
Staff Handbook are to be followed.
When you determine that the appropriate course of action is to RETURN items:
iv. verify the contents of the package and then sign the packing slip with
your name, the date and a refusal statement.
v. arrange with Mr. Rader for the item(s) to be picket up from your office.
Material which will be USED by other district staff should be forwarded to them. In this
instance it is the responsibility of the sending administrator to sign the packing slip
verifying receipt of the item(s) and the person to whom assigned. Once material has
been accepted, the packing slip is to be forwarded to the Business office.
All requisitions for the current school year must have been approved by principals and submitted to the
Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment no later than the last school day in March. Staff are
encouraged to evaluate their needs and submit requisitions early in the school year. All textbook,
instructional supply, central supply and equipment orders MUST be placed by the budget deadline.
A. School Nurse – Ms. Palange – Ext. 219 or Ms. Powell – Ext. 343
B. School Secretary – Ext. 333 or Ext. 241 at MPCS, Ext. 234 or Ext. 235 at Edenwald to arrange for
ambulance call 911, Principal & Superintendent’s Office
C. PCS Infirmary – Ext. 4516; Edenwald Health Center Ext. 4564
D. Mr. Rountree – Ext. 241 or 333 for assistance in the arrival of emergency vehicles
E. Mr. Sullivan – Ext. 236 for assistance in the arrival of emergency vehicles
A. Student must be injected in the thigh with an Epi Pen (Epinephrinine) injection.
B. The Epi Pen is located in the medication cabinet in the School Health Office at MPCS. In Edenwald, the
Epi Pen is located in the medication box in the School Health Office.
C. The key at MPCS is located in the top drawer of the nurse’s desk, and at Edenwald it is located on the
nurses key chain and also with Mr. Glover.
D. Inject into the thigh area only. Massage area for 10 seconds.
E. In the event of cardiac arrest, CPR should be started until ambulance arrives.
At the conclusion of the Medical Incident (when the child has been referred to the appropriate assistance), all
involved school staff must immediately complete Incident and/or Accident Reports.
The Mount Pleasant Cottage School Union Free School District prepares young people to be mature and
responsible citizens capable of making working contributions present and in their adult life. The faculty of the
School District takes pride in creating and maintaining a school environment which contributes to academic and
social and emotional growth. The School District is committed to providing safe and reasonable facilities for
learning, teaching without disruption and opportunities to express and explore different points of view in a
peaceful and constructive manner.
For purposes of this policy statement, special education students are those students attending school in this
District who have been identified by either their local District’s Committee on Special Education or by the Mount
Pleasant Cottage School Union Free School District’s Committee on Special Education. Most of our special
education students receive their education in special, self-contained classes on campus, while others receive
educational services at a local high school and BOCES Occupational Education facilities. The students on
campus are considered part of the mainstream of the Mount Pleasant Cottage School Union Free School
District, while the students at a local high school or BOCES, for the most part, are expected to meet the
mainstream standards of school conduct for those locations.
These rules and regulations for maintenance of public order on the school property of the Mount Pleasant
Cottage School Union Free School District, Pleasantville, New York, have been adopted in compliance with the
provisions of Section 2801 of the Education Law of the State of New York (Chapter 740 of the Law of 1972), and
they shall govern the conduct on such school property of all students, teachers, other staff, visitors, licensees
and invitees. Nothing contained in these rules and regulations is intended, nor shall it be construed, to limit or
restrict constitutionally guaranteed rights of freedom of speech and peaceful assembly.
It shall be a violation of these rules and regulations for any person, either alone or in concert with others, at any
time while on school property to:
Willfully inflict or attempt to inflict physical injury on another person or harass, intimidate or
coerce another person;
Willfully damage, appropriate, or steal any public or private property;
Possess a weapon or other dangerous instrument or explosives;
Willfully disrupt the orderly conduct of classes or of any other school program or activity, or to
interfere in any other way with the legitimate and authorized activities of others;
Enter upon school property, or any part thereof, for any purpose other than the authorized uses
To possess, distribute or sell unlawful substances or alcohol.
A student who violates these rules and regulations may be denied the privilege of participating
in school activities or functions, may be suspended from attending school for a stated period of
time, or may be permanently expelled. The principal of the school attended by the student, or
a member of the teaching staff of such school designated by the principal, shall have the
power to investigate if the student has violated these rules and regulations, and to impose any
penalty permitted by this section except that of suspension for a period of more than five days
or expulsion. The principal shall also have the power to recommend to the Superintendent of
Schools that a student be suspended for more than five days or expelled for violation of these
rules and regulations, but no such penalty shall be imposed except in accordance with
provisions of Section 3214.3 of the Education Law.
Any person other than a student or employee of the school district who violates these rules and
regulations or who trespasses upon school property and who refuses either to cease such
violation or to leave school property, at the request of the school faculty, shall be subject to
ejection and/or arrest by the local police.
The penalties provided herein are in addition to any which may be imposed for any violations of
these rules and regulations which may also constitute violations of any state or federal criminal
law, local law or ordinance, or any other school district or school building regulations.
Any employee of the school district, including any teacher, administrator, other staff member,
or clerical or custodial employee, may be censured, suspended, dismissed or otherwise
disciplined for violations of these rules and regulations in accordance with the subject to the
appropriate provisions of the Education Law, Section 75 of the Civil Service Law, and any
applicable collective bargaining agreements. If there are no such relevant statutory or
contractual provisions, the Superintendent of Schools shall investigate and determine whether
any such school district employee has violated these rules and regulations and shall fix the
penalty therefore.
The district is committed to providing an orderly, respectful environment that is conducive to learning. To create
and maintain this kind of an environment, it is necessary to regulate public conduct on school property and at
school functions. For purposes of this section of the code, “public” shall mean all persons when on school
property or attending a school function including students, teachers and district personnel.
The restrictions on public conduct on school property and at school functions contained in this code are not
intended to limit freedom of speech or peaceful assembly. The district recognizes that free inquiry and free
expression are indispensable to the objectives of the district. The purpose of this code is to maintain public
order and prevent abuse of the rights of others.
All persons on school property or attending a school function shall conduct themselves in a respectful and
orderly manner. In addition, all persons on school property or attending a school function are expected to be
properly attired for the purpose they are on school property.
No person, either alone or with others, shall:
Intentionally injure any person or threaten to do so.
Intentionally damage or destroy school district property or the personal property of a teacher,
administrator, other district employee or any person lawfully on school property, including graffiti or
Disrupt the orderly conduct of classes, school programs or other school activities.
Obscene, advocate illegal action, appear libelous, obstruct the rights of others or are disruptive to
the school program.
Intimidate, harass or discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, national
origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or for any reason.
Enter any portion of the school premises without authorization or remain in any building or facility
after it is normally closed.
Obstruct the free movement of any person in any place to which this code applies.
Violate the traffic laws, parking regulations or other restrictions on vehicles.
Possess, consume, sell, distribute or exchange alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, or be
under the influence of either on school property or at a school function.
Possess or use weapons in or on school property or at a school function, except in the case of law
enforcement officers or except as specifically authorized by the school district.
Loiter on or about school property.
Gamble on school property or at school functions.
Refusal to comply with any reasonable order of identifiable school district officials.
Willfully incite others to commit any of the acts prohibited by this code.
Violate any federal or state stature, local ordinance or board policy while on school property or while
at a school function.
Persons who violate this code shall be subject to the following penalties:
1. Visitors – Their authorization, if any to remain on school grounds or at the school function shall be
withdrawn and they shall be directed to leave the premises. If they refuse to leave, they shall be subject
to ejection.
2. Students – They shall be subject to disciplinary action as the facts may warrant in accordance with the
due process requirements.
3. Tenured faculty members – They shall be subject to disciplinary action as the facts may warrant in
accordance with Education Law §3020-a or any other legal rights that they may have.
Special factors which must be considered in electing an appropriate disciplinary measure for a special education
pupil are specified in the individual education plan (IEP) which is established by the responsible Committee on
Special Education and the pupil’s parent or guardian. In appropriate cases in which a special education pupil is
referred to a principal for an alleged violation of the code of conduct, the principal may consult with the
Committee on Special Education to review the IEP and current diagnostic material. The Committee on Special
Education will determine whether the behavior giving rise to the referral is related to the pupil’s handicapping
condition and whether the plan specified a recommended treatment approach. If the Committee does not find a
close connection between the pupil’s conduct and his handicapping condition, and the plan is consistent with the
regular discipline, they will so advise the principal.
If a special education pupil repeatedly violates school rules, any member of the professional staff of the school
may ask the Committee on Special Education to review the pupil’s placement. The parent of the pupil will be
invited to attend the meeting. After reviewing information concerning the pupil’s conduct in the mainstream, the
Committee may determine that the pupil requires a more specialized setting within or outside the District. The
parent has the right to appeal from any such recommendation of the Committee, and the pupil will remain in his
current setting while the appeal procedures are being completed.
If BOCES, local school district, or special education student commits a serious violation of a section of the
District’s code of behavior, a referral will be made by the School District to the Committee on Special Education.
Within five days of the referral, the committee will review the IEP, diagnostic information concerning the pupil’s
handicapping condition, and the facts alleged concerning the violation. The Committee will then decide whether
or not there is a connection between the handicap and the alleged misconduct.
If the Committee concludes that there is a connection between the pupil’s identified condition and the charges
against him, the Superintendent will hold the hearing only if he finds that the alleged conduct presents a clear
and present danger of injury to the student, other students or school personnel. In such case, the hearing will
determine the immediate status of the pupil while the Committee on Special Education reviews the need for a
change of placement or additional supportive services. If there is no clear and present danger, the
Superintendent will immediately cancel the hearing and refer to pupil the Committee on Special Education to
consider a more restrictive placement.
Should the Committee on Special Education determine that the handicapping condition is not related to the
alleged conduct, the hearing will proceed in accordance with Education Law Section 3214. If, after hearing
evidence, the Superintendent determines that the violation of the code of conduct occurred as alleged, he will
ask the Committee on Special Education to reconvene to present an advisory opinion to him on an appropriate
Students have the right to be treated with
dignity, respect, courtesy and compassion
in school.
Students have the responsibilities to
treat others with dignity, respect,
courtesy and compassion.
This Means: No one will laugh at them, hurt
their feelings, nor talk down to them.
This Means: I shall not laugh at, insult,
put down, nor hurt the feelings of others.
Students have the right to be safe in school
And expect their property to be safe.
Students have the responsibility to help
keep school safe.
This Means: No one will carry weapons, use
illegal drugs or alcohol, hit, threaten, or hurt
anyone, steal nor destroy their property.
This Means: I shall not carry weapons,
use illegal drugs or alcohol, fight,
threaten, or hurt others, steal nor
destroy the property of others.
Students have the right to be respected for
their individual differences in school.
Students have the responsibility to
respect others as individuals.
This Means: No one will treat them unfairly
nor discriminate against them for any reason,
including but not limited to social, economic,
racial or cultural differences, or handicapping
This Means: I shall not treat others
unfairly nor discriminate against them
for any reason, including but not limited
to social, economic, racial or cultural
differences or handicapping conditions.
Students have the right to learn about
themselves and others, to hear and to
be heard in school.
Students have the responsibility to learn
about themselves and others in school.
This Means: They will be free to appropriately
express their feelings and opinions.
This Means: I shall not prevent others
from appropriately expressing their
feelings and opinions.
Students have the right to be helped to learn
self-control in school.
Students have the responsibility to
exhibit self-control in school.
This Means: They will be provided assistance
in developing appropriate choices for
responding to problems.
This Means: I shall accept guidance
from others in making appropriate
choices to resolve my problems and
to allow others their rights.
Students have the right to learn and be
educated to the best of their abilities.
Students have the responsibility to
participate in the educational process
and to allow others to participate as well.
This Means: Others will assist them to
reach their full potential.
This Means: I shall cooperate in my
educational program by attending
regularly and working to the best of my
A student not in class under
staff supervision or at a scheduled
appointment, without a pass will
be considered out of program.
Student non compliant with the
Disciplinary action set by the teacher.
Physical aggression towards staff
and other students.
Immediate removal to an appropriate
Principal notifies Agency personnel.
Necessary action depending on the
A student admitted to class following
a meeting of appropriate personnel.
Students carrying a weapon or
using an object to inflict injury
upon another student or staff
member. Such acts will be
considered serious in nature.
Student responsible for making up
all school work at the discretion
of the teacher.
Student reported to the principal’s
Immediate removal from class.
Principal notifies Agency personnel.
Removal from school/school
Consideration of filing charges.
Written report filed by staff.
Appropriate administrative action.
Possession or use of drugs or
Sent to the Principal’s Office.
Agency personnel contacted
Removal from school.
Appropriate administrative action.
The dealing and/or purchasing of
drugs and alcohol.
Immediate removal from school.
Notification of Agency personnel.
Consideration of charges.
Appropriate administrative action.
Possession of other’s property
without permission, acts of
vandalism and destruction
Loss of privileges.
Restitution/community service.
Work assignment to clean or repair
Appropriate administrative action.
Disciplinary action
Appropriate administrative action.
Notification of Agency personnel.
Smoking in school building.
The Board of Education of the Mount Pleasant Cottage School Union Free School District is committed to
safeguarding the environment that is free from all forms of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment does not
only depend upon the offender’s intention, but also upon how the target perceives the behavior or is affected by
it. The Board recognizes that sexual harassment can originate from a person of either sex against a person of
the opposite or same sex, and from peers as well as supervisors.
Therefore, the Board condemns all unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature which is either designed to extort
sexual favors from an employee as a term or condition of employment or which has the purpose or effect of
creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. The Board also condemns any retaliatory
behavior against complainants or any witnesses.
Any employee who believes that she or he has been subjected to sexual harassment should report the alleged
misconduct immediately to his/her immediate supervisor or the Superintendent so that appropriate corrective
action may be taken at once. In the absence of a victim’s complaint the Superintendent, upon learning of, or
having reason to suspect, the occurrence of any sexual misconduct, will ensure that an investigation is promptly
commenced by appropriate individuals.
The Superintendent is directed to develop and implement specific procedures or reporting, investigating and
remedying allegations of sexual harassment. Such procedures are to be consistent with any applicable
provisions contained in the District’s collective bargaining agreements and the tenure laws of New York State.
A copy of this policy and its accompanying regulations are to be distributed to all administrative and nonsupervisory personnel and posted in appropriate places.
Revised: August 10, 1992
The Board of Education of the Mount Pleasant Cottage School Union Free School District does hereby adopt the
following procedures for the resolution of complaints alleging sexual harassment.
Grievance shall mean an employee who alleges that she/he has been subjected to sexual
1. Employee shall mean each person regardless of title, employed by the District.
2. Immediate supervisor shall mean the person to whom the employee is directly responsible (e.g.,
principal, administrator, etc.)
3. Chief executive officer shall mean the Superintendent of Schools.
4. Compliance officer shall mean the Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment whose
role it is to coordinate compliance under laws prohibiting sexual harassment.
5. Representative shall mean any person designated by the grievant as her/his counsel or to act in
her/his behalf.
An employee who believes she/he has been subjected to sexual harassment shall report the incident to
her/his immediate supervisor*. Incidents of sexual harassment may be reported informally or through
the filing of a formal complaint.
All reports of sexual harassment will be held in separate, confidential file. This file will be subject to all
applicable laws and any relevant provisions found in appropriate collective bargaining agreements.
Consistent with federal and state law, and all applicable provisions contained in
district’s collective bargaining agreements, the following procedures shall be
employed in handling any report, investigation and remedial action concerning
allegations of sexual harassment:
Informal Complaints:
An employee who believes she/he has been subjected to sexual harassment may
Request that an informal meeting be held between herself/himself and the appropriate
supervisor*. The purpose of such a meeting will be to discuss the
allegations and remedial steps available. The supervisor* will then promptly discuss the
complaint with the alleged harasser. Should the harasser admit the allegations, the supervisor*
is to obtain a written assurance that the unwelcome behavior will stop. Depending on the
severity of the charges, the supervisor* may recommend to the compliance officer that further
disciplinary action be taken. Such disciplinary action would be consistent with proper
procedures under Civil Service Law or Education Law being followed depending on whether the
person is permanent or not or tenured or not. The compliance officer would then have to ask
the Superintendent or the Board to determine if disciplinary action should be commended.
Thereafter, the supervisor* is to prepare a written report of the incident and inform the
complainant who is to indicate on the supervisor’s* report whether or not she/he is satisfied with
the resolution.
If the complainant is satisfied with the resolution, the incident will be deemed closed. However,
the complaint may be reopened for investigation if a recurrence of sexual harassment is
reported. The supervisor* is to inform the complainant to report any recurrence of the
harassment or any retaliatory action that might occur.
Should the complainant be dissatisfied with the resolution, she/he is to file a formal written complaint.
If during the supervisor’s* informal attempt to resolve the complaint, the alleged harasser admits
the allegations but refuses to give assurance that he/she will refrain from the unwelcome
behavior, the supervisor* is to file a report with the next appropriate level of management. The
report is to indicate the nature of the complaint, a description of what occurred when the
supervisor* informed the alleged harasser of the allegations against him/her, the alleged
harasser’s response to the allegations, and a recommendation that stronger corrective
measures be taken. This report should be accompanied by a formal complaint.
Should the alleged harasser deny the allegations, the supervisor* is to inform the complainant of
the denial and state that a formal written complaint will be required for further formal
investigation. The supervisor* will file a report to date. If the complainant submits a formal
complaint, a copy of it should accompany the supervisor’s* report with a recommendation for
further action.
Formal Complaints:
Formal complaints may be submitted either to initially report any incidence of sexual
harassment, or as a follow-up to an unsatisfactory resolution of an informal attempt to resolve a
complaint. In the latter case, the formal written complaint is to be submitted to the supervisor*
originally consulted, who will then forward it to the Director of Curriculum, Instruction and
Assessment for appropriate action.
Investigating a Complaint:
Upon receipt of a formal or informal complaint, a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation of
the allegations must follow. Complainants are to be notified of the outcome of the investigation.
Remedial Action:
Following a finding that sexual harassment has occurred, appropriate sanctions will be imposed
in a manner consistent with any applicable law and collective bargaining agreements.
Depending on the gravity of the misconduct, these may range from a reprimand up to and
including dismissal from employment.
Anyone subjecting complainants or witnesses to any form of retaliation will also be subject to
disciplinary action in the manner prescribed by law and consistent with any applicable provisions
in the collective bargaining agreements.
Following a finding that no sexual harassment has occurred, or if the complainant is not
satisfied with the remedial action taken after a finding of sexual harassment, the complainant
may appeal to the Superintendent and ultimately to the Board. The appeal must include a copy
of the original complaint, all relevant reports, the specific action being appealed, and an
explanation of why the complainant is appealing.
Post Remedial Action:
Following a finding of sexual harassment, victims will be periodically interviewed by the
appropriate supervisory personnel to ensure that the harassment haw not resumed and that no
retaliatory action has occurred. These follow-up interviews will continue for an appropriate
period of time. A report will be made of any victim’s response.
Complaint Records:
Complainants should receive a copy of any resolution reports filed by the supervisor*
concerning her/his complaint.
Copies of a verified complaint should be filed in the personnel records of both the complainant
and the harasser. If a complaint is not verified, the investigative material should be kept in a
confidential file held by the Superintendent.
Investigation in the Absence of a Complaint;
The Superintendent will, in the absence of a complaint ensure that an investigation is
commenced by the appropriate individuals, upon learning of, or having reason to suspect, the
occurrence of any sexual misconduct.
*Should the principal/administrator be the alleged harasser, the Director of Curriculum,
Instruction and Assessment is to substitute at this step.
Mount Pleasant Cottage School
Union Free School District
P. O. Box 8
Pleasantville, NY 10570
(914) 769-0456
Norman Freimark, Ed.D.
All Staff
Norman Freimark, Ed.D.
Michelle Palange, R.N.
September 2007
Medical Treatment of Mount Pleasant Cottage School Staff
For legal and medical reasons, it is not advisable for staff to be treated by the school nurse. If a
medical emergency involving a staff member occurs, the school nurse may initiate advanced
first aid until an administrator can arrange for transportation to the Westchester County Medical
Center Emergency Room or appropriate facility in the area.
By law a registered nurse in New York State is not permitted to diagnose and/or initiate
treatment without the order of a physician.
Thank you for your cooperation.
All staff are encouraged to volunteer for residents in hopes of developing more
positive and consistent relationships for the youngsters WE SERVE. Those
interested in becoming a volunteer should adhere to the volunteer registration process
as follows:
1. Make a call to Phina Geiger, ext. 4569 Mon – Thurs to make and appointment
to interview and discuss the guidelines for volunteering and to fill out
2. Ms. Geiger will then speak to the resident’s social worker and staff to
determine the possibility of a match.
3. A meeting will then be held with the social worker and volunteer to discuss
special needs and issues of the resident and to outline activities that would be
appropriate. Also included will be the medication needs of the resident.
4. After the first three months of the resident/volunteers relationship, volunteers
may seek permission of the PCS or Edenwald Administration to take the
resident to the volunteer’s home. (Note: School administration must be
5. No one may drive a resident off grounds unless their driving record
is cleared by the JCCA Wall Street office. Fingerprinting must be
cleared by the school for school staff who are volunteering. A
volunteer must submit the following:
A photocopy of both sides of his/her license
A copy of an auto insurance policy
A completed driving record form.
6. Notify the principal if your taking a student off grounds
7. Supervision of the volunteer process will be provided by resident’s social
8. If you have any questions or concerns, contact Phina Geiger, The Volunteer
Director at x 4569.
Thanks to all of you who go this extra step to help our youngsters.
Mount Pleasant Cottage School UFSD Audio Visual Policy
The Mount Pleasant Cottage School District believes that movies, DVD’s, videos and other audiovisual materials
are important tools in the educational process. At the same time the District believes that the use of movies and
videos should be limited so that they are used legally and appropriately in achieving legitimate educational
Professional educators bear the responsibility to ensure that educational activities and support material are
relevant to the curriculum, appropriate for the age and maturity of students, and consistent with specific
educational objectives.
The purpose of this policy is to promote the appropriate educational use of audiovisual materials and establish a
standard for using audiovisual materials as part of classroom instruction.
All District employees must comply with federal copyright laws, as well as publisher licensing agreements.
Audiovisual materials may only be shown in the classroom provided the following “fair use” requirements and
copyright laws are satisfied.
Audiovisual materials such as DVD’s, videos and off air recordings used in the classroom must be educational,
provide a productive use of class time, not cause classroom disruption and be appropriate to the age and
maturity of the students.
Use of audiovisual materials must be approved in writing by the Director of Instructional Technology or your
building Principal with the inclusion of a lesson plan.
Mount Pleasant Cottage School UFSD will comply with the “fair use” copyright guidelines when
using audiovisual materials:
A copy of the guidelines can be found at
Audiovisual materials must be presented in a teacher-guided, face-to-face learning activity in a
The showing of the movie, television program, DVD or video must be directly related to the curriculum
and lesson objective.
Off- air recordings do not need to be used in their entirety.
Recorded programs may not be altered from their original content.
Students Under the Influence – When a student arrives to school and is suspected to be under the influence of
drugs or alcohol there will be immediate disciplinary and medical procedures that will take place that will be
followed up by further disciplinary and therapeutic procedures as follows:
Immediate Disciplinary Procedure – the student will be removed from the general population and
searched for drugs and/or alcohol. All contraband will be seized and labeled for hearings concerning
the incident. The student(s) may be suspended from school. Resident students are may lose privileges
Medical Procedure – the student will be taken to the School Nurse for an assessment. If the School
Nurse determines that the student is under the influence, the student will remain away from the general
population and the Student Assistant Services Counselor will be notified. If the student is in medical
danger, 911 will be called. If the student is a resident, PCS will be notified. If the student is a Day
Student, the parent or guardian will be notified.
Therapeutic Support - The Counselor will complete an evaluation to determine if the student is having
difficulty controlling his/her use of a banned substance. If it is determined that the student is unable to
control his/her drug use, resident students are referred to Arms Acres a drug use rehabilitation support
service that works with PCS. The Counselor will work with the family to find therapeutic support in the
family’s neighborhood.
Long Term Disciplinary Procedures – Student who are found to be under the influence of alcohol or
drugs are subject to on the spot searches which may include but are not limited to the following:
The student may be required to empty his/her pockets, book bag, pocket book or any other
instrument for carrying accessories
The student may undergo a physical examination which may include the smelling of the breath,
hair and/or clothes, examination of the eyes, etc.
The student may be referred- to the School Nurse for further evaluation.
LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES - To be conducted when there is an aggressive or violent intruder,
siege or hostage or person with a weapon on campus. A lockdown in one school should involve the
whole campus.
A report is made to the school District office by teacher, teaching assistant, crisis staff or
other administrator. Police information may also begin a lockdown procedure. Principal or
designee evaluates the report and begins lockdown procedures. The principal or designee
must inform the Superintendent or designee that a lockdown procedure is taking place and
the Superintendent or designee will inform the other principals to begin lockdown procedures.
The Superintendent will notify the district that lockdown procedures have begun through the
all page system. The Superintendent will notify JCCA when the school begins lockdown
Lockdown procedures will begin with the announcement over the PA asking for “Professor
Redstone” to report to the office (Principal, Secretary or designee). Principal must take the
“grab and go pack” (Student attendance, staff attendance and contact info for staff and day
students) and move to a safe place after the hallways are cleared.
Principal or designee is in charge of the procedures at the building level during a lockdown
and must be on a walkie-talkie during the lockdown. Superintendent is in charge of
procedures at a District level during a lockdown and must be on a walkie-talkie. Only walkietalkies with operational headphones should be in use; all others should be turned off or
placed on mute.
Principal will ask for a check from Crisis Staff that the hallways are cleared and those in the
lavatories have been notified.
In the event of a building lockdown, it is mandatory that all students and adults who are in the
hallway are to move into the closest occupied classroom. All doors must be locked from the
outside. Physical Education Teachers must make sure that the gym doors are locked.
Windows should be locked and blinds drawn. Do not open the door to a knock.
Administrators have keys.
If during the procedures, the teacher is required to move, the teacher should bring the
attendance book or make a mental note of who is in attendance for future reference.
Staff and students who are outside will be notified by the Principal or designee to return to the
building immediately by bullhorn if needed (All staff must notify the principal that they are
taking students outside for unplanned activities on nice days.)
If an intruder is on the inside of the building during lunchtime, staff who are off campus will
not be allowed on campus. Faculty will be warned away from the building and asked to move
to a safe place indoors.
If you are in the lavatory, stay there with door locked.
The head of buildings and grounds will call school buses on the road to not return to school
until lockdown is over.
Students and adults are to move away from doors.
If there are windows in the class room, students and adults should remain hidden from view.
If there is a person with a weapon, administrators and crisis staff should also remain hidden
from view once the building completes lockdown procedures (Edenwald teachers must be
aware of the fact that they have windows on both sides of their classrooms. Edenwald staff
may want to look at closets, rooms without windows such as the Time Out Room, Medical
Room and de-escalation rooms near the gym.). Crisis staff must notify those in the lavatory
and other areas where there is no phone or PA system that “Professor Redstone should go to
the office”.
Students are not permitted to use the classroom phone or cell phones during a lockdown.
Most communication should be done through walkie-talkies.
Students and adults are to remain quiet.
Students and adults are to remain in a secure, monitored classroom until otherwise notified.
All adult visitors to the building will automatically become part of the lockdown procedures and
will not be able to leave the building. Staff will direct visitors to the nearest locked room.
Faculty who are in a team meeting or a planning period at the start of a lockdown should
remain in their classrooms. Those who are at JCCA for a meeting should stay in place and
take part in their lockdown procedures.
Office and clerical staff should proceed to the nearest enclosed office or conference room
and out of visible sight of any intruder or person from the outside. In Edenwald, Speech and
OT providers should go into the Conference Room.
The lockdown is over when the announcement is mad over the PA that “Professor Redstone”
has left the building.
Calendar of Public Board Meetings
Civil Service Holiday Calendar
Dates of Elementary and Intermediate State Assessments
For The 2006-07 School Year
District Payroll Schedule
General Education Diploma Requirements
Home Visit Schedule – Mount Pleasant Cottage School
Home Visit Schedule – Edenwald Center
Regents Examination Dates for January and June 2007, 2008 and 2009
School Calendar
Accident Report – Staff
Accident Report – Staff Attachment
Accident Report – Student
Child Study Team Referral – 2 pages
Conference Request
Daily Student Behavior Monitor Classroom Log
Equipment Repair Request – AV/Computer
Incident Report – 2 pages
Notice of Potential Failure – High School
Notice of Potential Failure – Elementary/Middle School
Out of Program Log – MPCS
PASS Referral
Personal Data
Progress Report
Repair Request
Request To Be Excused For Lateness
Request for Personal Day(s) – Administrator, Teacher, Teaching Assistant,
Teacher Aide
Request For Personal Day(s) – Clerical/Custodial Staff
Request for Vacation Day(s) - Administrator
Request For Vacation Day(s) – Clerical/Custodial Staff
Request To Carry Over Vacation Days
Requisition Form Sample
Sexual Harassment Formal Complaint
Sexual Harassment Complaint Appeal
Student Appointment Sign In Sheet – Classroom/Office Log
Student Behavioral Observation Report
Student Registration
Student Summary Report - Edenwald
Substitute Sheet
Treatment Conference Update Educational Summary – MPCS/PCS
Trip Request (Field Trips)
TV/DVD/Video Approval Form
Video on Demand Download Request