Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
It is wonderful to be sitting at a fairly organized
desk in a reasonably neat office, with a house
that finally resembles more a cozy home than a
warehouse full of stacked boxes. Andrea and I
are settling in nicely and getting more familiar
with the area. We also are getting used to our
new church family, and we have God and all of
you to thank for that. The support and welcome
we have received has been tremendous, and we
thank everyone for their work in drawing us into
the life of this special, Spirit-filled community of
This month, I am looking forward to our newly
organized education and faith formation
opportunities here at CLC. The Parish Education
committee and I gathered in September, and we
brought together your suggestions with past
experience and some fresh ideas to develop
educational offerings that more fully meet the
needs of our congregation. We would especially
like to thank everyone who filled out surveys at
the 50/50 dinner, as the results were very helpful
for our discernment. So far, we have established
the following classes:
. Young Children (age 3 through 1st grade)
a. Children (grades 2-5)
b. Confirmation (grades 6-8, 2-year
c. High School
d. ACES (Adult Christian Education
Sunday school will also help us build up
relationships across all age groups through
regular intergenerational activities. The first
Sunday of each month will be our "Super Service
Sunday," where we will all gather to work
together on service projects to help people both
in our community and abroad. The classes will
then have regular meetings on the second, third,
and fourth Sundays of the month. It is our hope
that the three-week class rotation will encourage
more people to help teach and lead the various
Celebrating 40
classes because of the much shorter time
commitment. When the month has five Sundays
(as we do this month), we will hold a potluck
breakfast to further deepen the great fellowship
we have with each other.
We are also interested in organizing activities to
help younger adults, families, and couples
develop a good fellowship and a fuller spirituality.
Current ideas include family nights, a couples'
study on The Lutheran Handbook for Marriage,
dinner groups, and times for parents to relax with
childcare provided. Please let me know if you
have other ideas, as I have prioritized this as a
blossoming ministry in my first year here. We
have a lot of room to grow, and I am excited to
begin journeying with you at a time of such great
potential, energy, and excitement.
Your brother,
"Just About Pastor" Micah
We ask you to lift up the following people in
your prayers this month. Please ask our Lord to
give them strength, peace, and comfort as they
face struggles in their lives:
Amanda Procyk
LeAnn Heath
Steve Buffington
Trudy Stuckey
Randy Auteberry
Cindy Foster
Dick Warnick
Richard Stock
Cynthia Halverson
Betty Bennett
Joanne Hardiman
Tom Sparks
Lillian Whisnant
Haylie Lange
Michelle Lewis (Kathy Davidson’s Friend)
Penny McKinney (Relative of the Iliff family)
All in the Armed Forces
All suffering from the effects of Natural Disasters
All living in the midst of unrest and war
The leaders of our nation, state, and local
Best Wishes to all who are celebrating
their special days this month! We wish
the Lord’s blessings to all who are either
celebrating their birthday or anniversary
in August:
Robyn Garrett
Ann Hehn
Trevor Hutchinson
Kay Carnes
Brady Garrett
Linda Iliff
Paige Buck
Bhreana Burton
Raymond Lange
Cindy Chmiel
Laura Hutchinson
Brett & Sandra Ritter
Dave & Kay Carnes
Robert & Cynthia Halverson
Jon & Abbe Mitze
Charlie & Tiana Montgomery
The Evangelism Committee will be starting
the Sock, Glove, & Hat Collection for
NELM (Navajo Evangelical Lutheran
Mission) on Saturday, October 1st. They are
in need of the following (sizes toddler –
adult): underwear, socks, hygiene items,
pullovers – sweatshirts/jackets, layette
sets/baby items. Keep an eye out for the
large stockings in the Narthex!
Sunday, October 2nd
Following service, we will be having a
potluck brunch for Pastor John to thank
him for his much appreciated time with us.
Please sign up in the Narthex and let us
know what you will be bringing.
Also, come to church in
your work clothes,
because after our potluck
with Pastor John we will
be having our Fall Work Day and Roadside
Clean-up. Jerry has a list of things that need
to be done at the church and the parsonage
before the winter sets in. Hope to see you
Communion Bread 101 will be held at 10:30
a.m. on Saturday, October 15th @ Christ
Lutheran for anyone who is interested in
learning to bake communion bread. We
will bake loaves to use for the October 16th
worship service.
A Chili Cook-Off,
Pie Auction, and
Trivia Contest all in
one fun-filled evening! Save the date for
Saturday, October 22 @ 5:45 p.m.
following worship. That’s the night of
our final CLC 40th Anniversary event.
For all our chili experts – this is your
chance to test your skills! So, start
perfecting your recipes now and be ready
to enter the challenge of a blind taste test
– the more we have to taste, the better!
Who will be the winner??? Following the
contest and announcement of the
winning recipe, we’ll finish up the chili as
we share in a potluck meal.
The evening will include our wrap-up
Trivia contest. Teams of up to 6 people
will compete. So, be putting together
your team and study the
questions/answers that have appeared in
the newsletters. General Bible trivia will
also be included.
To finish the evening, we’ll have a Pie
Auction – a CLC event that always brings
rave reviews!
Be watching for more details in the
upcoming weeks. See you there!
Author unknown
I was shocked, confused, bewildered
As I entered Heaven's door,
Not by the beauty of it all,
Nor the lights or its decor.
But it was the folks in Heaven
Who made me sputter and gasp-The thieves, the liars, the sinners,
The alcoholics and the trash.
There stood the kid from seventh grade
Who swiped my lunch money twice.
Next to him was my old neighbor
Who never said anything nice.
Bob, who I always thought
Was rotting away in hell,
Was sitting pretty on cloud nine,
Looking incredibly well.
I nudged Jesus, 'What's the deal?
I would love to hear Your take.
How'd all these sinners get up here?
God must've made a mistake.
'And why is everyone so quiet,
So somber - give me a clue.'
'Hush, child,' He said,
'they're all in shock.
No one thought they'd be seeing you.'
Remember...Just going to church doesn't make
you a
Christian any more than standing in your
garage makes you a car.
Hymns/Songs for CLC Worship –
How Are They Chosen?
Each year, Augsburg Fortress publishes “Sundays and
Seasons” to help plan services for the church year.
This publication contains weekly helps:
Day and reading introductions
Propers; prayer of the day, gospel
acclamation, scripture texts, preface, color
Examples of prayers of intercession for each
Sunday and major festival
Ideas and images for approaching the day and
its texts in preaching and worship
Ideas for deepening children’s engagement
with worship
Assembly song suggestions from a variety of
resources in a wide range of musical styles
Choral, children’s, keyboard/organ, handbell,
praise ensemble, and global music
For each service, two to three hymns are suggested
for each of the following: Gathering, Hymn of the
Day, Offering, Communion, and Sending. All of
these selections go along with the lectionary for a
particular Sunday or special service. The worship
committee looks at each suggested hymn and
discusses the verses and tune. If a member is not
familiar with a tune, then someone on the committee
will sing a few lines. Hymns may be chosen from
the Lutheran Book of Worship (LBW-Green), With
One Voice (WOV-Blue) or Evangelical Lutheran
Worship (ELW-Red). Sometimes, suggested hymns
are from other sources which may be used if we
obtain copyright permission.
Tiana Montgomery typically chooses the
hymns/songs for the third Sunday when the band
plays – more praise and worship style. She also uses
Sundays and Seasons to guide her choices. Band
members and congregational members have also
requested songs or hymns for band Sundays.
The committee is engaged in enhancing the worship
service. We believe that it is important to choose
hymns that cross several genres of music. Currently,
the worship committee is comprised of a deacon
(Brad Garrett or Bill Iliff or Steve Mitze), the Pastor,
Marsha Kletz, Jan Lawson, Tiana Montgomery, Lau
Rea Perkins, and Nan Rayapati. Please feel free to
attend a meeting and/or join the worship committee.
We encourage and thank you for your feedback in
what we do.
Christ Lutheran Church Council Meeting
Wednesday, August 7, 2011
President Martin Meyer called the meeting to
order at 6:35 p.m. Diana had opening devotions.
Members Present: Martin Meyer, Michelle Ross,
Diana Meyer, Kay Carnes, Karen Molloy, Don
Templemen, Jerry Ditman, Mary Kay Sjoken,
Nanette Rayapati, Jill Maxey, Benji Haugan,
Pastor John, and Steve Mitze
Secretary Minutes: The minutes from the August
11 meeting was reviewed. A correction to the
Parish Education report was made. Faith
Incubators is part of Faith Stepping Stones. It
won’t replace it. Diana made a motion to
approve the minutes, Jerry seconded, motion
Treasurer Report: Jerry made a motion to
approve the treasurer’s report, seconded by Kay,
motion carried.
Financial Secretary: There was some discussion
as to why the figures for the General and
Designated funds don’t match the treasurer’s
report. Karen will get together with Shanelle and
try to decipher it. The August donations were:
General Fund - $8335, Designated Fund $1605. Don made a motion to approve the
financial secretary’s report, seconded by Diana,
motion carried.
Deacon’s Report: There was discussion on
compensating individuals who have gone
through SAMS or Steven Ministries when they
do the weekend services. Don made a motion
that from this point forward these individuals will
get paid $100 per weekend and ordained
ministers who are guest speakers will get paid
$150 per weekend. Diana seconded, motion
carried. November 5 will be Micah’s ordination
at Christ Lutheran. Brad is working on having a
check-up done on the defibrillator and setting up
training for it. The Deacons are still looking into
moving the organ to the back of the church.
Trustee’s Report: The tile and sump pump have
been installed with temporary wiring. Bruce
Strike will complete the wiring this fall. The tree
near the parsonage driveway has been trimmed.
Two smoke and carbon monoxide alarms have
been installed at the parsonage. The patio
exterior door trim has been replaced. Window
and door trim at the parsonage have been
caulked. They need to be scraped and painted.
The parsonage furnace is going to have a safety
check. The cost would be about $75.
Telephone line at the parsonage has been
repaired. October 2 will be the “Fall Work Day”.
There will be plenty of jobs at the parsonage and
church. The committee plans to do a yearly
check on the parsonage to make sure nothing
needs to be repaired. Micah has also been
informed that if anything needs to be done, to
contact the Trustees. Kay made a motion to
replace the gutters at the parsonage for $810.
This also includes the covers for them. Nanette
seconded, motion carried. The council wants to
thank all of the Trustees for all of their hard work.
They are very well organized and are getting a
lot of things done at the parsonage and church.
The parsonage is shaping up real well.
Stewardship Report: Temple Talks will start in
October. The Stewardship packs which include
“Time & Talent” sheets and pledges will be
handed out starting October 30.
Evangelism Report: Lutheran Youth Encounter
is being postponed until May due to Micah’s
ordination. Fifty-two people attended the ice
cream social. The sock drive for NELM will start
October 1.
Parish Education: The 50/50 dinner is this
Saturday. There was discussion on serving wine
during dinner. Jerry made a motion not to serve
wine, Diana seconded, motion denied. Wine will
be served. Rally Sunday is this Sunday for pre-k
through 5th grade. The committee would like to
talk to Micah about confirmation for the middle
and high school youth before a SS program is
set up for them. “ACES (adult continuing
education seminar) in the Aisle” informational
meeting will take place this Sunday also. Advent
Event will take place on December 4. Faith
Incubators and Faith Stepping Stones are still
being looked into. The committee is no longer
interested in pursuing the “Roadside Clean-up”.
CLC’s commitment is up in the spring. Other
committee’s will try to keep it going. The
Deacons will organize a clean-up in the fall.
Respectfully submitted, Michelle Ross –
Sunday School Report: Sunday school start
LOVE Circle ~ 3rd Monday of each month
@ 1:00
Youth: The cook-out was a success. There
were approximately 30 middle and high school
youth in attendance. They also played soccer
and volleyball.
JOY Circle ~ 2nd Monday of each month
@ 1:30
Fellowship Report: On 9/11, pastries and
danishes will be served during coffee hour for
Pastor John’s leaving and Micah’s arrival. On
10/2, a brunch will be held before the “Fall Work
Day” for Pastor John’s leaving. On 11/5, a
potluck will be held for Micah’s ordination.
Small Group
HOPE Bible Study ~ Thursdays @ CLC
@ 4:00
Men’s Bible Study Breakfast ~ 2nd and 4th
Wednesday each month @ Red Wheel
Restaurant, Monticello @ 6:45 a.m.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor John talked about the
importance of the committee heads meeting with
Micah to help him understand the committees
and what each of them does.
OLD BUSINESS: The accumulated
benevolence was divided between Willow Tree
Neighbor House ($1200), Habitat for Humanity
($600), Faith in Action ($600) and Piatt County
Food Pantry ($602). The council would like
clarification from Willow Tree as to the volunteer
needs that they would like for their outreach
program. Neighbor House will be included in the
intercessory prayers.
NEW BUSINESS: The council would like a
“Food Shelf” reminder on the monthly calendar.
Next council meeting will be WEDNESDAY,
OCTOBER 12 AT 6:30 P.M.
October Softball Schedule:
October 2
October 9
October 16
October 23
@ 4:00 vs. Calvary Baptist
@ 4:00 vs. St. Phil Catholics
@ 1:00 vs. First Christian 1
@ 2:30 vs. Crossroads
All games are held at the White Heath ball
diamond and are double-headers (40
minute time limit each game). Come join
the team or just come out and cheer us on!
Secretary – devotions
Evangelism – refreshments
At 8:23 p.m. Michelle made a motion to adjourn,
seconded by Benji, motion passed.
The council closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Communion Bread 101 will be held at 10:30
a.m. on Saturday, October 15th @ Christ
Lutheran for anyone who is interested in
learning to bake communion bread. We
will bake loaves to use for the October 16th
worship service.
1. 1st CLC service at Community Bldg.
2. Current CLC office manager - Shanelle
3. CLC’s 2nd minister - Rudy Kolberg.
4. Famous CLC face player - Steve Wadleigh.
5. CLC’s 3rd minister - Allan Oman.
6. Current CLC President - Martin Meyer.
7. Parsonage is located on Surrey Rd.
8. 1st CLC office secretary - Janet Shonkwiler.
9. 1st CLC President - Art Trimble.
10. 1st CLC S.S. “classrooms” – blankets.
11. CLC’s 1st minister - Herm Lehman.
12. 1st of many fundraising shows was in CLC
13. What is Navi? A dog.
14. Number of Kolberg children – three
15. NELM is located in Arizona.
16. Popular Wisconsin Bible camp – Sugar Creek
17. Where did Navi come from? NELM
18. 1st CLC Fin. Secretary - Caroline Seymour
19. Made 1st inquiry resulting in CLC – Sjokens
20. Number of Lehman children – two
21. Live baby as Baby Jesus – Brady Garrett
22. 1st CLC treasurer – Bill Mitze
23. Favorite annual VBS cookie baker – Judy
24. Known as “Blue” among church softballers –
Dave Karcher
25. Played “Iowa Ted” in a church fundraiser
show – Ted Lange
26. Baptismal font dedicated to the memory of
Doug Tone.
27. Played Minnie Pearl in Hee Haw fundraiser –
Marlena Bordson.
28. CLC land purchased from Alex Vance.
29. Current CLC owners of Alex Vance’s home –
30. TSP stands for Third Sunday Praise band.
31. Number of Oman children – two.
32. 1st child of CLC to become a minister – Bill
33. 2nd child of CLC to become a minister –
Taryn Montgomery.
34. First CLC Luther League sponsor – Ruth Ann
35. Charter members’ daughter 1st confirmand at
CLC – Donna Sjoken.
36. 1st CLC baby born – Jon Mitze.
37. Emcee (Dave) for David Letterman
fundraiser – Steve Mitze.
38. Larry Eckstein portrayed Elvis in 50’s/60’s
39. # of CLC fundraiser shows – eleven.
40. Ernie Kletz’ role in 50’s/60’s show – Elvis’
41. Name 3 past Presidents of CLC – Art Trimble,
Ernie Kletz, Don Schroeder, Phil
Blankenburg, Jack Hehn, Kay Carnes, Tim
Marty, Joe Haugen, Bill Mitze, ..?
42. Dressed up as babies to launch New
Beginnings building project for the current
sanctuary – Charlie Montgomery, Dave
43. How was the groundbreaking done for the
original church – single blade plow.
44. Played Sonny & Cher in a “Johnny Carson”
fundraiser show – Brad Garrett, Ann Hehn.
45. CLC member who was part of a Lutheran
Youth Encounter team – Susan Yates.
46. Name of the former “senior” fellowship
group – Keenagers.
47. Pastor Oman’s oldest son – Luke.
48. Name of Pastor Kolberg’s only son. – Steve.
49. Year of the original church building – 1973.
50. Year of the current church building – 1991.
51. CLC’s 3 “Whistling Midgets” – Jack Hehn,
Dave Karcher, Dick Wavering.
52. 1st baby baptized by Pastor Oman – Tim
53. 1st baby baptized in the current sanctuary –
Brady Garrett.
54. Who “splish-splashed” in a fundraiser show?
Dave Karcher.
55. Who donated our eternal candle? Caroline
Seymour Rose.
Attention - Date Change!
Some of you know that we were
scheduled to host a Lutheran Youth
Encounter team on November 5th.
Since Micah will be ordained here that
day, we have rescheduled the LYE team
for May 12-13.
Lectionary for
October 2:
Isaiah 5:1-7
Psalm 80:7-15
Philippians 3:4b-14
Matt 21:33-46
October 16:
October 9:
Isaiah 45:1-7
Psalm 96:1-9[10-13]
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10
Matt 22:15-22
October 30:
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Psalm 46
Romans 3:19-28
John 8:31-36
Isaiah 25:1-9
Psalm 23
Philippians 4:1-9
Matt 22:1-14
October 23:
Leviticus 19:1-2,15-18
Psalm 1
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Matt 22:34-46
USHERS: Jack Hehn(H), Jake Rayapati,
Mary Grace Haugen, Don Sjoken, Steve
Art & Edwina Finet
Steve Mitze, Kay Carnes
Ted Lange, Jon Mitze
Anna & Mary Grace Haugen
Benjie Haugen, Angie
Cindy Chmiel
Steve Chmiel
Linda Iliff
Richard Wavering
Kay Carnes
Bhreana Burton
Ally Garrett
Anna Haugen
Eli Johnson
Evan Johnson
ALTAR GUILD: Lily Ditman
Kay Carnes
Martin Meyer
Pat Mitze
Sunday Morning Worship:
9:00 a.m.
Sunday School:
10:15 a.m. During the School Year
Our Mission Statement
Our congregation is composed of many
people from various backgrounds, but with one
important similarity - we are God's children
who gather together for worship, fellowship,
growth in Christ, witness, and service. Our
church is a family bound together by the love of
God and our love and need for one another.
Our hope and prayer is that you will join us and
experience the Good News of Jesus.
Together, we will serve the Lord through
worship, community outreach, support and
services for those in need. We celebrate with
song, music, drama, fellowship, and study of the
Word of God.
Worship Committee Mission Statement
The mission of the Worship Committee is to
enhance our worship as guided by the liturgy of
the ELCA, focusing on God in prayer, praise,
and thanksgiving; gathering together to nurture
faith in Jesus Christ through Word and
Sacrament as inspired by the Holy Spirit; and
going forth into the world to serve in the name
of Jesus.
Saturday Evening Informal Worship:
5:00 p.m.
Staff and Council Members of
Christ Lutheran Church:
Office Manager:
Micah Garnett
Cell 217-343-1377
Shanelle Herman
Cell 217-377-7816
Angie Corum
Marsha Kletz
Tiana Montgomery
Choral Director
Angie Corum
Janitor Service:
Lau Rea Perkins
President: Martin Meyer
Secretary: Michelle Ross
Treasurer: Don Templeman
Financial Secretary: Karen Molloy
Brad Garrett
Jerry Ditman
Evangelism: Mary Kay Sjoken 762-9226
Stwrdshp: Kay Carnes
Parish Ed.: Nanette Rayapati 762-5372
Fellowship: Diana Meyer
Office Manager Hours
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m
9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Out of Office
If I am not in the office and you need assistance,
please call my cell 217-377-7816. If I am not able
to answer, I will call right back.
Holy Communion is celebrated
on the 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays of
each month and other special