2012-13 business plan successful projects. Business plan projects funded through the open call process. NATIONAL Funding recipients Project title Project description BIRDLIFE AUSTRALIA LTD. This project uses beach-nesting birds (e.g. Hooded Plovers and Fairy Terns) as flagships for engaging coastal communities in onground works, raising awareness of beaches as habitat, and monitoring the health of bird populations. Social research will assist with exploring feasible ways of balancing recreation with conservation needs, focusing on critical aquatic ecosystems. This project will use flagship bird species to engage communities in managing native habitat to reduce critical threats to nationally threatened woodland birds and ecological communities in southeastern Australia. The project will utilise systematic prioritisation tools and identify restoration sites to increase landscape scale connectivity, strengthening the opportunity for these species to adapt to a changing climate. This project will improve management practices of land under-grazing by identifying biocontrol agent distribution gaps by surveying sites. It will fill gaps and enhance the integration of biological control with other weed management, improving knowledge Coastal communities protecting beach nesting birds: a flagship for coasts OC13-00390 BIRDLIFE AUSTRALIA LTD. Woodland Birds for Biodiversity OC13-00430 DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES Promoting sustainable farm practices with weed bio-control agentsOC13-00145 Maximum funding level (GST inclusive) $346,720 $547,800 $198,000 of farmers and other land managers of the use and benefits of these agents. DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL PARKS Producing essential seed for the restoration of threatened grassland communities OC13-00678 MALLEE SUSTAINABLE FARMING INC Communicating Sustainable Farm Practices to Young Mallee Farmers OC13-00385 NATURE CONSERVATION COUNCIL OF NSW Restoring habitat for national threatened species in the Border ranges region OC13-00254 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE Helping communities reduce the impact of weeds: Asparagus Best Practice ManualOC13- This project will produce large volumes of seed to help restore two ecologically and financially unsustainable natural temperate grassland sites in the Canberra region. Seed production areas will be established at the Australian National Botanic Gardens and Greening Australia, and monitored by the CSIRO who will provide genetic testing to maximise seed quality for self-sustaining and evolutionarily adaptive grasslands. This project will explore communication methods to achieve greater adoption of sustainable farming practices that reduce wind erosion and improve soil carbon levels in the dry-land agricultural Mallee region. The project will increase the knowledge and skills of at least 80 farmers and improve management practices on 165,500 ha of agricultural land. This project will implement targeted fire management strategies within the Border Ranges to restore critical habitat for the nationally endangered Eastern Bristlebird, Hastings River Mouse and state listed Eastern Chestnut Mouse. An alliance of regional agencies and community representatives will use fire and weed management to improve habitat quality and food resourcing for these species. $363,000 This project will develop an Asparagus weeds best practice manual that consolidates control and management information, including distribution, biology and ecology. The project will engage extensively with community groups and land $60,280 $238,876 $125,125 SOUTH EAST NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD 00261 managers to collect knowledge and experience and ensure the relevance of the freely-available manual. Strategic biodiversity corridor enhancement This project will protect important corridors of threatened vegetation in the Upper South East of South Australia and the western Wimmera in Victoria. The project includes actions to reduce total grazing pressure, protect remnant corridors of Buloke Woodlands, Grey Box Grassy Woodlands and Phebalium Lowanense, and manage rabbit populations. OC13-00273 $165,000 AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY Funding recipients Project title Project description ADMINISTRATION OF NORFOLK ISLAND Argentine Ants pose a serious threat to Norfolk Island's biodiversity, and despite the success of baiting and surveying programs, remnant colonies exist. This project will continue to treat and survey infestations in order to maintain the eradication effort. Pest eradication on Norfolk Island OC13-00425 Maximum funding level (GST inclusive) $91,300 NEW SOUTH WALES Funding recipients Project title Project description Maximum funding level (GST inclusive) BARKINDJI MARAURA ELDERS ENVIRONMENT TEAM LIMITED Tradition meets Science Appropriate Management of Country OC13-00416 BLUE MOUNTAINS CITY COUNCIL Cabomba weed control in Glenbrook Lagoon (Phase 1), NSW OC13-00206 BORDER RIVERSGWYDIR CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Harrisia Cactus Impact Reduction in Threatened Ecological Communities in NSW OC13-00522 BORDER RIVERSGWYDIR CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Rebuilding the West: Flood Recovery & Future Readiness for Climate VariabilityOC1300671 Ten Aboriginal trainees in environmental management will carry out ecological assessments and onground works at floodplain and wetland sites in the Fletchers Lake Reserve. A management plan that integrates Traditional Ecological Knowledge will be developed to restore and enhance biodiversity. Trainees will learn data management and analysis techniques and assist in writing a report to guide ongoing works. The high priority outlier Cabomba infestation at Glenbrook Lagoon in the Blue Mountains, poses a major risk of spreading further into the nearby Hawkesbury-Nepean River, Blue Mountains World Heritage National Park and the Sydney drinking water catchment. This project will involve a site based approach integrating best practice methods, with results used to inform future management at this site and other Cabomba sites nationally. $319,000 This project will work with land managers in the North West of the Border Rivers Gwydir catchment, to implement onground works that protect and enhance threatened ecological communities of Weeping Myall Open Woodland, Brigalow, Semi-Evergreen Vine Thicket and the critically endangered community of Natural Grasslands on Basalt and Fine Textured Alluvial soils. The project continues an existing project that is reducing the impacts of invasive weed species Harrisia cactus. This project will assist flood-affected landholders in the north west of the Border Rivers and Gwydir subcatchments by stabilising and revegetating riparian areas and reducing future soil loss. The project will allow landholders to better prepare for and respond to climate change and natural disasters. $132,000 $308,000 $261,800 CENTRAL WEST CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Building Resilience through improved Farming Systems OC13-00596 DAIRY YOUTH AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED Young Eco Champions sharing the farm scale conservation partnerships story OC13-00410 FAR NORTH COAST COUNTY COUNCIL Protecting NS Wetlands within the Lower Richmond Catchment from Hymenachne OC13-00036 GREAT LAKES COUNCIL Bulahdelah plain wetland conservation project OC13-00662 GWYMAC INCORPORATED Linking Ecological Communities at Inverell, NSWOC13-00148 This project builds upon a successful farming systems project implemented by the Central West Catchment Management Authority. By exposing landholders to expert speakers and innovative land management approaches, farming systems will be redesigned to address triple bottom line outcomes and allow landholders to gain a greater understanding of natural resource management issues. This project will deliver landscape scale conservation activities in the Southern Rivers region through a mentoring partnership between Young Eco Champions and farmers. The project will increase the participation of young people in managing natural resources, develop leadership and communication skills and work with farmers to deliver onground landscape conservation outcomes. This project will progress efforts to eradicate infestations of Hymenachne within the priority High Ecological Value Aquatic Ecosystem in the Richmond catchment. It will prevent the risk of Hymenachne spread into nationally significant wetland areas and endangered ecological communities in the lower catchment. Government and non-government agencies have recently acquired key floodplain wetlands on the Myall River, which provide significant biodiversity and environmental value, including the protection of the Ramsar site from pollutant inflows. This project will undertake onground works on this property with the long term goal of including the land in the National Reserve System. This project will establish seven hectares of additional native vegetation in the Inverell region of northern NSW. It will engage landholders on private land to increase the connectivity of remnant $157,520 $152,350 $86,900 $132,275 $60,245 vegetation, enhance the biodiversity and resilience of grazing properties in the region, and increase community capacity in landscape scale conservation. HAWKESBURY-NEPEAN CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Integrated management to restore ground cover on degraded soils. OC13-00274 HUNTER COUNCILS INCORPORATED onground work to protect the ecological value of Littoral Rainforest OC13-00336 HUNTER-CENTRAL RIVERS CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Enhancing soil health & improving productivity on broadacre steep grazing lands OC13-00399 HUNTER-CENTRAL RIVERS CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Hunter-Central Rivers CMA Marine Debris ProjectOC1300220 This project will explore methods for restoring groundcover on fragile and degraded soils in grazing landscapes, applying compost, fencing, grazing management and establishing perennial plants to maximize groundcover. The project will focus on improving landholder capacity to monitor soil biology and groundcover, helping to maintain long-term soil health. The project will assist in protecting the ecological value and character of Littoral Rainforest in nine coastal reserves by targeting Bitou Bush and other noxious weeds. The project will reduce impacts to biodiversity, engage the community and landholders through capacitybuilding activities, and increase awareness through social media applications. This project will deliver soil health outcomes through innovative water harvesting, solar electric fencing technology, pasture monitoring, stock exclusion, feed budgeting and new grazing management practices. This will enable project partners to manage groundcover, change pasture composition to resilient perennials, maximise rainfall infiltration, revegetate eroded gullies, minimise soil erosion and evapotranspiration, enhance soil nutrient cycling, increase soil carbon levels, control emerging weeds and establish wildlife corridors. This project will focus on engaging coastal communities in the removal of harmful marine debris from a range of environments. Community organisations will work in partnership with State and Local Government to undertake cleanups $242,000 $195,987 $306,900 $323,400 and monitor marine debris; developing new partnerships that promote behaviour change. LACHLAN CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Changing soil carbon and soil health with time and good farming OC13-00291 LACHLAN CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Paddock Trees - a patchy past with a connected future OC13-00191 LOWER MURRAYDARLING CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Improving soil health and reducing wind erosion using stubble management OC13-00516 This project will conduct a soil carbon and health study of an innovative farming system trial in the Central NSW dry cropping zone, which occurred between 1998 to 2011. The project will quantify natural resource issues such as structure decline, surface sealing, soil water storage, erosion risk and declining soil organic matter, providing data for both researchers and the farming community to evaluate the long term impacts of farming systems in this region. The loss of paddock trees in the Lachlan catchment is a factor in the degradation of native vegetation corridors. This project aims to implement biodiverse plantings of mixed native species, add value to paddock trees re-connecting native ecosystems, and facilitate community education and resilience in the landscape to safeguard against climate change. This project will develop and promote a Stubble Assessment Guide for low rainfall cropping areas in the Mallee tri-state area of NSW, Victoria and South Australia. It will enable land managers to accurately assess stubble ground cover and the probability and severity of wind erosion occurring given a range of management actions. $372,900 $284,350 $269,500 MURRAY CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Increase Indigenous participation in NRM for the proposed Werai IPA.OC13-00543 MURRAY CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Threatened Aquatic Species Recovery in the Upper Murray OC13-00525 MURRUMBIDGEE LANDCARE ASSOCIATION INC Water for wildlife in the Riverina rangelands OC13-00377 NAMOI CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Threatened Species protection in the Namoi Catchment OC13-00432 This project will support traditional owners, the Indigenous community, and NSW and Australian Governments to declare Werai Forest an Indigenous Protected Area. The project will further develop Indigenous capacity to undertake natural resource management in the Werai Ramsar area, support the use of traditional ecological knowledge, develop capacity to manage the forest, foster partnerships with stakeholders, develop onground programs such as cross tenure fox control, and build community support for Indigenous Protected Areas. Droughts, flooding, Carp invasion and Willow infestation have caused major declines in populations of Southern Pygmy Perch and Booroolong Frogs in the Upper Murray Catchment and across NSW. This project will enhance recovery of the populations in Coppabella Creek by addressing critical threats to remnant populations and restoring key habitat areas. Concerns have been raised regarding changes to the infrastructure delivering water to the NSW Riverina bioregion and the impact of fauna currently accessing open channels and tanks. This project will utilise information from surveys and biodiversity assessments to develop a guide and workshops for land managers, providing alternative access to water for fauna such as wetlands and ponds. This project will address threatening processes to the threatened and vulnerable Booroolong and Davies Tree Frogs through a works and management contract with land managers. Onground works will be accompanied by monitoring, ecological surveys, and an awareness and education campaign, to build understanding and interest in frogs and riverine restoration in the wider $165,000 $189,332 $100,540 $120,450 community. OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE Enhancement of feral horse removal in northern Guy Fawkes River National ParkOC13-00300 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE Enhancement of the Boyd River Recovery Project WoNS control OC13-00534 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE Reduce the impact of feral pigs, deer and weeds on the GBMWHA OC13-00226 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE Reduce Weed Threats to the Myall Lakes Ramsar Site, NSW OC13-00321 This project will trap and remove the feral horse populations in the Boyd River, Kittys Creek and Combalo Horse Management Zones. The project will engage the local Aboriginal community to work on their traditional land, and provide training in horse working skills. This project aims to control infestations of Lantana and Blackberry within the Guy Fawkes River National Park, reducing the spread of weeds into previously treated areas. The program will be implemented by the Muurrbay Bundani Aboriginal Corporation, providing employment for Aboriginal people on their traditional lands. This project will augment existing strategic programs to reduce the impact of feral pigs, deer and Weeds of National Significance to the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. This will include improving onground management practices, increasing community participation in volunteer programs, and expanding Aboriginal comanagement. The project will reduce threats to the ecological character of the Myall Lakes Ramsar Site by targeting bitou bush. The NSW Parks and Wildlife Service will work with the Great Lakes Aboriginal Partners Group to develop the skills of Indigenous people to undertake weed management. $286,000 $66,000 $131,010 $126,500 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE Water level monitoring in Thirlmere Lakes OC13-00297 SHOALHAVEN LANDCARE ASSOCIATION INC Biodiversity Enhancement at Tapitallee througth WONS and Pest ControlOC1300495 SNOWY RIVER LANDCARE INCORPORATED Containing the Invasion - stopping Snowy River Serrated Tussock getting away OC13-00521 SOUTH EAST LANDCARE INCORPORATED Tending to the Grass Roots Phase 2 - from healthy roots come green shoots. OC13-00308 SOUTHERN RIVERS CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Threatened Species habitat protection in Port Kembla OC13-00557 This project involves the installation of equipment to survey water levels of the Thirlmere Lakes. This is the second stage of a long-term project to monitor ground and surface water fluctuations to establish links between ground water movements and water levels in the lakes. This project will develop a strategy with eight Landcare and community organisations to manage a 1200 ha buffer zone between the bushland of Illaroo, Budgong and Morton National Parks and urban areas in North Nowra and Cambewarra. The project will target 700 ha of core and outlier Lantana, support natural regeneration, replanting, feral animal control, fauna monitoring and community education. Core infestations of Serrated Tussock threaten to invade the natural temperate grasslands that dominate the area covered by Snowy River Landcare group in Dalgety. This project will contain both core infestations and outlier populations of the Weed of National Significance. This project will support Landcare Associations in the Southern Rivers by engaging local landholders in small scale conservation and sustainable farming activities, and celebrating achievements through Landcare Champions events held in each district. This project will reduce critical threats to the Green and Golden Bell Frog by increasing and enhancing native habitat at Port Kembla. The project builds upon an ongoing program and will partner with industry, community, local Aboriginal groups and local and state Government to address priority actions from recovery and management plans. $33,000 $56,142 $128,220 $195,250 $108,821 SOUTHERN RIVERS CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Integrating urban and rural riparian NRM on the Bega / Brogo floodplain OC13-00615 SYDNEY METROPOLITAN CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Towra Point and Buffer area Restoration Stage 2OC13-00608 TUMUT SHIRE COUNCIL Chilean Needle Grass Control and Eradication Project in Tumut Shire FOLLOW ON OC13-00393 UNIVERSITY OF BALLARAT Enhancement of habitat for endangered species of Scotia mallee OC13-00294 This project will build resilient landscape scale ecological communities in the Bega and Brogo River systems by enhancing native vegetation and connectivity on dairy farms. A targeted incentive and extension program will be developed to demonstrate how a ground-up approach to landscape planning can yield landscape scale outcomes. This project will protect threatened and endangered species and migratory birds of the Towra Point Ramsar Wetland, via the control of vertebrate pests and Weeds of National Significance. Works will build connectivity and resilience by enhancing the native vegetation and fauna habitat for identified corridors and addressing threats to Wetland ecology by involving Aboriginal landholders and coastal community groups. Chilean Needle Grass represents a significant threat to endangered native habitat and productivity in the agricultural sectors of the Shire. This project builds on an existing project where control works have already reduced Needlegrass by more than 50 per cent in two years, resulting in the recovery and regeneration of an estimated 250 ha of previously infested land. The contiguous properties of Nanya Station, Scotia Sanctuary and Tarawi Nature Reserve, covering 130,000 ha, have the capacity to make a major contribution to the conservation of a wide range of significant, threatened and protected flora and fauna. This project will enhance native habitat and connectivity through predator control, weed removal, vegetation restoration, ground tank closure, and planting and direct seeding of degraded areas. $257,400 $134,200 $82,500 $83,600 WARRINGAH COUNCIL The Long Reef Headland Bitou Bush Control Program OC13-00026 WESTERN CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Capturing & using Traditional Ecological Knowledge for improving groundcover OC13-00376 WESTERN CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Infrastructure for Rangeland Innovation OC13-00526 WESTERN LANDCARE NSW INCORPORATED Talking Agricultural Sustainability in the NSW Rangelands OC13-00659 Bitou Bush invasion has been a major threat to biodiversity on Long Reef Headland since its introduction in the 1950s. This project will assist in the strategic and coordinated management of Bitou Bush throughout the headland by implementing a variety of weed management actions. This project will use the Western Catchment Management Authority's Aboriginal Cultural Knowledge System to engage with land owners/managers and community groups to promote traditional natural resource management practices. The project will collect and practice Traditional Ecological Knowledge methods that improve groundcover, native perennial pasture and plant species diversity. This project will underpin the Western Catchment Management Authority Innovators Program in supporting key land managers in building producer networks. The project will convert knowledge and skills into capacity through the implementation of infrastructure and onground works. The project involves making documentaries of sustainable agricultural improvements by Landcarers in Western NSW. The films will be part of a tool kit of technical information linked to websites and social media, and will be used to engage producers working in remote regional communities. $46,200 $110,550 $495,000 $104,000 NORTHERN TERRITORY Funding recipients Project title Project description Maximum funding level (GST inclusive) MILINGIMBI & OUTSTATIONS PROGRESS RESOURCE ASSN INC NORTHERN TERRITORY OF AUSTRALIA VICTORIA RIVER DISTRICT CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION INC Crocodile Islands Community coastal cleanups and marine debris education The Crocodile Islands are a site of national significance for vulnerable turtle species. This project will address the threat of marine debris to vertebrate marine life by coordinating regular communityOC13-00511 based coastal clean-ups on the populated Milingimbi and Murrungga Islands, providing data on ghost nets, and providing community education on the impacts of marine debris to support behaviour change. Protecting grazing The high priority weed, Bellyache and biodiversity in bush poses a significant threat to the the Daly River Daly River System. This project will system from establish catchment scale bellyache bush management actions to protect riparian biodiversity (including OC13-00147 threatened species) and pastoral ventures (Indigenous and nonIndigenous) including the development of buffers, containment lines and land manager capacity. Controlling VRD's This project will control vertebrate vertebrate pests to pests in the Victoria River District improve (VRD) NT Western sector by biodiversity in the conducting aerial culling on five NT and WA stations. The project will enhance the likelihood of comprehensively OC13-00619 controlling vertebrate pests throughout the VRD and the North East of WA by reducing the risk of reinfestation, while reducing soil erosion, sedimentation of rivers and the spread of weeds. $78,100 $88,000 $187,000 QUEENSLAND Funding recipients Project title Project description Maximum funding level (GST inclusive) AUSTRALIAN TRUST FOR CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Supporting community groups and volunteers to improve health of Moreton Bay OC13-00628 CONDAMINE CATCHMENT NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT CORPORATION LIMITED Sourcing the crowd for WONS weed identification and control OC13-00403 DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION Sharing best practice for handling SOCI captured in commercial fishing gear OC13-00360 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND HERITAGE PROTECTION Executive Officer for the AFMS Riversleigh World Heritage Area OC13-00164 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AFMS Riversleigh Fossil Database, recording site values of the WHAOC13-00558 This project will reduce point source pollution, sediment and nutrients entering waterways that are major contributors to the poor health of Moreton Bay. The project will significantly increase onground works at ten critical sites and the number of volunteers engaged. This project will develop an easy-touse application utilising the built-in functionality of mobile phones (e.g. GPS, camera) to monitor and control Chilean Needlegrass and Parthenium. The mobile application will be trialled by community groups involved in the Condamine Alliance's Weed Attack program. This project will inform and encourage fishers to adopt best practice handling methods and better reporting of interactions with Species of Conservation Interest. Educational materials will be developed and distributed, focusing on methods for releasing animals to increase their chances of survival and reduce the risk of injury to fishers. This project will engage an Executive Officer to provide secretariat, administrative and other functions to support an interpretation project and two advisory committees for the Riversleigh Fossil Mammal site. The Executive Officer will engage with community and scientific/technical experts to assist with the management and communication of World Heritage values. The Riversleigh Fossil Mammal Site contains a significant number of fossil deposits and a long research history dating back to the early 1960s. This project will map new sites, record fossils found within the World Heritage Area, and integrate the data into the existing fossil database. $135,300 $205,700 $154,000 $104,720 $33,000 ECO BARGE SEAS INC. FITZROY BASIN ASSOCIATION INC FITZROY BASIN ASSOCIATION INC HEALTHY WATERWAYS LTD PORMPURAAW ABORIGINAL SHIRE COUNCIL Reducing the incidence and threat of marine debris in the Whitsunday region, QLD The Whitsunday region is an iconic tourist destination under threat from marine debris. This project will remove existing debris, promote thoughtful waste disposal, and engage the community to become proactive in reducing the threat to OC13-00503 marine life and the aquatic environment. Building resilient The project will educate participants landscapes in the on landscape hydrology and Fitzroy Basin management practices that improve through soil condition in the Fitzroy Basin. sustainable grazing Outcomes of this project will include an increase in soil infiltration of OC13-00494 water, reducing the velocity of runoff, reducing soil erosion and sediments and nutrients entering waterways, and increasing the flow of the Fitzroy River and associated waterways over a greater period of time. Landscape scale This project will address conservation fundamental threats facing the across the fitzroy unique bum breathing turtle basin for EPBC (Rheodytes leukops) in the Fitzroy listed R.leukops Basin. Activities will include conducting nest protection activities OC13-00588 with volunteers, removing weeds and cattle from nesting banks, and gathering baseline data across the basin. Moreton Bay Litter This project will expand the current Clean Up Program Healthy Waterways Clean Up Program to include Moreton Bay and OC13-00483 surrounding islands. The program has a well established methodology for data collection on litter type and amount, and will be coupled with a dedicated education campaign. Ngamp inth This project will deliver increased Wantharr Indigenous participation in natural Yumpnham - This resource management in the is What We Are Pormpuraaw Aboriginal lands and Going To Do at seas on behalf of the land's PormpuraawOC13- Traditional Owners trustees. The 00641 project will engage the local community, apply Traditional Ecological Knowledge and science, and eradicate weeds and pest animals to protect and enhance $270,280 $88,000 $213,787 $240,852 $286,000 native and aquatic habitats. PRO-VISION OF REEF INC Mitigating Ecological Risk in the Queensland Aquarium Supply Fisheries OC13-00178 QUEENSLAND DAIRYFARMERS' ORGANISATION LIMITED Piloting innovative soil and nutrient management systems with QLD dairy farmers OC13-00463 SEQ CATCHMENTS LIMITED Connecting Lowland Rainforest CEEC in Upper Stanley & Mooloolah River Catchments OC13-00269 SEQ CATCHMENTS LIMITED Moreton Bay Seagrass Recovery ProgramOC1300266 This project will mitigate ecological risk in Queensland's aquarium supply fisheries and enhance coral reef resilience to climate change. The project will define industry standards from information gathered from ecological risk assessments, and a collection of species identified as performing critical functions from a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment. This project will improve soil health, reduce soil loss and soil acidification by accelerating the uptake of the Australian dairy industry soil and nutrient management guidelines. Farmers will learn how to implement a whole-farm management system based on an intricate understanding of the soil and nutrient resources at a paddock scale. This project will restore and reconnect 20 ha of critically endangered lowland subtropical rainforest in the Upper Stanley and Malloolah catchments. Through revegetation, weed control and stock management along waterways and adjoining lands, local farmers and landholders will improve the conditions and extent of habitat for eight nationally threatened species. The Moreton Bay Seagrass Recovery Program will restore 154 ha of seagrass within the Moreton Bay Ramsar listed coastal hotspot, which has been degraded by vessel moorings. Moorings will be replaced by environmentally friendly designs that prevent sediment dispersal and seagrass destruction. $75,000 $105,600 $284,253 $517,000 SEQ CATCHMENTS LIMITED Restoring Gondwana Habitats in Upper Duck & Kerry Creeks OC13-00202 SOUTH WEST NRM LTD Aquatic Health of the Paroo River & Bulloo Lakes HCVAE OC13-00563 SOUTH WEST NRM LTD Biodiversity on Bulloo Lakes OC13-00640 SOUTH WEST NRM LTD Post Flood Recovery of South West Qld's critical aquatic habitats. OC13-00685 SOUTH WEST NRM LTD Pest eradication in the ParooOC1300539 This project will assist grazing landholders in the Upper Duck and Kerry Creeks to increase conectivity with buffer threats to the Gondwana World Heritage Area, extend habitats for threatened species, restore riparian zones and improve native vegetation, soil condition and water quality. The project will reduce habitat loss, remove lantana and address inappropriate fire and grazing regimes across 500 ha. This project aims to reduce Carp biomass in key waterholes of the Paroo Catchment using onground surveys and scientific protocols for best management actions to evaluate the diversity and composition of the aquatic ecosystem. The project will validate where Carp, Tilapia and other aquatic pests are present, while surveying for presence of Cane Toads within the catchments. $227,193 This project will implement a coordinated control program for feral pigs and cats in the Bulloo Lakes High Ecological Value Aquatic Ecosystem. The program will consist of strategic aerial shooting and baiting to conserve ecological values of the sites. This project will proactively manage the heightened threat to High Ecological Value Aquatic Ecosystems and Ramsar areas caused by the recent devastating floods in South West QLD. Utilising aerial and ground baiting of 1080 and aerial shooting of feral pests, the project will ensure an acceptable level of threat abatement to many threatened and endangered species. This project will protect the critical environment of the Paroo River High Ecological Value Aquatic Ecosystems and Ramsar areas by eradicating and controlling feral vertebrates. The project works alongside multiple industry/research partners and land $158,400 $171,600 $198,000 $137,500 managers to create a holistic suite of activities across the Paroo River. SUNSHINE COAST REGIONAL COUNCIL Coastal Connect Sunshine Coast Engagement & Critical Aquatic Habitat Project OC13-00141 UPPER THOMSON CATCHMENT LANDCARE GROUP INC Reducing the impact of WoNs species in the Upper Thompson catchment OC13-00660 WET TROPICS MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Pest control on the edge of the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area OC13-00541 This project will impact the dunal and aquatic habitats which are home to endangered species including turtles, frogs and migratory shorebirds, improving the quality of water, and protecting the Moreton Bay and adjoining Great Sandy Straight. The project will utilise abilities and networks of 400 volunteers from 22 local conservation groups to undertake onground works. Pastoralists in the Upper Thompson catchment will work together to reduce the impact of Parkinsonia, Rubbervine and Prickly Acacia on the local environment, lessening the risk of infestation spread downstream due to floodwaters. The project will include training workshops, awareness raising and best practice treatment to tackle core infestations. Cyclone Yasi triggered concern about the increased risk of Tramp Ants in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area. This project will protect World Heritage values including iconic species such as the Southern Cassowary, by increasing surveillance and early detection of Electric and Yellow Crazy Ants. $464,023 $222,750 $294,800 SOUTH AUSTRALIA Funding recipients Project title Project description Maximum funding level (GST inclusive) ADELAIDE & MT LOFTY RANGES NRM BOARD Eradicating newly discovered outbreaks of Western Cape Bridal Creeper OC13-00527 ADELAIDE & MT LOFTY RANGES NRM BOARD Current impacts and threat abatement of marine debris within Gulf St. Vincent OC13-00496 AGRICULTURE KANGAROO ISLAND INCORPORATED Reducing soil acidity in irrigated horticulture on Kangaroo Island OC13-00106 ALINYTJARA WILURARA NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT BOARD Innovative management of invasive species in the Maralinga Tjarutja Lands, SA OC13-00096 Western Cape Bridal Creeper is a more robust form of Bridal Creeper that is unaffected by existing biological control agents, posing a significant threat to the region. This project, based on a successful eradication program, will eradicate new infestations of the weed, identified through ongoing surveillance work. This project will develop and engage community volunteer networks and coastal groups in managing marine debris within the Gulf St. Vincent. The project will analyse real-time trends in debris abundance, accumulation and sources, to enable targeted outreach, awareness and mitigation strategies. This project will work with landholders in the potato industry on Kangaroo Island to mitigate soil acidity through education, awareness and adoption of improved land management practices. Activities will include the establishment of a demonstration site to reduce soil acidity through specific fertiliser and irrigation scheduling, linkages with other industry groups to disperse project findings, development of decision support tools, and field days and workshops. The Alinytjara Wilurara Natural Resource Management Board will partner with Indigenous landowners to assist in the management of invasive species across the remote Maralinga Tjarutja Lands. By using animal track data and an invasive species management tool, the project will manage cats and foxes around threatened species sites. $55,000 $120,659 $76,995 $153,111 ALINYTJARA WILURARA NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT BOARD Landcare in the APY Pastoral Area OC13-00067 ALINYTJARA WILURARA NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT BOARD Yalata Community and Volunteers Caring for the Unique Far West Coast of SA OC13-00172 AUSTRALIAN TRUST FOR CONSERVATION VOLUNTEERS Increasing Long Term Engagement of SA Rural Coastal Community Environment Groups OC13-00633 CENTRAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT REGION OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC Councils and Community Caring for the Coast, South Australia OC13-00023 This project will support Aboriginal Graziers in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands to develop a sustainable grazing industry in balance with cultural and natural land use. The project will develop the capacity of Traditional Owners to undertake soil conservation, use GPS mapping and imagery, increase ground cover, minimise erosion, relocate water points, and undertake weed, pest and fire management. The Far West coast of South Australia is a high value corridor incorporating social, cultural and wilderness values, serving as a site for calving Southern Right Whales and other threatened species including Australian Sea Lions and White-Bellied Sea Eagles. This project will engage the coastal Aboriginal community and volunteers in: monitoring the Southern Right Whales, shorebirds and coastal threats; surveying Mulloway stocks; educating the public; and removing marine debris. This project will provide materials and funds for onground works and actions in the Kangaroo Island, Eyre Peninsula and Northern Yorke regions. Six workshops will be conducted to increase knowledge and networking opportunities, allowing coastal groups to build on existing strategies for increasing volunteer participation with their onground conservation works. This project will involve a range of community engagement and education activities, including coastal rehabilitation, conservation and protection works in the Gulf St Vincent and eastern Spencer Gulf region. The project involves seven coastal councils and around 40 community groups who will work with around 1200 members of the community to deliver onground activities. $242,000 $55,000 $521,015 $434,500 COORONG DISTRICT COUNCIL Enhancing priority remnant native vegetation in the Upper South EastOC13-00050 DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES onground Work to Improve Ecological Character of the Riverland Ramsar Site, SA OC13-00163 DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES AND REGIONS Increasing farmer knowledge of soils in SA OC13-00175 ECOLOGICAL HORIZONS PTY LTD Threat abatement for nationally threatened Middleback mallee species OC13-00339 This project will increase native habitat and reduce the impact of vertebrate pests and Weeds of National Significance on endangered species within the Coorong and Tatiara Districts of South Australia. This will be achieved through fencing to protect listed communities and endangered species, controlling weeds, foxes and rabbits, providing technical support for onground works, and enhancing partnerships between stakeholders. This project will protect and restore the values and ecology of the Riverland Ramsar site by targeting pest animal control, weed control and habitat restoration. onground works at a landscape scale will involve government, business, industry, Indigenous and nonIndigenous communities. There is considerable interest from farmers in South Australia to learn about practices for controling soil erosion, combating deficiencies or toxicities, and addressing soil acidity and salinity. This project will deliver a series of information workshops in each South Australian agricultural region, using soil pits and in-paddock testing to demonstrate the soil characteristics. Feral foxes, cats and goats present a serious threat to nationally threatened Malleefowl, Sandhill Dunnart, Chalky Wattle and Yellow Swainsona Pea, in the Middleback Alliance region of Eyre Peninsula. This project will refine optimal techniques for controlling pests over 500,000 ha of private, public and Natural Reserve System land, through the use of radiotracking and automated poisoning devices. $195,800 $266,200 $319,550 $85,800 EYRE PENINSULA NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD Implementing the River Management Plan for the Tod Catchment OC1300114 GOOLWA TO WELLINGTON LOCAL ACTION PLANNING ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED Hartley Hotspots Biodiversity Project GREENING AUSTRALIA (SA) LTD Habitat protection for the Pygmy Blue Tongue Lizard OC13-00657 OC13-00400 GURRA DOWNS DATE COMPANY PTY LTD Demonstrating date palms in living landscapes OC13-00133 This project will implement recommendations outlined in the Tod River Management Plan, to protect and enhance 380 ha of high conservation value native habitat in the river catchment. The project will remove grazing pressure, enhance remnant vegetation, re-establish native vegetation, and control invasive weeds, establishing corridors between areas of high ecological value, and key linkages between the headwaters and coastal estuarine system. This project will focus on the protection and ongoing management of the EPBC Act listed flora, fauna and vegetation species found in the Hartley area. Works will include the removal of weeds and pest animals, and will focus on achieving landscape connectivity. Pygmy Blue Tongue Lizards are endemic to a small private grasslands-region in the mid-north of South Australia. This project will work with landholders to improve the quality and extent of habitat for the species by providing technical advice, developing property management plans, and providing incentives to undertake best-practice management. The project will expand a Date Palm demonstration site in the Riverland South Australia where information is shared with farmers, researchers, educators and students. This will provide opportunity for inland farming communities to adapt to a new farming system, build resilience against climate change and reduced water availability, combat desertification and erosion, and increase soil health. $290,085 $83,600 $178,200 $200,200 KANGAROO ISLAND NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD Addressing key threats to environmental values in the Pelican Lagoon Basin, KIOC1300620 LENSWOOD COLD STORES CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LIMITED Sustainable Orchard Management Practices in the Adelaide Hills Watershed OC13-00351 LUCERNE AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED Communicating which fertilisers give greatest benefit in sustainable management OC13-00606 NORTHERN AND YORKE NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD Eradication of Boneseed and Gorse from the N&Y NRM region in SA OC13-00490 A total of 1580 ha of native vegetation in the Pelican Lagoon Basin will be protected from land degradation, introduced weeds and vertebrate pests. The project involves adopting improved agricultural land management, benchmarking the health of sea grass and marine habitats, and engaging the local community to develop their skills to protect and restore environmental assets. This project will promote sustainable orchard management practices through the adoption of an online Spatial Data Recording System, enabling growers and the industry to share data with supply chain partners to improve production, monitor the environment, and support community and government expectations. The system will collect regional soil health and water data and report on performance, providing a benchmark for growers, industry and landholders in the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges natural resource management region. This project will enable the lucerne seed industry to collect data to identify which fertilisers and rates deliver greatest yields, improve soil health and carbon levels, and reduce potential for soil acidity. The information will be used to develop industry first guidelines together with other pasture seed stakeholders. This project will eradicate priority national outlier infestations of Boneseed and Gorse, both Weeds of National Significance. The infestations in the Northern and Yorke region are outlier to core infestations in adjacent regions and a priority under the national strategies. $238,810 $470,250 $25,300 $66,000 NORTHERN AND YORKE NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD Improving ecosystem integrity & resilience via enhanced community participationOC1300374 NORTHERN AND YORKE NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD Vegetation protection on the Wakefield River OC13-00391 PRODUCTIVE NUTRITION PTY LTD The South Australian Murray Darling Basin Soil Reclamation Project OC13-00398 RIVERLAND WEST LOCAL ACTION PLANNING ASSOCIATION INC Improving the uptake of low disturbance sowing techniques in vulnerable regions OC13-00524 The Southern Flinders Ranges and Southern Yorke Peninsula have been identified as priority biodiversity landscapes. This project will harness existing community interest, including the active engagement of the Nukunu and Narungga Aboriginal communities, to restore and enhance over 373,740 ha of land in these areas. This project will protect and enhance riparian refugia along the Wakefield River by supporting sustainable farming practices and landscapescale conservation of native vegetation. Activities will include weed control, fencing and waterpoint relocation, revegetation, development of management agreements with landholders, and engagement strategies to enhance landholder skills and knowledge. The loss of soil and decline in perennial vegetation through continuous grazing has resulted in decreased production in the South Australian Murray Darling Basin. This project will demonstrate the benefits of mechanical treatments to establish and maintain native vegetation, broadcast seeding of native vegetation and grazing saltbush to encourage sustainable grazing practices. This project will demonstrate the soil conservation benefits and operational merits of the ultra low disturbance disc seeding system in direct comparison to existing conventional sowing systems. The project will establish a trial in a region of moderate and severe wind erosion risk in the South Australia Mallee, utilising new equipment to dispel apprehensions farmers have about adopting zero-till disc seeding. $545,050 $154,000 $98,552 $71,661 ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA Reducing the impact of vertebrate pests on a 1000 ha property at MonartoOC1300270 RURAL DIRECTIONS TRUST SA Murray Darling Basin Rangelands Responsive Grazing Management Project OC13-00315 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN ARID LANDS NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD onground control of Athel Pine in Lake Frome Regional Reserve. OC13-00455 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MURRAY-DARLING BASIN NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD Collaborative action to remove Feral Pigs from the Ramsar riverine environment OC13-00436 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MURRAY-DARLING BASIN NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD Co-ordinated goat control to protect biodiversity in the Billiatt WPA complex OC13-00434 This project will reduce the impact of rabbits, cats and foxes on 1000 ha of property in Monarto. The outcomes of this work will be increased regeneration of habitat, revegetation and protection of EPBC Act 1999 listed plant communities and species, and building skills and knowledge within the local community. This project will connect principles of sound grazing management with overall resource management, through a field day, grazing management workshops and onproperty implementation. Monitoring will be undertaken to determine the change in knowledge, attitudes, skills and aspirations of participating businesses. The water courses and habitats of Lake Frome Regional Reserve in the SA Arid Lands are threatened by Athel Pine, a Weed of National Significance, impacting on native vegetation and fauna. This project will protect the area by preventing new incursions of Athel Pine, provide connectivity to existing control areas and prevent future reinfestation into treated areas. This project will maintain the integrity of high biodiversity value areas in Riverland Ramsar and adjoining sites through the removal of feral pigs. Collaborative works will ensure state authorities are able to learn and share information from similar projects, and enable access to expertise-sharing for the removal of these feral predators. This project will reduce the damage inflicted by goats in the Billiatt Wilderness Protection Area and surrounding district by partnering with local land managers, Landcare groups, and volunteers in participating in an integrated control program. This will promote regeneration of vegetation, relied upon as a source of protection and $186,912 $64,559 $49,500 $132,420 $84,654 food by nationally venerable species including the Mallee Fowl. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MURRAY-DARLING BASIN NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT BOARD Restoring critical habitat of threatened species of the Eastern Mt. Lofty RangesOC1300260 SOUTH AUSTRALIAN NO-TILL FARMERS ASSOCIATION INC Aqua-Till: Demonstrating an ultra-low-soildisturbance seeding-system. OC13-00504 SOUTHERN SHARK INDUSTRY ALLIANCE INC. Code of Practice & training for shark longline fishermen off southern Australia OC13-00552 SPENCER GULF & WEST COAST PRAWN FISHERMANS ASSOCIATION INC SA prawn fisheries improving environmental practices. OC13-00090 The project will provide the technical advice and resources to land managers, youth and Indigenous Australians of the Eastern Mount Lofty Ranges, to improve and restore over 2000 ha of critical habitat for 12 EPBC Act 1999 listed flora and fauna species. Habitat sites will be improved through restoration works, threat abatement measures and the establishment of two 'resilience sites' to ensure adaptability to climate change. This project will demonstrate a soil condition enhancing tool which allows for increased groundcover retention and minimises tillage in cropping systems. Water, liquid fertilisers or fungicides are used to slice through groundcover and penetrate soils while also delivering crop-establishment, productivity and greenhouse gas benefits. The Australian Fisheries Management Authority has closed fishing grounds off Southern Australia to reduce Sea Lion and Dolphin entanglement and drowning in demersal shark gillnets. This project will implement training packages to assist a change to automatic longlines and develop an industry Code of Conduct to minimise bycatch. South Australian prawn fishers are committed to improving their management practices to maintain their stock's sustainability and associated ecosystem services. This project will trial bycatch reduction devices in the Gulf of Saint Vincent prawn fishery to reduce the impact on threatened, endangered and $343,376 $37,950 $120,886 $71,500 protected species. UPPER NORTH FARMING SYSTEMS Implementing best practice management grazing systems for low rainfall zoneOC13-00091 YP ALKALINE SOILS GROUP INCORPORATED Sustaining No-Till Farming Through Integrated Brome Grass Management. OC13-00304 This project aims to increase surface cover and perenniality on a large scale in the cereal and livestock zone, whilst improving pasture and livestock productivity. The project will focus on unarable hill country unsuitable for cropping, and arable land which has been cropped but has become degraded or is no longer viable. Brome Grass is a weed of high concern on the Yorke Peninsula where the first known occurrence of herbicide resistance has emerged. This project will develop an integrated approach for the long term management of the weed, which will assist in sustaining the longevity of no till farming systems. $172,997 $38,500 TASMANIA Funding recipients Project title Project description CRADLE COAST AUTHORITY This project will work with land managers and volunteers to pilot a cooperative approach for managing the grasslands of the Surrey Hills area, which provide important habitat for threatened species and endangered ecological communities (Hoary Sunray and Crowded-Leek Orchid, and Alpine Sphagnum Bogs and associated Fens). Fire, grazing and weed control regimes will maintain and improve habitat for these threatened species. Grassland management in North West Tasmania OC13-00009 Maximum funding level (GST inclusive) $42,350 DAIRYTAS BOARD INCORPORATED Managing nutrients to improve dairy farm sustainability in Northern Tasmania OC13-00342 NORTHERN TASMANIAN NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION INC. Gambusia control to reduce a key threat to the Tamar Estuary, Northern Tasmania OC13-00442 SOUTHERN REGIONAL NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION onground works and action to enhance ecological values of Apsley Marshes, TASOC13-00213 TASMAN LANDCARE GROUP INC Tasman Catchment Coastal Community OC13-00244 THE TRUSTEE FOR THE ROYAL TASMANIAN BOTANICAL GARDENS Protection of forest species in Tasmania OC13-00610 This project will promote sustainable soil management practices on ten Tasmanian dairy farms in the Meander Valley and neighbouring regions. At least 80 farmers will improve their knowledge and skills on techniques for improved soil acidity and nutrient management, pastures, laneways and feed out areas for use in adverse weather conditions. This project will build on efforts to control and eradicate the pest fish Gambusia holbrooki which threatens Tasmanian biodiversity. This project will utilise volunteers and engage the community to minimise the impact of the pest, and prevent its translocation beyond the Tamar Estuary. This project will protect and improve the health of the Apsley River, thereby improving the health of the Apsley Marshes Ramsar site. Project activities will include onground weed control, stock access control, surveys to fill information gaps and development of a long term plan for ongoing management. This project will engage the Tasman Catchment community through events and workshops, providing the opportunity to participate in coastal activities. The activities will include feral Pacific Oyster removal, responsible cat ownership, weed identification workshops, learning about Aboriginal heritage and assisting to mitigate coastal erosion. This project will collect seed and cutting material from at-risk species in the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area to ensure that viable, genetically diverse collections of each species are stored and available for research and conservation activities. VICTORIA $108,350 $66,000 $304,700 $34,018 $55,000 Funding recipients Project title Project description ETHNIC COUNCIL OF SHEPPARTON & DISTRICT INC Shepparton East is an horticultural area of around 8000 ha, where approximately 200 fruit growers are from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Forty farmers will be selected for workshops, field days, soil sampling and testing for soil nutrients, acidity and salinity to increase their knowledge and skills. This project will help protect the ecological values of the Lower Glenelg and Discovery Bay High Ecological Value Aquatic Ecosystems site by engaging stakeholders to address key threats and implement onground management actions across 710 ha of public and private land. Activities will focus on containment and management of weeds and pest animals, specifically Pine Wildings, Polygala and feral pigs. The project will engage the Limeburners Bay community to rehabilitate the remnant dry saltmarsh under threat of invasive weeds. Volunteering and conservation training will be promoted through information days at local community centres and the Wathaurong Cooperative, and through community and conservation newsletters and websites. The project will enhance ten kilometres of riparian vegetation along key sections of Fiery Creek in South West Victoria. Tubestock planting, direct seeding, fencing to control grazing, and weed control will increase the quality of riparian habitat and augment natural regeneration. Increasing uptake of soil tests by CALD orchardists of Shepparton East OC13-00664 GLENELG - HOPKINS CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Pest and weed management in the Lower Glenelg OC13-00530 GREENING AUSTRALIA (VIC) LTD Limeburners Link Community Engagement and Training OC13-00519 H11 - H12 COMMUNITY ACTION GROUP Upper Hopkins Riparian Habitat Corridors OC13-00551 Maximum funding level (GST inclusive) $126,665 $190,493 $86,882 $150,700 MERRI CREEK MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE INC Remnant vegetation restoration on Merri CreekOC1300414 NORTH CENTRAL CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Farming for Australian Conditions OC13-00196 THE LISMORE LAND PROTECTION GROUP Increasing landholder knowledge of soil constraints to improve sustainability OC13-00523 WEST GIPPSLAND CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Wetland Habitat Restoration for the Gippsland Lakes OC13-00579 This project will restore native habitat in three remnant vegetation sites along the urban stretch of Merri Creek, targeting weed infestations. The project will strengthen buffers and improve higher quality Natural Temperate Grasslands of the Victorian Volcanic Plain along the habitat corridor of the creek, involving local and Indigenous communities. This project will demonstrate innovative and adoptable farming practices whilst increasing farm profitability, environmental outcomes and farmer knowledge and skills. It will support 80 farmers and landholders covering 12,200 ha to improve soil health and resilience, build community confidence and reverse the changes of negative land use that have led to soil erosion and an increase in weeds and pest animals. This project will characterise soil types on representative farms in order to increase the adoption of improved soil management techniques, improve fertiliser management practices, reduce nutrient loss into waterways and increase biomass production. Workshops will share information and experiences between landholders to increase their understanding of soils. This project will be undertaken on wetlands of the Avon River, adjacent to the Gippsland Lakes Ramsar site. It will protect wetland habitat and improve the connectivity and quality of run off from farmland, enabling collaborative activities to be delivered within the wetland environment. WESTERN AUSTRALIA $87,938 $215,600 $48,345 $146,520 Funding recipients Project title Project description CENTRAL DESERT NATIVE TITLE SERVICES LIMITED The project will increase Indigenous participation in and integrate Traditional Ecological Knowledge into the recovery of biodiversity values for pastoral leases near Wiluna in the Murchison bio-region. The project will improve biodiversity conservation outcomes at a landscape scale, and establish a model for biodiversity conservation and Indigenous partnerships. This project will assess the status of marine biodiversity values of the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area through the development of partnerships with key stakeholders. Activities to inform the Marine Monitoring Program include assessment of reef fish, sharks, rays, and turtles, measuring fishing effort, and assessment of the marine park management zones for large iconic megafauna. This project will establish a rotational grazing system on Pingandy Station in the north central Gascoyne. The project will use an innovative practice to modify livestock behaviour, aimed at improving soil health and native grasslands through grazing management. This project will reduce rabbit populations and promote regeneration and protection of threatened flora and habitat in the Central Wheatbelt of Western Australia. Management actions will include rabbit and weed control, fire disturbance trials and translocation of threatened flora seedlings. Recovery of biodiversity on pastoral leases on Martu land through partnerships. OC13-00069 COMMONWEALTH SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORGANISATION Identifying threats to marine biodiversity of the Ningaloo World Heritage Area OC13-00330 D.J HASTIE & J.G HASTIE Feed supplement controlled rotational grazing system for desert rangelands, WA OC13-00052 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION Control rabbits and regenerate threatened flora in the Central Wheatbelt of WA OC13-00439 Maximum funding level (GST inclusive) $313,500 $551,032 $68,200 $237,600 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION Development of Whale Shark Management Plan - Ningaloo Coast World Heritage AreaOC13-00054 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION Fauna reconstruction of Dirk Hartog Island - Shark Bay World Heritage OC13-00355 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION Reducing the risk of damage by increasing visitation at Purnululu WHA OC13-00510 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION Saving EPBC listed species by controlling introduced predators OC13-00100 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND CONSERVATION Towards recovery: Reversing the trend of threatened flora habitat senescence OC13-00566 Aggregations of protected Whale Sharks along the Ningaloo Coast World Heritage Area attract thousands of visitors each year. This project will develop a management plan to combat increasing pressures on the species, and provide a blueprint for future research and monitoring requirements. Dirk Hartog Island in the Shark Bay World Heritage Area formerly supported at least 13 species of nonvolant mammals, of which only three remain due to feral cats, mice, goats and pastoral use. This project will continue an innovative eradication program to eliminate sheep and goats, and reintroduce ten species of native mammals to the island. The soils and vegetation of the Purnululu World Heritage Area are extremely fragile, with evidence that vegetation loss and compaction/erosion is being caused by the steadily increasing number of people visiting sites. This project will use site-hardening of tracks and recreation trails to reduce the risk of erosion and loss of vegetation. This project will continue aerial baiting trials to reduce predation by feral cats and foxes in key conservation reserves on the south coast of WA. This will reduce critical threats to over 300,000 ha of key habitat for EPBC listed fauna species, including the critically endangered Gilbert's Potoroo and the endangered Western Ground Parrot. This project is designed to reverse the damaging trend of threatened flora habitat senescence in the Western Australia Wheatbelt. Onground work to quantify the senescence will be undertaken and tools will be developed to maximise the usefulness of the data collected. $59,521 $296,450 $330,000 $101,200 $269,500 NORTHERN AGRICULTURE CATCHMENTS COUNCIL INCORPORATED Implementation of Yamatji Indigenous Site Audit Management PlansOC13-00081 NORTHERN AGRICULTURE CATCHMENTS COUNCIL INCORPORATED Increasing adoption of reduced cropping traffic in the broadacre industry in WA. OC13-00083 NORTHERN AGRICULTURE CATCHMENTS COUNCIL INCORPORATED Native Habitat and Landscape Conservation Phase II OC13-00177 NORTHERN AGRICULTURE CATCHMENTS COUNCIL INCORPORATED Ocean to Estuary Experience: community skills for preserving coastal ecosystems OC13-00059 This project will deliver recommendations from Aboriginal site management plans and engage in the rehabilitation and protection of coastal zones in the Northern Agricultural region. The project will enhance community awareness of Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge for natural resource management. This project will work with industry to increase the knowledge and skills of 120 farmers in Controlled Traffic Farming practices to decrease subsoil compaction, increase soil health and reduce the risk of erosion in the Northern Agricultural and South Coast regions of WA. Activities include updating technical manuals, workshops, field days, on-farm demonstrations, extension materials, and developing case studies and promotional videos. This project will protect and restore high-value remnant vegetation containing threatened flora and fauna in the Northern Agricultural region of South West WA. The project offers incentives for private land managers to protect and enhance valuable habitat through fencing and invasive species management. The Northern Agricultural Region is experiencing increased human pressures on coastal ecosystems, resulting in the removal of sea wrack from beaches for aesthetic purposes, and the degradation of estuaries from increased recreational use and stormwater pollutants. This project will build community skills, knowledge and awareness through workshops, to relieve pressures and maintain the social, ecological, economic and cultural services that sea wrack and estuaries provide. $166,249 $254,221 $544,500 $138,838 ORD IRRIGATION COOPERATIVE LTD Weed control in the Ord River Irrigation AreaOC13-00381 RAVENSTHORPE AGRICULTURAL INITIATIVE NETWORK New technologies to improve soil health OC13-00485 SOUTHERN BROOK CATCHMENT LAND CARE GROUP INC. Delivering Invasive Species Management in the Wheatbelt's Two Rivers project OC13-00382 THE AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE Engaging the community to understand the World Heritage values of Ningaloo OC13-00383 This project will conserve and protect the biodiversity of the Ord River Ramsar wetland site through the control of Weeds of National Significance within the Ord River Irrigation Area. The project will control an infestation of Bellyache Bush using a range of control methods including physical removal, aerial and manual spraying, preventing further spread of the weed. This project will deliver coordinated demonstration and extension activities to landholders in the eastern south coast of Western Australia. It will provide information on new technologies and practices to improve soil health and maximise ground cover, demonstrate the establishment and management of long season annual legume pastures in a cropping rotation, and examine the use of surfactants on non wetting soils and the role of stubble retention in maintaining soil health and preventing wind erosion. This project includes a program of works to achieve priority biodiversity assets, including the protection of regionally significant waterways, remnant vegetation, priority flora and iconic fauna. This project will provide the capacity to formalise the identification and documentation of invasive species, in addition to fasttracking high priority onground activities. The Ningaloo Atlas is a partnership between government, industry, and the community that offers a web portal which provides a free and open exchange of information with a focus on impending coastal and marine planning reviews. The online atlas will increase the community's understanding, and support marine conservation and management of the Ningaloo Coast. $38,500 $40,150 $85,800 $142,570 WHEATBELT NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED Farming Landscapes for the Future - Decision Support for Farmers in AgroforestryOC1300428 WHEATBELT NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED Monitoring Soil Science On-Farm OC13-00397 This project will support the training of natural resource management officers and farmers across the Avon River Basin in the use of the 'Farming Landscapes for the Future Tool'. The tool will predict the benefits and costs of planting trees in the Avon catchment under current and future climate scenarios. This project will develop soil science monitoring techniques accessible to farmers, and investigate the effect of changed farming practices on soil biology across the Avon River Basin. The project includes producing training materials, workshops for farmers and natural resource management officers, and evaluation of Wheatbelt National Resource Management-funded farm projects on soil biology. $215,600 $236,797