Updated Cop15 Agenda - CGE - Alberta Virtual Classroom

The Alberta Virtual Classroom,
The Environmental Research and Studies Centre
The Centre for Global Education,
Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, the
University of Alberta
LIVE from Copenhagen:
A Global Response to Climate Change
Date: December 16th, 2009
Time: 9:00-11:00 (MST)
t h e c e nt r e
for global educatio n
Climate Change Contact List Information
Environmental Research and Studies Centre (UofA 1 and UofA2)
Location: University of Alberta:
Facilitator: Debra Davidson
UofA1 - 7992944400@,
UofA2 - 7992944401@
Room Tel: 780-492-9476
Direct Cell: 780 951 9934
Queen Elizabeth High School (QE1 and QE 2)
Location: Edmonton, Alberta Canada
Lead Teacher – Brenda Scaddan, brenda.scaddan@epsb.ca; James Kosowan, james.kosowan@epsb.ca
Tech Support – Terry Godwaldt, terry.godwaldt@epsb.ca
Direct phone/cell – 780-700-4482
Webpage: http://queene.epsb.net/
Highland Tech High Charter School (HT)
Location: Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Lead Teacher –
Tech Support – Roxy Menadelook, menadelook_roxy@asdk12.org
Direct phone/cell – 907-382-1639
Webpage: www.highlandtech.org
American Nicaraguan School (ANS)
Location: Managua, Nicaragua
Lead Teacher – Steve Morley, smorley@ans.edu.ni
Tech Support – Roberta Arguello, rzarguello@gmail.com
Direct phone/cell:
Webpage: http://www.ans.edu.ni/
Riverdale High School (RHS)
Location: Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada
Lead Teacher – Isabelle Lavoie, ilavoie@lbpsb.qc.ca; Thomas Rhymes, trhymes@lbpsb.qc.ca
Tech Support – Michelle Fontaine, fontainem@cqsb.qc.ca
Direct phone/cell – cell: 418-573-0713; School: 514-684-9920
Webpage: http://riverdale.lbpsb.qc.ca/Hi
Father Lacombe High School (FL)
Location: Calgary, Alberta Canada
Lead Teacher - Anna Ponce
Tech Support –John Varga, john.varga@cssd.ab.ca
Direct phone/cell 403-999-4003/403.500.2066
Del Valle High School (DV)
Location: Del Valle, Texas, USA
Lead Teacher - Michael Cunningham, mcunningham@del-valle.k12.tx.us
Tech Support –Michael Cunningham, mcunningham@del-valle.k12.tx.us
Direct phone/cell
EME Alcina Dantas Feijão (EME)
Location: São Caetano, Brazil
Lead Teacher - Sandra Carniel, srcarniel@gmail.com
Tech Support – Paulo Garcia, garciaps@usp.br
Direct phone/cell - 55 11 4238 1532.
International School of Almere (ISA)
Location: Almere, Nederland
Lead Teacher - Vanessa Lain
Direct phone/cell - +31634186417
Webpage: http://www.klg.nl/InternationalSchoolAlmere/Homepage/tabid/180/Default.aspx
North Park Secondary School (NP)
Location: Brampton, Ontario
Lead Teacher: Stacey Skiba, stacey.willis@peelsb.com
Resource Teacher: Clayton Ellis, clayton.ellis@peelsb.com
Direct phone: 905-456-1906 ask for the conference room
IP: (Orion research network)
Jordanian Education Initiative (JEI)
Location: Amman, Jordan
Lead Teacher - Abeer Tahboub, abeertahboub@yahoo.com
Tech Support – Mustafa b. Qtaishat, Mustafa.q@jei.org.jo; Darah Masoud, darah.m@jei.org.jo
Direct phone/cell
Timeline and Resources
All key resources for the collaboration can be found on: http://store.takingitglobal.org/files/treadlightly/TLTeacher-Toolkit.pdf. Because of the condensed timeline, schools will need to focus on the lessons highlighted
* Red items are Core to the program
* Blue items are optional lessons
Day 1
Nov 30
TIG Module 1: Stepping In
Lesson 1.2 - Our Changing Climate (2
classes) – Page 14
2nd class on Lesson 1.2
Start 14 Day Challenge – Page 15
TIG Module 1: Lesson 1.3 - Where We
Stand: (2 classes) – Page 17
Day 2
Dec 1
Day 3
Dec 2
Day 4
Dec 3
2nd class on Lesson 1.3
Day 5
Dec 4
Day 6
Day 7
Dec 7
Dec 8
TIG Module 2: Stepping Up
Lesson 2.2 - Taking Stock (1 class)
(Lesson 2.1 Visualizing Footprints Optional)
Al Gore Video: An Inconvenient Truth
Complete video
Day 8
Dec 9
Day 9
Dec 10
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Dec 11
Dec 14
Dec 15
Day 13
Dec 16
VC Copenhagen
Day 14
Dec 17
Creation of a Sustainable Lifestyle
Contract (TIGed Lesson 3.2)
Computer lab – research on TIG
websites for further reading and
reflection at end of lesson 3.2
Start 350.QE (The class will work
towards completing a list of 350 facts
we have learned about global warming
to be completed by Dec. 15
TIG Module 3: Stepping Back
Lesson 3.2 – Looking back, Looking
Interactive Component
Discussion Thread on
quote Lesson 1.2
Handout 1.2E Action
Ideas: Local Green
Directory and map
Discussion Thread on
quote Lesson 1.3
Discussion Thread on
quote Lesson 2.2
Discussion thread on An
Inconvenient Truth
Discussion thread open
to reflect on knowledge
gained, challenges they
have encountered in
trying to green their
Discussion thread on
quote Lesson 3.2 AND
on comparing initial
ecological footprint with
results at end of their 14
day challenge.
Discussion thread on
impact of VC.
Post Lifestyle Contract
Resource developed by TakingITGlobal and condensed for this conference by Brenda Scaddan, Queen
Elizabeth High School (Edmonton, Canada).
Breakout Session Themes and Questions
Breakout Session #1: Defining the issues
“And Man created the plastic bag and the tin and aluminum can and the cellophane wrapper and the
paper plate, and this was good because Man could then take his automobile and buy all his food in one
place and Hecould save that which was good to eat in the refrigerator and throw away that which had no
further use. And soon the earth was covered with plastic bags and aluminum cans and paper plates and
disposable bottles and there was nowhere to sit down or walk, and Man shook his head and cried: "Look at
this Godawful mess."”
~ Art Buchwald
What human activities, locally, nationally, and globally contribute to climate change? (Start
by focusing on the local issues.)
Many people believe we have a global crisis due to climate change. What is happening at a
local and global level to indicate we are experiencing climate change?
Conversely, many people do not believe we have a global crisis due to climate change.
What do they base their beliefs on?
Breakout Session #2: More than Just Words!
“What I see everywhere in the world are ordinary people willing to confront despair, power, and
incalculable odds in order to restore some semblance of grace, justice, and beauty to this world”
~ Paul Hauken
If you had two minutes to address the world leaders at the closing speech of Copenhagen tomorrow,
what three things would you tell them they need to do to reduce the human Ecological Footprint?
(Make them practical!)
What measures have you personally taken to reduce your Ecological Footprint?
December 16th, 2009 Agenda:
Main Room IP: (
Date: December 16th
Time: 9:00 to 11:00 (GMT -7), 17:00-19:00 (GMT +1)
Important coordinates:
2020@ (Alberta Schools); (Global schools)
3303@ (Alberta Schools); (Global schools)
2031@ (Alberta Schools); (Global schools)
2009@ (Alberta Schools); (Global schools)
2666@ (Alberta Schools); (Global schools)
(There will be a Discussion Forum set up during the VC for students to offer feedback on an ongoing
basis throughout the VC. There will be research/graduate mentors monitoring the forum and
offering feedback. It is recommended that each school have computers accessible for this.)
9:00 – 9:15
Welcome, Introductions - 2020@ (Alberta); (Global)
Recognize partners
Each school will have 60 seconds to introduce themselves (Be Creative!!)
9:15 –9:40
LIVE from Copenhagen - 2020@ (Alberta); (Global)
9:40 – 10:05 Breakout #1 (Schools break out 1-on-1, addressing questions in assigned rooms)
Room #1: RHS & DV – COP
Room #2: NP, HT & JEI – UofA1
Room #3: FL & ANS - UofA2
Room #4: QE1 & ISE Room #5: QE2, EME - TIG
1. What local, national, and global human activities contribute to climate change, and in what
ways are activities at these different levels interconnected? (Start by focusing on the local issues)
2. What is happening locally, nationally, and globally to indicate that we are already experiencing
climate change? What areas and people will be most negatively affected by our changing
3. Some people believe that the climatic changes being experienced are naturally occurring and not
caused by human behaviour. If we cannot be sure whether climate change is caused by humans
or not, does it make more sense to continue living as we are now or work to reduce our
collective greenhouse gas emissions?
10:05 – 10:15 Summary - 2020@ (Alberta Schools); (Global schools)
10:15 – 10:35 Breakout #2 (Schools break out 1-on-1, addressing questions in assigned rooms)
Room #1: NP & FL - COP
Room #2: RHS, JEI & QE2 – UofA1 3303@...
Room #3: HT & ISE – UofA2
Room #4: QE1 & ANS 2009@...
Room #5: DV & EME - TIG
1. If you had two minutes to address the world leaders at the closing speech of Copenhagen
tomorrow, what three things would you tell them they need to do to reduce the human
Ecological Footprint? (Make them practical!)
2. What measures have you personally taken to reduce your Ecological Footprint?
3. How can technology play a role in the fight against climate change?
10:35 – 10:45 Summary - 2020@ (Alberta Schools); (Global schools)
10:45 – 11:00 Call to Action! - 2020@ (Alberta); (Global)
 Closing Address from Panel/Q &A