1 MARKETING INTERNSHIP RAWLS COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Due on or before May, 9, 2016. The following student meets prerequisites and is permitted to enroll in MKT 4382, Internship in Marketing. The internship will be used as a Group A elective for double majors, for all others it will be a Group B elective. NAME ___________________________________________________ DEGREE / MAJOR: □ Marketing □ International Business R#______________________ □ Marketing-Sales Management NAME OF FIRM _________________________________________________________________________ FIRM ADDRESS DURING INTERNSHIP _____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ WORK PHONE ________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS _______________________________ Description of Internship (specify subject matter content): __________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ APPROVAL SIGNATURES: Student _____________________________________ START DATE: __________________________________ END DATE: ________________________________ FIRM’S INTERNSHIP SPONSOR NAME____________________________________ TITLE_____________________________________ INTERNSHIP SUPERVISOR: _______________________________________________________ SUPERVISOR’S ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________ SUPERVISOR’S PHONE: _______________________________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________ Faculty Supervisor _______________________________________________________ Undergraduate Services Center _______________________________________________________ 2 REREQUISITES FOR PARTICIPATION 1. 2. 3. 4. A minimum of [1] ten consecutive calendar weeks of [2] paid and [3] full-time employment after the approval of the internship agreement by all parties involved is required. The intern must earn compensation commensurate with the work assignment for the entire internship period. Class fees (tuition will still be charged) are waived for the Internship students not be physically on the TTU campus while working on the Internship. At the time of registration for MKT 4382, the prospective intern must: a. Be in good academic standing with an overall GPA of at least 3.00. b. Have completed MKT 3350 and one other marketing course, each with grade of ‘B’ or better. All specified parties must approve this internship agreement in writing prior to the beginning of work. Students must present the Internship Form to the faculty supervisor on or before May 15 for the last two signatures. Once the Internship Form is completed, the Undergraduate Services Center will register the student in MKT 4382. The tuition must be paid by July 1, 2015. Internships may not be taken during the student’s final semester at Texas Tech University. REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS AND MANDATORY DUE DATES – All work must be in good English and without typographical errors. Spellcheck is often not sufficient – you are strongly encouraged to proof-read these documents. This is very important to your career and your internship grade. Executives do not expect to see errors on anything! The student should keep a notebook and every evening make an entry about significant items of the day. These entries will come from at least the following topics. 1-Implementation and use of a concept, strategy, tactic, or theory they learned about in the classroom. 2-An important operating aspect of the business that really increased their understanding of a classroom topic. 3-Something important to the business that they do not recall learning about in the classroom. This notebook forms the basis of your June 15, July 15, and August 30 reports. 1. June 20, 2016: E-mail the faculty supervisor a review of how things are going with the internship. This is still early enough to make any necessary adjustments to your program. 2. July 18, 2016: E-mail to the faculty supervisor a summary of your work for the previous month. This must be in bullet point format of major topic and bullet points underneath. Each bullet point should have enough explanation to be evaluated. These reports should be three to four pages long. Note: this report can be used as the beginning of Part 1 of the final paper. 3. August 15, 2016: Have your supervisor mail to the faculty supervisor a letter on company letterhead assigning a grade, along with a statement describing your performance. Remember this letter grade accounts for 40% of your final course grade. This letter grade can include supporting documentation from any area supervisors you worked under, as well as anything else the supervisor feels is important. NOTE: IF THE COMPANY USES ITS OWN INTERNAL DOCUMENTS FOR ASSIGNING A GRADE, INCLUDE A COPY OF THAT EVALUATION AS WELL. 4. August 22, 2016: A laser-printed professional final paper [no electronic submission is acceptable] is due in the faculty supervisor’s office or mailbox. This paper should be at least 10 pages long [not including Appendix items], single spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1” margins on all four sides and should be structured in two parts. Part 1 – A complete description of all your duties and assignments during the internship. This must be in bullet point format of major topic and bullet points underneath. Each bullet point should have enough explanation to assess it. 3 Part 2 – An analysis of how these duties and assignments related to your academic course work in marketing. This is the most important part of the paper. Be sure to explain how what you did during the internship enhanced what you learned in the classroom. It must include the benefits you received from the experience of integrating theory and practice. This must be in essay format. 5. August 27, 2016: Final grade assigned. 6. Optional. Contact the faculty supervisor to schedule a meeting to discuss your internship. Your paper will be returned at this meeting. 4 THE INTERNSHIP AGREEMENT 1. Responsibility for initiating the process of establishing or amending an internship agreement rests with the prospective intern. 2. Each internship agreement shall define the mutual expectations and minimum standards for the internship and shall include the following: a. A description of the internship-related activities in which the prospective intern will be involved, including any specific requirements which the supervising instructor may require. b. Identification and address or telephone number of the prospective intern’s immediate employment supervisor(s) and other appropriate employer representatives. c. The prospective intern’s approval, in writing, for the employer to provide the supervising instructor with information concerning the nature and quality of the intern’s performance. d. Specification of the nature and completion dates for interim and final reports to be submitted by the intern to both the firm and the supervising instructor. e. Specification of the nature of and submission date for an appraisal of the intern’s performance by the intern’s employment supervisor. 3. The internship agreement shall be subject to employer’s Standard Policies and Procedures, including but not limited to those relating to termination. 4. Final grades will be determined as follows: 40% Determined by the employer’s supervisor in charge. 60% Determined by the supervising faculty member on the basis of the final written report. INTERNSHIP REQUIREMENTS Internships must be composed of professional experience only. Internships will not be given for students performing “regular” full or part-time duties. The entire internship must be approved prior to the beginning of work. Internships must be under the control of an Internship Sponsor approved by the faculty member in charge. Internships are learning experiences that often lead to full-time employment after graduation. This is an opportunity for the student and the employer to learn about the other. Internships must include a minimum of ten consecutive calendar weeks of full-time employment with the intern earning compensation commensurate with the work assignment. The work involved must involve marketing, such as the following work areas: Strategic and Tactical Planning; Marketing Decision Making; Sales; Training; Marketing Research; Supply Chain Management; Store Management; Purchasing and/or Supplier or Vendor Relations; or International Business. Other areas must have approval of the faculty supervisor before the internship begins. Alan Whitebread Rawls College of Business Administration Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 79409-2101 TEL 806-834-1963; FAX 806-834-2199 alan.whitebread@ttu.edu 5 FINDING INTERNSHIPS The Rawls College Career Center Network – ask your parents, relatives, and their friends if they know about any internships Target companies or and industry – send a classy attention-getting and differentiating letter to a line manager/officer The 25 Best Companies for Interns http://www.businessinsider.com/the-25-best-companies-for-interns-2014-2?op=1 Forbes Top 25 Highest Rated Companies Hiring Interns Right Now http://www.forbes.com/pictures/efkk45fglki/top-25-highest-rated-companies-hiring-interns-rightnow/#gallerycontent Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For http://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/best-companies/index.html?1 Forbes Americas Largest Private Companies http://www.forbes.com/largest-private-companies/list/ Forbes Americas Best Small Companies http://www.forbes.com/best-small-companies/list/ The Best 25 Companies in America – The Motley Fool http://www.fool.com/the-25-best-companies-in-america/index.aspx Corporate Yellow Pages Directory of Corporate Affiliations Houston – The Greater Houston Partnership Directory 2015 Best Companies for Internships now-2015-2 http://www.businessinsider.com/the-25-best-companies-for-internships-right- Search “internships” and “internship list” at www.excite.com – a business search engine