The Cell Cycle

The Cell Cycle
Instructions: Create a diagram that illustrates the continuous set of events (stages) that occur during the Cell
Cycle. Your illustration should be proportional with the amount of time the cell remains in each stage. Draw
arrows to illustrate the correct sequence in which the stages occur. Write a brief, but complete description of
each phase of the Cell Cycle on your diagram. Color-code each stage. Make your diagram neat, colorful and at
least large enough to fill the side of one page of computer paper. Your diagram must include the following
stages (each a different color). Use this list of stages as a worksheet to write a brief, complete description of
each event, which you will include on your diagram.
The Cell Cycle- Repeating series of events
that occur before, during and after a cell
divides. Continues until an organism dies.
Interphase-The time when a cell is not
dividing, it is preparing to divide (G1 S G2)
G1 Phase-The cell’s first growth phase, the
cytoplasm doubles in size, the number of organelles
S Phase-An exact copy of DNA is synthesized or
G2 Phase-Second growth phase, cytoplasm continues
to grow in size, the cell checks for errors and repairs
them (if possible)
G0 Phase-Some cells grow to maturity and stop the
cell cycle. They reproduce slowly or not at all.
(Nerve Cells are an example)
M Phase-“mitosis” the division of a cell’s
Mitosis-division of a cell’s nucleus, consists
of 4 basic phases. (PMAT)
Prophase-1st phase of mitosis
Metaphase-2nd phase of mitosis
Anaphase-3rd phase of mitosis
Telophase-4th phase of mitosis
Cytokinesis-Final phase of the cell cycle. The
cell membrane and cytoplasm completely
separate into two new cells.