Anatomy & Physiology Exam #1

Name __________________________________________________________________
Exam #1
Anatomy and Physiology
Multiple Choice: (20 Pts) Circle the letter that corresponds to correct answer(s). There
may be any number of correct answers in each question.
1) “Why?” questions in physiology are answered with the
a. Blind squirrel Technique
b. Teleological Technique
c. Mechanistic Technique
d. Holistic Approach
2) Homeostasis regulates;
a. Body temperature
b. Population
c. Plasma pH
d. Salt and Water Balance
e. Blood pressure
f. Blood volume
3) Cell theory states that;
a. All organisms are made up of cells
b. Cells of all organisms are fundamentally similar
c. New cells arise form pre-existing cells
d. Cells can only multiply 27 times
4) Peroxisomes are;
a. Produced by the gogi
b. Detoxify oxygen radicals
c. Produce H2O2
d. Destroy H2O2
5) Vaults;
a. Shuttle between the golgi and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum
b. Are smaller that ribosomes
c. Carry ATP
d. Are a form of membrane transport
6) Gorter and Grendel;
a. Found that the lipid from RBCs was enough to cover them twice
b. Concluded that phospholipid made membranes
c. Concluded that the plasma membrane was hydrophobic
d. Concluded that the plasma membrane was hydrophilic
e. Concluded that the plasma membrane was a lipid bilayer
Anatomy and Physiology Exam #1
13 February 2006
7) The plasma membrane is best described by the;
a. Dual lipid theory
b. Fluid Mosaic Model
c. Liquid Dynamic Model
d. Amphipathic Membrane Test
8) The plasma membrane contains;
a. Phospholipid
b. Cholesterol
c. Protein
d. Glycoprotein
9) Graded Potentials are;
a. All-or-None
b. Spread without degradation
c. Always initiate Action Potentials
d. Are irrelevant
e. Are always caused by potassium
10) There are four primary types of tissue, including;
a. Digestive Tissue
b. Reproductive Tissue
c. Respiratory Tissue
d. Nervous Tissue
e. Skin
11) Cellular functions include;
a. Reproducing
b. Cellular Respiration
c. Fortification
d. Deposition
e. Deamination
Fill in the Blank: (10 Pts) Fill in the blank with the word or phrase that best completes
the sentence.
12) A(n) ___________________________ is a combination of tissue designed to
carry out a specific function.
13) The endocrine system is at the _______________________________ level of
14) The cytoskelton is composed of large hollow filaments, or
____________________________, as well as much smaller solid filaments
known as ___________________________ and intermediate filaments.
Anatomy and Physiology Exam #1
13 February 2006
15) The stoppage of blood flow, also known as __________________________
causes the endothelial cells surrounding blood vessels to produce oxygen radicals.
16) The extracellular matrix (ECM) has many functions – the proteins present in the
ECM help to determine that function. For example, ECM rich in
_________________________ will be able to stretch and recoil.
17) The gut needs to be impermeable to sodium ions, so the sheet of connective tissue
lining the gut is held together with ______________________________.
18) ________________________ secretion is when a secreting cell is very close to
the target cell.
19) A decrease in the membrane potential of a cell is known as
20) Spontaneous changes in the membrane potential are known as
Definitions: (21 Pts) Define the following terms.
21) Feedforward
22) Intermediary Metabolism
23) Fick’s Law (provide the equation)
Anatomy and Physiology Exam #1
13 February 2006
24) Secondary Active Transport
25) Equilibrium potential
26) Diffusion
27) Ligand gated channel
Short Answers: (25 Pts) Answer the following questions. Diagrams are frequently
useful, so feel free to use them if necessary.
28) Brown fat uses the electron transport chain to produce heat rather than ATP.
Briefly describe how brown fat accomplishes this. Your answer should include
the basic workings of the energy producing mechanism of the electron transport
Anatomy and Physiology Exam #1
13 February 2006
29) Give an example of a biological negative feedback loop. Be sure to briefly
describe how it works. Drawings may be useful.
30) a) Describe how the golgi sorts proteins
b) Describe how golgi vesicles know where to go. – (10Pts)
Anatomy and Physiology Exam #1
13 February 2006
31) Using Goldman’s equation, determine the membrane potential in a cell with a Na+
permeability of 1 and a K+ permeability of 50. Then calculate the membrane
potential if the permeability to Na+ increases 20 fold.
Anatomy and Physiology Exam #1
13 February 2006
Essays: (25 Pts) Answer the following question in as much detail as possible.
32) Estradiol-17β (E2) is the active estrogen in humans. For many years it was
thought that the effects of E2 were purely genomic. Physiologists have recently
elucidated a new way in which E2 acts – through a membrane bound E2 receptor
and the Ca2+ second messenger system.
a. Why was it assumed that E2 acted through genomic means?
b. The genomic response to E2 results in the production of protein. Briefly
describe protein production.
c. Describe how E2 effects its’ target tissue in a non-genomic fashion starting
with binding to its’ receptor and ending with an increase in intracellular
Ca2+ levels.
Anatomy and Physiology Exam #1
13 February 2006