Conference on the History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics List of abstracts, May, the 20th 2008 HISTORY OF POLYNOMIALS Mircea BECHEANU University of Bucharest, Romania The History of Mathematics was less focused on the History of Algebra. For many centuries, Algebra was considered rather a collection of methods and algorithms created with the aim to make possible computations. Our aim is to present a short incursion into the History of Algebra through polynomials, one of the basic notions in Mathematics. We want to clarify how this notion appeared in Mathematics and especially why its born was so late. The clear idea of "what it is polynomial" is very connected to modern Algebra. Nevertheless, for many centuries they were a necessary tool in mathematical discovering. We present the evolution of mathematical ideas connected to polynomials starting from Ancient Mesopotamia, then we pass to Ancient Greek Mathematics, Eastern and Arabic Mathematics. Next, coming to Renaissance and Modern Time we present the evolution of the algebraic formalism in connection with the problem of solving algebraic equations. At the end we will mention some important problems in modern theory of polynomial rings. UP-TO-DATANESS OF THE GREEK WORLD-VIEW Mária BOTH1, László CSORBA2 1 Apor Vilmos Catholic College, Vác 2 Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Budapest The lecturers are going to show how the historical method can be applied int the teaching of science at high school and university. Their examples are based on their own books (ScienceNature-History I-II.) and their experience. The first example shows how the gnomonic world-view came from the ancient Greek geometry and how it can be used in philosophy, astronomy and geography. The knowledge from ancient astronomy is a part of the present-day natural geographical world view. The other example shows the birth of atom theory and chemistry. The Demokritos’ idea of the atom is based on logics proving with the help of an indirect method. This idea has been loaded with empirical contents by modern chemistry. In this way the Greek theory has been connected with the permanence of relations declared by Phüthagoras. The knowledge about different viewpoints leads pupils to the methods of scientific argumentation; therefore, the historical knowledge is up-to-date advanced and useful even now. THE POSSIBILITIES FOR HISTORY OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN HUNGARY Mária Both1; László Csorba2; Gábor Zemplén3 1 Apor Vilmos Catholic College, Vác 2 Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest 3 Budapest University of Technology and Economics The paper explores – via some selected and detailed case studies – how history of science is incorporated in science education and in the education of science teachers in Hungary. After the significant curricular reforms in 2005 the development of specific competences have been prioritized and expressly referred to in the national curricula. We show how history of science can be instrumental in reaching these aims in the high school diploma exams in Biology, both for test-questions and for the interpretation of primary-source citations. We discuss the specific needs that science-teacher training faces in order to develop new teaching skills for nature of science, critical/reflective thinking, and socio-scientific issues, and give examples of how current textbooks and teaching-guides utilize history of science for reaching these aims. Based on our experience in both secondary schools, universities (colleges), and curriculum-development, we assess the successes of the current practice. The assessment is partly based on the evaluation of the effectiveness of our courses for science-teachers, and partly on the evaluation of the theoretical underpinnings to the new curricular developments. MATHEMATICAL DUELS: CONFLICTS MAKING HISTORY Franka Miriam BRÜECKLER University of Zagreb, Croatia Almost all educated people know that Newton and Leibniz quarreled about who first discovered calculus, and to many one or the other conflict between great mathematicians is known. Some of the conflicts may be just anecdotes and the reasons for some conflicts were more of a personal than of a mathematical background, but still they give interesting insights the development of various mathematical ideas. This talk shall cover some of the examples, with the aim to show how mathematical conflicts can help to enhance the teaching of mathematics. 'THE EDINBURGH MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY EDUCATION COMMITTEE' Colin CAMPBELL University of St Andrews The Edinburgh Mathematical Society, founded in 1883, is the principal mathematical society for the university community in Scotland. As well as a Research Support Fund which gives financial support to a variety of mathematical activities, including research visits, conferences and publications, the Society has an Education Committee which is concerned with the whole spectrum of mathematical education. In particular, this Committee manages the Schools Enrichment Fund to support a range of mathematical activities at school level. I will describe some of the work of the Education Committee of which I am at present the convener. TEACHING DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY OF PLANE CURVES WITH MATHCAD Nicolae DANET Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest} The aim of this paper is to present the benefits of using Mathcad for teaching differential geometry of plane curves to civil engineering students. Being easy to combine math equations and graphical representations with text regions in Mathcad, the teacher can deliver good lectures without using the software like a black box. TWO MAHEMATICAL GEMS BEHIND A TANGRAM Fernando Castro GUTIÉRREZ Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador, Venezuela From the times of the Greeks the presence of the Golden ratio between segments has been a seal of beauty and harmony. This is the emblematic case of the Parthenon in Athens. But what about the presence of the Golden Number as a ratio between areas of plane regions ?. In 1984 the German mathematician Georg Brugner created an interesting 3-pieces Tangram. Through the geometric Tangram construction we can find the Pythagoras theorem and a Golden Section between areas. A search in the Kasimir Malevich paintings ,some decorative Spanish bricks and book design reveals the presence of the Golden Number as a ratio between the areas of plane regions. EULER, SEGNER, TOBIAS MAYER AND DEBRECEN Tünde KÁNTOR University of Debrecen, Hungary „Read Euler, read Euler, he is the master of us all.” Lagrange This lecture presents a connection among Euler and his contemporaries Segner, Tobias Mayer and some aspects concerning Debrecen. We discuss his influence on the growth of European mathematics and physics. Euler was one of the most important mathematicians and physicians of the Enlightenment. The year 2007 marks the 300th anniversary of Euler’s birth. In Debrecen we organized lectures and an exhibition of remembrance. Why? The causes are very obvious. 1. Segner was student of the ancient Calvinist College in Debrecen and later he was employed as a doctor in Debrecen. Segner invented a simple reaction waterwheel. Euler presented Segner’s turbine at the Academy of Berlin. This work influenced Euler to work on turbines. Euler used Segner’s results when he created a crude turbine. We could find a very big correspondence between Segner and Euler, Segner wrote 159 letters to Euler. 2. Euler’s lunar theory was used by Tobias Mayer in constructing his famous tables of the moon. We could find Euler’s correspondence (10) with Tobias Mayer (21) from1751 to 1755. 3. Tobias Mayer and Segner were at the same time professors at the University of Göttingen. Their common work was to build up and to equip the new observatory. Instead of Segner Tobias Mayer got the director’s chair of the observatory. Euler solved the problem, he advised the authorities that Segner should occupy Ch. Wolff’s chair in Halle. 4. In Debrecen, in the Great Library of the Calvinist College we found 12 original works of Euler. Their owners were some peregrine students, who became later well-known outstanding personalities. The most interesting is that we find a coloured exemplar of Tobias Mayer’s Mathematischer Atlas (Pfeffel, Augsburg, 1745), and a lot of his maps as part of the Atlas Scolasticus and the Atlas Geographicus Maior (1748-1751). THE ROLE OF G. B. HALSTED IN THE RECOGNITION OF JÁNOS BOLYAI'S ACHIEVEMENTS Zoltán KÁSA Sapientia University, Tg-Mures In the summer of the year 1896 George Bruce Halsted (1853-1922), professor at Texas University in Austin, who had published in English the Lobachesky's treatise and the Bolyai's Appendix, made a trip to Marosvásárhely and Kolozsvár and after this to Kazan. In The University Of Texas Magazine was published a paper by J. A. Lomax, the editor in chief, about this very interesting summer trip. In the same journal Halsted published two papers on his visit in Transylvania. In this paper we discuss how this visit was reacted in the local newspapers. ON TWO LONG LASTING DELUSIONS IN THE HISTORY OF EQUATIONS Lajos KLUKOVITS University of Szeged, Hungary The first is the misbelief that Al Khwarizmi was the inventor of two powerful method − called by him as al-jabr and al-muquabla − in solving (quadratic) equations. We will present several examples of two millennia earlier i.e. examples from the period aof the Old Babylonian Empire. The second is that either nothing remarkable happened in algebra between Leonardo of Pisa and Luca Pacioli, or the 16th century Italian \\\"maestro\\\"-s and mathematicians have first disproved the opinions of the mediaeval Islamic scholars that the cubic and the biquadratic equations can be solved geometrically only. We will show results due to Italian \\\"maestro\\\"-s (master Dardi of Pisa, master Benedetto of Florence) and the famous renaissance painter Pierro della Francesca of the 14th and 15th centuries. They have reached several interesting but non-general results, CHANGES IN THE ROLE OF ZERO Éva KOPASZ Eötvös József College, Hungary In this talk what Í intend to focus on is the changes in the role of zero in history. The problem of zero dates back to history. At the very beginning it was not even denoted later on it was used to substitute space. Even some fifty years ago axiom 1 by Peano was taught in a way that 1 is a natural number. Then we move on to the role of zero in mathematics and in other branches of science and its relevance in everyday life. Further on the results of a survey conducted at our college revealed how the students appreciate zero. Since students presented their ideas related not only to mathematics but other branches of science as well. In this presentation excerpts from their ideas will be shown. REVISITING PYTHAGORAS David LINGARD Sheffield Jacob Bronowski described the theorem attributed to Pythagoras as “… the most important single theorem in the whole of mathematics.” That may seem an extravagant claim, but what Pythagoras (and others before him) established is “… a fundamental characterisation of the space in which we move and the first time that it is translated into numbers.” (1) What is beyond doubt is the hugely rich field of mathematics that springs from this simple theorem, the variety of proofs of which alone are sufficient for weeks of enjoyment. This lecture will touch upon some of these proofs, but will also examine other pieces of mathematics that can be developed from the theorem, a few problems that rely upon it for a solution and some aspects of the history behind much of all of this. Hopefully, this session will be of interest to the academic mathematician, the historian of mathematics and those who teach the subject at any level. (1) Bronowski, Jacob, The Ascent of Man, BBC Publications, London, 1973. SPATIAL ABILITY IN FACULTY OF TECHNICAL ENGINEERING ÁRVAINÉ MOLNÁR Adrien1, NAGYNÉ KONDOR Rita2 University of Debrecen, Hungary 1, Our article reports about a survey about the topic of spatial ability and fundamental knowledge on descriptive geometry. We surveyed the knowledge of first year architect students in the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Technical Engineering, because it is very important for the students to solving different spatial problems. We analysed results of the test, with emphasis on gender differences. THE ROLE OF THE HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF MATHEMATICS - AN ICMI STUDY 1997–2000 Kati MUNKÁCSY Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest I would like to show some documents of ICMI study, which was working from 1996 (Barcelona) to 2000 (Tokyo). This study was chaired by John Fauvel and Jan van Maanen. The work is going on, now there are working groups, web sites, journals, conferences in this field. A TRAINING MODEL FOR STUDENTS OF TEACHER STUDIES IN THE AREA OF DETECTION AND EDUCATION Margita PAVLEKOVIC1, Zeljko GREGOROVIC2 University of J.J.Strossmayer in Osijek, Croatia 1, The poster presents a training model for students of teacher studies in the area of detection and education of mathematically gifted children. The immediate instruction by students of teacher studies and university instructors with fourth grade pupils of Osijek elementary schools with special interest in mathematics is performed systematically and continuously during the entire academic year within the Little School of Mathematics at the methodology practicum of the Faculty of Teacher Education in Osijek (Internet access, didactic packages, SMART Board, children’s mathematical magazines, as well as suitable domestic and foreign materials). Based on very extensive field research, collaboration of mathematics methodologists, psychologists and scientists in the field of computer science, an expert system was created in order to detect children’s gift in mathematics. Additionally, the expert system enables students to monitor the growth of their competencies and establish a sense of self-efficacy in the area of detection and education of mathematically gifted children. NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF SYLVESTER AND ALGEBRAIC RICCATI EQUATION Mojca Premus, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia The paper is devoted to study of (numerical) SOR-like methods of solving Sylvester Equation AX−XB = C; where A is a real m×m matrix; B is a real n×n; C; X a real m×n, and the continuous-time algebraic Riccati equation (CARE): ATX + XA − XSX + Q = 0; where A; Q; S; X are real n×n matrices, proposed by Z. Woznicki. In comparison to other numerical methods methods the described in this paper use simple algorithms. They also give an low-computational ways of estimating errors. CORRESPONDENCE OF MATHEMATICIANS I. LÁSZLÓ KALMÁR’S CORRESPONDENCE WITH HUNGARIAN MATHEMATICIANS Péter Gábor SZABÓ University of Szeged, Hungary László Kalmár (1905-1976) was the leader of Hungarian mathematical logic at the University of Szeged. He was an excellent mathematician and one of the best-known pioneers of Computer Science in Hungary. The Kalmár’s scientific legacy is an important source of the History of Mathematics and the History of Computer Science. He had more than 700 corresponding partners, many Hungarian and foreign mathematicians, and other scientists. In our project, we published two books based on the Kalmár’s legacy. We worked up his correspondence with 24 Hungarian mathematicians: with János Aczél, Lajos Dávid, Pál Erdős, Lipót Fejér, István Fenyő, Géza Grünwald, Béla Gyires, György Hajós, János Neumann, Andor Kertész, Dénes Kőnig, Imre Lakatos, Dezső Lázár, Tibor Radó, László Rédei, Alfréd Rényi, Frigyes Riesz, János Surányi, Tibor Szele, Barna Szénássy, Béla Szőkefalvi-Nagy, Pál Turán, Tamás Varga, and István Vincze. The books contain more than 500 letters with 1000 comments and many other documents, photos, and biographical data [1,2]. References [1] KALMÁRIUM. Kalmár László levelezése magyar matematikusokkal (Dávid Lajos, Erdős Pál, Fejér Lipót, Grünwald Géza, Kertész Andor, Kőnig Dénes, Rédei László, Rényi Alfréd, Riesz Frigyes, Szele Tibor, Turán Pál, Varga Tamás). Összeáll.: Szabó P. G. Szeged, 2005. Polygon. 476 p. [2] KALMÁRIUM II. Kalmár László levelezése magyar matematikusokkal (Aczél János, Fenyő István, Gyires Béla, Hajós György, Lakatos Imre, Lázár Dezső, Neumann János, Radó Tibor, Surányi János, Szénássy Barna, Szőkefalvi-Nagy Béla, Vincze István). Összeáll.: Szabó P.G. Szeged, 2008. Polygon. 424 p. CORRESPONDENCE OF MATHEMATICIANS II. THE RIESZ BROTHERS’S CORRESPONDENCE Péter Gábor SZABÓ University of Szeged, Hungary The Riesz brothers, Frigyes Riesz (1880-1956) and Marcel Riesz (1886-1969) were great mathematicians of the 20th century. Frigyes Riesz lived in Hungary (in Kolozsvár, Szeged, and Budapest), his brother, Marcel Riesz in Sweden (in Stockholm and Lund). Their scientific works have a great significance in many parts of mathematics, and their collected papers published in two monographies [1,2]. In our project we started the collecting and reviewing the Riesz brothers’s correspondence in Lund, and carried on the preliminary studies [3] by the late László Filep (1941-2004), who worked both in Lund and in the Institute for the History of Hungarian Sciences. We concluded that these materials definitely contain items of mathematical and historical worth, which help us understand the history of mathematical problem solving in the twentieth century [4]. This project was supported by the Grant OTKA K 67652. References [1] Riesz Frigyes összegyűjtött munkái I-II. (A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia megbízásából sajtó alá rendezte Császár Ákos), Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1960. [2] Marcel Riesz, Collected Papers, (Edited by Lars Gårding and Lars Hörmander), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1988. [3] Filep László, Szemelvények Riesz Frigyesnek Riesz Marcellhez írott leveleiből, Műszaki Szemle 27. szám, Historia Scientiarum – 1, 2004, 26-38. [4] Riesz Frigyes és Riesz Marcell levelezése (Submitted for publication). THE CONCEPT OF SYMMETRY AT THE AGE OF 10-11 SZILÁGYINÉ SZINGER Ibolya Eötvös József College, Hungary In the lower primary the basics of geometrical concepts are laid down. In this presentation the development of the concept of symmetry is examined. In May-June 2006 the evolvement of several geometrical concepts - among which the concept of symmetry as well - were examined in an educational development experiment conducted with fourth class students. The research question is how lower primary geometry teaching, particularly the concept of symmetry is related to the levels formulated by van Hiele. Moreover to what extent are the concrete activities effectively carried out at these levels in evolving the concept of symmetry. Our hypothesis is that in the lower primary geometry teaching (classes 1-4) the first two stages of the van Hiele levels can be put into practice. By the completion of lower primary classes level 3 cannot be reached. Children do dot see the logical relationship between the properties of a given shape. They cannot come to a conclusion from one property of shapes to another. In our presentation we present the developing teaching experiment and its observations which we support with measurement results