赣 南 医 学 院 教 案

赣 南 医 学 院 教 案
教研室:Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Chapter 4 Metabolism of Glucose
教师姓名: Xie Fuhua
Clinical medicine major
1. Concept of glycolysis. Process, rate-limiting enzyme,ATP generation, site of
action and physiological significance of glycolytic pathway.
2. Concept of aerobic oxidation of glucose. Process, rate-limiting enzyme,ATP
generation, site of action and physiological significance of oxidative decarboxylation
of pyruvate and krebs cycyle.
3. Physiological significance of PPP. Function of NADPH.
4. Rate-limiting enzyme and its catalytic reaction of synthesis and breakdown of
hepatic glycogen.
5. Concept, rate-limiting enzyme and its catalytic reaction and physiological
significance of glyconeogenesis.
6. Source and outlet blood sugar. Regulation of hormone to blood sugar.
1. Regulation to glycolysis.
2. Regulation to aerobic oxidation of glucose.
3. Concept of Pasteur's effect.
4. Key reactions and their regulation of PPP.
5. Regulation to synthesis and breakdown of hepatic glycogen.
6. Regulation to glyconeogenesis.
7. Cori cycle and its physiological significance.
1. Important function of glucose. Digestion and absorption of glucose. Overview
of glycometabolism.
2. Regulation to synthesis and breakdown of muscle glycogen. Pompe's
3. Disorder of glycometabolism such as hyperglycaemia and glycopenia.
1. Concept of glycolysis. Process, rate-limiting enzyme,ATP generation, site of
action and physiological significance of glycolytic pathway.
2. Concept of aerobic oxidation of glucose. Process, rate-limiting enzyme,ATP
generation, site of action and physiological significance of oxidative decarboxylation
of pyruvate and krebs cycyle.
3. Physiological significance of PPP. Function of NADPH.
4. Rate-limiting enzyme and its catalytic reaction of synthesis and breakdown of
hepatic glycogen.
5. Concept, rate-limiting enzyme and its catalytic reaction and physiological
significance of glyconeogenesis.
6. Source and outlet blood sugar. Regulation of hormone to blood sugar.
1. Regulation to aerobic oxidation of glucose.
2. Regulation to glyconeogenesis
1. Theaching aid: computer, projector, mike, chalk, ferule, multimedia
2. Theaching means: utilize modernization teaching means and
methods, make good courseware, combine pictures with words well;
integrate languge expression, apporiate writing and teaching with
1. Brief review of Enzyme.
2. Focused, decentralized and difficult, and easy-to seize key;
3. Language, illustrated the integration of multimedia courseware, and
appropriate progress on related research;
4. Combination of antibiotics and other biological active substance of
the role of an example, the basic theory and clinical practice to closely
5. In some key or key, can be properly writing on the blackboard, a
focused, and guide students to more easily grasp the ideas;
6. Classrooms and more questions, and student exchange, mobilize
their enthusiasm, but also a first suspect, in the follow-up teaching guide
students to find answers to simple terms, stripping layers.
Teaching Process is divided into 3 parts : guide,main content and summary.
Guide: brief review of Enzyme
Main content:
Section 1
1. Physiologic function of glucose
2. Digestion and absorption of glucose
3. Overview of glycometabolism
Section 2 Anaerobic Decomposition of glucose
1. Process of glycolysis
2.Regulation to glycolysis
3. Physiologica significance of glycolysis
Section 3 Aerobic oxidation of glucose
1. Process of aerobic oxidation
2.ATP produced in the process of aerobic oxidation
3. Regulation to aerobic oxidation
4. Pasteur's effect
Section 4 Pentose phosphate pathway (PPP)
1. Process of PPP
2. Regulation to PPP
3. Physiologica significance of PPP
Section 5 Synthesis and Breakdown of glucogen
1. Anabolic metabolism of glucogen
2. Catabolism of glucogen
3. Regulation to synthesis and Breakdown of glucogen
4. Pompe's syndrome
Section 6
1. Pathway of glyconeogenesis
2. Regulation to glyconeogenesis
3. Physiologica significance of glyconeogenesis
4. Cori cycle
Section 7
Blood sugar and its regulation
1. Source and outlet of blood sugar
2. Regulation to blood sugar
3.Dysfunction of blood sugar
Receptors (some glycosyl chains of glycoconjugate extend on the
surface of plasma membrane as antennae to form so called glycocalyx, to
have the function of recognition, adhesion, and signal transduction).
⑴ Berg J M,Tymoczko J L,Stryer L. 2002. Biochemistry. 5th
Edition. New York:W.H. Freeman Publishers.
⑵ Devlin T M.. 2002. Textbook of Biochemisrty with Clinical
Correlations. New York: Wiley-Liss.
⑶ Robert K. Murray, Daryl K. Granner, Peter A. Mayes,et al. 2003.
Harper’s Biochemistry. Stamford:McGraw-Hill.
Review the content to be mastered.
Carbohydrate is very important compound for organisms.
1.Carbohydrate is a very important food for human beings. The major
function of carbohydrate is as a fuel to be oxidized and provide energy for
other metabolic processes. Carbohydrate is the “staple food” for most
organisms. Sugar and starch represent the major part of total caloric intake
for humans. When 1 gram of carbohydrate is oxidized completely to CO2
and H2O, 4 kilocalories of energy can be released. In other words, 1 mol
glucose is oxidized completely to CO2 and H2O, 679 kilocalories (2840 kilo
Joules) of energy can be released.
2.Another function of carbohydrate is as the structural elements in cell
coat or connective tissues.Glycoconjugates including glycoprotein,
proteoglycan, and glycolipid have special functions, such as
glycosaminoglycan [as lubricant to lubricate skeletal joints]);
regulation (some hormones, some enzymes);
transportation (lipoprotein, transferrin);
 receptors (some glycosyl chains of glycoconjugate extend on the
surface of plasma membrane as antennae to form so called glycocalyx,
to have the function of recognition, adhesion, and signal transduction).
3. Component of nucleic acids.
4. Conversion to lipids and non-essential amino acids.
This chapter will describe the utilization of glucose as a source of
energy mainly.