Bubblegum Lab

Lab Report: Percent Sugar in Bubble Gum
Problem: What percent of bubble gum is sugar?
 1 piece of sugared bubble gum
 wrapper
 balance
 sugar aka sucrose is C12H22O11
1. Record data in table provided.
2. Find the mass of unchewed gum in wrapper to 0.01g & record
3. Unwrap the gum & put it in your mouth. Chew with enthusiasm for the next 12 minutes. Save the
4. While you are chewing energetically, measure & record the mass of the wrapper to 0.01g.
5. Next place the chewed gum on the wrapper (carrying as little saliva as possible). Measure the total
mass of the wrapper & chewed gum to 0.01g & record.
6. Determine the mass of the unchewed gum & the mass of the chewed gum from the data & record.
7. Determine the amount of sugar lost from the piece of gum using your data & record.
8. Calculate the percentage of sugar in the gum by dividing the mass of the sugar by the mass of the
unchewed gum and multiply by 100. Record the answer in your data table.
mass of unchewed gum in wrapper
mass of wrapper
mass of unchewed gum
formula mass of sucrose
mass of chewed gum in wrapper
mass of chewed gum
mass of sugar in 1 piece of bubble gum
moles of sugar in 1 piece of gum
percent sugar in bubble gum
always indicate you unit of measurement
1. What is the percent of sugar? Write the equation, write the numbers in the equation & put a box around
your answer.
2. How many moles of sugar are in one piece of gum? Write the equation, write the numbers in the
equation & put a box around your answer.
3. The nutritional information from the package says that the actual amount of sugar in a piece of gum is
6.00g. Compare your experimental results to the actual amount & calculate you percent error. Write the
equation, write the numbers in the equation & put a box around your answer.
List 2 good reasons for error in your experiment. Examine the procedure. (DO NOT use calculations,
scale, or your measuring.)