
RE Assessment for Learning - Links to the EARLY LEARNING GOALS

TOPIC: Babies

Many illustrations from “God’s Story” 1 and “Church’s Story” 1 CD-ROMs can be used to resource this topic

Personal, social and emotional development

Pupils use some stories, including those from the Bible, as a stimulus to reflect on their own feelings and experiences and explore them in various ways

Having read ‘Thursday nights’ children could:

Talk about their own memories of being a baby.

Think about how precious a baby is.

The children could create their own collage of baby photos and share their thoughts and opinions ( AT2 i )

Using a story as a stimulus, pupils reflect on the words and actions of characters and decide what they would have done in a similar situation

Communication, language and literacy

Using role-play as a stimulus, pupils talk about some of the ways in which people show love and concern for others and why this is important

Pupils think about issues of right and wrong and how humans help one another

Pupils have opportunities to respond creatively, imaginatively and meaningfully to memorable experiences

Using a religious celebration as a stimulus, pupils talk about special events associated with the celebration

Through artefacts, stories and music, pupils learn about important religious celebrations

After reading and discussing the Key Questions on page 183 (AT1 i )

Think about the Psalm (p.182) and as a group/class act out the words

 Paint a picture entitled; ’Wonderful Me’.

Retell through role-play the different ways in which a baby is cared for.

Having listened to the story and the psalm the children could; (AT1 iii)

Mime parts of the psalm

Also role-play ways in which we show love for a baby

Think about ways in which other people help to look after babies

Design a picture/postcard for God to thank him for making you (AT1 iii)

Discuss their time as a baby; speak to those who cared for them

Make a special card of thanks to those people and say why

 Make a class collage entitled; ’Wonderful

Me’ ( AT1 i)

 Using the illustrations from ‘Church’s

Story1’(pp18-19) discuss what we know about Baptism and what is involved

As a class explore some of the signs and symbols associated with Baptism

 As we listen to ‘Come before God’ paint what we hear.

(AT1 ii)

Knowledge and understanding of the world

Pupils ask and answer questions about religion as it occurs naturally within their everyday experience

Pupils are able to identify a special place for prayer in the classroom

Encourage children to talk about and explore how God was there for them as a baby. ( AT2 i)

During the topic create a quiet, prayerful atmosphere with a lit candle to reflect and pray. Renew the Prayer area with pupils’ thoughts/prayers as the topic progresses.

(AT1 ii)

Pupils visit the local church

Pupils handle religious artefacts with curiosity and respect

Having visited a place for prayer, or the parish church, pupils learn new words associated with the place, showing respect

Creative development

Using religious artefacts as a stimulus, pupils think about, and express, meanings associated with the artefact

Pupils share their own experiences and feelings, and those of others, and are supported in reflecting on them

If possible, make a visit to your local church and priest to see how New Life is celebrated. ( vestments / colours) AT1 iii

Refer to the Bible as a very special book with Psalms and stories of Jesus’ life

(AT1 ii)

Children should be encouraged to discuss and use new words they have discovered.

Explore the meaning of these words and symbols.

(AT2 ii)

Using artefacts mentioned in the stories children can ask and answer questions about their meaning and significance

( AT2 ii)

Allow children to share their own experiences of their own life as a baby and that of others.

Share their experiences of growing as a baby and reflect on those that love and care for them. ( AT2 ii)

* Attainment target references provide a guide as to the specific area of learning for a given task

Further suggestions for ‘Free Play’ activities and Learning Environment opportunities;

Create an area with a doll and related baby clothes, bottle, blanket etc

Provide lullaby music to listen and dance to

Provide ‘jigsaw’ pictures of items related to babies. Pupils can put these together and name them.

Children could create a collage with related pictures from parenting/childcare magazines

Provide simple instructions for games/nursery rhymes to play with a baby

Provide simple ‘cut-out’ templates of a rattle, teddy or bottle with the word ‘

Dear God,

Thank you for….’

.Pupils can write the name of a baby they know. Colour this and add to the

Prayer area.

Assessment for Learning (AfL) - Planning Assessment Opportunities

Key Question:

What must I do in this topic to enable pupils to achieve this level, and demonstrate understanding?

Topic: Babies Level: One Year Groups: One

Suggested Assessment Opportunities AT1: Knowledge and Understanding of:-

AT2: Reflection on Meaning of:

AT1(i): Beliefs, teachings and sources – Recognise some religious stories

After reading the psalm and ‘Jesus was cared for by Mary and Joseph’, ask the children to identify the key words and phrases which tell you the story is a religious one.

Use the questions provided to stimulate th ought on Mary and Joseph’s care of Jesus as a baby and that God loves and cares for babies.

Reenact the care given to Jesus and use a doll to wrap in ‘swaddling clothes’.

AT1 (ii): Celebration and ritual – Recognise some religious signs and symbols and use some religious words and phrases

Discuss the meaning of psalm and litany. Pupils can then design some simple prayers and responses of their own

Focus too; on the words and phrases within the text of the stories, what do they make us think about? Have we used them before?

The class could build up a collage / simple glossary of these to refer to throughout the topic.

(psalm, litany, Jewish, Nazareth etc)

AT1(iii): Social and moral practices and way of life – recognise that people, because of their religion,act in a particular way

Share and discuss the psalm on page 183. Choose a word/line from the psalm and draw/decorate what it means to you. Add to the prayer area.

Discuss why is it we have morning and evening prayers. Listen to some and then either draw or write a prayer to use at home or at school.

AT2 (i):_ Engageme nt with their own and others’ beliefs and values – Talk about their own experiences and feelings

The children can recall and talk/write about/illustrate their own experiences of; being a/ caring for a baby. Reenact some scenarios. ’Freeze frame’ some of these and ask; ‘What would you do next?’

In small groups, discuss how you would feel and what you would do/say in a given situation, maybe as a mum or dad.

AT2(ii); Engagement with questions of meaning and purpose – Say what they wonder about

Pairs: Together create two or three questions which we feel unsure about relating to the topic. Use these to create a class ‘I wonder wall’ where pupils can pin these questions to the wall and discuss their own and others’ questions/responses.

Assessment for Learning (AfL) - Planning Assessment Opportunities

Key Question: What must I do in this topic to enable pupils to achieve this level, and demonstrate understanding?________

Topic: Babies Level: Two Year Groups: Two

Suggested Assessment Opportunities AT1: Knowledge and Understanding of:-

AT2: Reflection on Meaning of:____

AT1(i): Beliefs, teachings and sources – Retell some special stories about religious events and people

 Using ‘God’s love for everyone’ ask the children to explain/discuss the meaning of the psalm. How did it make you feel?

Read and listen to the passage from Galatians 4:4-6. Retell this story through actions, words, song or picture.

Discuss some of the religious words within the story and their meaning.

Hot-seat some of the characters ( Mary, Joseph or friends) describe how the journey and/or the temple felt like

AT1 (ii): Celebration and ritual – Use religious words and phrases to describe some religious actions and symbols

Listen to/say the prayer on page 183. Illustrate all or parts of the prayer in a way of your choice

 Make your own litany of praise with the response ‘Praise/Thank you, God’.

Hold a quiz based on words and phrases within the stories read and discussed. ‘Word association’ game. Compile a simple glossary.

AT1(iii): Social and moral practices and way of life – Describe some ways in which religion is lived out by believers

Discuss ways in which others love and care for us just as God does.

Draw a picture of a baby and surround it with words, pictures and symbols of how God and others care for it.

 Share and discuss the psalms from God’s Story 2 (page 31).Take 1-2 lines from this and illustrate

AT2 (i):_ Engagement wit h their own and others’ beliefs and values – Ask and respond to questions about their own & others’ experiences & feelings

Listen to th e song; ‘Our New Babe’ (p183). Then think of your own verse to compose / draw as a class.

Have a class discussion based on God as a loving father and mother. Have we experienced this in our lives? If so, how/when? What about those who have not? Discuss

AT2(ii); Engagement with questions of meaning and purpose – Ask questions about what they wonder about and realise that some of these questions are difficult to answer.

Within the context of this topic, encourage the children to ask questions about the things they wonder about, which may have no clear answers for us at the present time, for example ; Why is it that not all experience of God as a loving father and mother?

A Class Question Box could be provided :- design questions for each other.

Assessment for Learning (AfL) - Planning Assessment Opportunities

Key Question:

What must I do in this topic to enable pupils to achieve this level, and demonstrate understanding?

Topic: Babies Level: Three Year Groups: Three/Four

Suggested Assessment Opportunities AT1: Knowledge and Understanding of:-

AT2: Reflection on Meaning of:

AT1(i): Beliefs, teachings and sources – Make links between religious stories and beliefs

Read and discuss togethe r ‘Hannah’s joy’. Working in small groups, discuss the Key questions.

Groups could report back to the class and question one another.

Retell the story from the viewpoint of Hannah or Eli.

AT1 (ii): Celebration and ritual – Use a developing religious vocabulary to give reasons for religious actions and symbols

 Using ‘Alleluia, thank you for fathers’’ give examples of what our own father and God our

Father does for us.

Read and discuss about the life of Samuel from the Junior Bible series. What is it he did and why do we think he acted in this way?

AT1 (iii): Social and moral practices and way of life

Give reasons for certain actions by believers

Explore why and how people pray to God, just like Hannah. Think of a time when we and others may need to pray to God for a special reason

Compose a prayer on a paper candle/cross to be displayed in our Prayer area. These could also be taken home to be completed together.

AT2 (i):_ Engagement with their own and others’ beliefs and values – Make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their behaviour and that of others

Make links between the stories and prayers we have read/written and how we should act and behave each day.

In groups discuss a set of given scenarios and how we might - as followers of God approach these.

AT2 (ii); Engagement with questions of meaning and purpose – Compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions that are difficult to answer

Revisit some of the pieces of Scripture used in this topic. What did they tell us? How can we use them? Are there aspects that need further explanation?

Within a quiz format, children can design questions based on their learning. Think about questions you find difficult to answer, share with others e.g. sometimes babies have difficulties and need help to overcome these - discuss

Assessment for Learning (AfL) Planning Assessment Opportunities

Key Question:

What must I do in this topic to enable pupils to achieve this level, and demonstrate understanding?

Topic: Babies Level: Four Year Group : Five / Six

Suggested Assessment Opportunities AT1: Knowledge and Understanding of:-

AT2: Reflection on Meaning of:

AT1(i): Beliefs, teachings and sources – Describe and show understanding of religious sources , beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences; making links between them

Having read ‘Moses tells his people about God’, discuss the Key questions. Design a new title for the story, share and discuss these with others.

 Use ‘God’s Story 3’(p.29) to draw comparisons with the story on page 254

Small Groups; Imagine you were there, part of the group following Moses. Write a diary entry about what you saw, heard and felt.

AT1(ii): Celebration and ritual - Use religious terms to show an understanding of different liturgies

 Listen to ‘Be still and know that I am with you’. Illustrate some of the words through action/picture.

In pairs, compose your own brief liturgy/prayer based on what you have read and discussed. Share these with the whole school.

AT1(iii): Social and moral practices and way of life – Show understanding of how religious belief shapes life

 ‘Hot seat’ some of the Israelite people who followed Moses and prepare questions to ask them about their experience and why they did what they did.

Using the scripture studied, design a p amphlet entitled ‘How to be a good parent’ illustrating how belief in God as a loving parent might shape their role.

AT2(i): Engagement with own and others beliefs and values – Show how own and others’ decisions are informed by beliefs and values

Discuss and think about why either Moses or Isaiah was inspired to do what they did.

Using the stories from pages 254 and 259 think about what inspired them. How did their beliefs and values affect the way they behaved and spoke? (Present in a format of your choice)

AT2(ii): Engagement with questions of meaning and purpose – Engage with and respond to questions of life in the light of religious teaching

 Working in small groups, pupils assume the role of a parent. Discuss as a ‘parent’ what it means to be a parent and how Scripture and prayer may help in this role.

Use some of your findings as part of a class/whole school liturgy

Assessment for Learning (AfL) Planning Assessment Opportunities

Key Question:

What must I do in this topic to enable pupils to achieve this level, and demonstrate understanding?

Topic: Babies Level: Five Year Group : Five/ Six (G+T)

Suggested Assessment Opportunities AT1: Knowledge and Understanding of:-

AT2: Reflection on Meaning of:

AT1(i): Beliefs, teachings and sources – Identify sources of religious belief and explain how distinctive religious beliefs arise

 Using the story ‘Moses tells his people about God’ the children can research the Scriptural sources within the story and compare this with others ( God’s Story 3; pages 18-31))

Research the sources of the beliefs about how God cared for his people.

This could be presented as a PowerPoint presentation, using text, graphics and music.

AT1(ii): Celebration and ritual – Describe and explain the meaning and purpose of a variety of forms of worship

Using Psalm 23; Isaiah 40, explore hymns which are song as a form of worship to this psalm. (page 256) Look them up and discuss the similarities.(imagery)

The pupils could produce a ‘user friendly’ guide for other children to use and learn from.

AT1(iii): Social and moral practices and way of life – Identify similarities and differences between peoples’ responses to social and moral issues because of their beliefs.

Having been given guidance by the class teacher, children can explore a topical issue and explore the differing viewpoints including that of our own church ( the needs of others, natural disasters/destruction)

 Draw up a critique or ‘photo-fit’ of each viewpoint.

AT2(i): Engagement with own and others beliefs and values

Explain what beliefs and values inspire and influence me and others

Research the life of Moses using a variety of sources. What inspired/influenced him and how might we learn from him?

Present your findings, ensuring that you outline how that person was inspired and influenced by their beliefs. How were you inspired through researching their life?

AT2(ii): Engagement with questions of meaning and purpose – Demonstrate how religious beliefs and teaching give some explanation of the purpose and meaning of human life

Through a format of their choice, the children can work in pairs to prepare a piece of work related to the Christian b elief; ‘ The Lord is my shepherd’

 Write your own ‘Our Father’ using the Scripture imagery and passages you have studied.

How might this give meaning and purpose to a parents’ life?
