You and Identity Christina Jones Week Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Crisis Intro Divergent: Divergent: PowerPoint: Intro on Crisis Read “Divergent” chapter 1 through 8 (Teacher will stop periodically to ask questions about text) Read “Divergent” chapter 11 through 18, while marking the text (Teacher will stop periodically to ask questions about text Start Plot diagram sheet. Continue working on Plot diagram sheet. KWL: Identity Week 1: Crisis on Identity Tuesday Journal Assignment: How have you handle a crisis? Assign groups and introduce Literature Circles Preview the text (Divergent) Diagnostic Assessment: KWLs, Prior knowledge W.9-10.2e Complete Vocabulary terms for chapters 1 through 10. Homework: Read chapter 9 and 10. Informal Assessment: Plot diagram RI.9-10.5 Complete Vocabulary terms for chapters 11 through 20. Journal Assignment: What is bravery to you? Homework: Read chapter 19 and 20. Informal Assessment: Vocabulary terms worksheet RI.9-10.4 You and Identity Christina Jones Week 2: Crisis on Identity Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Divergent: Divergent: Introduce Level 1, 2, 3, questions. Read chapter 21 through 28 Complete “Questions Worksheet” Continue working on plot diagram sheet Discussion Time: What’s happening? Complete vocabulary terms for chapter 21 through 28 Informal Assessment: Class Discussion Journal Assignment: Free write SL.9-10.1 Homework: Finish Book Informal Assessment: Students will be following in text, while taking turns reading RI.9-10.5 Friday You and Identity Christina Jones Week 3: Crisis on Identity Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Divergent: Divergent: Survival Guides: Literature Circles Homework: Finish Divergent Assignments Fishbowl Discussion: What is identity? Where do you obtain identity? How do you obtain identity? Can identity change? Why is learning your identity so important? Prewriting: Write survival skills you believe you need currently or believe you will need. Jot down why you believe they may be important. What does the word survival mean to you? Informal Assessment: Students work in groups to complete task. Journal Assignment: Why do you think learning your identity is so important? Research: Make a list of attributes, skills, and rules the members followed. Find quotes to support you SL.9-10.1b Divergent Work Due Character Chart (group assignment). Diagnostic: Class Fishbowl Discussion Summative assessment: Survival Guide W.9-10.3 SL.9-10.1b You and Identity Christina Jones Week 4: Crisis on Identity Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Survival Guides: Survival Guides: Watch an episode of Survival Man: Compare and Contrast Finish Rough drafts Rent lab tops Tues, Thurs, and Mon. Teacher time: Look over guide with teacher. Rough Draft: Put ideas together. Summative assessment: Survival Guide Informal assessment: Compare and Contrast RI.9-10.3 RI.9-10.7 Peer Edit: With groups Friday You and Identity Christina Jones Week Monday Survival Guides: Week 5: American Identity Revise: Work on revision of guide. Homework: Finish Survival Guide: Summative assessment: Survival Guide W.9-10.2 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday ”What students carry assignment Read the Gettysburg Address Write a short description of what you can tell about the person whose personal items you saw. Questions: Why was the purpose of this speech? What do you notice about the language use in the speech? What was happening during the time of the speech Read chapter 1 of The Things You Carry. Journal Assignment: Explain how the author characterizes the individuals by the solders belongings. Survival Guide Due Informal assessment: written assignment about other students Read Give me Liberty or Give me Death Questions: Same as above Journal: How has America changed its identity since it became its own nation Informal assessment: Grading of questions 7& marking the text W.9-10.3e RI.9-10.9 You and Identity Christina Jones Week 6: Cultural Identity Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday African American History: African American History: Watch Martin Luther’s Speech Watch “The Ernest Green Story” based on The Little Rock Nine Watch “The Ernest Green Story” based on The Little Rock Nine Listen to Traditional Gospel during the time of the speech Journal Assignments: As you watch the movie write down your reactions to what is being seen. (There should be over a page of notes) Write your own song of hope Informal: Journal Note taking Informal :Written song W.9-10.10 W.9-10.6 Friday You and Identity Christina Jones Week Monday Week 7: Cultural Identity African American History Fishbowl Discussion: What was the teacher’s point of view during this time? What was the white point of view? What is the black point of view? What is the government point of view? Informal assessment: Student lead Discussion RL.9-10.2 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Latin American Culture Latin American Culture View items for show and tell. Guest Speaker: Will talk about life in Mexico and life in America. Her story on Immigration here and the treatment of her and her family while crossing. Followed by question and answer. PowerPoint: History of Latin Americans Read:” A Rock Trying to be a Stone” while marking the text. Answer questions for reading: How were the boys dangerous? What do you think this story saying about the Mexican border? Read: “Angie Luna” while marking text. Answer questions: What do you think is the identity of Victor before Angie? How did it change as the story went on? Formal assessment: questions are typed in Paragraphs. RL.9-10.6 Watch 20 minutes of telemundo and have Journals: Students write down their thoughts as they watch in their journals. (What comes to mind) Mexican food tasting Informal: Journal completion SL.9-10.1c You and Identity Christina Jones Week 8: Cultural Identity Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Chinese Culture Chinese Culture PowerPoint: Intro on Graphic Novels Read: American Born Chinese (Independently) Chinese Culture (KWL) Find 3 types of Gutter transitions you read so far Diagnostic assessment: KWL Informal: Annotated W.9-10.2e RI.9-10.5 Friday You and Identity Christina Jones Week Monday Wednesday Chinese Culture Chinese Culture Read: American Born Chinese Journal Assignment: What influences does Chinese culture have on America? (Volunteer Share) Find three types of Gutter transitions you read so far. Week 9: Cultural Identity Tuesday Homework: Talk to your family about your culture. Find out some traditions and how your family came to America. Try to find an item from your culture for show and tell. Informal assessment: Identify Gutters RL.9-10.6 Class Book Discussion What does Jin realizes about his perceptions of life and identity? How does he set out on his own path of redemption? What stereotypes did you notice about the Chinese culture and which ones have you not heard of? Art Project: Write one word using the Chinese Alphabet that describes you. (trace then use black paint) Informal assessment: Journal writing W.9-10.9 \ Thursday Friday Mini Graphic Novels Go over project Gather information about your personality/identity/traits Begin outlining your story Summative assessment: Graphic Novel W.9-10.3c You and Identity Christina Jones Week 10: Cultural Identity Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Mini Graphic Novel Mini Graphic Novel Finish outlining the story of your Graphic Novel Put Graphic Novel Together (Pictures and Pages) Present Graphic Novels 5 minutes presentations. Including telling the class what you believe to be your identity Put Graphic Novel Together (Pictures and Pages) Homework: Finish Graphic Novel Graphic Novel Due Summative assessment: Graphic Novel Formal assessment: Presentations W.9-10.3e SL.9-10.3 Summative assessment: Graphic Novel Mini Graphic Novel W.9-10.3d Week 11: Career and Identity Friday Career Project Career Project Brainstorm words that describe them. Continue researching: Students will list jobs they are interested in and choose one. Schooling Pay Skills Dress Language Skills Benefits Informal assessment: Students writing and brainstorming Informal assessment: Students conducting research. W.9-10.7 W.9-10.2b Personality test You and Identity Christina Jones Week 12: Career and Identity Week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Career Project Career Project Career Project Written 1 page summary: How does your job relate to your identity? Poster Boards Presentations: Each student will get 7 minutes (Will finish presentations Monday) Start Poster Boards (The researched information will be on the Poster Board) Summative assessment: Career Project Note Cards: Help will what will be said during presentations. Career Project Due Homework: Finish Career Project Summative assessment: Career Project Summative assessment: Career Project SL.9-10.6 W.9-10.2c W.9-10.2e Explanations: KWL’s: What students Know, Want to know and what they learned. “Know” and “Want” are done before reading and “Learned” after. This is an Informal assessment based upon completion. Journals: Students will keep a journal throughout the semester and have writing assignments. They are an informal assessment based upon completion. Literature Circles: This is an assignment with groups of four, where each student is responsible for a part of the assignment. One student will be the discussion coordinator. This student will come up with themes to discuss from the reading and keep everyone else on track. The next student is the connector. This student will find ways to connect the assignment to the real world (current events). Another student will be the illustrator. This student is to draw a picture of an important part that happened in the story. Lastly, there will be a student who is the passage coordinator. This student will find important passage to discuss with the group. You and Identity Christina Jones Questions worksheet: Students will find Level 1, 2, and 3 questions to go along with the readings. Vocabulary Words: Each week following Divergent, student will find 5 words in the dictionary and 5 words of my choosing. Then the students will write the words 5 times each, write each word in a sentence once, and try to use them in a sentence during class once. Write Song: Student will type of a song that is a song of hope. The song must be 3 minutes long when sung. Mini Graphic Novel: Students will create a short graphic novel telling their cultural identity. They will incorporate a wide range of the elements of graphic novels, drawl the illustrations by hand (final draft will be in ink” and write the text of the story. To them to be successful with this project, they will need to show clear understanding of the elements of graphic expression as well as tell a compelling and complete story of some aspect of your cultural identity. Artistic merit will be only a small portion of the grade, but they will need to create a book that is neatly done and shows attention to detail. Career Project: Students will research a few careers they are interested in and learn about them. They will find the schooling and skills needed, the pay they will receive, how they are to dress, the written and language skills used, and some possible benefits to the job they choose. They will provide a type paragraph for each category. They will additionally make a poster board that will have all 5 researched topics on them as well as, their one pager explaining how their career and identity relate. Students will also need to make notecards for key talking points. The poster boards should be decorated. Once done students will get a chance to present their career choice and try to come dressed as their career choice. Essential Questions: Why do you think learning your identity so important? Do the people around you help you form your identity? Why or why not? In what ways does your Nationality shape your identity? What do you believe to be the identity of America? How does you ethnic background shape your identity?