Study Guide for Critical Thinking and Nursing Process 1. 2. Review the outlines given in class. Define and differentiate between critical thinking, problem-solving, decision making, and clinical judgment. Critical thinking The active, organized, cognitive process used to carefully examine one’s thinking and the thinking of others. It requires the nurse to: observe, decide what is important, look for patterns & relationships, identify the problem, transfer the knowledge from one situation to another, apply knowledge, and evaluate according to criteria. Problem solving A systematic approach resulting in formation of a solution. Decision Making The process of choosing among alternatives; does not have to be related to a problem. Clinical Judgment The ability to safely and competently care for clients, “the process by which the nurse decides on data to be collected about a client, makes an interpretation of the data, arrives at a nursing diagnosis and identifies appropriate nursing actions: this involves problem solving, decision making, and critical thinking” 3. Clarity What are the standards of critical thinking? Give examples of each. Thinking clearly is central to understanding. Can you explain clearly what you learned? EX: Abbreviations may lead to error Accuracy Using reliable resources and evidence-based practice. Accurate interpretation of evidence and data. EX: Medication calculations Precision Exactness and details. EX: Errors in patient care occur when the nurse takes short cuts. Relevance Discriminate between pertinent and non-pertinent information. The mind becomes cluttered with irrelevant facts. EX: Which patient symptoms/observations are important and which are not Depth Go beyond the surface – recognize the complexities and visualize relationship among various aspects. Ex. Using FORM model, care for patient as a person F – Family O – Occupation R – Recreation M – Message (more willing to listen) Breadth Thinking from several different points of view (POV) and considering different POV before making a decision. EX: Differing POV occur frequently in health care. Logic Significance Fairness Maturity Conclusion is based on evidence and assumptions must be valid. Ask yourself, does this make sense? EX: Nursing procedures need to be performed in a logical order. Determining which facts are most important and what information is critical to the situation. Being open to others’ ideas or information, and avoiding bias. Allowing biases can compromise the integrity of the thinking process. EX: Listen to both sides in any discussion. If a patient or family member complains about a co-worker, listen to the story and then speak with the co-worker as well. If a staff member labels a patient uncooperative, assume the care of that patient with openness and a desire to meet that patient’s needs. Putting focus on the client, not self (develops over time). 4. What are the pitfalls in critical thinking? Illogical process: “Obviously” “It is true because it is so.” Appeal to tradition: “We’ve always done it this way.” Hasty generalizations without considering all the evidence. Bias: can cause errors in care Close-mindedness: limits care Jumping to conclusions. 5. Differentiate between critical pathways, algorithms and the nursing process. - Critical pathways: Step by step plan of care. It’s patient care management plans that provide the multidisciplinary health care team with the activities and tasks to be put into practice over time; their main purpose is to deliver timely care in each phase of the care process for a specific type of patient. -Algorithms: Question with yes or no – it narrows focus, and helps one come up with an answer. -Nursing process: Decisions have consequences and ignoring a problem is a decision and has a consequence. Name and define the five problem-solving strategies. Do it yourself Combine Knowledge Influence others Do nothing Delegation What are the non-systematic methods of problem solving? Tradition/habit Authority Trial and error 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Define the nursing process. Remember the nursing process is used to develop nursing care plans (NCP) whose major purpose is to identify nursing actions to be delivered to clients. The nursing process is a scientific problem-solving method that assists the nurse in using theoretical knowledge to diagnose the nursing care needs of persons and to plan interventions to be implemented to attain, maintain, and promote optimal biopsychosocial functioning. What are the components of the nursing process? Provides a way to identify health – strengths and needs Framework for nursing practice Utilizes nursing standards (what you can/cannot do) What is the first step of the nursing process and what is involved in this step? 1) Assessment Collect and validate data through… o Interview o Physical exam o Use of instruments o Health history o Physical assessment o Psychosocial assessment o Observation of the environment o Functional health assessment Being to cluster clues and identify patterns Identify and give example of objective and subjective data. Subjective: symptoms and “I” messages “I am having pain” “Pain level 5/10” “I ate well” Family member states “Patient is 66.” Objective: Information obtained by clinical observation, examination, and diagnostic studies. Diet recall: 25% of meat, 25% of vegetables, and 100% of fruit Patient grimacing when he turns to left side. Define the analysis step of the nursing process. Analysis is continuing to cluster clues and identifying patterns and additionally reviewing data and clusters, identifying relevant data, knowing “normal,” looking at patterns. It is defined as the cognitive process of breaking down information into component parts and identifying relationships among them. List all problems identified for patient. EX: surgical pain, fever, fluid deficit, immobility, and constipation Set priorities – what comes first? Maslow’s Hierarchy ABC Eliminate the most stable and see least stable first. 14. What is the nursing diagnosis? Differentiate this from a medical diagnosis. Defines the parts of the nursing diagnosis and the PES system. What do the letters stand for? Give examples of each. Nursing diagnosis: promotes individualized care, professional accountability, and autonomy by defining and describing the independent area of nursing practice. It is the conclusion a nurse reaches after collecting and analyzing data about a patient’s health status. Nursing diagnosis vs. medical diagnosis: the nursing diagnosis focuses on problems the nurse can help with and the medical diagnosis focuses on the disease process. PES: Problem: diagnostic label (positive or negative finding) Etiology: cause of a problem (R/T) o Must be something nursing can do something about o Common areas: lack of knowledge, lack of resources, lack of compliance, lack of ability o Can have secondary to… (may be a medical diagnosis) Signs and Symptoms: objective and subjective from data. PES: The problem: actual > potential The contributing factors (related to) (etiology) The signs and symptoms (as evidence by) (subjective and objective) Secondary to medical 15. What are the seven steps of the nursing process? Give an example of each. Step Pneumonic Definition Example Assessment (A) Angry Data collection “Patient grimacing when he turns to left side.” Analysis (A) Alexis - Surgical pain -fever -fluid deficit -immobility -constipation Nursing Diagnosis (D) Doesn’t Client Outcomes (CO) Cooperate Cognitive process of breaking down information into component parts and identifying the relationships among them. Conclusion a nurse reaches after collecting and analyzing data about a patient’s health status. Statements of preferred patient “Ineffective coughing related to lack of knowledge of coughing techniques.” “Client will state five foods that are vegetables he likes by (Planning) Nursing Interventions (NI) (planning) Nicely Implementation (I) In Evaluation (E) Elevators 16. 17. status, part of collaborative process, and states outcomes and deadlines. What the nurse will do to address the problem in order to help the client achieve the outcomes. the end of the teaching session today.” During the clinical today the nurse will: list 10 foods that are vegetables, ask client to choose 5/10 vegetables that he likes to eat, and asses the client in developing a 3-day menu that includes the 5 vegetables. Carry out or delegate “[interventions] implemented care based on as planned.” priorities. The planned “Outcome achieved. BP is systematic 128/78” comparison of a OR client’s current “Outcome not achieved. BP is health status with the 92/50” states outcomes. Recognize the NANDA nursing diagnostic labels. State the four etiological areas of the diagnostic statement and give an example of each. Lack of Knowledge Does not have the information Does not understand the information EX: Does not know pickles are high in sodium. Lack of Resources Money, medication, assistive devices, people (don’t have a way to get to the doctor) Ex: Does not have money to buy medication. Lack of Motivation Has knowledge, resources, and ability, yet does not do what is needed (hardest to deal with) Ex: Doesn’t follow through with doctor’s appointment although patient has a way to get there, has the ability to get there, and knows why he should go. Lack of Ability Many clients in hospital are in this situation Much nursing care is needed as the client cannot do what is needed and someone must assist. Ex: Patient is unable to walk after a broken hip. 18. 19. 20. What are client outcomes? What parts are required when developing a client outcome? Step 4: Client Outcomes Statement of preferred patient status o “The patient will…” o Use words like… “list, state, increase” o Do not use… “understand, learn, feel” Part of collaborative process o Nurse/client/other providers Outcomes and deadlines o Specific and measurable o Clear and objective o Realistic o Time Frame Short and long term goals Outcomes will show resolution of the etiology first and the problem last. Ex: “During the clinical today, the client will take three deep breaths and cough once forcefully.” What are nursing interventions? What parts are required when developing nursing interventions? What is evidence-based practice and how does it related to nursing interventions and the nursing process? Step 5: Nursing Interventions Nursing interventions are “the nurse will…” statements. They are what the nurse will do to address the problem in order to help the client achieve the outcomes. The nurse will do what to or with whom, how, when, where, and rationale (why). Should be based on assessment data Consider client resources and abilities What will the nurse do to help resolve the etiology of the problem? You need to support the interventions with evidence-based practice (EBP); this is your rationale. Why are you doing what you’re doing? EBP: practices based on research findings are more likely to result in the desired patient outcomes across various settings and geographic locations. What is implementation and what is included in this step? Step 6: Implementation Carrying out or delegating care based on priorities. Implementing interventions. o Refers to accomplishing or fulfilling o Actually doing what you said you will do o Documentation of “did it” or “didn’t do it” and why. Priorities o What should the nurse do first? o Is it the right thing to do? o What will happen to the patient? EX: “Implemented as planned” or “Not implemented as planned due to blah blah blah.” 21. What is evaluation? What are the parts of evaluation? What should be included in the summary portion? Step 7: Evaluation The planned systematic comparison of a client’s current health status with the stated outcomes. Evaluate outcomes: achieved, not achieved, partially achieved, and how you know this. Summary o Review all areas of the process - are outcomes as a whole achieved? o Look at the whole process, outcomes, interventions, and implementation. Are there any changes needed? o Where to go from here – plan for the future. o Did it work? Document and communicate. 22. Review the example of the nursing process. Be able to identify all parts of the process. “During clinic today, the nurse will instruct the patient to take three deep breaths in and out and on the third exhalation cough forcefully. This should be done every two hours while awake.” This is an example of what part of the nursing process? assessment outcome intervention evaluation Which part of the above is missing? who to whom what scientific rationale