1505_3U_summative_verbal_visual - lit question

ENG3U - Mr. Go – Summative 2015
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Revisiting the Art of Storytelling: A Retrospective of Gr. 11 English
Gr. 11 University Verbal Visual Summative
Written due and Presentations begin:
Mon. May 25 (rehearsals May 21)
On this day, every student (not just presenters) should submit to turnitin:
In this order:
□ Final draft of written Verbal-Visual connection
> 500 words max, in MLA with Works Cited
□ Include link to Google Presentation visuals
> five slides with quotations and 3 visuals per slide, 3 genres overall, MLA Works Cited)
□ Rough notes including brainstorming of working questions (5 min)
□ Quotation selections
> 10 working quotations and explanations of connection to overall question – about 50-100 words per
□ Design Plan for slides - storyboard
Learning Goals:
Analyze the variety of themes and use of stylistic language studied throughout the Year
Using media products (i.e., Google Presentations, image collage) to create a visual representation of key
works of literature
Write an analysis of visual symbol connection to lines from variety of literary works studied
Use effective presentation skills to showcase project for class
Edmodo folders: some have links to google docs we worked on as a class
Storyteller: Short Fiction:
o Love Must Not be Forgotten (Zhang)
o Tuesday Siesta (Marquez)
o An Incident in the Ghobashi Household (Rifaat)
o Swaddling Clothes – Yukio Mishima
o Macbeth by William Shakespeare
o Life of Pi by Yann Martel
o Making a Difference by June Callwood
o Inauguration Speech by Nelson Mandela
Poetry: you may select one poem appropriate for the Gr. 11 level. (Get this approved).
Product (15 % total) and Timeline (Due Dates)
*though some preparatory work (such as point form notes for the paragraph or the drawing and/or cutting out of pictures may be done at home, the final
product must be done in class.
Selection of quotations: Mon. May 11
Lab time: Design layout of slides: Thurs. May 14
Lab time: Visual assembly: Wed. May 20th
In-class verbal write (explanation of images to quotations), rehearsal: Thurs. May 21
All written due to turnitin Presentations begin: Mon. May 25
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#1. Designing the Visual
A Verbal Visual Essay combines visual art with a well-structured verbal (written)
explanation of the visual piece. Much like the mechanics of the metaphor, it takes lines from a
piece of literature (poem, poem, drama) and reinterprets them through a collection of visual
symbols and original phrases.
a) Devise one major complex question (how/why) from the course that addresses the
purpose of literature and the relationship between author and readers .
b)  Create a list of 10 key quotations from at least three different literary genres that
attempt to answer that question in some way (i.e., thematic, conceptual connections). For
each of these lines, consider the ideas that the words and phrases of the excerpts connote.
Begin by completing the IMS chart (Image-Meaning-Symbol) see Verb Visual Feedback
document online). This is to be submitted as part of your turnitin package.
c)  Complete a storyboard plan of your slides and rough outline of images before entering
them on the computer.
Use your new symbols to assemble a verbal visual essay:
#2. Slide Presentation (using Google Presentations, Prezi, or Powerpoint)
a)  Google Presentation visuals (linked to your written doc submitted to turnitin)
Use the slide template provided on the library class page (go to earlhaig.ca/library >
search “revisiting art”)
Devise an overall image motif that connects the entire presentation together and is
symbolic (e.g., water motif to represent mutable nature of ideas). This should be
present in some way (e.g., borders, watermark, repeating image on each slide)
throughout the presentation
Aside from a Title slide, Complex Question slide, and Works Cited slide, there
should be five key slides with:
o One cited quotations (author, page/line number)
o 3 distinct symbolic (not literal) visuals (pref. original photography) cited
o An accompanying explanation slide with 3-4 brief points that summarize your
explanation of the connections between the quotation and visuals
b) Image Sources
Be sure to use images to represent a figurative rather than literal meaning in the quotation.
Avoid plagiarism by citing all images used. If photography is not your own, it is idea to
use photoshop (or other editor) to modify images from another source.
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Original photography (most preferred, indicate yourself as photographer on the
Image quest – precited for you in MLA, note this on the Works Cited slide
Creative Commons and other image links (see Library Class page). Be sure to use
easybib.com to cite all images on the Works Cited slide.
#3. Written Verbal-Visual Essay
a) In-class write of a 500-word essay outlining the explanation of the Complex Question
about literature, the author, and reader; overall image motif; and the connections
between the quotation and one or two of its accompanying images.
b) Permitted materials: IMS Chart and Brainstorming (all in point form), slide
presentation storyboard, and original texts.
c) This draft will be initialled by the teacher. You will be permitted to polish mechanical
(spelling/grammar) errors only and type the final draft for submission. The final must
not veer greatly from the in-class draft.
#4. Presentation of Verbal Visual (max. 7 mins)
a) Using presentation skills (voice: clarity, volume, intonation, enthusiasm; media:
audio/visual enhancement woven seamlessly into piece; dramatic techniques: facial
expression, gesture, body language) to present your verbal visual to class.
use cue cards (avoid reading directly from slides)
grab the audience’s attention with an image, video clip or sound byte related to your
Complex Question.
Focus on one-two key images for your top three quotations (watch timing)
Conclusion about your Complex question and the works studied.
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Verbal Visual: Revisiting the Art of Storytelling
Date _________________ Name (First and Last): ________________________
Title: _________________________________
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Images are original,
diverse, and connect on
several levels to the text
on a figurative level.
Engages audience. All
components are present.
Images are somewhat
varied, go beyond the
Images hover on literal
Images are merely
literal meaning and
representations of the literal representations
connect on several
original text.
of the original text.
levels to the text.
Components are
Many components are
Engages audience.
missing. (6-5)
missing. (4-0)
Most components are
present. (8-7)
Slides are designed and
assembled in an efficient
and intelligent manner.
Motif clearly and
beautifully unifies the
piece. (6-5)
Most slides are
Few slides are designed
designed and
and assembled in an
assembled in an
efficient and intelligent
efficient and intelligent
manner. Motif is
manner. Motif clearly
vague. (4-3)
unifies the piece. (5-4)
Symbolism of
and Motif
Quotation to visual
Explanation of
connection between
images and passage
Thorough, explanation of Good explanation of Explanation and
connection between
connection between
connection between
symbolic images and
symbolic images and symbolic images and
concepts in quotation.
concepts in quotation. concepts in quotation
Many levels of
Some levels of
are basic. Few levels of
significance are
significance are
significance are
addressed and analysis addressed and analysis addressed and analysis
exhibits deep
exhibits decent
exhibits a cursory
understanding of text
understanding of text understanding of text
and themes.
and themes.
and themes.
Explanation includes a
strong intro/concl. and
explanations of slides.
Vocab is sophisticated,
quotations are properly
embedded and cited. 3rd
pers. Voice and other
rules of formal writing
employed. Use of
rhetorical device.
Format and Process Originality report, MLA
Total _______ out of
format (2.0 sp, 12 pt font),
for paragraphs, IMS
chart. (/4)
Explanation includes
an intro/concl. and
somewhat organized
explanations of slides.
Quotations are mostly
embedded and cited.
Most rules of formal
writing employed.
Most components
present. (/3)
Slides are poorly
organized and
assembled without a
plan. Motif is vague or
nonexistent. (2-0)
Explanation and
connection between
symbolic images and
concepts in quotation
are inaccurate or basic.
Connections are literal.
Little understanding of
text and themes is
Explanation requires an
Organization of
intro/concl. and more explanations required.
organized explanations
Clearer arguments
of slides. Quotations
needed. Quotations
need embedding and need embedding and
citation. Some rules of
citation. Few to no
formal writing need rules of formal writing
are used.
Some components
present. (/2)
Little attention paid to
formatting. (/1)
ENG3U - Mr. Go – Summative 2015
Level 4
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Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Media &
Uses visual aids and Uses visual aids and
Uses visual aids and
Uses visual aids and
technology with
technology with
technology; props and costumes
technology with
add very high degree of
effectiveness. Does
effectiveness. Clear and strong
effectiveness. Little
Speaking connection to not include basic
connections made throughout.
connections made to
slides somewhat
components in
slides. (/0.5)
exemplar. (/1)
Applies oral communication
techniques (e.g., eye contact,
voice projection, pace, gestures,
timing, body language, cuecards, organization, examples,
vocabulary, style, repetition,)
Applies oral
techniques with
effectiveness (/3)
Applies oral
techniques with
effectiveness (/2)
Little attention paid
to oral
techniques. (/1)
Delivery is flawed by
Presentation is
Dependency on notes
Ability to speak candidly result
occasional errors
unprepared (no
– mostly read, little
in flawless, fluent delivery of (stumbles over words,,
notes, unorganized)
use of media until
analysis and/or performance. forgotten cues). Media
No reference to
after all points are
Media utilized throughout(/2) is vaguely referred to
media until after
pres. (/0.5)
 Unprepared tech  Speak louder w/confidence  Eye contact? 
Common Errors: