Chemistry: Unit 5 (Book Chapter 5)
Objectives: The student will be able to
Periodic Law
Periodic Table
5.1 Development of the Periodic Table
1. Describe Mendeleev’s discoveries lead to the development of the modern periodic table.
2. Describe how Mendeleev arranged his periodic table?
3. Mendeleev’s table was arranged by atomic mass but now it is atomic number, tell why does Mendeleev’s arrangement
almost works.
4. Describe what Mosley’s work contributed to the development of the periodic table.
5. Define Periodic Law
5.2 Reading the Periodic Table
6. Be able to identify groups or families and periods on the periodic table.
7. Be able to tell what the “n” number is for each period.
8. Be able to identify metals, non-metals, and metalloids/semimetals on the periodic table.
9. Be able to read the number schemes for the periodic table 1 through 18 and understand that the number scheme that
is 13 to 15 can also be identified as 3A, 4A, 5A, 6A, 7A, 8A.
10. Be able to identify, alkali metals, alkaline-earth metals, transition metals, inner transition metals, halogens, noble
gasses, boron, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen groups.
11. Recognize why aluminum is not a metalloid.
12. Know the characteristics of metals, and non-metals and semi-metals.
13. Know how to determine valence electrons from the periodic table.
14. Know how to determine electron configuration from the periodic table.
15. Know abbreviated electron configurations.
16. Be able to identify the s, p, d, f blocks of the periodic table.
5.3 Periodic Trends
17. Study the Periodic Trends PowerPoint.
18. Study the Periodic Trends summary sheet.
19. Define Periodic Trend.
20. Define Atomic Radii and how it is measured, Electron Affinity (EA), First Ionization Energy (FIE) and
21. Be able to determine the periodic trends for Atomic Radii, Electron Affinity (EA), First Ionization Energy (FIE) and
22. Be able to tell what causes the three periodic properties above to change in the periods and families.
23. Describe nuclear charge and its affect.
24. Describe endothermic and exothermic and if they are measured with positive or negative numbers.
25. Know how to read an Ionization Energy reaction: M(g) + hv (energy)  M+ = e- and a Electron Affinity reaction:
A(g) + e-  A-(g)
26. Describe the Shielding Effect and how it affect periodic properties.
Alkali metals
Alkaline earth metals
Transition metals
Inner transition metals
Valence electrons
Electron configuration
Periodic Trends
Electron Affinity
Ionization Energy
Atomic Radii
Shielding Effect