LAN-TC-01 Edisi Kedua: Tatacara Kelulusan Bagi Kursus Pengajian Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta (IPTS) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Title of subject Company Law I 2. Subject code BCO3614 3. Status of subject Core 4. Stage Degree 5. Version Date of Previous Version: May 2001, October 2005 Date of Current Version : Jan 2008 6. Credit hour 3 LAN Credit Hour Equivalent 2.67 7. Pre-Requisite Nil 8. Teaching Staff (Proposed) Mr. Tay Eng Siang LL.B (Hons) Malaya; LL.M (Distinction) Malaya 9. Semester Year 3, Trimester 1 10. Objective of Subject The subject gives students a general understanding of the legal intricacies involved in the formation of company, the study focuses primarily on the duties of promoters, directors, members, company secretary and auditors, their respective liabilities and the availability of remedies to the aggrieved parties . 1 Borang ini diisi berasaskan buku “Garis Panduan Prosedur Dan Proses Mendapatkan Kelulusan, Standard Minimum Dan Perakuan Akreditasi Kursus Pengajian IPTS”, buku “Garis Panduan Standard Dan Kriteria Kursus Pengajian IPTS” dan buku “Bimbingan Menyediakan Dokumen Memohon Kelulusan Dan Perakuan Akreditasi Kursus Pengajian IPTS” LAN-TC-01 Edisi Kedua: Tatacara Kelulusan Bagi Kursus Pengajian Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta (IPTS) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 11. Learning Outcome of Subject By the end of the subject, The law graduate will be able to identify and differentiate the various types and nature of companies incorporated under the law of Malaysia, such as private – public, limited and unlimited etc. The law graduate will be able to describe the liability of promoters particularly on the contracts entered into by them before the incorporation of the company. The law graduate will be able to apply the rules and regulations on how to help legally forming a company in the practical business world. The law graduate will be able to identify the necessary important persons (such as directors, company secretary, auditor etc) required in setting up a company and their responsibilities (imposed by statutes or common law) towards the company. The law graduate will be able to accept the concept of separate legal entity in the company law, i.e. the company being a legal entity is separate from the members and the directors. The law graduate will be able to tell and explain the contents of the constitution of a company (i.e. Memorandum and Articles of Association) when his/her advice is needed by the client. The law graduate will be able to tell his/her client who is a shareholder of a company as to the rights and responsibilities of a shareholder. The law graduate will be able to differentiate the various types of meetings and to analyse the validity of any meeting conducted by the company and the resolution made thereunder. The law graduate will also be able to evaluate and recommend to the company management on how a company could be properly administered, run in terms of the company’s affairs, account and auditing works. Programme Outcomes % of Contribution Ability to acquire and apply fundamental legal principles Capability to communicate effectively 30 20 Acquisition of legal competence Ability to identify problems and find solutions based on legal principles 20 Ability to understand the importance of commerce 10 20 12. Assessment Scheme Class Participation Oral Participation 10% Tutorial / Assignment Individual Assignment 20% 2 Borang ini diisi berasaskan buku “Garis Panduan Prosedur Dan Proses Mendapatkan Kelulusan, Standard Minimum Dan Perakuan Akreditasi Kursus Pengajian IPTS”, buku “Garis Panduan Standard Dan Kriteria Kursus Pengajian IPTS” dan buku “Bimbingan Menyediakan Dokumen Memohon Kelulusan Dan Perakuan Akreditasi Kursus Pengajian IPTS” LAN-TC-01 Edisi Kedua: Tatacara Kelulusan Bagi Kursus Pengajian Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta (IPTS) _______________________________________________________________________________________ Mid-term Test Written exam 20% Final Exam Topics Covered Written exam 50% 13. Details of subject Hours 1. Introduction Nature of registered companies; sources of company law; classification of companies; companies limited by shares; companies limited by guarantee and unlimited companies; public and private companies; holding and subsidiary companies; foreign companies; liabilities of companies. 4.5 2. Promoters and Pre-incorporation Contracts Promoters and their duties; remedies available for their breaches; pre-incorporation contracts under common law and statute; liabilities of promoters and liabilities of the company. 3 3. Incorporation of Companies Process of incorporation; effects of incorporation; lifting the veil of incorporation under common law, statute and equity. 3 4. Corporate Personality Who represents the company; capacity and powers of a company; liability in torts and crimes. 3 5. Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association The company’s memorandum of association; the effect of memorandum of association; ultra vires doctrine; articles of association and the effect of document on the members; alteration of the document and the rule in Foss v Harbottle. 6 6. Membership and Members Rights Subscribers to the Memorandum; relationship between members and the Board of Directors; qualification of shares; disclosure of interests in shares; share certificates - statutory requirements; transfer of shares; transmission of shares; liability of members; cessation of membership; Infringement of members` rights - majority and minority protection. 7.5 7. Company’s Management Directorship and management; qualifications, appointment and removal of directors; directors` duties under common law and statute; remedies of the various parties under common law and statute; exoneration and relief for the breach of duties. 4.5 3 Borang ini diisi berasaskan buku “Garis Panduan Prosedur Dan Proses Mendapatkan Kelulusan, Standard Minimum Dan Perakuan Akreditasi Kursus Pengajian IPTS”, buku “Garis Panduan Standard Dan Kriteria Kursus Pengajian IPTS” dan buku “Bimbingan Menyediakan Dokumen Memohon Kelulusan Dan Perakuan Akreditasi Kursus Pengajian IPTS” LAN-TC-01 Edisi Kedua: Tatacara Kelulusan Bagi Kursus Pengajian Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta (IPTS) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Company Secretary The company secretary - appointments, functions removal of these officers; defective appointments. 3 9. Meetings Types of meetings; class of meetings; notice of meetings; proceedings at the meetings. 3 10. Company Administration, Accounts and Audit Service of documents; maintenance of company registers; accounting and presentation of accounts; duties, qualifications, appointment and remuneration of an auditor. 4.5 Total Contact Hours 42 14. Teaching Activity and Learning This subject will be delivered using the following means: Lecture Hours = 28 hours Supervised Tutorial Hours = 14 hours Total Contact Hours = 42 15. Laboratory Not Applicable. 16. Reading Material Text 1. Shanti Rachagan et al (2004) Concise Principles of Company Law in Malaysia. Kelana Jaya. MLJ. Lexis Nexis. (main text) 2. Aiman Nariman and Aishah Bidin (2005) Commercial Applications of Company Law in Malaysia. 2nd ed. Singapore. CCH Asia Pte Limited. 3. Ben Chan C.C et al (2006) Chan & Koh on Malaysian Company LawPrinciples and Practices. 2nd ed. Petaling Jaya. Thomson Sweet & Maxwell Asia. 4. Tan Cheng Han (2006) Walter Woon on Company Law. 3rd ed. Singapore. Thomson Sweet & Maxwell Asia. 4 Borang ini diisi berasaskan buku “Garis Panduan Prosedur Dan Proses Mendapatkan Kelulusan, Standard Minimum Dan Perakuan Akreditasi Kursus Pengajian IPTS”, buku “Garis Panduan Standard Dan Kriteria Kursus Pengajian IPTS” dan buku “Bimbingan Menyediakan Dokumen Memohon Kelulusan Dan Perakuan Akreditasi Kursus Pengajian IPTS” LAN-TC-01 Edisi Kedua: Tatacara Kelulusan Bagi Kursus Pengajian Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta (IPTS) _______________________________________________________________________________________ References 1. K Arjunan & Low CK, (1995) Lipton & Herzberg’s Understanding Company Law in Malaysia, Student Edition. LBC Information Services. 2. Aisha Bidin (1997) Undang -Undang Syarikat di Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pusaka. 3. Walter Woon, (1997) Company Law, 2nd Edition (Student Edition), Petaling Jaya: Sweet & Maxwell Asia. 4. Farrar, John H et al (1998) Farrar’s Company Law, 4th Edition, London: Butterworths. 5. K. Arjunan (1998) Company Law in Malaysia Cases and Commentary, Kuala Lumpur: MLJ. 6. John Charlesworth & Geoffrey Morse, (1999) Charlesworth’s Company Law, 16th Edition, London: Sweet & Maxwell. 7. Robert R. Pennington (2001) Company Law. 8th ed. UK. Butterworth. 8. Seally, LS (2001) Cases and Materials in Company Law, 7th Edition Butterworths. 9. Shanti Rachagan et al(2002) Principles of Company Law in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur. MLJ 10. Zubaidah Zainal Abidin (2002) Malaysian Company Secretarial Practice. Petaling Jaya. Prentice Hall. 11. Davis PL et al (2003) Gowers & Davies Principles of Modern Company Law, 7th Edition, London: Sweet & Maxwell. 12. Brenda Hannigan (2003) Company Law. UK. Lexis Nexis. 13. Tie Fatt Hee (2003) Corporate Governance and Corporate Law Reform in Malaysia. Thomson Sweet & Maxwell. 14. Paul L Davies (2003) Gower & Davies’ Principles of Modern Company Law. 17th ed. London. Sweet & Maxwell. 15. Andrew Hicks & SH Goo (2004) Cases and Materials on Company Law. 5th ed. London. Oxford University Press. 5 Borang ini diisi berasaskan buku “Garis Panduan Prosedur Dan Proses Mendapatkan Kelulusan, Standard Minimum Dan Perakuan Akreditasi Kursus Pengajian IPTS”, buku “Garis Panduan Standard Dan Kriteria Kursus Pengajian IPTS” dan buku “Bimbingan Menyediakan Dokumen Memohon Kelulusan Dan Perakuan Akreditasi Kursus Pengajian IPTS” LAN-TC-01 Edisi Kedua: Tatacara Kelulusan Bagi Kursus Pengajian Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta (IPTS) _______________________________________________________________________________________ 16. Lim Tuck Sun (2004) Company (General) Handbook - MLJ Handbook Series. Kelana Jaya. MLJ. 17. Robin Hillington QC (2004) Shareholders’ Rights. 4th ed. London. Thomson Sweet & Maxwell. 18. Priscillia PY Yap (2005) Company Meetings - Law and Practice in Malaysia. 2nd ed. CCH. 19. Kang Shew Meng (2005) Handbook on Company Secretarial Practice in Malaysia. Kelana Jaya. MLJ. 20. Goh Chen Chuan (2006) Company Formation in Malaysia. 5th ed. Leeds Publication. 21. K. Arjunan (2006) Company Law in Malaysia. Kelana Jaya. MLJ. Lexis Nexis Relevant statutes: 1. Companies Act, 1965 6 Borang ini diisi berasaskan buku “Garis Panduan Prosedur Dan Proses Mendapatkan Kelulusan, Standard Minimum Dan Perakuan Akreditasi Kursus Pengajian IPTS”, buku “Garis Panduan Standard Dan Kriteria Kursus Pengajian IPTS” dan buku “Bimbingan Menyediakan Dokumen Memohon Kelulusan Dan Perakuan Akreditasi Kursus Pengajian IPTS”