中英文注釋 - 國立中央大學語言中心Language Center of National

Legally Blonde
(Comedy) (2001)
© 2004 by Raymond Weschler
This learning sheet of ESL movie notes is produced by Raymond Weschler
from the website of eslnotes.com. The Chinese translation of notes and extra
exercise are provided by Ai-ping Liu, an instructor from the Language
Center, National Central University, Taiwan. If you copy from this learning
sheet, please acknowledge the source. Thanks.
Major Characters
Elle Woods………………………………………Reese Witherspoon
A very pretty, smart and sweet young woman who decides to completely
change her life and go to Harvard law School, in order to follow her
boyfriend, who has decided to break up with her.
Warner Huntington the 3rd……………………Matthew Davis
Elle’s boyfriend, who is both snobby and shallow, who decides to leave
her because he feels he needs to find a more serious looking girlfriend
that will help him with his future career in politics.
Paulette……………………………………………Jennifer Coolidge
An insecure working class hairdresser who becomes Elle’s best friend.
Vivian………………………………………………Selma Blair
Warner’s new girlfriend at Harvard, who at first treats Elle very poorly.
Brooke Taylor Windham……………………….Ali Larter
A successful business woman who makes well known exercise
videos, who is charged with the murder of her rich husband.
Professor Callahan………………………………..Victor Garber
A criminal defense lawyer and Professor at Harvard, who is hired to
defend Brooke, and who agrees to let Elle work as an intern on the case.
Emmett………………………………………………Luke Wilson
A young lawyer and Professor Callahan’s assistant.
Plot Summary
This is the story of Elle Woods, a very cute and friendly student who is also the
most popular girl in her Los Angeles sorority (A house and club for female
students). Elle has just finished her studies in Fashion, and is getting prepared to
marry her boyfriend, Warner, who will soon be going to Harvard Law School, in
Boston. Unfortunately, Warner, who is actually a somewhat superficial ass,
decides to break up with Elle, because he wants to find a more serious looking
girlfriend who will help his career in politics after he gets out of law school (Elle,
unfortunately looks like the stereotypical dumb blonde, though of course this is a
look that many men find very sexy).
At first, Elle is emotionally crushed, but she soon decides to get Warner back by
applying to Harvard Law School herself, as a way of impressing him with how
smart she really is. In fact, Elle is extremely smart (much more so than Warner!),
but it’s also true that her bubbly “sorority personality” is very different from the
type of people who go to Harvard Law School. Still, Elle is accepted to the
school, and after a few months of struggling, she soon becomes an accomplished
law student who clearly has the potential to become an actual lawyer. On the
way through Harvard, she makes many friends, saves a wrongly accused woman
from murder charges, and soon discovers that it is Warner who is not smart
enough or good enough for her, and certainly not the other way around.
Some Words and Expressions that You May not Know
Elle is heartbroken when Warner breaks up with her.
I heard Madonna went into labor there.
“To go into labor” is to give birth to a baby.
Labor原義為勞力, 如勞動節 Laborer Day。
I’m not positive if it’s going to happen tonight.
:: Hello, he just had lunch with his grandmother!
When “hello” is said with great emotion or energy, it is a way of
expressing the opinion that the listener is being naïve or stupid.
It’s not like she fed ex’d a six carat diamond.
“To fed ex” a package is to send it through the private Fed Ex mail service.
If a diamond is “six carats,” it is very valuable.
FedEx本為快遞公司, 在此當動詞用。
而鑽石的價值、重量單位為克拉 carat。A 6-carat diamond; 如 a 10-year
I can’t believe you’re getting engaged.
To be “engaged” is to be officially planning to get married.
訂婚; 常用下面表現法:
I’m getting engaged, I’m getting married 或 engagement ring, wedding
I don’t understand why you’re completely disregarding your signature color.
“To disregard” something is to ignore it or not pay attention to it.
A person’s “signature color” is the color that people associate with them.
不理會; 忽略的意思。
Signature原意是親筆簽名, 而這裡指的是專屬某人之顏色,如特別愛好紫
He’s proposing—I can’t look like I went on any other date.
If a man “proposes” to a woman, he is asking her to marry him.
求婚, propose。Ex: He proposed to me yesterday.
This is the date.
Note that if “the” is pronounced “thee,” it means the most important
(Though here, Elle actually misspeaks and just says “the” with the usual
特別強調特定一件事物時會將the的音發成有母音為首的字:the important
Bridal. But not like I’m expecting anything.
The adjective for a bride, who is a woman about to get married.
Bride and groom, 新娘和新郎。而新娘在婚前和自己的好朋友( 皆為女性)
所舉辦的派對即稱之為bridal shower。而為新生兒所舉行的慶祝則稱baby
There’s nothing I love more than a dumb blonde with daddy’s plastic.
In this case, a reference to a credit card, which is made of plastic.
影片中指的是 Elle為一個僅有美貌, 身家富有而無大腦的女子。Blond 原意
為金髮, dumb 指愚笨的人。而daddy’s plastic, 指的是塑膠製之信用卡。
Is this low-viscosity rayon?
“Viscosity” refers to how sticky something is, and “rayon” is a type of
man-made material for clothing.
可見Elle 多麼熟悉時尚。指黏度低的一種布料。Rayon材料為人造合成布
料, 常用man-made 或 artificial來表示。
With half loop and top stitching on the hem?
A sentence that only those who sew would love! A “loop” is a hole made
by a circular piece of cloth. “Stitching” is a type of sewing, and a “hem” is
the border of a piece of cloth.
A stitch in time saves nine. 意思為即時的一針勝九針。
It’s one of a kind.
If something is “one of a kind,” it is truly unique, with no others like it.
指唯一、獨特的款式 , 絕無僅有。
It would snag the fabric.
“To snag” a piece of cloth is to catch, trap or accidentally attach to it.
“Fabric” is another word for cloth.
I saw it in the June Vogue a year ago, so if you’re trying to sell it at full price,
you’ve picked the wrong girl.
“Vogue” is a famous fashion magazine. This is Elle’s way of saying she
knows a lot about fashion, clothes and fabrics.
意指在六月份時尚雜誌看過同一款式, 乃過期樣式, 如果沒打折就說不過去
了, 意指自己十分內行。
This is it. In a few hours, I’ll be the future Mrs. Warner Huntington the 3rd.
Note that when women get married, they sometimes still refer to
themselves with their husband’s full name (though this seems a bit dated).
結婚之後, 慣用夫姓的一種說法 ( 其實這種做法有些過時) 。
Here’s to us.
“Here’s to” is a common way of beginning a toast, in which glasses are
raised at a formal meal in order to honor somebody or something.
對自己敬酒祝賀。注意用toast這個字, 舉杯敬酒表祝賀或敬意。
I am fully amenable to that discussion.
If a person is “amenable to” doing something, they are happy to do it.
I plan on running for office some day.
This means to run for a political office, such as mayor or President.
If I’m going to be a Senator by the time I’m 30, I need to stop dicking around.
A “Senator” is a representative in the upper house of the Congress
“To dick around” is a somewhat crude but fun phrasal verb meaning to
waste time, or to not take things seriously enough.
To dick around較為粗俗說法,其實就是指hang around, 浪費時間鬼混或
不務正業, 或不夠積極努力。這居然是Warner 提出要和Elle分手的主要原
Elle, pooh bear, I think we should break up.
“Pooh bear” is a ridiculous term of endearment, like dear or sweetheart
(Winnie the Pooh is a famous character from children’s literature that is a
gentle bear). If a couple “break up,” they decide to no longer see each
other, at least in a romantic way.
原指卡通人物小熊維尼, 在此為有一些好笑的暱稱, 如親愛的, 甜心, 寶貝熊
等。注意男女朋友分手的說法用break up。
Proposing? Elle, if I’m going to be a Senator, then I need a Jackie, not a Marilyn.
If a man “proposes” to his girlfriend, he asks her to marry him.
Jackie refers to Jackie Kennedy, and Marilyn to Marilyn Monroe
(Warner is saying he needs a pretty but serious wife for his career).
影片中Warner鄙視著對Elle說, 他所需要的是一位才貌雙全的女子如Jackie
賈桂琳甘迺迪, 而非Marilyn 瑪麗蓮夢露, 如前文所提之dumb blonde。
Elle, your boobs are fine.
A widely used slang term for breasts.
俚語, 指胸部, 女生的乳房。
My family has five generations of Senators, and my brother’s in the top three at
Yale law.
Yale University has one of the best law schools in the United States.
This is all Warner’s way of saying his family has a tradition of succeeding
in school and politics.
耶魯大學以法學著稱。全指Warner家世優秀, 在學界和政治皆為一流。
He just got engaged to a Vanderbilt, for Christ’s sake.
To get “engaged” to a person is to officially declare that you plan to marry
them. The Vanderbilts are a very rich American family who made their
money in the 1800s. “For Christ’s sake” is a way of expressing emotion
such as anger or frustration.
Come on, let me take you home.
One of the most widely used phrasal verbs in English, and almost always
used in the command form (Here, used by Warner to tell Elle to stop
crying, or perhaps to cooperate).
Warner試著安慰Elle, 勸她乖乖別鬧要送他回家。
Because I’m not a Vanderbilt, suddenly
I’m white trash? I grew up in Bel Air!
“White trash” is a crude term for poor and uneducated whites, often who
live in small towns in the Southern States of the U.S. Bel Air is a very rich
suburb of Los Angeles.
Elle生氣的說道: 難道自己不是出生於Vanderbilt家族, 就一下子變得一文不
值, 毫無用處了嗎?她自己也好歹是在Bel Air長大的。為洛杉磯之郊區, 頗為
I grew up across the street from Aaron Spelling! I think most people would agree
that’s a lot better than some stinky old Vanderbilt!
Aaron Spelling is a well known Hollywood producer. This is Elle’s silly
way of saying new, celebrity money is better than old industrial wealth
from the 19th century (If something stinks, of course, it smells bad).
這讓Elle用了個好笑的對照, 新時代 Hollywood 名流之富有, 比起工業時期
致富好的多。如果財富也有氣味的話, 應該是香味四溢? 或是惡臭難耐呢? 注
意 stink這個字。
You’re gonna ruin your shoes.
Note that “going to”---> “gonna” in rapid speech.
“To ruin” something is to totally destroy it.
Going to 連音的唸法讀做gonna, 如want to 連音的唸法為wanna。
一想到自己的名牌高跟鞋會磨損, Elle還是坐上了Warner的車, 讓他載回學
I’ve had trouble with their whole lip liner thing.
A type of cosmetic that is similar to lipstick.
It’s terrible. He dumped her.
If a man “dumps” his girlfriend, he decides to break up with her (To
dump something is to literally throw it away).
意指男女朋友分手; 甩掉對方。To dump原意為丟棄沒用的物品。
Manicures and pedicures.
The words for putting colored paints on your fingernails and toenails.
修剪手指甲和腳指甲, 包括指甲彩繪等項目。注意這兩個字都有字根, 如手
稿,manuscript, 手動的 manual; 腳踏板 pedal; 行人pedestrian等字。
She stuffed them in her mouth all at once.
“To stuff” something in your mouth is to force it in, even if there really
isn’t enough room.
We all thought she’d be the first to walk down the aisle and now she’s totally
“To walk down the aisle” is to get married in a church (The aisle is the
pathway in the middle between the sets of chairs or benches). If a person
is “adrift,” they are moving aimlessly or without direction, like a piece of
wood on the ocean.
意指是第一個步入結婚禮堂。Aisle 原指教堂座位之間的走道, 或超市一列
一列之商品架。而adrift指著四處漂流, 沒有目標。
She hasn’t conditioned her hair in like a week.
“To condition” your hair is to wash it with hair conditioner, which makes
it softer after it’s been shampooed. Note the use of the meaningless filler
word “like,” which some groups of people, such as girls who live in a
sorority, tend to use way too often.
一星期都沒有潤絲頭髮了。注意” like” 這個多餘的口氣詞。高中或大學姊
妹社團( 女性參加的社團) 們喜愛用的詞語。
Maybe she’s going for the grunge look.
A type of fashion in which young people intentionally looked dirty and
poor. This was popular among the young in the early1990s.
1990年代年輕人喜愛的流行打扮, 看起來髒髒窮兮兮的樣子。
And her nails are full on chipped. :: So trailer park.
“Full on” is a slangy way of saying fully. If your nails are “chipped,” they
are broken off on the edges. As an adjective, “trailer park” probably
means poor, white and uneducated, but this is never used (A “trailer” is
literally a home on wheels that some poor people live in).
(1) 指甲斷裂不整齊
(2) 很少見的說法,指某人很窮,教育程度又低。Trailer原指窮人居住的
She’ll never get him back with those cuticles.
A type of hang nail, or skin that grows out from a nail.
指Elle消沉, 狀況很糟, 已經一星期沒有修指甲, 而長出一些粗皮, 這樣一來更
No shit?! [Written]
A crude but colloquially excellent way of saying “Really?!”
很粗俗, 但十分口語的說法, 意指「真的嗎」。
Warner’s brother, and his fiancée, Ellen Vanderbilt.
A man’s “fiancée” is the woman they are going to marry.
未婚妻, 未婚夫則為fiancé, 是法文字。
What? Practically deformed?
If a person is physically “deformed,” they look horrible and abnormal,
perhaps because their face or body has been burned or twisted.
指長相恐怖, 不正常畸形。
Honey, you were first runner up at the Miss Hawaiian
Tropics contest? Why are you going to throw that all away?
If a person is a “runner up” in a contest, they finish in second place. The
contest in the question most likely refers to a Hawaiian beauty contest
(The Tropics refers to small islands in the middle of a big ocean).
Elle恍然大悟, 知道自己需改變, 而最快的方法就是也變成一位法學院的學
Elle decides to win Warner back by following him to Harvard Law School.
Harvard is the only way I’m going to get the love of my life back.
A very romantic way of referring to the person you are most in love with.
Law school is for people who are boring and ugly and serious, and you, button,
are none of those things.
This is Elle’s dad’s ridiculous way of saying that she (Elle) does not have
the right personality type for law school (This also shows most Americans
have very conflicted views about lawyers, in that they respect them, but
also hate them at the same time).
But that’s a top three school. :: Oh, I have a 4.0
If a school is “top three,” it is considered one of the three best in the
country. If a person has a 4.0 grade point average (GPA), that means
they got all A’s for their grades.
Your major is fashion merchandising. Harvard won’t be impressed that you aced
history of polka dots.
A student’s “major” is the subject they focus on while in school (History,
Math, etc). “Fashion merchandising” is the creation and promotion of
clothes. “To ace” a class is to get an A in it, and “polka dots” are different
sized dot patterns that are found on clothes, walls and other surfaces.
意指Elle大學的主修是服裝/ 時尚設計與銷售方面。哈佛法學院並不會接受
她。而此處有一些諷刺意味, 對圓形圖案很有一套並不能幫助Elle進法學院
I don’t need back-ups. I’m going to Harvard.
A “back-up” is an alternative if your first plan doesn’t work
(In this case, it refers to a back-up school for Elle if Harvard doesn’t accept
Elle 信心滿滿的說自己並不需要” 第二個選擇/備案” , 如果哈佛不接受她的
You’ll need a heck of an admissions essay, and at least a 175 on your LSATs.
“A heck of a” is a slangy way of saying excellent or powerful. An
“admissions essay” is a personally written letter explaining why you
deserve to study at a certain school. The LSAT is the Law School
Admissions Test, which all students take before applying to law school
申請學校所需之論文, 而且也需通過LSAT 175分之門檻。
Trust me, I can handle everything.
“To handle” something is to take care of it, or be able to do it.
處理 = deal with。
I have a really high metabolism.
The part of your body that burns up food and turns it into energy
(Note it’s mispronounced here as metrabolism , with an extra ‘r’).
My cousin had that. Apparently you get a really bad rash on your…
A “rash” is a reddish streak or other problem on the skin.
Let’s all go! Road trip!
A much loved expression for a long trip in a car, often done
spontaneously or without planning.
馬上上路, 旅行去。
Isn’t it hard to get into law school? :: I had the highest GPA in Delta Nu.
A student’s GPA is their grade point average, which refers to the grades
they got for their classes (4.0, or all As, is the best GPA you can get).
“Delta Nu” is the name of the sorority that Elle is in. A sorority is a group
of female college students who lives in the same building and do many
social activities together (for males, it is called a fraternity).
叫sorority,而男同學的則叫做fraternity, 一般也有姊妹會或兄弟會等組織或
You passed Spanish because you gave Professor Montoya a lap dance at the
A “lap dance” is a very sexually suggestive dance, often performed close
to naked and right above one seated person. A “final” is short for a final
exam , which is the most important test for a class.
想像一下男生坐著, 而女生在其大腿上大跳艷舞之模樣。Lap就是小腹到大
腿這部位, lap top指的是筆記型電腦。
As President of my sorority, I’m skilled at commanding the attention of a room.
If a person is “skilled,” they are talented. “To command attention” means
to be so striking or interesting that people naturally focus on that person.
Elle的專長善於社交, 所以在姊妹會中總是可以聚焦。
It’s come to my attention that the maintenance staff is switching all toilet
paper from Charmin to generic. All those opposed to chafing say “aye.”
“Maintenance staff” are responsible for cleaning and taking care of a
building. If a product is “generic,” it is not packaged as a famous brand
(such as Charmin toilet paper), but as part of a store’s own brand
(Walmart toilet paper). If skin “chafes,” it is rubbed in such a way that it
becomes red or irritated. “Aye” is an old English word that means yes,
which is still used to vote out loud.
( 1 ) 大樓之管理維護之部門。這裡指的是姊妹會。
( 2 ) 粗糙的衛生紙讓皮膚不舒服就是chafing的意思。
( 3 ) 一般大賣場自治行銷之產品稱之為generic , 價格低 , 品質比較差一些。
I’m able to recall hundreds of important details at the drop of a hat.
“To recall” is to remember, and to do something “at the drop of
a hat” is to do it immediately, often without any special effort.
針對她在行的服裝領域, Elle可以很容易地說出一大堆重要的細節。
Do you know what happened on Days of Our Lives yesterday?
A famous TV soap opera that is shown in the afternoon.
As you know, she’s been brainwashed by the evil Stefano.
“To brainwash” a person is to seduce or trick them into thinking
in a certain way, or to believing in a certain religion or ideology.
I feel comfortable using legal jargon in everyday life.
A word for the language or slang of a particular subculture
(Lawyers, doctors and scientists all have their own jargon).
Elle在錄影帶中推薦自己, 說明在日常生活中也常用法律術語, 如有人突襲她
的臀部, 她大喊 I “ object “ 反對。
I object!
A legal expression used in court to protest what has been said, though of
course, as in this case, it more generally means to disapprove.
有時也常用objection不同意 , 反對之名詞。
A fashion major? :: We’ve never had one before, and aren’t we always looking
for diversity?
A key word in modern American culture that refers to the variation and
differences in people lives, from their ethnic backgrounds (Asian, AfricanAmerican, etc.), to their life experiences (Doctors, athletes, etc.)
Elle的主修並非法律, 而是時裝。審查委員會中的委員也認為, 讓Elle近法學
院便是一種” 多元性 “ 之象徵。
Her list of extra-curricular activities is impressive.
A student’s “extra-curricular activities” refers to the things they do
outside of class (sports, clubs, volunteer projects, etc). If something is
“impressive,” it attracts attention or has the power to excite or cause
admiration or reflection.
She designed a line of faux fur panties for her sorority’s charity project.
“Faux fur panties” are underwear which is made of fake fur, instead of
real fur (as a way to help protect animals who are killed for their fur).
A “charity project” is done to raise money for a “charity,” which is a nonprofit organization with a specific social goal, such as helping poor
設計一款假皮革內褲作慈善義賣活動, 可見Elle愛護動物之心態與實踐。
Faux , 法文字 , 指 not real。
She’s a friend to the animals as well as a philanthropist.
An educated word for a person who spends lots of time and money
helping other people or charity organizations.
慈善家。審查委員居然用” 慈善家 ” 這字眼褒獎Elle。
Sweetheart, you just look parched.
If a person (or dog) is “parched,” they are very dry and thirsty.
Hey Brad, check out Malibu Barbie.
“To check out” something is to look at it. “Malibu” is a famous beach
town by Los Angeles, and “Barbie” is the name of a very famous doll.
Elle 一身名牌裝扮, 簡直像一個芭比娃娃現身在哈佛校園內。
You know, mixes, formals, clambakes, trips to the Cape.
“Mixes” and “formals” are ways of describing small and somewhat formal
parties, where people dress in nice clothes. A “clambake” is like a
barbecue except the main food is clams (similar to oysters), and the Cape
refers to Cape Cod, which is a thin piece of land East of Boston.
Elle實在太厲害了, 對各式各樣的派對都擅長。
Has Warner Huntington the 3rd checked in yet?
“To check in” to a hotel is to officially register there.
No, maybe you could check with the cruise director on the Lido deck.
A “cruise director” is responsible for ships that carry tourists from one
port to another. A “deck” is a flat and open outdoor area for entertaining.
( 1 ) 遊艇領隊。
( 2 ) 廣場, 這裡指哈佛的人員還是對Elle的言行舉止不解而加以嘲諷。
I have a Masters in Roman literature, a Ph.D. in biochemistry, and for the last 18
months, I’ve been deworming orphans in Somalia.
A Masters and Ph.D. are advanced university degrees. “To deworm” a
person is to eliminate the worms and parasite that are found in their
stomachs. An “orphan” is a child without parents.
每一個近哈佛的都身藏不露, 知識及經歷背景都很優秀, 以這裡的介紹為例,
一個文學碩士, 再加上生化博士, 又再非洲索馬利亞協助孤兒之醫療衛生
等。”deworm ”當動詞用, 指清除身體內之寄生蟲等。
Awesome! What about you?
A slangy adjective meaning excellent or wonderful.
常用俚語, 和wonderful意思差不多, 注意這個字相關用語仍有awfully good;
而awful則是反面意思, It means “ very bad “。
A Ph.D. from Berkeley in women’s studies, emphasis in the history of combat…
The “emphasis” of an academic program is that area which is most
studied. “Combat” is another word for military conflict or battles.
…and last year I single handedly organized the march for lesbians against drunk
“To single-handedly” do something is to do it by yourself. A “lesbian’ is a
female homosexual.
Killer. :: Thanks. Good times.
“Killer” is a very slangy way of saying excellent, or more colloquially,
awesome. “Good times” is a silly way of saying “that was enjoyable.’
這裡同學學到一個更口語的說法 , killer = awesome = wonderful 。而
Good times 則表示子幾覺得很不錯, 蠻自得其樂的。
I graduated first in my class from Princeton and I have an IQ of 187…
Princeton is a well known university in New Jersey. “IQ” stands for
intelligence quotient, and is seen by many people as an accurate
description of a person’s overall intelligence.
就算沒有太多經歷, 智商夠高也算了不起了。
…and it’s been suggested that Stephan Hawking stole his
Brief History of Time from my 4th grade paper. :: Cool.
“A Brief History of Time” is a famous book, published in the late 1980s,
that tries to explain the physics of Einstein. “Cool” is perhaps the most
common slang word for good or excellent.
( 1 ) Stephen Hawking 是很有名之理論物理學家。
( 2) 這裡是有一些誇張指他的大著其中有一部分是抄襲自別人之論文。
We’re both Gemini vegetarians.
“Gemini” is one of the 12 astrological signs (along with Libra, Leo, etc)
Elle介紹自己和寵物狗皆是雙子星座、素食主義者。What’s your
astrological sign? I am Leo. 我是獅子座的。
I have a bachelor’s degree in fashion merchandising from CULA and
I was a Delta Nu sweetheart…and last year I was homecoming queen.
A “bachelor’s degree is the most common university degree, usually
earned after four years of school. A “homecoming queen” is the girl who
is voted the most beautiful at the most important dance in high school.
I saw Cameron Diez, and I talked her out of buying this truly heinous angora
“To talk somebody out of” doing something is to convince them not to do
it. If something is “heinous,” it is horrible or disgusting. “Angora” is a
type of wool or fabric.
很常用之片語, 規勸某人不要做某些事情。這裡Elle以遇見名模Cameron
Diez 並說服她不買安哥拉羊毛衣。Heinous指可惡的, 可怕的, 可見Elle保護
Whoever said orange was the new pink was seriously disturbed.
If a person is “disturbed,” they are bothered or annoyed,
or in the right context, emotionally unstable or sick.
形容一個人可能有一些情緒失常, 有一些精神異常。
I’m thinking like a luau or casino night.
A type of Hawaiian barbecue where a whole pig is cooked on the fire.
喜愛烤乳豬派對的同學又學會了一個新字。A luau (a barbecue)。
This is going to be just like senior year except funner.
Note that the undergraduate college years are freshmen, sophomore,
junior and senior. Also note that “more fun” is more correct than funner!
指大四那一年, 注意比較正確的說法應該是more fun。
Elle struggles with classes and discovers Warner is engaged to Vivian, but
she also meets Paulette and Emmett, who help her through the hard times.
You will be taught to achieve insight into the world around you, to sharply
question what you know.
“To achieve” is to accomplish and “insight” is intelligent reflection or
wisdom. “To sharply question” a belief is to think very seriously about it.
有洞察力, 有見識, 很敏銳地質疑自己所知的一切。聽起來對這群準律師之
Those of you in the front row, beware.
An important word meaning be careful because there is danger.
坐前排的同學們, 要注意囉。
The law is reason free from passion. Does anybody know who spoke these
immortal words?
“Reason” is logic, and “passion” is strong emotion.
If something is “immortal,” it never dies.
Would you be willing to stake your life on it?
This is to risk your life on something, on the belief that it is true.
The law leaves much room for interpretation, but very little for self-doubt.
“Interpretation” is the act of deciding what something really means.
“Self-doubt” is a lack of faith in your own abilities or potential.
法律富有很多詮釋之空間, 同時不容許自我懷疑。
I assume all of you are well versed in subject matter jurisdiction.
To be “well versed in” something is to know it well. “Subject matter
jurisdiction” is a legal term about what topics a judge can decide.
(1) 指十分熟悉
(2) 法官所指定之案件主題
Who can tell us about Gordon vs. Steele?
Note that in the law, cases are named for the two sides that fight each
other, and these cases are later studied by both law students and lawyers.
過去訴訟完之案件, 常是學生研讀之材料。
Do they put you on the spot like that all the time?
“To put a person on the spot” is to suddenly put them under a lot of
pressure to do something, often in front of many others.
They tend to do that. Socratic method.
If a person “tends to” do something, they do it a lot over time. The
“Socratic Method” is a way of teaching in which teachers ask students lots
of questions. This method, named after Socrates, is popular in law schools.
( 1 ) 經常有意地做出某事。
( 2 ) 蘇格拉底式思考-質問思辯之方法。
If you don’t know the answer, they’re just going to kick you out?
“To kick out” a person is to force them to physically leave.
Yeah, she’ll kick you right in the balls. She’s really tough.
“Balls” is a very common word for men’s testicles. If a teacher is “tough,”
she can be very difficult and also assign a lot of work.
(2)當然這裡說法有些誇張, 意指教授實在很嚴, 很凶悍, 出很多作業等。
Speak up in Callahan’s class. He really likes people that are opinionated. He
spits when he talks about product liability.
“To speak up” is to talk a lot, or to talk more loudly. If a person is
“opinionated,” they have lots of strong opinions about many issues and
are not afraid to express them. “Product liability” is a legal term that
refers to the legal responsibility of a company that makes something that
later hurts others.
Make sure you read the footnotes, because that’s where he gets a lot of his exam
A little numbered note at the bottom of the page of a book.
註腳常是考題重點所在, 這是另一位教授之教學特色。
Are you a 3rd year?
Note that law school lasts three years.
This horrible preppy girl who tried to make me look bad in front of the
professor. No biggie.
If a person is “preppy,” they went to a preparatory school for college,
and are often seen as rich, conservative and as very serious students.
( 1 ) 入大學前先行準備之先修課程。如preparatory office, 指正式成立之前
( 2 ) biggie原意是指成功有名之大人物或事件。
I’m sorry. I just hallucinated. What?
“To hallucinate” is to see things that don’t really exist
(People who take drugs like LSD will often hallucinate).
剛剛恍神了, 如嗑藥後精神恍惚之樣態。
You can’t even imagine! :: Spill!
“To spill” a liquid means to let it accidentally fall out of its container, but
in this case, it is short for “spill your emotions,” which means to let your
anger, frustration and tears out in public.
原意是不小心將液體濺了出來, 而這裡是指盡情的宣洩情緒。
I blew off Greek week just to study LSATs.
“To blow off” something is a very slangy way of saying to decide to not
take part in it. At colleges, “Greek Week” refers to the week when the
school’s fraternities and sororities try to get students to join them.
( 1 ) 不參加。
( 2 ) 學校社團宣傳週之各項活動。如新生週等。
He’s engaged to this awful girl, Vivian.
A strong adjective for horrible or perhaps disgusting.
注意這個字, awful = horrible = disgusting, 和awesome 做一下對比。
She’s got this six carat Harvey Winston on her bony, unpolished finger.
A “six caret Harvey Winston” is a type of expensive diamond ring.
If a finger is “bony,” it is all bone and no muscle, and thus looks way too
skinny. If a finger nail is “unpolished,” it doesn’t have any cosmetic or
coating on it.
( 1 ) Elle忿忿不平, 指6 克拉鑽戒戴在Vivian那皮包骨, 而且沒有修剪指甲之
( 2 ) 注意polish這個字, 原意是磨光, 或是技藝精湛, 也指指甲油之類的化妝
Dewey kept the trailer and my precious baby, Rufus.
A cheap pre-fabricated house that can be pulled by a truck.
簡陋的拖車型住家, trailer。住的地方歸Dewey擁有, 連他心愛的狗Rufus也
He’s a guy who followed his pecker to greener pastures, and I’m a middle
aged high school drop out whose got stretch marks and a fat ass.
A “pecker” is a silly slang word for a penis (to peck is to poke or stick).
If a person is looking for “greener pastures,” they’re looking for
something better (A “pasture” is an open field or prairie). A “high school
drop out” is a student who never finished school, and “stretch marks” are
unpleasant scars or markings on your skin, often caused by tearing.
( 1 ) pecker = penis , 男性陰莖, 指Paulette的前男友只是個大頭聽” 小頭 ” 使
喚的人, 喜新厭舊, 總是追求” 更綠的草 ”。
( 2 ) 而Paulette自己高中沒畢業, 皮膚也充滿歲月痕跡的女人。Stretch
marks 原指因撕裂傷所留下之痕跡。
What’s Vivian got that you don’t have? Three tits?
A crude word for females breasts (Boobs is a safer choice).
笑指Vivian有三個奶不成。而breasts 或 boobs 是比較適宜的用字。
She belongs to his stupid country club.
Generally speaking, a club where rich people play golf and tennis.
鄉村俱樂部, 打打網球或高爾夫。和Elle 喜愛的城市派對相差甚遠。
She could use some mascara and some serious highlights, but she’s not
completely unfortunate looking.
“Mascara” and “highlights” are types of cosmetics or makeup.
指Vivian 沒有塗睫毛膏也沒有挑染( 頭髮) , 但是她也不是長的難
看。”unfortunate” 原指不幸運的。
Could I have been any more goddamn spastic looking?
“Goddamn” is a crude and common filler word to express anger,
frustration and other emotions. “Spastic” means shaking or moving
violently, or in an uncontrolled fashion.
Elle指自己難道還不夠漂亮, 不夠令人為之震撼嗎? Spastic 原意是劇烈的搖
If a girl like you can’t hold on to her man, then there sure as hell isn’t any hope
for the rest of us.
“Sure as hell” is a slangy way of saying certainly or surely.
加強語氣用詞, 也常用 certainly; surely。
Steal the bastard back.
A crude but common word for a mean, abusive or horrible man.
Paulette建議把那” 王八蛋 ” 男朋友搶回來。
You will also be competing for one of my firm’s highly contested four
internship spots next year, where you’ll get to assist on actual cases.
“To compete” against another person is to try and beat them in achieving
a goal. A “law firm” is a group of lawyers who are in business together.
If a position is “highly contested,” many people are trying to get it. An
“internship” is a temporary job, often unpaid, where people are trained or
taught in different skills and activities. A “case” is a trial in court.
這群法學院學生也為可以在律師事務所實習的寶貴機會競爭, 現在很多大學
Let the bloodbath begin.
A violent and bloody fight or battle, often where many are killed.
表示愈寫奮鬥即將開始, 在法學院之競爭激烈, 由此可知。
Let’s commence with our usual torture.
Another way of saying “to begin.”
上課 “ 拷問 ” 就是一種折磨吧! Commence = begin。
Ms Woods, would you rather have a client who committed a crime malum en se
or malum prohibitum?
Note that the correct verb is “to commit” a crime (to do it). In the law,
many words are still used from Latin (The Latin phrases above have
to do with the nature of crimes and criminal intent).
Commit a crime 指犯罪, 而犯罪之性質用語常沿用拉丁文。
Dare to dream, Ms. Woods.
A way of telling a person they should imagine the best possible future.
作美夢, 作夢 ! 這裡教授對Elle的評語有一點嘲諷的意味。
The client would have committed a regulatory infraction as opposed to a
dangerous crime.
A “client” is a person who pays a lawyer for their services. A “regulatory
infraction” is a the breaking or violating of a regulation, which is a very
specific law passed by a specialized agency (such as when a food company
adds more alcohol to a product than is allowed).
(1) 花錢請律師辯護的人,客戶。
(2) 法律專業術語,指違反規定。
I’m not afraid of a challenge.
Any job, task or goal that will be difficult to achieve or accomplish.
Elle 再一次向Vivian宣戰,表示自己不畏懼接受挑戰。
I’ve come to join your study group. And look, I’ve brought sustenance.
A “study group” is a small group of students who agree to study together.
“Sustenance” is a formal word for the minimum amount of food and
water that is required to keep a person alive.
Elle想加入同學的小組讀書討論, 且帶了一些食物”補給品”等。
Is this like an RSVP thing? :: No, it’s like a smart people thing.
An abbreviation which means you should respond yes or no to a specific
invitation. Note the overuse of the of the word ‘thing,’ often said in a
humorous manner.
RSVP是法文詞縮寫, 指敬請回覆。( 特指接受 or 拒絕邀請時)
We’ve already assigned the outlines.
“To assign” something is to give it out as a job. In law school, “outlines”
are summaries of specific areas of law.
指大綱已經分派好, 就是說小組人數也確定, 不想讓Elle 加入。
If you had come to a rush party, I would have at least been nice to you.
A “rush party” is a party at fraternities and sororities where new students
decide if they want to join.
新生入學時, 一些兄弟會或姊妹會( 社團) 的宣傳派對。
Is that before you voted against me and called me a dyke behind my back?
A crude word for a lesbian or female homosexual.
I miss you guys too. The people here are so vile.
A very crude and insulting word for disgusting or horrible.
很粗俗不雅的字眼, 形容哈佛這裡的學生和朋友很討厭。
I got bangs. My hair is so now.
“Bangs” are a type of hair style, cut at a different length than the rest of
your hair. In this case, “now” is used to mean fashionable.
留瀏海, 而且是最時髦的髮型。
Keep June 1st open; You’re one of my bride’s maids.
To keep a date open” is to keep it free for a specific purpose. A “bride’s
maid” is one of a few female friends of the bride who have official roles or
duties at the wedding.
好朋友的大喜之日, 當然要Elle將六月一日當天空出來, 而且Elle也是伴娘之
一, 伴郎則是bestman。
Don’t forget to bring your own Merlot.
A type of wine.
I like your outfit too, except when I dress upas a frigid bitch, I try not to look so
An “outfit” is another word for a costume or set of clothing. If a women is
“frigid,” she is unable to become sexually excited, or more generally, she
is cold. A “bitch” is a very crude word for a mean or abusive woman. If a
person is “constipated,” they are unable to go to the bathroom because
they are physically plugged up.
Elle被設計, 穿了一身性感之兔女郎裝參加了costume ( make up ) party。不過
Elle也報了一箭之仇, 讓Vivian難堪至極。指 Vivian的服裝顯出自己一付性冷
感的模樣, 而且一臉看起來像便秘多日, “ 難看”, “ 臭”。
Elle uses her legal knowledge to get Paulette back her dog, and then becomes an
intern for Professor Callahan, who is defending a woman that Elle knows well.
The English language is all about subliminal domination.
“Subliminal” is another word for subconscious,
or just below the level of consciousness.
The word semester is…… a perfect example of this school’s discriminatory
preferences of semen to ovaries.
A “semester” is a set of time that school years are divided into, often
lasting about 20 weeks. If a policy is “discriminatory,” it favors one group
of people over another. “Semen” is the liquid that men have to carry their
sperm, and “ovaries” are the sexual organs that develop eggs in women.
指學期” semester ” 這個字是具有性別歧視的, 有偏見的。Semen指精液, 而
ovaries 是卵巢。
That’s why I’m petitioning to have thenext one referred to as the winter ovester.
“To petition” is to officially request something from another person or
organization. “Ovester” is a silly word that doesn’t exist, which looks
more feminine than semester.
請願號召, 希望能採用 ”ovester” 這個字來代替 “ semester” 。其實是有一些
Don’t you look like a walking felony?
A “felony” is a serious crime for which you can be sent to prison.
What’s with the costume? I just decided to dress up.
“What’s with…?” is a slangy way of asking a person why they are doing
something, or perhaps why something unusual is happening.
I’m so busy with those case studies and hypos.
In law school, “case studies” are summaries of important cases or trials,
and “hypos” are made up facts that students discuss in order to analyze
how the law would be applied in such cases.
研讀法律案件和一些假設, 以分析法律訴訟條文如何應用。Hypos =
Am I on glue, or did we not get into the same law school?
To be “on” an illegal drug such as marijuana is to be under its influence.
Unfortunately, “glue,” which is a white sticky substance, is sometimes
sniffed by people in order to get high or stoned, the way people use
marijuana. Unlike marijuana, it probably causes immediate brain damage.
難道是我吸強力膠頭腦秀逗了嗎? Marijuana指大麻。我們不是上同一所學
校的嗎? 此時Elle 的前男友仍然看不起她, 認為Elle沒有潛力, 更不可能爭取
I’ll show you how valuable Elle Woods can be!
If something is “valuable,” it is worth a lot.
So, you’ve filed a claim.
In law, “to file a claim” is to officially sue somebody in a court.
法庭正式用語, 指控某人, 成立了一訴訟案件。
You need reasonable belief that your claim should have, like evidentiary
Note that much of law school is actually spent debating what the word
“reasonable” means (which literally means logical or not extreme, but that
doesn’t help when actually applied to real world situations!) A “claim” is
a formal belief or charge. “Evidence” is anything, from blood samples to
photographs, that tends to prove the truth of a statement or claim.
指任何控訴皆須提出有力的證明, 如血跡、照片等證物。
Corrupt cops who are wheeling and dealing.
If a government official is “corrupt,” they are willing to take bribes or
accept gifts of money for illegal favors. A “cop” is a very common word
for a policeman. If a person is “wheeling and dealing,” they are constantly
negotiating or trying to make money by making different types of deals.
( 1 ) 貪污腐敗的警察。
( 2 ) 指到處” 喬 ” 事情, 從中獲利。
And the purpose of diminished capacity is? :: To negate mens rea.
“Diminished capacity” refers to the reduced ability of a person to know
what they are actually doing (Mens rea is a Latin term for intention).
I’m Miss Bonifonte’s attorney, and I’m here to discuss the legal situation at
hand. :: Come again?
If something is “at hand,” it is right there, or in the present. “Come again”
is a way of saying you didn’t understand what was just said.
( 1 ) Elle 喬裝是Paulette的律師, 出面要Paulette的前男友交出他們的”狗財
( 2 ) 指對方需再重複一遍, 自己聽不太清楚。
Due to habeas corpus, you and Miss Bonifonte had a commonlaw marriage,
which, heretofore, entitles her to do…
“Habeas corpus” is a famous Latin legal term which refers to the right of a
person not to be held in jail without being charged with a crime (And it
has nothing to do with anything Elle is saying here!). A “common law
marriage” is one in which a couple live together so long as if they were
married that the state considers them legally married, even though they
never formally got married. “Heretofore” means previously or before, and
if a person is “entitled” to something, they deserve it.
Paulette和男友同居多年, 視同結婚一般。
….what is legally referred to an equitable division of the assets.
If something is divided “equitably,” it is shared fairly or justly.
“Assets” is an important legal word that refers to anything
of value, from money to stocks to jewelry to houses.
( 1 ) 共同持有之財產( assets ) 如金錢、股票、首飾、房子等。
( 2 ) equitable, 平等的。
Due to the fact that you’ve retained this residence, Miss Bonifonte is entitled to
full canine property ownership right now.
“Due to” is one way of saying because. “To retain” something is to keep it,
and a residence is a building, such as a house, in which a person lives.
“Canine” is an adjective that refers to dogs.
Elle的意思是Paulette的前男友已經保有了住所( trailer) 而狗則應歸Paulette
持有。注意Elle賣弄艱深文字如canine property ownership = to have the
dog back。
I’m taking the dog, dumbass.
An excellent and crude insult word for a jerk, idiot, moron, etc…
That’s awesome; We did it!
A popular word among the young that means excellent, great, or more
colloquially, very cool.
Awesome = wonderful, excellent, 太棒了 !
He’s still scratching his head! :: Which must be a nice vacation for his balls.
If a person is “scratching their head,” they are probably trying to
understand something that just happened, that makes no sense to them.
A man’s “balls” are his testicles. This is a very funny line.
( 1 ) 指Paulette前男友還搞不清楚東西南北, 搔著頭, 莫名其妙。
( 2 ) 因為他是不用大腦思考, 只受”小頭”—睪丸牽制的笨男生。此處的他百
Swimney, who was a private sperm donor, was allowed visitation rights
as long as he came to terms with the hours set forth by the parents.
A “sperm donor” is a man who lets his sperm be used to get women
pregnant that he doesn’t even know. A divorced parent’s “visitation
rights” are the rights they have, given by a judge, to visit with their
children. “To come to terms” with something is to accept it, and “to set
forth” a policy is to officially announce or declare it.
( 1 ) 捐贈精子的人。
( 2 ) 有探視小孩的權利。
( 3 ) 探視的時間當然是其父母親許可安排訂定。
If we’re sticking to past precedent, Mr. Latins wasn’t stalking.
“Past precedent” is a legal term that refers to what judges in past cases
have decided about how the law is applied in certain situations. “To stalk”
a person is to harass them by always spying on and trying to be physically
close to them.
( 1 ) 先前法官的判例或規定
( 2 ) 跟蹤尾隨以利侵害或騷擾。
Our defendant was an habitual sperm donor, who also happens to be harassing
the parents in his quest for visitation.
A “defendant” is a person charged with a crime. If a person’s behavior is
“habitual,” they do it all the time, over and over. “To harass” a person is
to bother or annoy them consistently. A person’s “quest” is the act of
looking for or seeking something, and in this context, “visitation” is the
right to visit with your biological children.
( 1 ) 習慣性、規律之精子捐贈者。
( 2 ) 要求探視。
I have to wonder if the defendant kept a thorough record of every sperm
emission made throughout his life.
“Thorough” means complete, and an “emission” is anything that sprays
or shoots out into general circulation (Here, a reference to semen).
Unless the defendant attempted to contact every single one night stand in an
attempt to determine if a child resulted in these unions…
A “one night stand” is the act of having sex with a person,
often who you just met, and then never seeing them again.
….he has no parental claim over this child whatsoever.
A “parental claim” is a legal argument for saying you have the right to
raise the child as your own. “Whatsoever” is a way of saying not at all.
For that matter, all masturbatory emissions where his sperm was clearly not
seeking an egg could be termed reckless abandonment.
“For that matter” is a way of saying ‘in fact’, and “masturbatory
emissions” is a ridiculous way of referring to semen that comes out of a
man when he masturbates. “To term” a word is to define it, and “reckless
abandonment” is a legal expression that refers to the act of a parent
irresponsibly leaving their children to try and survive on their own.
(1) 自慰時的射精
(2) 不負責任地遺棄(小孩)
Do you have a resume?
A summary of a person’s past job experience, as well as their education,
specific skills and other facts that would be of interest to an employer.
履歷表。Callahan 教授對Elle的表現感興趣, 要求進一步看她的其他經歷。
It’s pink and it’s scented. I think it gives it a little something extra.
If something is “scented,” it is usually treated in such a way that
it smells like perfume. “A little something extra” is often anything that
makes it stand out and be noticed more easily than the competition.
Elle 果然與眾不同, 她的履歷表竟然是有香水味道的。
That lapse in judgment aside, I think she’s got a lot of potential.
A “lapse in judgment” is the act of doing something foolish or dangerous
without thinking about the possible negative results. “Aside” is a short
way of saying “put that to the side and don’t even think about it.”
“Potential” is a critical word that means existing in real possibility.
(1) 做事前沒有考慮周詳可能產生之負面效果
(2) 若把這個缺點先放一邊,她還是蠻有潛力的。
Here’s the Windham file.
In the context of an office, a “file” is group of papers that are put together
on a single topic.
案件資料檔案。就是以塑身運動錄影帶賺大錢之Brooke Taylor, 嫁給大她
His case load is so big, he’s taking in first year interns.
A lawyer’s “case load” is the amount of work they have to do, often in the
form of cases or trials they must work on. An “intern” is a student or other
young person who works at an internship, often for a year or less, in order
to get professional training.
工作量太大了, 所以第一年之實習生也加入辦案行列。
Remember when we spent those four amazing hours in a hot tub after the winter
A “hot tub” is a large bath that can fit several people, used for relaxing in
hot water. A “winter formal” is a formal school dance where the students
dress up in fine clothes.
“formal” 指比較正式的舞會。Elle故意將以前的戀情在Vivian面前公開。
We’re defending Brooke Windham, whose very wealthy husband was
found shot to death in her Beacon Hills mansion. :: Gold digger?
If a person is “wealthy,” they have lots of money. A “gold digger” is a
very negative expression for a person who becomes close to, or even
marries, somebody else, so that they can get their money.
( 1 )Brooke那有錢的老公被發現橫屍在自己寓所。
( 2 )專指那些故意接近某人或與之結婚, 並謀財害命的人。
You’d think so since the stiff was 60, but she was rich on her own.
A “stiff” is a crude term for a dead body
(As an adjective, stiff is the opposite of flexible).
指那死去的老頭子。Stiff neck 指頸部僵硬不舒服。
Some kind of fitness empire. You can buy her exercise tapes on infomercials.
“Fitness” refers to the practice of staying in good physical shape.
Note that an “empire” can refer to the control of large areas of the world
by one country, or, in this case, a successful business. An “infomercial” is
a long commercial, often over 30 minutes, that is made in such a way that
people view it as a regular TV show for entertainment.
( 1 ) 健身/塑身帝國, 指Brook事業做得很大。
( 2 ) infomercials 指長的廣告片,通常片長過於30分鐘。
Maiden name, Taylor. :: You know her?
A woman’s maiden name is the family
name that she had before she got married.
指Brooke原本婚前的姓, Brooke Taylor。
She’s a Delta Nu. She wasn’t in my pledge class.
In a sorority, a “pledge class” refers to all the girls who joined it in a
particular year.
同一年參加姊妹會的學生通常會立誓承諾等,故稱pledge class
She’s completely gifted. :: In all likelihood, she’s completely guilty as well.
If a person is “gifted,” they are extremely skilled or talented in a particular
field. “In all likelihood” is a way of saying probably or most likely.
( 1 ) 很有才華。
( 2 ) 但很有可能, 她也有罪。
This is Emmett Richmond, another associate. Top three in his class, and former
editor of Harvard Law Review.
An “associate” in a law firm is usually a lawyer who is working full time,
but does not have a leadership or directing role. Note that all major law
schools publish a “Law Review,” which is an academic journal about
developments in the law, that is edited by students at that school.
注意此處律師的職稱種類如associate。哈佛法律期刊主編, 全班前三名, 十分
You’ve probably seen him lurking around campus doing my research.
“To lurk” is to stay a long time in an area, waiting, passing time, and
hoping not to get noticed. A “campus” is the physical area of a school.
The coroner said he’d been dead 30 minutes when the cops arrived, giving
Brooke plenty of time to stash it.
A “coroner’ is a person who examines dead bodies. “Cops” are policemen,
and “to stash” a gun is to hide it in a secret place.
( 1 ) 驗屍官。
( 3 ) 有足夠的時間將犯案的手槍藏起來。
Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy. Happy people just
don’t shoot their husbands.
“Endorphins” are a chemical in the blood that gives you energy.
指運動會刺激腦部產生一種endorphins , 使人感到充滿活力。
Elle works on the defense for Brooke, convinced that she is innocent.
I went down to check his heart, screamed my head off, and Enrique and Chutney
came inside.
If you “scream your head off,” you’re probably screaming so loudly that
people far away can hear you.
Why would I kill my husband? :: Insurance, a love affair, pure unadulterated
hatred. The DA will come up with plenty of reasons.
“Unadulterated” is a powerful adjective meaning pure and complete.
A “DA” is a district attorney, the lawyer for the government that is
responsible for prosecuting accused criminals. “To come up with”
something is create it or think of it.
( 1 ) adulterate 原指摻混的, 不貞潔的。
( 2 ) 地區檢察官負責起訴犯人。
He was 30 years older than you. That doesn’t look so good to a jury.
:: Show them a picture of his dick. That might clear up a few things.
A “jury” is the group of people at a trial who decide if an accused criminal
is guilty. A “dick” is a slang word for a penis, and “to clear up” a story is
to make it clear, or at least make it less confusing.
( 1 ) 指陪審團會針對老夫少妻的的案件對年輕的太太一方不利的判決。
( 2 ) 而Brooke此處的應答有一些直接, 表示先生年紀雖大她30幾歲, 但性這
I believe you, but a jury is going to want an alibi.
An important legal word for a claim or explanation of having been
elsewhere when a crime was committed.
不在場證明, 注意此字的發音。
If you put me on the stand, I’ll lie.
In this context, the “stand” is the chair from where a person testifies or is
questioned, during a trial.
I’m a Delta Nu, and I’m a huge fan of yours.
Another word for extremely big.
You took my class in LA. You have the best high kick I’ve ever seen.
LA is Los Angeles, America’s most beloved city. A “high kick”
is the act of kicking your leg up high in order to exercise.
Are you one of my lawyers? :: Yeah, sort of.
One way of saying kind of, or not completely.
That’s because men are big fat retards.
A crude insult word for a very stupid, idiotic or retarded person.
I’ve got a package.
A funny play on words. Note that a “package” can be a small box or
container, or in the right context, a person’s body or sexual organs.
快遞人員指稱有一個包裹需簽收, 但也有其”性”暗示。
Take it easy!
A common way of saying goodbye, or of telling a person to calm down.
Is this the only interaction you’ve ever had?
“Interaction” refers to the act of two people speaking to each other.
Why don’t you offer him a cold beverage, neck massage or something? :: What’s
the point?
A “beverage” is another word for a drink. “What’s the point?” is an
excellent way of asking “Why?”
You have all the equipment. You just need to read the manual.
A “manual” is a small instruction book. This is Elle’s way of telling
Paulette that she has the looks and personality to attract men, but she
needs to learn how to do it.
I’m going to show you a little maneuver that my mother taught me in junior
A “maneuver” is another word for a procedure or action, often involving
exact physical movements.
Maneuver原指演習, 操練動作, 此處指Elle母親教她的一些身體姿態如何吸
When used appropriately, it has an 83 percent rate of return on a dinner
invitation. It’s called the bend and snap.
“Appropriately” means correctly, or in a way that is acceptable to people.
“To snap” is to move suddenly in a dramatic fashion.
彎腰, 然後挺胸。
If Brooke didn’t kill the guy, who did? :: My money is on the angry daughter or
the ex-wife.
If a person’s “money is on” a particular person in a crime investigation,
they believe that is the person who committed the crime.
特別在案件調查中, 指堵住或深信一定是某人幹的。
Chutney had a trust fund. She didn’t need the insurance or the inheritance.
A “trust fund” is money set aside by one person for another, to be paid
out over a period of time. An “inheritance” refers to the money and other
property that a person receives from their parents after they die.
Windham的前妻也有錢, 不會要保險金或繼承遺產等。
That’s touching, Elle. But we need an alibi.
If something is “touching,” it causes emotions of compassion and
對一個法律案件而言, 不管說的如何感人, 使人信服都沒有用, 最重要的是要
I brought you some necessities. Some Calvin Klien 720 count sheets….and aroma
therapy candles.
“Necessities” are those things that people need to survive. A “720 count
sheet” is made of very high quality fabric. “Aroma therapy” is a way of
psychologically helping people through the use of odors or smells.
Elle 探視Brooke 的方式果然也是與眾不同, 為她準備許多”日用品”, 包括香
He means well. He’s very brilliant. :: He better be for what I’m paying for him.
If a person “means well,” they are truly trying to be nice or helpful
to others although they often are not very successful at being so.
You don’t understand. It’s so shameful.
An excellent adjective that means disgraceful, or
something that a person should be totally ashamed of.
I’ve made my future on the ability to perfect women’s bodies with Brooke’s
butt-buster workout. :: I know, you helped me go from a 6 to a 4.
As a verb, “to perfect” means to make perfect. A “workout” is a period of
intense exercise, and if it is called a “butt-buster,” it is designed to reduce
the size of a person’s butt or ass (More generally, to bust a person is to
stop or arrest them). In this context, 6 and 4 are women’s clothing sizes.
( 1 ) Brooke 靠” 塑臀 ” 健美操賺進大錢, 而她自己卻偷偷進行臀部抽脂, 顯
( 2 ) 另外如ghost – buster, 魔鬼剋星。
On the day of his murder, I was getting liposuction.
“Liposuction” is the surgical removal of body fat which is sucked out
through a vacuum and tube. Yuck!
I’m a fraud! It’ not like normal women can have this ass!
If a person is a “fraud,” they are living a life that is based on a lie.
Brooke 承認自己是個騙子。
I’d rather go to jail than lose my reputation. Your secret’s safe with me.
An important word to describe what other people or the general public
think of you.
Brooke 寧可坐牢, 而不要失去那健美大師之名聲。
Vivian, grab me some coffee.
“To grab” something is to forcefully or quickly take it.
原指快速地用手抓住某人或某物, 此處要Vivian快端些咖啡過來。
According to the communiqué from the prison, our client apparently had a visit
from her sister.
A “communiqué” is an official written communication, such as a letter.
法文字, =communication。
I promised her I’d keep it a secret and I can’t break the bonds of sisterhood.
This is Elle’s poetic way of referring to the emotional connection that
women have with each other.
Screw sisterhood! This is a murder trial, not some scandal at the sorority house.
In this context, “screw” is a crude insult word directed at somebody (or
something) else. It is a gentle version of “fuck.” A “scandal” is the
discovery of embarrassing, illegal or immoral behavior (often involving
sex). A “sorority house” is the actual house where girls in a sorority live.
( 1 ) 粗話一句。
( 2 ) 緋聞, 指Elle不應該只考慮替Brooke 保守秘密, 而應更嚴肅看待這個謀殺
Someone reason with her while I take this.
“To reason” with a person is to try and use logic in order to convince them
of something.
和Elle說一說理, 好讓她改變心意說出Brooke 的不在場證明。
I gave her my word, Warner. :: So what?!
“To give a person” your word is to make a promise to them.
我已經保證不說出Brooke 的不在場證明。
She’s at a spa in the Berkshires.
Here, a resort where people go to get massages and relax in hot tubs (The
Berkshires is an area outside of Boston where rich people go to vacation).
She seems completely untrustworthy to me.
If a person is “untrustworthy,’ they can’t be trusted because they lie a lot.
You know, you’re really being a butthead.
A funny insult word for a jerk, idiot, asshole, etc.
又是一個粗俗罵人的字眼, butt 指的是屁股。
So this is what a spa looks like. Wow!
A common way to express emotion such as amazement or great surprise.
We’re from Austin, Platt, Janet and Callahan.
Note that law firms are often named after the first three or four lawyers
who started it.
I hear that little tart from Columbia shot poor Hayworth.
A “tart” is a slang word for a prostitute or sexually loose woman.
Windham 前妻所用字眼對Brooke之評價也很低, 蔑稱她是妓女。
My daughter tells me she can be quite the little bitch.
In certain contexts, “quite” can be used for emphasis or to mean very.
A “bitch” is a mean or abusive female. A very crude word.
She did say they humped like guerillas.
“To hump” is to rub up and down, like a dog on a person’s leg, or more
generally, to have sex. A “guerilla” is a type of monkey or ape.
做愛時像是猩猩般, hump原指上、下來回摩擦之動作。
Haven’t you seen the cabana boy?
A “cabana” is a small shelter or hut for hotel guests that usually faces a
pool, and thus a “cabana boy” is a man who takes care of the pool and
hotel guests by the pool.
Did you see the icky brown color of her hair?
An excellent adjective meaning gross, disgusting, or, of course, yucky.
Now you discriminate against brunettes?
“To discriminate against” a person is to treat them unfairly, often
because of their race or religion. A “brunette” is a person with brown hair
(as opposed to a blonde).
You hold more cards than you think you do.
A way of telling a person they have more power or possible options than
they think they do.
I’d like to see you take that power and channel it toward the greater good.
“To channel” power or energy is to direct it in a certain way. “The greater
good” is a way of referring to the good things that will result from a
particular action, often within the bigger community as a whole, and not
just for the person doing the action.
I was thinking maybe we could go out some time. :: No, you’re a dork.
In this context, to “go out” with a girl is to take them out on a date,
perhaps to a restaurant or movie, with possible romantic intentions.
A “dork” is a socially awkward or nerdy person who is, colloquially
speaking, not very cool.
只不擅長社交. 舉止言行笨拙之笨蛋, dork, nerd, 十分常見之用字。
Girls like me don’t go out with losers like you.
A very insulting word for a person who is not considered as
good as others, or more generally, who has lots of problems.
輸家, 笨蛋。( 是一個十分侮辱的字眼 ) 。
Are you done with that deposition yet?
A “deposition” is a legal word for an official written statement
or declaration, in which the person legally swears to tell the truth.
I thought that was very classy of you.
An excellent word for behavior that shows elegance, style or an
admirable attitude.
Did you know that when he first applied, he got wait-listed?
“To apply” to a school is to officially try and get accepted there. If a
student “applies” and is “wait-listed,” they are not yet accepted, but put
on a list of students who may get in later, if other accepted students
choose to not go to that same school.
指前男友Warner 當初申請當法律實習生時僅在備取名單上。常見的是 on
the waiting list。
His father had to make a call. :: You’re kidding! No way!
If a person is “kidding,” they are joking or not being serious.
“No way!” is a very common way of expressing disbelief or shock.
實情是Warner 之父親打電話情商讓他進法學院。
That is such a precious day!
If something is “precious,” it is highly valued or much loved.
Precious 原指寶貴的。
First to testify are the victim’s daughter and ex-wife.
“To testify” in a trial is to answer questions after swearing to tell the truth.
The Superior Court of Suffolk County is now
in session, Judge Marina R Buckford presiding.
A “Superior Court” is where criminal and civil trials are first held. A
“county” is an administrative area that is usually much bigger than a city.
If a court is “in session,” it is open and being used for legal procedures or
business. If a judge “presides” in a trial, they are the one’s leading it.
( 1 ) 高等法院。
( 2 ) 公開場合進行中。
( 3 ) 由某法官主持。
She was sitting next to the pool, topless, when the Latin boy handed her a drink.
If a person is topless, they are not wearing any clothes on their chest.
“Latin” is a silly way of referring to a person from Mexico or other Latin
American country.
This is the uniform Mrs. Windham asked you to wear while cleaning her pool.
A “uniform” is a particular type of clothes that people wear in order to be
identified with a company or other organization.
Are you or you not having an affair with Brooke Windham?
A secret sexual or romantic relationship, often involving married people.
Court will reconvene tomorrow morning at 9AM. Court adjourned.
If a court “reconvenes,” it starts up again. If it is adjourned,” it is closed
down for the day.
( 1 ) 再度開庭。
( 2 ) 今日到此結束,休庭。
這些法律專業用語其時十分常見, 同學不妨熟記。
You know a Delta Nu would never sleep with a man who wears a thong.
A very thin type of sexy underwear that is made with straps.
指類似丁字褲, 帶狀的小內褲。Straps指小帶子。
You broke his nose?! :: I blew it, Elle.
“To blow it” is an excellent colloquial expression which means to do
something very badly, or to fail at what you were trying to do.
( 1 ) Paulette 一挺胸, 不得了, 連他的鼻樑都打斷了。
( 2 ) 指整件事都搞砸了。
We have to cross-examine Enrique. But don’t worry, my girlfriend once barfed
on a guy during the Blair Witch Project, and they ended up dating three months.
In a trial, “to cross-examine” a witness is to ask them questions after they
already answered questions from the other side’s lawyer. “To barf” is a
crude way of saying to vomit or throw up. “The Blair Witch” trial was a
popular movie in the late 1990s. “To date” a person is to go out with them,
with the possibility of a romantic relationship developing.
( 1 ) 法庭中交叉質問。
( 2 ) 吐在某人身上。Elle 安慰Paulette 一定還有和快遞先生約會的可能。
Don’t stomp your little last-season Prada shoes at me.
“To stomp” is to hit the floor with great force. If a shoe is “last season,”
it is no longer fashionable (though this is a totally silly adjective).
穿著上一季的 ”名牌惡魔 ” 鞋在地上跺個不停。
He’s gay! He isn’t Brooke’s lover. He’s making it up!
“To make up” a story is to create something that is totally false or fictional
but then to say that it is true and really happened.
Elle太厲害了, 深信他一定是個gay, ( 男 ) 同性戀。
Back up! How do you know he’s gay? ::
Gay men know designers, straight men don’t.
In this context, to tell a person to “back up” is to tell them go back and
clearly explain what they’re trying to say. A clothing “designer” creates or
designs new clothes and fashions. “Straight” is a slangy adjective for a
heterosexual (as opposed to gay or homosexual).
Heterosexual指的就是異性戀者, 即straight men, 相對的男同性戀者是
While I appreciate your masterful legal theory, I have a murder trail to attend to.
If something is “masterful,” it is brilliant or extremely well put together.
A “theory” is an educated guess based on logic, experience and research
指Elle的"精湛”理論不足採信, Callahan 終究認為Elle有一些搞笑, 不專業, 不
If that’s all the proof that he has your honor, then I’m done here.
“Proof” is an important word for evidence, or anything that would tend to
show the truth of a statement. Note that in a court, the judge is always
addressed as “your honor.”
法庭中稱法官 your honor。
Elle discovers an unpleasant side to Professor Callahan, but she
also finds new faith in herself, saves Brooke, and unfortunately for
Warner, soon learns who her true friends are.
You followed your intuition today and you were right on target.
A person’s “intuition” is what they feel inside, based on past experience
and a certain feeling that’s hard to explain. If a person is “right on target,”
they are completely correct (A target is the exact spot or thing that one is
trying to hit).
( 1 ) 此刻 Callahan 稱讚Elle 的直覺判斷是對了。
( 2 ) target 原指目標。
I’m impressed that you took the initiative to go there and get it.
If a person “takes the initiative,” they go out and do what is necessary,
instead of waiting for somebody else to do it.
主動先著手進行。很重要, 常用之片語, 同學不妨熟記。
On top of that, you gained the client’s trust.
“On top of” is another way of saying “in addition to.” If you “gain” a
person’s trust, you earn it or get it over time.
另一個常用之轉折詞, = in addition to = besides, 贏得客戶的信任。
You’re smarter than most of the guys on my payroll.
A “payroll” is a list of the people that are paid by a company, firm, or
other organization.
薪水單名冊上, 最優秀的一位。
I think it’s time to discuss your career path.
The direction a person moves in over the long term, in order to get better
jobs with time.
Have you thought about where you want to be a summer associate?
A law student who works as a lawyer for a firm over
a summer, in order to get much needed experience.
暑期實習律師之職位。在正式成為律師之前有許多磨練, 實習之機會。
You know what the competition is really about. It’s about ferocity, carnage.
Balancing human intelligence with animal diligence.
“Ferocity” is a ruthlessly violent animal behavior, as when a lion attacks a
horse. “Carnage” refers to death and great bloodshed, and “diligence” is
another word for discipline, determination or persistence over time.
( 1 ) 指律師界競爭激烈, 如同野獸之廝殺, 死傷慘重。Ferocity 指粗暴行為。
( 2 ) diligence, 勤奮不懈; 堅忍不拔。
Are you hitting on me? :: You’re a beautiful girl.
“To hit on” a person is to try and seduce or sexually attract them.
Elle 察覺到教授居然吃她豆腐, 打她的主意。
I’m a man who knows what he wants. :: And I’m a law student who just realized
her professor is a pathetic asshole.
If a person is “pathetic,” they’re so pitiful, bad or ridiculous that one feels
sorry for them. An “asshole” is crude word for a jerk, idiot, creep, etc.
又是一個經典罵人的字眼, 令人可憎的, 可憐糟糕的笨蛋, 白癡, 神經病等。
You almost had me fooled.
If you “have a person fooled,” you trick them into believing something
that is not true.
差點被你耍了, 被你騙了。
No more panty hose, no more boring suits.
“Panty hose” are the nylon coverings that women wear on their legs,
and a suit is a formal pair of pants and coat that go together.
女律師專業一貫之打扮穿套裝, 穿絲襪, 指Elle 決定不當律師, 不和那些可惡
The hell with Callahan!
An alternative, and gentler way of saying “Fuck Callahan.”
可惡的Callahan, 去死吧 !
Callahan never saw me as a lawyer. He just saw me as a piece of ass.
A crude way of referring to a woman when she is seen only as a sexual
Elle 傷心又氣憤, 自己在Callahan 眼中只是一個sexual object。自己沒有真
正被肯定過。Ass 原指屁股。
Turns out I am a joke.
“Turns out” is a way of saying “in the end.” All of this is
Elle’s way of saying that people do not take her seriously,
到後來自己卻是個笑話, 沒有被肯定過。
If you’re going to let one stupid prick ruin your life, you’re not the girl I thought
you were.
A “prick” is a very crude word for a penis, or more generally, a jerk or
bastard. “To ruin” something is to totally destroy it.
Prick 原指陰莖, 但此處也是一個相當粗俗之字眼。
Did you go in knowing that you were going to discredit
Mr. Salvatore? :: Absolutely: It’s a little thing I like to call strategy.
“To discredit” a person is to show that they are not honest, or as good or
accomplished as others think they are. “Strategy” is the act of planning
ahead in business, war, or in this case, law, to try and efficiently reach a
goal, or to deal with all possible problems that may appear in the future.
He’s the top defense attorney in the state. Of course he’s an ass.
“Defense attorneys” are lawyers who defend people who are accused of a
crime. An “ass” is a butt or behind, or more generally, a jerk, idiot, etc.
Ask Elle. She looked pretty cozy with him last night. ::
You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
If you are “cozy” with another person, you are physically close to them,
perhaps almost as if you’re holding each other. “The hell” is a filler
expression added to show emotion such as anger or frustration.
Vivian 以為 Elle 和 Callahan 教授真的有私通。
Callahan hit on her, so she quit. :: My God, scumbag.
“To hit on” a person is to try and seduce or sexually attract them.
A “scumbag” is a very strong insult word for a bastard, asshole, etc.
(Scum is the filth that is found on bathroom tiles that aren’t clean).
Scum 原指浴室之污垢, 這裡當然又是一個罵人的字眼。
You’re fired! I have new representation.
“To fire” a lawyer is to tell them they can no longer work for you.
“Representation” refers to any person, in this case a lawyer, who speaks
for you, or represents you in an official process, such as a trial.
Brook 大膽公然在法庭開除她的律師( 指的就是 Callahan 教授 ) 而讓Elle接
Counselors, approach the bench.
A “counselor” is another word for a lawyer or attorney.
原意為諮詢師, 大臣, 這裡指的是律師。
A law student may appear on behalf of a defendant in a criminal proceeding.
“To appear on behalf of” a person is to officially represent them.
The ruling also states that you need a licensed attorney to supervise you.
A “ruling” is an official interpretation or explanation of a law.
If an “attorney” is licensed, they have been given official approval to work
by the state. “To supervise” a person is to watch over them.
法條規定須有一位有照律師陪同在場監督, 法學院之學生就可以代表被告為
I’ll supervise, your honor. :: Well then, Ms. Woods, proceed.
One way of telling a person to move forward or continue.
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help
you God?
This is what every person must say, with their hand on the Bible, before
they are allowed to testify in a trial in a court room (“To swear” to tell the
truth is to promise to).
在法庭中,手放在聖經上承諾所說一切為事實, 無半點虛假。
There is no proof in this case, and in addition, there is a complete lack of mens
rea, which by definition tells us there can be no crime without a vicious will.
If there is a “lack of” something, it doesn’t exist, or there is too little of it.
If something is wrong “by definition,” this means the very words
themselves means it is wrong. A “vicious will” is a way of saying an
immoral or ruthless desire to do something wrong.
I saw Brooke standing over his body, drenched in his blood.
If a person is “drenched” in blood, they are soaked in it, or covered by it.
She stashed it by then.
“To stash” something is to hide it, or store it in a secret place for later use.
Move to strike that from the record, your honor. It’s speculation. :: So stricken.
In a trial, “to strike a statement from the record” is to remove it from the
official written record, because it is thought to be inappropriate (Note that
the past participle of strike, with this meaning, is stricken). If a statement is
“speculation,” it is something that the speaker believes may be true, but
that they do not for sure.
Speculation指是猜測後所下之言論, 並非真相。
Where is she going with this? :: Have a little faith, Gerard.
“To have a little faith” in someone is to trust them.
I got up, got a latte, went to the gym, got a perm, and came home.
A “latte” is a type of popular coffee, a “gym” is a building with exercise
equipment (and space for playing various sports), and a “perm” is a type
of haircut in which the person is given curly or circular hair that will last
for at least a few weeks.
Gym = 健身房, perm = 燙頭髮, latte = 拿鐵咖啡。
We all tried to talk her out of it. Curls were not a good look for her.
“To talk a person out of” something is to convince them not to do it.
As a noun, a person’s “look” is the way they look in terms of their
clothes, makeup and general sense of style and fashion.
She entered the Beta-Delta-Phi wet T-shirt contest, where she was completely
hosed down from head to toe. :: Objection, why is this relevant?
A “wet T-shirt’ contest is a contest in which women are judged for how
sexy they are while wearing a wet T-shirt. If a person is “hosed down,”
they are sprayed with water from a garden hose. “Objection” is a legal
term in which a lawyer protests the use of various words or lines of
questioning. If something is “relevant” in a trial, it is important because it
will help prove or disprove something that is being debated.
( 1 ) 參加”wet T-shirt” 比賽時, 水管直接從頭上灌水往身上流, 並顯露出身
材, hose 原指水管。
( 2 ) 法庭用語, objection 反對Elle提出一些與案情不相關的言論。
Isn’t it the first cardinal rule of perm maintenance that you’re forbidden to wet
your hair for at least 24 hours …
A “cardinal rule” is a critical or super important rule. “Perm
maintenance” is the act of taking care of a perm haircut so that the curls
will last as long as possible. If something is “forbidden,” it is not allowed.
( 1 ) 燙髮保養最重要守則是24小時之內一定不能弄濕頭髮( 洗頭 ) 。
( 2 ) 顯示死者女兒說謊。
….at the risk of deactivating the ammonium thioglycolate?
“To deactivate” something is to stop it from continuing to work
(The last two words are probably scientific terms for some chemical).
Elle太厲害了, 連燙頭髮藥劑裡的功能或化學成分她都一清二楚。
It would mean that you would have had to have found Mrs. Windham
with a gun in her hand to make your story plausible! Isn’t that right?!
If a story is “plausible” it is reasonably possible that it is actually true.
I didn’t mean to shoot him! I thought it was you walking through the door. ::
Order, order!
The words that a judge will scream when they want to restore order in the
court after too much noise and emotion breaks out in the courtroom.
法庭內一陣譁然, 法官要求肅靜和秩序。
Bailiff, take the witness into custody, where she will be charged with the murder
of Mr. Windham.
A “bailiff’ is an official assistant to the judge who maintains peace and
order in the courtroom. In a trial, a “witness” is a person who testifies or
answers questions under oath (after legally swearing to tell the truth).
( 1 ) 法警。
( 2 ) 拘禁證人。
In the matter of the State vs. Brooke Windham, this case is dismissed.
“In the matter of” is a legal way of referring to a particular case.
If a criminal charge is “dismissed,” it is legally dropped or ended.
The rules of hair care are simple and finite. Any Cosmo girl would have known.
If something is “finite,” it has an ending or is limited (as opposed to those
things that are infinite ). A “Cosmo girl” is one who reads the magazine
Cosmopolitan , which discusses fashion, makeup and relationships.
護髮原則是既簡單又固定( 常識 ), 任何讀過Cosmo雜誌的女孩都知道。
If I’m going to be a partner at a law firm by the time I’m 30,
I need a partner whose not such a complete bonehead.
In a law firm, a “partner” is a lawyer who is one of the official leaders of
the firm that shares in the profits (Note that there are also other types of
partners, for example, in both business and romance). “Bonehead” is a fun
insult word for a jerk, idiot, moron, etc.
Warner 是個值得被罵得蠢驢。
She graduated today with an invitation to join one of Boston’s most prestigious
law firms.
“To graduate” school is to successfully finish it (Note there the noun form
of the same word has a different pronunciation). If a firm is “prestigious,”
it is considered of top quality and has an excellent reputation.
畢業之後受邀在Boston 最權威之律師事務所之工作。注意 law firm 特別用
firm 這個字表示事務所或公司。
No offense to Aristotle, but in my three years at Harvard, I have come to find
that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law, and of life.
“No offense to…” is a way of saying “I do not mean to offend, but…”
An “ingredient” is any subpart of any food or other product.
( 1 ) Elle上台致詞時又引用了當時教授第一節上課時亞里斯多德之格言: 法
律乃是不受激情妨礙之理性, The low is reason free from passion。此處Elle
提出自己心中的想法, 認為passion才是使她熱中研讀法律, 關心別人之要素,
( 2 ) ingredient, 原指食材, 原料。
It is with passion, courage of conviction, and a strong sense of self that we take
our next step into the world, knowing first impressions are not always correct.
“Passion” is great emotion or determination. “Courage of conviction” is a
poetic way of referring to a person’s strong desire to follow what they
believe in their heart, and a “sense of self” is one way of referring to a
healthy self-confidence or self-respect. A person’s “first impression” of
something is what they believe about it when they first see it, before they
get to know it better.
有熱情, 有堅持信念的勇氣, 強烈的自我。這三大要素才是使我們認識到對別
人的第一印象, 往往是錯誤的, 進而能夠學習屏除偏見與私心。
Vivian dumped Warner.
If a woman “dumps” her boyfriend, she leaves or break up with him.
Vivian 甩了男朋友Warner, dump 原意為丟棄。
Warner graduated without honors.
In a university, “honors” are special credit or recognition for having
done very well (Note that it usually only noted when a person graduates
with honors).
Emmett quit Callahan’s firm and opened his own practice.
In a legal context, a lawyer’s “practice” is their career as an attorney.
Legally Blonde
Some Possible ESL Questions for Class Discussion
1. Why would someone like Elle have been interested in a guy like Warner?
2. Do people often judge others unfairly, just based on their looks?
3. What are the qualities that make Elle so attractive as a person?
4. What were some of the funnier lines in this film that you remember?
5. Why do people have such conflicted views about lawyers?
Is it the same in your culture?
6. What did you like and not like about this movie?