G.P. Vanier Band Parents Association General Meeting Agenda and Minutes Monday, Oct 1, 2012 6:30 pm Attending: Tara S., Celeste C., Jen K., Adam M., Jennie K., Mark B., Laura R., Ruth B. 1. Call to order at 6:35 pm. o Review & approve minutes of Sept 12, 2012. Adam provided sign in sheet from September meeting to include with minutes. Motion: Mark Second: Celeste o Review & approve current agenda. 2. Band Director. o All after school programs will be up and running this week. Jr. (Tues) and Sr. (Wed) started last week and Jazz (Mon), Choral (Thurs) and Percussion (Fri) are starting this week. o Upcoming is a Halloween concert for a local visiting elementary school. Adam will email parents about date. On November 10, the senior band will perform at the Remembrance Day ceremony and attend an Cuban Jazz clinic at William Aberhart High School. There is a possibility of performances at downtown malls, but the budget and bussing portion will need to be looked at. 3. Treasurer. o Re: AGLC filing and financials audit, Celeste is waiting to get together with auditors. She requested two receipts from Adam. o Celeste gathered personal information (name, address, etc.) from the executive members present for registries annual filing. 4. President. o Budget 2012/2013. Mark shared a graph depicting proposed expenditures and cost recovery for the GP Vanier Band Parent Association. A motion to approve the proposed budget (spending up to $48000) was made by Tara and seconded by Ruth. Motion was carried. o Budget history, projections, priorities. In general, the association spends between $35000 and $55000 per year. Approximately $350/student/year is paid by the association with approximately $150/kid/year is recovered from parents. At the end of June 2012, there was $65000 remaining in the accounts. Mark included some visuals that highlighted a declining pattern in income for the association. Many ideas were discussed to bolster funds added (i.e. continue to cost share with parents with this year remaining at same level, fundraising during performances, kids paying for own buffet in RedDeer, parents donations could replace fundraising efforts where desired) o Cheque signatories. Mark and Celeste currently are authorized to sign cheques. It was suggested that Rose (VP) and possibly Tara (Secretary) in preparation for executive changes for the next school year. o Meeting dates. First Mondays of the month were suggested with the second Monday as an alternate if the first is unavailable. This seemed to work for all in attendance. 5. Casino. o Jennie indicated that almost all positions have been filled. The GM position remains as well as finding alternates in case of cancellations. The casino is shared with the Viking School Council. 6. Cookie Dough. o Laura presented on Indeygo cookie dough sales. A brief cover letter and Indeygo flyer will go home with kids Individual order forms will probably be due on November 19th and information will transferred onto sales sheet. Laura has added a section on sales sheet to enter who picked up order. We will plan to recruit youth for delivery day (December 6th) Presenters for other fundraising opportunities (i.e. Epicure, Tupperware) may be invited to present at future meetings. 7. Sweaters. o Beth will be fitting and assigning sweaters on Wednesday afterschool to the Sr. Band members. They are needed for the Remembrance Day performance. o Older sweaters and crests were discovered and council briefly discussed using the sweaters for Choral. 8. Vikings. o All executive positions were filled at the AGM of Parent Council in September. 9. Next Meeting: Monday Nov 5 at 6:30 pm (to be confirmed) 10. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm