Reconstruction and Republican Rule Guided Notes

Reconstruction and Republican Rule
Carpetbaggers and Scalawags
 Briefly explain the term carpetbaggers:
 Briefly explain the term scalawags:
African Americans Enter Politics
 Imagine you are a southern white person after the Civil War, how are you going
to feel about an African American being elected to Congress?
Republican Reforms in the South
 Define the term graft and explain how it was used in Southern governments after
the Civil War:
 What four groups did the Republican Party in the South rely on for help in
government related issues during Reconstruction?
African American Communities
 In what two areas of life did African Americans really promote after the Civil
Southern Resistance
 Briefly explain the origins of the Ku Klux Klan and what their intentions were for
being created:
 How did President Grant and Congress take action to stop them?
The Troubled Grant Administration
 What was US Grant’s philosophy about being President?
 Briefly explain the “Whiskey Ring”
 Briefly explain the Panic of 1873
Reconstruction Ends
 Briefly explain the Compromise of 1877
A “New South” Arises
 What is meant by the term “New South”?
 The South changed significantly because of the “New South” tactics. True / False
 Define the term tenant farmers
 Define the term sharecropping