Tampere University of Technology Department of Pervasive Computing TIE-13106 Project Work on Pervasive Systems Group name/number Project name Project plan Note: All texts in this document that are colored blue are instructive and should be replaced with actual text by you. They just tell what should be included in each section. Student Name: Student number Student Name: Student number Student Name: Student number Student Name: Student number Student Name: Student number Projectt Plan Project Name Version 0.2 Version history Version Date Author Description 0.1 0.2 Peter Projectmanager Peter Projectmanager First draft Comments included 17.09.2013 20.09.2013 Last modified: 9.3.2016 21:57 2/9 Projectt Plan Project Name Version 0.2 Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Purpose and scope ....................................................................................... 4 1.2 Product and environment .............................................................................. 4 1.3 Customer's current system ............................................................................ 4 1.4 Development constraints ............................................................................... 4 1.5 Project constraints ......................................................................................... 4 1.6 Definitions, abbreviations and acronyms ....................................................... 4 2 Project organisation .............................................................................................. 5 2.1 Group members ............................................................................................ 5 2.2 Customer....................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Related organisations .................................................................................... 5 3 Project goals and ending/termination .................................................................... 5 3.1 Goals of the project group ............................................................................. 5 3.2 Goals of the customer ................................................................................... 5 3.3 Goals and deliverable of the project .............................................................. 5 3.4 Quitting (termination) criteria of the project .................................................... 5 3.5 Ending criteria of the project .......................................................................... 6 4 Project management ............................................................................................. 6 4.1 Methods and tools ......................................................................................... 6 4.2 Monitoring and guidance ............................................................................... 6 4.3 Learning and study plan ................................................................................ 6 5 Project iterations and timing .................................................................................. 7 5.1 Iterations ....................................................................................................... 7 5.2 Iteration 1 [2, 3…N] ....................................................................................... 7 6 Test and quality assurance plan ............................................................................ 7 6.1 General approach.......................................................................................... 7 6.2 Definition of done .......................................................................................... 8 6.3 Special testing ............................................................................................... 8 6.4 Test documentation ....................................................................................... 8 7 Risk management ................................................................................................. 8 7.1 Risk list .......................................................................................................... 8 7.2 Risk monitoring ............................................................................................. 8 8 Open issues .......................................................................................................... 9 9 References ........................................................................................................... 9 APPENDIX A […Z] ....................................................................................................... 9 Last modified: 9.3.2016 21:57 3/9 Projectt Plan Project Name 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose and scope Version 0.2 Purpose of this document. 1.2 Product and environment Product name, purpose goals and the environment in general. 1.3 Customer's current system How they do it now 1.4 Development constraints Such as technology constraints, standards Practices set by the customer 1.5 Project constraints Confidentiality Licensing issues IPRs (if already agreed in some way) 1.6 Scrum UI Definitions, abbreviations and acronyms Agile software development framework User interface Last modified: 9.3.2016 21:57 4/9 Projectt Plan Project Name 2 Project organisation 2.1 Group members Version 0.2 List for each: Person, Contact info, experience, knowledge, interests 2.2 Customer Role, contact info 2.3 Related organisations Customer's organisation Other organisations 3 Project goals and ending/termination 3.1 Goals of the project group These can be, for example: Making of a good product Staying in schedule Customer satisfaction Reputation enhancing Maximize the fee (and minimize the work). Priority of the goals: primary goal, secondary goal, etc. 3.2 Goals of the customer Priority of the goals: primary goal, secondary goal, etc. Agreement between customer and group on what functionalities should the product have. Customer goals can be for example: Product must have critical functionalities A & B (Note, mostly these go to requirement specification) Product must be on the market for Christmas Quality of the product must be the best in the market 3.3 Goals and deliverable of the project Here is a brief summary of customer and project group goals fitted together, priority of goals, agreement of what functionalities should the program have. 3.4 Quitting (termination) criteria of the project Definition of situations when the project should be terminated, for example: Last modified: 9.3.2016 21:57 5/9 Projectt Plan Project Name Version 0.2 Customer withdraws There is a better or cheaper product on the market already Budget or schedule is exceeded by 300% Who is able to terminate the project? Project manager or customer? 3.5 Ending criteria of the project It is important to specify when the project ends, for example: Certain date is reached Certain state of readiness is reached – some tests are passed Certain amount of working hours is reached Certain amount of money is spent Customer starts to use the product Product is approved when the customer's warranty period expires Who is able to end the project? 4 Project management 4.1 Methods and tools 4.2 4.3 Change management Tools agreed for collaboration Version control Documentation Monitoring and guidance Within the group Outside the group Other? Learning and study plan Within the group Training provided by the customer Other? Last modified: 9.3.2016 21:57 6/9 Projectt Plan 5 Project Name Version 0.2 Project iterations and timing In here you should list all the project iterations and people related and deadlines (WHO, WHAT, WHEN) 5.1 Iterations Project is divided into iterations (sprints) that usually last 2-4 weeks. You can choose the number of them freely – use a sprint model that works for your project. From every iteration the following things are listed: What kind of work the iteration includes – requirement gathering, design, implementation, testing... Person in charge of the iteration & special tasks for members Procedure how the iteration should be done Deliverables of the iteration (e.g. document X, implemented features). Table 5.1 below lists the deadlines for the project. Table 5.1. Deadlines Date Deadline. What should be ready? Iteration 1 [2, 3…N] 5.2 What is done Who does what Procedures Work estimation Deliverables You can use a table, including a spreadsheet for these 6 Test and quality assurance plan 6.1 General approach Describe your general strategy for testing: how will testing be done at various levels (unit, integration, system). Are there customer acceptance tests? Will there be analytic assessments (such as usability assessment)? Who will do there? Will there be appointed testers? Are consultants used? Last modified: 9.3.2016 21:57 7/9 Projectt Plan 6.2 Project Name Version 0.2 Definition of done Describe when a feature or other is “done”? Is some testing or other type of validation or acceptance a requirement for that? Acceptance testing by customer? 6.3 Special testing Describe any special testing tasks that require planning. Those include usability testing, security testing, browser / hardware compatibility testing and others. 6.4 Test documentation Describe the planned ways to document tests – any additional plans, test specifications (incl. test cases), test logs / diaries and test reports. 7 Risk management This is a very important part of the project plan. Most common risks are usually related to project personnel, customer or to hardware/software. Risks should be classified from 1 to 3 or 1 to 5 (scale should be specified carefully: is 1 the most hazardous or harmless risk) All the possible risks in the project are considered here. Elements of risks to consider Possible causes Severity X probability = size of risk Signs of the risk Procedures how the risk can be avoided? Procedures how the risk can be prevented? Recovery if a risk materialized? Risks worth considering: Customer Hardware/software Environment Accidents, cases of illness "Sudden lack of motivation among some of the project members" Student group size changes 7.1 Risk list List the identified risks or summary. Preferably, a separate risk list is maintained (course offers a spreadsheet tool for this). 7.2 Risk monitoring How you follow the risks? At least at the end of sprints. Last modified: 9.3.2016 21:57 8/9 Projectt Plan 8 Project Name Version 0.2 Open issues Are there things that still need to be checked with the customer?. 9 References Kerzner, 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and Controlling, Wiley, 2013. APPENDIX A […Z] Include appendices as needed. Last modified: 9.3.2016 21:57 9/9