166 RESTORATION OF PRESSURE ULCER AREAS DETECTED BY COMPUTATIONAL CLASSIFICATION THROUGH IMAGE INCLINATION CORRECTION1 Inalda Leite Pereira 2, Luciene Carvalho de Sousa 2, Levy Aniceto Santana 3, Renato da Veiga Guadagnin 4 BSc in Physical Therapy by the Catholic University of Brasilia – UCB, inaldaleite@hotmail.com, lucyenn@hotmail.com 3 MSc in Health Sciences, Professor in the Catholic University of Brasilia – UCB, levy@ucb.br 4 Dr in Administration, Professor in the Catholic University of Brasilia – UCB, renatov@ucb.br 2 Pressure ulcer (PU) is a tissue necrosis area that emerges when a soft tissue is compressed. PU area analysis is useful to evaluate PU evolution and corresponding responses to therapeutic procedures. Images from a Grade III PU were captured at a distance of 30 cm with normal camera axis and camera axis with 20° and with 30° inclination to the skin surface. PU areas were then obtained by classification using Isoclust procedure from software IDRISI. Then correction coefficients for area restoration from inclined plane images concerning x- and y-axis were computed and applied to the classified images. So it was possible to adjust the areas obtained with inclined camera axis and achieve new values that were very similar to the area obtained with normal camera axis. So PU areas in such conditions can suitably be estimated. Introduction1 Pressure Ulcer (PU) is a localized area of tissue necrosis developed when a soft tissue is compressed between an osseous prominence and a hard surface. [1] According to the “National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel”, the prevalence of PU in USA hospitals vary from 3% to 14%, increasing to 15% to 25% in rest homes. [2] In a study carried out in a Brazilian university hospital, percentages of presented PU cases found were 41.0 in the general intensive care unit, 39.5 in the surgical ward and 42.6 in the general practice ward. [3] The most afflicted areas are the skin regions where there is a smaller quantity of muscular tissue next to osseous prominences, such as sacrum, large trochanter, 1 The computational tasks of this work were processed in the Laboratory for Medical Image Processing in Catholic University of Brasilia, supported by DAAD (German Office for Academic Interchange). scapula, lateral malleolus, thoracic column, heels, occipital, knees, ischial tuberosities and lateral epicondyles. [1] [4] Continuous pressure on the skin, either for a short period of time with higher intensity or for a long period with lower intensity, leads to ischemic phenomena associated to nutrient and oxygen deficiencies, causing hypoxia, edema, inflammation and cellular death. [4] [5] [6] Pressure between 60 and 580 mmHg for a period of 1 to 6 hours can cause an ulcer, and shearing and friction forces can contribute to its development mainly in patients with sensitivity and consciousness alterations. [4] The PUs can be classified according to depth, in relation to the extension of the layer of tissue involved, in grades from I to IV, been that grade I manifests itself as a defined area of persistent hyperemia, grade II as a partial lesion which comprehends the epidermis, part of the dermis or both, grade III as loss of cutaneous total thickness involving subcutaneous tissue lesion or necrosis and grade 167 IV as the destruction of all the skin’s layers, sub-cutaneous and muscular tissue. [6] [7] Problem statement The determination of width, length, depth and tunnel formation completes and concludes the medical classification of a wound. [6] For that, measuring instruments have been developed to meet the necessity of health services and health professionals in order to follow precisely the patient’s history, aiding in the elaboration of an effective treatment plan. The wound’s area can be obtained by simple but less precise methods such as a ruler or tracing on transparent material [8] [9], photographs or by more precise methods such as computer analysis of digital photographs. [7] [8] [9] [10] Technological advances have allowed wider access to digital cameras and to computer systems due to higher availability and lower costs. In this manner, digital photograph analyses by computer systems have been widely used for evaluation and following of PUs. [8] [11] In a recent work, distance and angle of the camera were controlled to prevent probable errors in the acquisition of the image. [11] This research’s objective is to correct the influence of camera’s position on computer analysis of PU area by an adequate computational classification procedure. Approach and techniques In 25/May/07, three digital photographs were captured of a Grade III flat PU in the sacral region of patient L.A., male, 60 years old, afflicted by hemiplegia on the left side and cerebral atrophy due to a cerebrovascular accident which occurred approximately 20 years ago. The consent for taking the photographs came from image usage authorization given by a patient’s relative, after been duly oriented as to the aims of the study, with the signatures of two witnesses. The images were taken using a digital camera (Kodak, model Easyshare) with a two megapixel resolution. To infer the area, a reference object of 4 cm2 was placed in a nonafflicted area. The camera was positioned at a distance of 30 cm from the PU with the axis at 0o, 20o and 30o inclination in relation to the normal. The images were captured in jpg format, 24 bit pixel, and separated in three color bands corresponding to the components of RGB system. (Fig. 1) Figure 1: Original image captured with 30o inclination and 30 cm distance from the PU. Initially the green band was chosen, which adequately revealed the reference object, so generating the image (a). After a few tests, the blue band was chosen to enhance the PU area, creating the image (b). Following experimentation with various supervised and non-supervised classification procedures using the software IDRISI, the best results were obtained with the non-supervised classification procedure Isoclust. The images were submitted to this classification procedure for the identification of only two classes, that is, reference object and background on image (a) and PU, reference object and healthy skin on image (b) (Fig. 2 and Fig 3). This classification procedure is based on the Isodata and K-means classification procedures, consisting of an iterative process of class attribution to all the pixels, ending with a predetermined number of iterations or when a pre-determined maximum approximation is reached. [12] [13] As the image obtained by a photographic camera is approximately a conicl projection of the photographed object, in a plan perpendicular to the camera’s axis, a distortion of two dimentional images occurs, when they 168 are tilted in relation to the plan perpendicular to the camera’s axis. Figure 2: Image of the green band of the original picture, highlighting the reference object, after Isoclust classification: Image (a). Figure 3: Image of the blue band, enhancing the PU and the reference object, after Isoclust classification: Image (b). minus (obtained area of the reference object) The addition of correction factors for all the pixels resulted in PU area calculations for the different inclinations. Some correction values can be seen on Table 1. The value variations in the different columns are inferior to 10-4, which cannot be seen in this table. The tendencies of reduction of the correction factors in the inferior lines in the image occur due to the approximation of the inferior part of the camera, with the axis pointing to the central part of the PU. Afterwards, the data were tabulated with the conversion from number of pixels to area and a histogram containing the calculated areas was constructed (Fig. 4). Table 1. Area correction factors obtained with a 30 degrees camera tilt. Row N. 0 88 177 266 355 Column number 0 84 169 253 338 1,4195 1,2893 1,1562 1,0231 0,8939 1,4195 1,2893 1,1562 1,0231 0,8939 1,4195 1,2893 1,1562 1,0231 0,8939 1,4195 1,2893 1,1562 1,0231 0,8939 1,4195 1,2893 1,1562 1,0231 0,8939 Results and Interpretation Figure 4: Non-corrected and corrected PU areas. UP areas from computational classification and corrected areas 120,0 Area em sq cm The camera rotational variation was considered only in relation to the x-axis, as this is the most probable variation in capturing the image by one standing beside the patient’s bed. The restoration of each pixel’s dimension in the x direction can be obtained by triangular similarity, since there are no rotations in relation to other axis. The restoration in the y direction must consider the correspondence between the pixel’s size and dimension in the y direction in the image system and its size in the y direction in the object system. [14] [15] Once the correction factors for each pixel in the x and y directions were calculated, their product was taken as the true area of each pixel of the PU. The following operation was performed: (obtained area of the PU plus reference object) According to figure 4 one can derive that, raising the inclination of the camera, the PU area becomes lower due to the distortion of conic projection. The application of correction factors transform these values in values very similar to those obtained with the perpendicular axis to the PU. 100,0 99,9 96,4 98,5 85,7 80,0 98,2 77,6 Classified areas 60,0 Corrected areas 40,0 20,0 0,0 0 20 30 Camera inclination in degrees 169 Conclusion The results showed that PU areas, computed by application of classification procedure Isoclust on images obtained with a camera with a tilted axis in relation to the normal to a PU, can be corrected by correction factors of a conic projection of a flat object. Considering the variations in texture and tones of a PU, as well as its shape, this work shows the adequacy of the Isoclust non-supervised classification procedure to enhance the wound and to estimate its area. It also demonstrates the adequacy of application of area correction factors when the image cannot be captured in the ideal manner, that is, normal to the PU. Images with such characteristics can arise from lack of resources or due to patients’ adverse conditions. These findings can, therefore, contribute to a broad utilization of computerized PU area estimation by health services at a lower cost. References 1. Costa IG. Incidência de úlcera de pressão e fatores de risco relacionados em pacientes de um centro de terapia intensiva. 2003.125p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Enfermagem Fundamental) Escola de enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. Disponível em <http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/22/22132 /tde-09032004-084518/>Acesso em: 03 mar. 2007. 2. Blanes L, Duarte IS, Calil JA, Ferreira LM. Avaliação clínica e epidemiológica das úlceras por pressão em pacientes internados no Hospital São Paulo. Rev Assoc Med Bras 2004;50:182-7 3. 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