Sense of Self Analysis

Sense of Self Analysis – Unit Culminating Task
Presented as a Scrapbook / Magazine / PowerPoint / or other method as approved by Ms. Lemieux
Refer to wiki for links to websites –
Knowledge / Understanding
Nature vs. Nurture
+ Find a case study of a feral child or a case study of identical twins separated at birth that we HAVE NOT already
If you can find pictures, print them and summarize the story indicating what’s more influential – nature or nurture. For a feral
child, explain their progress pre and post discovery, for identical twins, provide examples of their genetic or environmental
similarities and differences. You may use Photo Story 3 or Animoto to depict your cases and provide information about your
case study.
For this task you may wish to use Bitstrips to create your product. Bitstrips is an online cartoon creator. You can access it at Your username is: HSP3M3
+ Classical Conditioning - Using an example of each kind, you are to create a ‘program / situation’ that could be used to
change someone’s behaviour. The program must be realistic and possible. You may wish to create a scenario so
people would hand in homework, not be late for class, etc…
+ Operant Conditioning @ a Fast Food Restaurant
What do parents do, at a fast food restaurant, to encourage desirable behaviors and discourage undesirable behaviors? Are the
principles of operant conditioning being used?
TASK - Visit any fast food restaurant (McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s, Taco Bell.) You are to observe how parents use the
principles of operant conditioning, where they misuse them, and where they fail to use them but should. You can observe in the
main dining area or the play area, if they have one, or both. You may not include any drive up observations. Then briefly
describe one outstanding example for any three of the following categories. You can use three different subjects or use one
subject for more than one example. You only need one OUTSTANDING (clear, definite) example for each of the three principles
you choose. Create an observation chart and record your findings.
You report should include 3 separate sections in your write up
+ Section 1 – Description of restaurant (including if it has a play area), date and time of observation.
+ Section 2 – Three observations. Each observation labeled with principle of operant conditioning at the beginning.
Description of subjects (adults and children) including approx age, gender, race. What did you observe that
demonstrated the principle being discussed? How effective was the technique?
+ Section 3 – Comments, including misuse or failure to use, questions that came up, surprises.
PRINCIPLES: Any three of the following four.
1. Positive reinforcement of DESIRED behaviors.
2. Negative reinforcement for failing to show DESIRED behaviors.
3. Extinction of UNDESIRED behaviors by withdrawing attention or reinforcing stimuli.
Psychodynamic Approach
For this task you may wish to use Bitstrips to create your product. Bitstrips is an online cartoon creator. You can access it at Your username is: HSP3M3
Using the roles of the id/ego/superego,
+ Create a scenario and a skit in which your id/ego/superego would be or has been faced with. Be sure to identify the
principles that each operate on.
Thinking / Inquiry & Communication
Each of you are to visit the following website Click on the Eight Styles of
Learning and read the descriptions. Then go back to the opening page, scroll down and complete the self assessment.
Summarize and present your results.
+ Write a reflection to add to this section: What did you discover about yourself? Were you aware of your learning
style? Are you a diverse learner or do you have one or two preferred methods of learning? How can you use this
knowledge in your life / studies? Will you use this knowledge?
Abnormal Psychology
Research an abnormal disorder (see list below). Create a public service announcement explaining your disorder. This could be a
poster, radio ad, TV ad (video or skit), website or other method of your choice. The announcement need not (nor should it!)
cover all of the information you found in your research, but it should provoke thought, questions and discussion with the class.
Above all it should reduce the stigma around mental illness. Consider identifying symptoms, who gets it / how? / gender
differences, Nature or Nurture,, Treatment
Caffeine Intoxication
Paranoid Schizophrenia
Primary Insomnia
Manic Depression
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Oppositional Defiance Disorder
Dissociative Identity Disorder (aka. MPD)
Schizoid Personality Disorder
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Histrionic Personality Disorder
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Panic Disorder
Disorganized Schizophrenia
Anorexia Nervosa
Major Depressive Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Anxiety Disorder
Paranoid Personality Disorder
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Dependent Personality Disorder
Other as approved by the teacher
Alcohol Dependence
Acute Stress Disorder
Catatonic Schizophrenia
Bulimia Nervosa
Agoraphobia or any phobia
Sleep Terror
Reflection #1
+ Write a reflection – Who are you? Why are you who you are today? Identify your strengths and the areas which
you feel you could improve. Your values, beliefs, biggest influences. You may use pictures, words, quotes etc… to
portray who you are.
Media Influence + Media Reflection
Reexamine / reflect on your views about the messages in the media. Reflect about the concept of being a responsible consumer.
What does this mean to you? Select 2 advertisements (one positive and one negative) and comment on their possible impact. Be
sure to include your ads