TUMBA COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY P.O BOX 6638-RULINDO TEL/FAX :(250)580381 www.tct.ac.rw MICROFINANCE INFORMATION Financial Institution name: BANQUE POPULAIRE DU RWANDA S.A (BPR S.A) Physical address :Main branch located in Kigali City near Hotel des Milles Collines Postal address :P.O Box 1348 Kigali Tel : +252 57 35 59 E-mail : info@bpr.rw Website : www.bpr.rw Contact Person : Jean de Dieu Contact Person Position :Commercial Officer Branches :See the list of braches Contact Person Telephone:250 788507697 Requirements in opening up a bank account For an Individual 1.One photocopy of the Identity Card or Passport 2.Two passport photos 3.Opening balance of Rwf 2,500 if the account is to be opened at the main branch or Rwf 3,500 if the account is to be opened in any other branch rather than the main branch For a Company 1.A notified copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association 2.A photocopy of the Trade License 3.One photocopy of the Identity Card or Passport for each shareholder 4.Two passport photos for each shareholder 5.Opening balance of Rwf 2,500 if the account is to be opened at the main branch or Rwf 3,500 if the account is to be opened in any other branch rather than the main branch For a Non Profit Organization 1.A notified copy of the statutes 2.Evidence of possession of legal personality 3.One photocopy of the Identity Card or Passport for each representative of the association 4.Two passport photos for each representative of the association 5.Opening balance of Rwf 2,500 if the account is to be opened at the main branch or Rwf 3,500 if the account is to be opened in any other branch rather than the main branch Interest of the bank to attract TCT fresh graduates as customers in credit/loans The bank is interested The Credit package that TCTfresh graduates would access at Banque Populaire du Rwanda S.A I. BPR’ MICROCREDIT This package is name BPR’ Micro-Credit. The bank understands that some individuals lack the collateral, the steady employment and the verifiable credit history required to qualify for the usual bank loans. Thus, BPR’s micro credit is designed to extend small loans to such people with good income generating activities. Micro credit features: Beneficiaries: People who join together in groups of 3 to 10 people Associations of as many as 30 members Size: small loans not exceeding Rwf 250,000 for an individual in a group and Rwf 5,000,000 for an association Utilization: for income generation and enterprise development Loan duration: Up to 12 months Payment modalities: Depends on the cash flow of the income generating project Competitive interests calculated on a monthly basis Security: By joining together in a group or association, members provide: a joint moral guarantee for each member to pay back the loan Assets of the association in case there are any to be pledged. II. WOMEN GUARANTEE FUND This guarantee fund is managed by the National Bank of Rwanda and is meant to boost women in accessing finance for their income generating activities. Under this facility, economically active women but with no collateral and no credit record, are helped to access finance from Banque Populaire du Rwanda S.A How does it work? Women or their association present a viable project to Banque Populaire du Rwanda S.A The bank undertakes its usual credit analysis including the viability of the project and the integrity of the applicant. Once the bank’s analysis is done and the project is found viable then the file is sent to the National Bank of Rwanda which will approve the project’s eligibility for the guarantee fund If the National Bank of Rwanda approves the eligibility, then the project will benefit: 50% guarantee for an individual project (one woman) 70% guarantee for a project on an association of women Other financial conditions For individual projects, the loan ceiling is Rwf 5 million For women associations, the loan ceiling is Rwf 10 million For all these credit products described above, interest rates range from 16% to 18% per annum. However, the interest rate of 16% is charged for persons who have already good credit experiences with Banque Populaire du Rwanda S.A. Main Branch Tel: (+252) 573559 Fax: (+252) 573579 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali LIST OF BRANCHES KIGALI CITY BPF Kimironko Tel: (+252) 502006 Tel: (+252) 582691 Fax: (+252) 573579 Fax: (+252) 578687 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali P.O Box: 1348 Kigali Muhima Tel: (+252) 503066 Fax: (+252) 503066 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali Rwezamenyo Tel: (+252) 578349 Fax: (+252) 502674 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali Bugesera Tel: (+252) 561277 Fax: (+252) 561222 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali Karongi Tel: (+252) 568246 Fax: (+252) 568100 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali Musanze Tel: (+252) 546021 Fax: (+252) 46631 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali EASTERN PROVINCE Rwamagana Ngoma Tel: (+252) 567107 Tel: (+252) 566005 Fax: (+252) 567107 Fax: (+252) 566760 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali P.O Box: 1348 Kigali WESTEN PROVINCE Rusizi Tel: (+252) 537624 Fax: (+252) 537624 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali NOTHERN PROVINCE Rubavu Gicumbi Tel: (+252) 540430 Tel: (+252) 564016 Fax: (+252) 540899 Fax: (+252) 564016 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali P.O Box: 1348 Kigali Nyagatare Tel: (+252) 565109 Fax: (+252) 565109 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali Nyamagabe Tel: (+252) 535142 Fax: (+252) 535116 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali SOUTHERN PROVINCE Muhanga Nyanza Tel: (+252) 562005 Tel: (+252) 533083 Fax: (+252) 562087 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali P.O Box: 1348 Kigali Huye Tel: (+252) 530972 Fax: (+252) 530972 P.O Box: 1348 Kigali