SLED Implementation Plan Sticky Structures Your Name(s): Casey Davenport Grade Level: 6 School: Lafayette Sunnyside Middle School Total time (hours or class sessions): 2 - 3 Class Sessions (45 minutes) Unit BIG IDEAS: Scientific Process/Design Process Key vocabulary: Adhesive, Teamwork, Structure, Length, Mass, Scientific Method, Technology, Durability, Constraints, Functionality, Appearance, Matrix, Criteria, Limitations, Client Unit prior to and following this unit: Prior: Measurement (length, volume, mass & Metric Conversions) Following: Scientific Method/Process (Are Name Brand Kleenex Stronger than Generic?) Estimated starting date in the school year: First nine weeks end of September Unit Objectives: By the end of this unit, students will be able to: - Learn how component selection impact engineering results. - Learn how adhesives are developed for different applications. - Learn how engineering teams address problem solving. - Learn about teamwork and working in groups. Core Indiana Academic Standard to be addressed: Process Standards: The Nature of Science - Make predictions and develop testable questions based on research and prior knowledge - Plan and carry out an investigation - Keep accurate records in a notebook during investigation The Design Process - Brainstorm potential solutions - Throughout the entire design process, document the design with drawings (including labels) in a portfolio or notebook so that the process can be replicated - Test and evaluate how well the solution meets the goal Materials and Resources (available in school and/or will need to get): Measurement Activities (Gummy Bear & Rainbow Lab) – Meter Stick, Triple Beam Balance, Graduated Cylinder, gummy bears, Dixie cups, test tubes, food coloring, four gallon jugs (milk), test tube stand Sticky Structure – Various glue options (school or washable glue, wood glue, rubber cement, glue sticks), popsicle sticks, paper clips, lined paper, standard weight (identical cans of soup or soda (about 10 oz or 300 SLED Summer Institute 2011 grams) Scientific Method (Are Name Brand Stronger than Generic) – Name Brand and Generic tissues, wide mouth cup, marbles, eye droppers, cups Overview of Unit Activities: Nine Week Unit that Covers Scientific Method and Technology Introduction to the Unit - Vocabulary terms and concepts Foldable - KWL Chart Questions I will ask to Introduce the Unit: - Why is measurement important? When do you use measurement? What jobs? - When is the last time you worked as a team? How did it go? What could you have done to make it better? Hands-On Activities: Gummy Bear Lab - Students will work with a partner to determine a gummy bears initial mass, volume and length. Students will hypothesize what will happen when they put their gummy bear in water over night. Students will then take final measurements (day 2) and make their final conclusions. Rainbow Lab - Students will work in small groups and practice using a graduated cylinder to make precise measurements. Students will end up with “rainbow” in their test tube if their measurements are precise. Sticky Structures - Students will work in small groups and working as a team will design and construct a structure that is strong enough to suspend a can of soda or soup at least two inches off the ground. Students will have to determine which brand or type of glue will work the best and be given a very minimal amount of materials to carry out their plan. Is Name Brand Kleenex Stronger than Generic? - Students will work in small groups to determine which brand of tissue is strongest. Students will make predictions and test their predictions. Finally, they will make their final conclusions, analyze the data and create a graph to display their results. Day 1 – Introduction to the unit (foldable, design notebooks, vocabulary terms and concepts) Day 2 – 3 – Rainbow Lab Day 4 – 5 – Gummy Bear Lab Day 6 – 8 – Sticky Structures Day 9 – 10 – Is Name Brand Kleenex Stronger than Generic Cross-curricular connections: Math connections with cost analysis and measurements. 6.5.1 Select and apply appropriate standard units and tools to measure length, area, volume, weight, time, SLED Summer Institute 2011 temperature, and the size of angles. Assessment: How will you assess student learning? Formative Assessment: - Discussion - Observation - Test Tube (Did students end up with a “rainbow” in their test tube?) Teacher will use checks or check minus on a classroom roster - Foldable Summative Assessment: - Collect and review design notebooks. - Collect lab forms (Gummy Bear Lab and Is Name Brand Stronger than Generic?) - SLED written research assessment at the completion of the unit. SLED Summer Institute 2011