Lesson 6 Worksheet Step Four: Selecting Intervention Components Directions: Answers the following questions about selecting intervention approaches and activities for your logic model. If you are targeting multiple determinants, complete a separate worksheet for each determinant. A. Compile information to help identify possible intervention APPROACHES. (Later on in this worksheet you will have opportunity to identify intervention activities.) 1. Which intervention approaches (policies and programs) are likely to have the greatest impact upon the selected determinant? 2. Which of these intervention approaches are sufficiently powerful to markedly change each selected determinant? To answer this question, use research literature, focus group findings, data from key informant interviews, insights from expert resource people, and your own experience. 3. What is the evidence for the effectiveness of the intervention approaches you have listed? 4. Which of the proposed approaches are feasible given your organization’s financial resources, staff and program capabilities? (You may use the Feasibility Matrix on the next page to assist you in comparing the feasibility factors of several intervention components.) ReCAPP BDI Logic Model Course ©2003 Feasibility Matrix Write the intervention approaches in the top row of the matrix. Consider each area of feasibility (for definitions of these, refer back to Lesson Six) for each of your intervention approaches. Place an “X” in the corresponding feasibility cells that are feasible for each intervention. When you have completed the matrix, you will have a clear visual representation of the relative feasibility of the interventions. Area of Feasibility Cultural Intervention Example After-school program X Political X Administrative X Intervention Intervention Intervention Intervention Technical Financial B. Select an intervention approach. After reviewing your answers to the questions above, select an intervention approach. C. Compile information to help identify possible intervention activities. 1. Which possible activities (role-plays, journal assignments, etc.) related to your chosen intervention approach can have the greatest impact upon the selected determinant? ReCAPP BDI Logic Model Course ©2003 2. Which of the intervention activities are sufficiently powerful to markedly change each selected determinant? To answer this question, use research literature, insights from learning theories and behavior change models, focus group findings, data from key informant interviews, insights from expert resource people and your own experience. 3. What is the evidence for the effectiveness of the activities you have listed? 4. Which of the proposed activities are technically feasible given your organization’s staff and program capabilities? D. Select specific program activities. After reviewing your answers to the questions above, select one to three intervention components for the determinant. E. Assess the fit of the intervention components for your logic model. Criteria for assessing Step Four of your logic model 1. Can the intervention approach and activities have a marked impact upon each of the selected determinants? Do multiple intervention activities address each determinant? 2. What is the strength of the evidence that the intervention approach and activities can improve the determinants? ReCAPP BDI Logic Model Course ©2003 3. Is it feasible to implement the intervention approach and each of the activities? Are they consistent with the values and social/cultural context of the community (cultural feasibility)? Are the necessary organizational requirements in place (administrative feasibility)? Do staff have the needed skills (or can they be adequately trained?) and program resources (technical feasibility)? Are there sufficient financial resources to sustain the intervention (financial feasibility)? Is there necessary political or policy support (political feasibility)? 4. Were the intervention components described in sufficient detail? F. Write your intervention approach and activities in your logic model template. ********Congratulations – You have developed a BDI Logic Model!!******** ReCAPP BDI Logic Model Course ©2003 Now that you have completed a mini-logic model, answer the following questions to see if your BDI Logic Model is as strong as possible. 1. Were people with different views involved in the development of the model? Target population members? Yes No Staff or others with program experience? Yes No Researchers? Yes No 2. Does the logic model reflect the understanding of the group? Yes No 3. Are the items (goal, behaviors, determinants, interventions) in the correct columns of the logic model template? Yes No 4. Can other people from your agency understand your logic model? Is there enough detail in the model so it will be useful to the people who need to begin applying it? Yes No 5. To the best of your knowledge are all the relationships casual? Yes No The more "Yes" answers you have to the above questions, the more likely your logic model will be appropriate and effective for your target population. ******* You are now ready for Lesson 7 — Getting the Most from Your Logic Model******* ReCAPP BDI Logic Model Course ©2003