Orange Board of Selectmen Meeting

Orange Board of Selectmen Meeting
August 19, 2009
Chairman Richard P. Sheridan, Vice Chairman Steven E. Adam, and Clerk Robert F.
Also Present: Town Administrator Rick Kwiatkowski and
Administrative Coordinator Nancy Lyman
I. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Richard Sheridan called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: Steven Adam made a motion to approve the minutes of
August 5, 2009. Robert Andrews seconded. Mr. Andrews asked if any information had been
found regarding age limits for town committee or board members. Mr. Kwiatkowski stated
that his office had checked with the Town Clerk and found there are no bylaws or other
mechanisms to prevent young people from serving. Richard Sheridan stated that it would be
good to have young people serving. They might be able to offer a different perspective on
issues. All were in favor of the motion to approve the minutes of August 5, 2009.
III. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Announcements were read by Robert Andrews and were as follows:
Emergency exits; the Orange Council on Aging will be sponsoring a Fuel Assistance ReCertification Site at the Armory on 135 East Main Street on Thursday, August 27, 2009.
Please call for an appointment. Athol Town Manager David Ames and Town Administrator
Rick Kwiatkowski invited the Board to a meeting on September 2, 2009 at the Worker’s
Credit Union at 9 a.m. for a discussion on “Buy North Quabbin Now” campaign, similar to
the program in the Greater Gardner area; the Community Development Office is seeking
local citizens for a committee to review the FY10 Social Service Proposal. Please call if you
would like to be a member of this committee; there will be an open house at the Gale Farm,
485 Tully Road, sponsored by the Mt. Grace Conservation Trust, on Friday, August 28, 2009
from 3-5 p.m.
IV. PERMITS – none
V. ACTION – 6:45 p.m. – Update from Priscilla Curtis, Transfer Station/Recycling Center
Superintendent – Ms. Curtis stated everything is going well. She has been asked numerous
times if the trash bags were going to go up in price. She has two estimates coming in for
brush chipping. There has been work being done in the compost area; G. & S. Lyman will be
coming in to fill. The DEP was pleased that the berm was built up. This will allow for more
use of the area. The truck that had to be repaired was under warranty. Mr. Kwiatkowski
asked what the status was of the glass at the landfill. Ms. Curtis stated that the glass goes to
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Andover. However, the containers are becoming hard to pull out because of the weight. So,
for now, the glass is going in the co-mingled container. She believes this is also easier for
the residents. Mr. Andrews asked about the 10 year Master Plan. Ms. Curtis stated she
couldn’t attend the meeting last year where they requested input. She does know that the
plan has not yet been completed. Planning inside the Route 495 corridor is easier than it is
for the western part of the state. Mr. Andrews requested that Ms. Curtis keep the Select
Board updated. Mr. Kwiatkowski stated that the charge for hauling the co-mingled is more
than if just glass and would like to see an invoice when she receives one. He thinks that by
not pulling the glass container as the contract with the company stated, they are charging the
Town more money. Ms. Curtis stated that once the glass starts to be pulled again, the hauling
company will balance out the figures. They just don’t want any actual funds changing hands
at the moment. Steven Adam stated that there has been no revised contract with the hauling
company for these new issues. Mr. Kwiatkowski stated that the glass has not been pulled for
six weeks. Mr. Kwiatkowski also questioned the trailer in the chipping area that is used by
the Boy Scouts. Does Ms. Curtis know what they are storing in it? Ms. Curtis stated that
she hasn’t looked in it recently as she does not possess a key to open it. That trailer has been
there since before she started working there. Mr. Andrews stated that she should request a
key for the trailer so that she can check on the contents occasionally since it is on Town
property. At this time, all cans and bottles are contained in the same container, whether or
not they are returnable. Mr. Kwiatkowski asked if returnables could be separated out and
turned in by the Town. Would there be an area that could be designated for that purpose.
Richard Sheridan stated that the economics of that would have to be checked into to see if it
would be feasible for the Town to do so. Mr. Andrews also mentioned that we would have to
find an outlet to take them.
The Stantec Consulting Services contract was available for signing by the Board. This is for
monitoring and inspection of the Jones Street Landfill. The price charged is the same as last year
even though there will be some additional services rendered. Steven Adam made a motion that the
Board of Selectmen sign the contract as presented. Robert Andrews seconded. All were in favor.
The next item was a discussion of the final report regarding the evaluation of the Orange Transfer
Station by Jan Ameen of Franklin County Solid Waste Management District. Ms. Curtis stated that
FCSWMD did a good job of evaluating the station. She was disappointed that more haulers didn’t
respond. It was recommended that the station remain open and that costs for the trash bags be
increased. Mr. Andrews stated he thought it was a good evaluation. He also believes private haulers
would increase costs. Ms. Curtis stated she had been approached by two non-residents who would
purchase non-residents stickers if we opened up the station to them. Steven Adam mentioned that
the non-resident issue had been discussed previously, when Athol didn’t have their transfer station,
and it had been voted down at that time. Mr. Sheridan stated that there would have to be an
additional charge in addition to the sticker because sticker fees can only be used for monitoring. Mr.
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Kwiatkowski stated that if an enterprise fund was put in place for the Transfer Station, then that
would open the door for non-residents. Mr. Andrews said the enterprise fund was an option that
would be discussed at a later date. According to Mr. Kwiatkowski, it would have to be voted on at
the 2010 Town Meeting and would go into effect the following year. The Board thanked Ms. Curtis
for her update.
7:00 p.m. Pole Hearing for Athol Road – Verizon and Massachusetts Electric Company – Scott
Burns from Verizon and a gentleman from National Grid were both present to explain that along
with the five new jointly owned poles on Athol Road, this work will replace steel conductors that are
failing and decrease span distances to current standards. Steven Adam moved to grant the petition
from Verizon and Massachusetts Electric Company to locate five new jointly owned poles on the
easterly and westerly sides of Athol Road along with wires, cables, and fixtures, including anchors,
guys and other sustaining and protecting fixtures. Also for permission to lay and maintain
underground lateral, cables and wires for the purpose of making connections with such poles and
buildings as desired for distributing purposes. Robert Andrews seconded. Richard Sheridan asked if
there was any discussion from the public. There was none. All were in favor.
7:10 p.m. – Public Hearing for Shingle Brook Road - Verizon – Scott Burns from Verizon stated
that this was a request from the FAA and is in conjunction with the work being done at the Orange
Airport. The current poles are too close to the runway. George Hunt, one of the abutters, had left a
message with the Town Administrator regarding the fence in the area as he was unable to attend the
public hearing. Mr. Hunt believes the fence needs to be moved about 20 feet closer to the runway.
Scott Burns stated that they need to comply with the FAA and cannot go forward without an
easement. Rick Kwiatkowski stated that there would have to be agreement among the airport, the
FAA and Mr. Hunt. The Selectmen could go forward and grant the petition. Steven Adam moved to
grant the petition for Verizon to lay and maintain underground conduits, handholes and laterals with
the wires and cables to be placed therein, under the surface of Shingle Brook Road for the purpose of
making connections with such poles and buildings as may be needed for distributing purposes.
Robert Andrews seconded. All were in favor. Steven Adam moved to close both public hearings.
Robert Andrews seconded the motion. All were in favor.
7:20 p.m. – Licensing Requests from Verizon for Shingle Brook Road and Mill Yard Road and
Massachusetts Electric for Mill Yard Road – The Shingle Brook Road license is again in
conjunction with the work project at the airport. Steven Adam moved to grant a license for Verizon
for a term of 99 years until the Town grants an easement to access, erect, construct, dig up, dredge,
reconstruct, connect, install, lay, operate, maintain, patrol, inspect, repair, replace, alter, extend or
remove one or more lines for the transmission and/or distribution of intelligence and
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telecommunications including the necessary wires, cables, conduits, conductors, manholes, and
associated surface closures, terminals, pedestals, fixtures, pads, foundations, appurtenances and other
apparatus and equipment deemed necessary on a tract of land on the southwesterly side of Shingle
Brook Road. It was seconded by Robert Andrews. All were in favor. Steven Adam made a motion
to grant a license to Verizon for a term of 99 years until the Town grants an easement to access,
erect, construct, dig up, dredge, reconstruct, connect, install, lay, operate, maintain, patrol, inspect,
repair, replace, alter, extend or remove one or more lines for the transmission and/or distribution of
intelligence and telecommunications including the necessary wires, cables, conduits, conductors,
manholes, and associated surface closures, terminals, pedestals, fixtures, pads, foundations,
appurtenances and other apparatus and equipment deemed necessary on a tract of land on the
southerly side of Mill Yard Road and the westerly side of Tully Road for service to the new Tully
Fire Station; and to Massachusetts Electric Company to install, construct, reconstruct, repair,
replace, add to, maintain and operate for the transmission of high and low voltage electric current
and for the transmission of intelligence, lines to consist of, but limited to, one pole with wires and
cables strung upon and from the same and all necessary anchors, guys, and appurtenances, also to
service the new Tully Fire Station. The motion was seconded by Robert Andrews. All were in
7:30 p.m. - Public Hearing regarding Increase in Trash Bag Price – Continued – The public
hearing was opened by Richard Sheridan. An audience member, Henry Oertel of 27 Horton Road
stated that going up to $2.00 was okay with him. Robert Andrews added that the 50 cent increase
was reasonable and put Orange in line with surrounding towns and what they charge for trash bags.
Steven Adam concurred. Mr. Adam made a motion to increase the price of Orange trash bags from
$1.50 per bag to $2.00 per bag, effective September 1, 2009. Robert Andrews seconded the motion.
All were in favor.
1. Stantec – Authorization for Additional Work Supplemental to Existing Contract – This
item was addressed in the Transfer Station/Recycling Center update earlier in the meeting.
2. Estimated Local Receipts – Local Option Meals Excise Tax and Room Occupancy Excise
Tax – Rick Kwiatkowski stated that these would have to be approved at Town Meeting. He
requests a Town Meeting in October where these two issues will go before the residents. Robert
Andrews moved to put the articles on the warrant for Town Meeting. Steven Adam seconded.
Steven Adam stated that the room tax would be okay with him, but he has concerns over the
meals tax as that has just gone up recently. He also feels it would be an extra burden for
business owners in regards to bookkeeping. Richard Sheridan agreed. Mr. Kwiatkowski stated
the Town would not begin benefitting until January 1, 2010. The Town needs the additional
funds. There is no room tax at this time, and it wouldn’t bring in much as there are only two
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motels and one Bed & Breakfast in town. Steven Adam noted that the meals tax would cause an
undue burden on restaurant owners and that residents would go elsewhere to eat. Robert
Andrews stated that the people should decide. Richard Sheridan agreed that this needed to be on
the warrant for Town Meeting. He feels there would be a loss in business. People would go
New Hampshire even more than they do now. All were in favor of putting the meals tax issue
on the warrant for Town Meeting. Steven Adam made a motion to put the room tax issue on the
warrant for Town Meeting. Robert Andrews seconded. Mr. Adam withdrew that motion and
moved to exercise the local option and impose a room tax of 6%, which is the maximum under
the law. Robert Andrews seconded. All were in favor.
3. Sewer Abatement for Edmond Soucie of 66 Blodgett Street – Mr. Andrews read the application
for the abatement for a pool filling. Steven Adam asked if the fee of $10 had been paid and was told
that it had. Steven Adam moved to approve and sign the abatement of $39.27 for Edmond Soucie. It
was seconded by Robert Andrews. All were in favor.
4. Comstar Write-off from Chief Dennis Annear dated August 12, 2009– Steven Adam moved to
write-off the amount of $854.52 and accept the reimbursements totaling $503.12 and the retraction of
$767.52 as presented. Robert Andrews seconded. All were in favor.
5. Discussion Regarding Town Meeting – Rick Kwiatkowski stated that the Finance Committee is in
favor of holding a Special Town Meeting in October. There is a wide range of reductions, new growth
figures are still not available, and there is the possibility of gaining some revenue through the meals tax.
The Town continues with loss of services; there is still a deficit in the Police and Fire Departments
affecting overtime and staffing. Both Departments are applying for grants that may help in this regard,
but notification of those awards will not occur until much later this year. Mr. Kwiatkowski requested
dates of either October 15th or October 29th for the Special Town Meeting. For the STM to occur on the
15th, the vote would have to be taken tonight; for October 29th, the vote could occur at the next
Selectmen’s meeting. He also reminded everyone that there would need to be a quorum of 75 people.
Mr. Kwiatkowski also noted that the ESCO program may help alleviate some of the deficit; the
Highway Department has decided that it can no longer give away free sand to residents; there is the
possibility that the Transfer Station may have to close on some days due to lack of staffing; the Finance
Committee has a balanced budget, but it is only on paper; it would cost the Town $3500 to put an
override on the ballot; and the warrant for this coming Town Meeting should be short. Richard Sheridan
commented that if the residents know it will be a short Town Meeting, maybe we could get a quorum.
Pat Andrews of Beach Lane asked why the Town Meting was going to be held on a Thursday. Mr.
Kwiatkowski stated it had to do with staffing issues. Steven Adam moved to set the Special Town
Meeting for Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 7 p.m. in the Ruth B. Smith Auditorium. The motion was
seconded by Robert Andrews. All were in favor.
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 Mr. Kwiatkowski stated that he had met with Superintendent Paul Burnim, Butterfield Principal
Robbie Haigh and Police Chief Brian Spear regarding the parking issue in the Cheney Street
area. There will be a letter going out to parents before school starts to inform them that there
will be no parking on Cheney Street from West River to Putnam on the west side. There will be
no dropping off or picking up children in the playground. There will be further information
regarding the Cheney Street issue in the near future.
 The CDBG grant has been awarded to Orange which will include work on the playground at
Butterfield, continue with senior programs at the Armory and other projects.
 There is a Sign and Facade meeting here in Town Hall on September 8, 2009 at 9 a.m.
 The Orange Recreation Association will meet on August 31, 2009.
 Dinner by the River on August 15th went well. There were 139 tickets sold; 110 people came to
eat. The Bicentennial Committee only made $133 in profit, however.
MUNICIPAL CALENDAR - Nothing discussed
PROCESS  Steven Adam had no process.
 Robert Andrews made a motion that the Town accept a $5000 donation to the Veterans’ Honor
Roll Monument fund from the American Legion Post 172 given to them by the Franklin County
Regional Housing Authority, Housing Rehab Revolving Account. Steven Adam seconded. All
were in favor.
 Mr. Andrews moved that the Town accept a $500 donation to the Veterans’ Honor Roll
Monument fund from Joanne Duval Boulanger, in memory of her father, Harold W. Duval.
Steven Adam seconded. All were in favor.
 Mr. Andrews also moved that the Town accept a donation of $100 to the Veterans’ Honor Roll
Monument fund from Joanne Duval Boulanger, in memory of her cousin Lt. Col. Lorrain
(Duval) Tyx USAF Retired. Lt. Col. Tyx was born and raised in Orange and served in the USAF
as a nurse for more than 20 years.
 Mr. Andrews also mentioned that the new specs and plans for the construction of the Veterans’
Monument will be available on August 19th. The request for bids has been posted with the
Central Register and in local newspapers.
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XII. ADJOURNMENT – Steven Adam moved to adjourn 8:39 p.m. It was seconded by Robert
Andrews. All were in favor.
XIII. NEXT MEETING – September 2, 2009
6:45 p.m. – Highway Department Update – David Frye, Superintendent
Respectfully Submitted:
Nancy J. Lyman, Administrative Coordinator
Board of Selectmen Meeting 08-19-09