Reflections of Course-based Embedded Assignments

Lamar University – M.Ed. in Educational Technology Leadership
Reflections of Course-based Embedded Assignments
Directions: In submitting your Course-based Embedded Assignment located in Appendix I of the Internship Handbook, you are required to
complete a reflection of the identified assignments in your course wiki/e-portfolio. These reflections will be used to assist you in completing your
EDLD 5388/5370 (*Please note that course number changes in Fall 2010*) Internship comprehensive exam final report. Students should use and
cite their textbook references as well as two additional references when writing each reflection. The reflection must consist of statements
regarding the knowledge you gained from the assignment and how the assignment helped you master the Technology Facilitator Standard(s)
Course Number:
Course Name:
Course-based Embedded
(see Appendix I)
Human Resource Management
Description of the
Assignment/Performance Tasks
(see Appendix I)
Note: Reflection at a critical level means
writing text that reveals your opinion of the
reading or experience, why you hold that
opinion, how the
experience/assignment/reading could be
improved, how you see the reading or
experience as consistent or inconsistent with
what you have learned so far, implications
for the future, etc. Reflection should include
more content than just a recitation of facts
and you should document your writing with a
minimum of 3 references.
Self –Assessment
1. Critically reflect (see note above; not just
recitation of facts) upon the knowledge you
1. Review Chapter 247 of the Texas Administrative Code,
"Educators' Code of Ethics," conduct observations and/or
interviews in your school, and use the results of those
observations/interviews to complete the "Code of Ethics
2. Conduct an interview with an administrator at your school
regarding strategies for recruiting and retaining high-quality
teachers and administrators.
3. Assess the policies and procedures in place in your district
related to teacher mentoring programs by assessing the
district's webpage or contacting the district Human Resources
Office and reflect on the policies in place for
4. Complete the Cultural Proficiency Receptivity Scale, use the
Cultural Proficiency Professional Development Rubric to
assess the level of professional development at your campus
or workplace, and identify and describe where and how your
campus has responded to each of the elements of Cultural
My district’s motto is “A tradition of excellence”. It is a district
where educators want to work and many apply each year hoping
to gain employment. It is a district where there are not usually
many positions vacant each year; once educators are here they
tend to stay through retirement. As a result of being a district
that many people want to work in, there is no formal
recruitment, induction, mentoring or retainment program in
place. While it is a wonderful place to work, there is no formal
support for beginning teachers and I think this is something that
is lacking in the district. It is up to the principals to assign
mentors, but there is no follow through from administration.
The district is very focused on student achievement and has
remained a recognized district for several years. However,
teacher support and professional development in key areas such
as ethics and cultural proficiency are not in place. I think that we
are educating the students and instilling in them our tradition,
gained from the assignment. (3 Points)
2. Critically reflect upon the relationship
between any new information you gained
from the assignment with old information
you previously held to be true. (2 Points)
3. How did the relationship between the old
and new information you learned affect
your personal experience with the
assignment? (2 Points)
Learn as a Learner
1. Critically reflect (see note above; not just
recitation of facts) upon your approach and
strategies used in completing the
assignment. (3 Points)
2. Critically reflect upon how you learn as a
learner and how you assess your own
performance in completing the
assignment(s). (2 Points)
3. How did your learning and interaction with
colleagues (such as discussion forum, web
conferences, wiki and blog participation,
etc.) affect the results of your
performance? (2 Points)
Lifelong Learning Skills
1. Critically reflect (see note above; not just
recitation of facts) upon what you gained
about learning and how you learn that will
impact your future learning. (3 Points)
2. How will your past interactions and
collaborations with colleagues impact your
future learning experiences? (2 Points)
3. As a lifelong learner, what questions or
issues challenge you and are worthy of
future research or investigation? (2 Points)
Additional Criteria
1. Content posted to e-Portfolio
wiki/blog/Google site (1 Point)
2. Mechanics (1 Point)
3. APA Format (1 Point)
4.Minimum of 3 References (1 Point)
all the while leaving the teachers behind. It will be important for
me as a principal to make certain that the teachers on my
campus are supported in their first year of teaching. Vogel
confirms that to keep beginning teachers it is critical to help
them succeed and gain the confidence necessary to continue
teaching (2006). As an administrator, I would want to change the
policies regarding teacher induction and mentoring to make
them more comprehensive for our teachers.
The “Code of Ethics Mindwalk” was a good exercise in reminding
me what acceptable water cooler conversation is and what it is
not. Too often teachers converse about students and discuss
things related to the students that should be kept confidential.
Personally I had not read the TAC Code of Ethics since
completing coursework for my certification ten years ago. Since
then the ethics code has been revised and had I not done this
assignment I would not have known that. This assignment gave
me pause to reflect on what I discuss regarding students and
whom I discuss it with. I feel that because of this I will review the
code of ethics annually and would urge other educators to do
the same.
Cultural proficiency was a new concept introduced to me
through the completion of this assignment. I knew it was
important to be aware of cultural differences, but had not
considered that my actions and expectations in the classroom
may contradict what is practiced at home in regards to cultural
preferences and ideas. According to Nuri-Robins, Lindsey, Terrell
and Lindsey schools and educators must change how we
respond to cultural differences in order to adapt to the shifting
demographics in society (2007). I have realized that to become
more proficient I must find more ways to educate myself on
cultural differences. My district provides rudimentary cultural
diversity training for its administrators, but provides nothing for
the teachers. It is important to aspire to become culturally
proficient in order to connect with the parents of our culturally
diverse students and get them involved. We need to be able to
identify the strengths and opportunities that our culturally
diverse parents can provide for our students (Colombo, 2006). I
think that completing this assignment has encouraged me to
seek further professional development in order to increase my
cultural proficiency.
Colombo, M. W. (2006). Building school partnerships with
culturally and linguistically diverse families. Phi Delta Kappan,
88(4), 314-318.
(Maximum 25 points)
Nuri-Robins, K., Lindsey, D.B., Terrell, R.D., & Lindsey, R.B.
(2007). Cultural proficiency: Tools for secondary school
administrators. Principal Leadership, 8(1), 16-22.
Vogel, T. (2006). The principles role in teacher retention.
National Association of Elementary School Principles: NAESP,
Principal, 85(3).