ST. ROSALIE CATHOLIC CHURCH HARVEY, LOUISIANA Today is the first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the new liturgical year which extends through the Feast of Christ the King in November of 2011. In today’s first reading Isaiah speaks of the days to come when the Lord’s house shall be established and peace shall reign. St. Paul, in the second reading, speaks to the Romans of the need to ‘throw off the works of darkness’ and be prepared for the Lord’s coming at the end of time. The gospel reading tells of Jesus’ message to the disciples regarding their preparation for His second coming. In all of these readings the theme is ‘be prepared, be ready,’ for no one knows when that time might be. Advent is the season of preparation for the coming of Jesus in human form as the Savior of the world. Father Richard Veras wrote, in Magnificat, 12/2007, that Jesus left heaven and His Father to enter into all the difficulty and drama of human life because He loves us and is attracted to us. He desires us to be with Him and does not want to love us from afar. One of the best ways for us to prepare our hearts for the infant Jesus is to make a thorough examination of conscience and a heartfelt confession of our sins and omissions during Advent. It is a time to consider the things which separate us from God and to loosen their hold on us. As we prepare for the celebration of Our Lord’s coming into the world (His incarnation), may we wait with joyful hope. Today’s Scriptures: Isaiah 2:1-5; Psalm 122; Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24:37-44 BLESSED MOTHER’S LAMP will burn in memory of Josephine, Vincent, Sr. & Jr. Destefano. FLOWERS: Today’s Offertory arrangement, Main Altar arrangement and Blessed Mother’s arrangements are given in memory of Joan Martin. SANCTUARY COMMITTEE: Julie Hemenway, Danna Russo, Judy Baldassaro, Melissa Dugas. SPONSOR OF THE WEEK CHINA DOLL November 28, 2010 SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 4:00p.m. Lucille & Eno Hebert 6:00p.m. Leola Theriot, Salvadore Rotolo, Bert & Josephine LeBlanc, Sr., Claude Zeringue & Verine Zeringue, Malcolm “Buck” Cortez, Jr., Paul & Betty Territo, Noble Kindler, Carmen Austin, Harold & Grayce Thiaville, Hilton Lirette, Dudley & Danny LeBlanc, Ruby & James Arcement, Gloria Bergeron, Josie Palermo, Becnel, Sazdoff & West Families Deceased SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28 8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners 11:00a.m. Adams, Baye & Schouest Families Deceased, Edward & Kevin Barrilleaux, Marion Saladino, For Favors Granted, Camille Paul Bourg, Floyd Belsome, Ray Comeaux, Sr. Mildred Cheramie, D.C., Lorita Williams, Gary LeLeaux, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29 7:00a.m. Steve Tassin TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 7:00a.m. Jake Savona, Frank Savona, Edward Melancon Sr., Beverly McDonald WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1 7:00a.m. Abel J. Hunter 8:20a.m. Wesley Fabre THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 7:00a.m. Mae Belle Marie Mitchell FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3 7:00a.m. Maria Ana Gongora SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 7:00a.m. Fr. Jon Parks, S.D.B. 4:00p.m. Avie & Lorena Legendre 6:00p.m. Troy Dean Williams, Sidney Rotolo, Sylvia Hanks, Carmen Austin, Julie P. Ranatza, Connie Busby, Grayce Thiaville, Dudley & Danny LeBlanc, Hilton Lirette, Ruby & James Arcement, Joseph Manganaro SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 8:00a.m. For our living and deceased parishioners 11:00a.m. Angelina & Billy Shrader, John D. Parks, Sr., For Favors Granted, Heloise Richoux, Camille P. Bourg, Floyd Belsome, Warren J. McEvers, Sr. Mildred Cheramie, D.C. ALTAR SERVERS SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 4:00p.m Carson F., Scott V., Hunter H. 6:00p.m. Lauren L., Sammy M. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 8:00a.m Jacob V., Collin T. 11:00a.m. Darren J., Austin C. LITURGY OF THE WORD AND EUCHARIST SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4 MASS COMMENTATOR LECTOR COMMUNION M. 4:00p.m. Ginger G. Marnie L. Tony V. 6:00p.m. Gerald D. Bert L. Leslie B., Phil R. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5 8:00a.m. Janys C. Jim S. Mary L., Janet C. 11:00a.m. Ann W. Raylyn S. Kathleen L., Elaine L., Ann W., Patti M. First Sunday of Advent 1. Advent: Sunday, November 28th is the first day of Advent. Advent is the season of expectation of the Lord’s coming. It’s also a season of penance. May Advent 2010 be a time of spiritual renewal for each of us. 2. Advent Prayer Tree: Everyone, including the children, is invited to participate in writing petitions for the Advent Tree. If you did not receive an ornament last weekend, please take one from the basket at each entrance to the church. After writing your prayer, hang it on the tree. These prayers will be remembered during the season of Advent. 3. Communal Anointing of the Sick: The sacrament of the sick will be administered to anyone who wishes to receive it on Thursday, December 2nd at the 7:00a.m. Mass. He will offer this sacrament every month on the Thursday before Adoration. 4. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Friday, December 3rd is the first Friday of the month. Adoration begins at 7:30a.m. and concludes with benediction at 12:00 noon. We encourage you to spend at least thirty minutes, especially during this season of Advent, before the Blessed Sacrament. 5. Christmas Flower Fund: The Christmas flower fund is now open. Use the pink envelope from your weekly envelopes or use an envelope of your own. Mark it Christmas flowers, drop it in the collection, bring or mail it to the Parish Center. Contributing to the Christmas Flower Fund is a great means to remember loved ones or for a special intention. Be sure to include your loved one’s name and/or intention. Your gift will also help defray the expense for the poinsettias. 6. St. Rosalie P.R.E.P.: Please pray and consider volunteering your time and talent as a teacher in our Parish Religious Education Program. Teachers are urgently needed for this vibrant program. Free training will be provided. If you are a qualified parishioner who would be interested in sharing the Good News and could offer up a small amount of time per month, please contact Shay LeBlanc at 347-6397 for more information. 7. P.R.E.P. Class: Saturday, December 4th 2:00 - 4:00p.m. Children attend the 4:00p.m. Mass. 8. Seminarian of the Week: In the kindness of your prayers please remember Novice Marc Stockhausen, who is in residence at Port Chester, New York. “O Father, raise up abundant and holy vocations to the priesthood, who keep the faith alive and guard the blessed memory of your Son Jesus through the preaching of His word and the administration of the Sacraments, through which You continually renew Your faithful. Amen.” For vocation information: 9. School Board Meeting: Thursday, December 2nd 6:00p.m. in the Gathering Room. 10. Altar Society/Women’s Club Christmas Social: Friday, December 3, 6:30p.m. at Mandina’s Restaurant. Your dinner reservation and money ($27.00) are due immediately. Please bring it to the Parish Center. 11. Pet/Children Photos: Don’t forget to have your children/pet photographed next weekend, Sunday, December 5 th 1:005:00p.m. in the Parish Center. Dear Parishioners, We begin our new liturgical year with the celebration of the Advent Season. You will notice that the vestments have changed color; we now wear blue as a preparation time for the coming of the Lord. Everyone is expecting to see a violet cloth on the altar, let me explain, while violet is the official color for Advent, it is permissible to use blue to distinguish between this season of Advent and the specifically penitential season of Lent. I hope this clarifies for everyone the use of blue during this Advent Season. We remove the joyful ‘Gloria’ from the Mass and place a somber tone on our prayers, anticipating the coming of the Lord, and with His arrival a renewal of our lives as Christians. I want to again encourage you, as you prepare for the feast of the Christ Child, that we can do things that express our faith, simple things, like buying RELIGIOUS Christmas cards and if we choose to send a keepsake picture of our family, place it inside. Decorate our homes with an Advent wreath, and each night light the candle(s) and pray for the coming of the Lord in our hearts. When we decorate our tree, use religious symbols and even Christmas cards we have received from the year before, to remind us of the Nativity. Use wrapping paper on gifts that announces the season, hard at times to find, but certainly worth the search! One last thought…in each of our Christmas gifts, place a holy card or a medal for the recipient, a finger rosary or regular one. These simple things help us to remind others that ‘Jesus is the Reason for the Season. Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, I pray it was another opportunity to share food and friendship and to give thanks to God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon each and every one of us. Once again I thank so many of you for your kindness to St. Rosalie, especially as we prepared food baskets for so many, that helped make their holiday special. I also want to thank the Italian American Society of Jefferson, once again their very generous contribution, deposited in our St. Vincent DePaul Society, and for these I pray God will bless you a hundred, threehundred and five-hundred fold. It is amazing how funds come in and requests come in as well, to help with a variety of needs. Several plain envelopes have appeared in the collection basket with the note ‘For the Poor.’ I promise our silent benefactors that the money is going to good use. Each year, as part of accountability on my part, members of the finance committee review all of these. May the preparations for the feast of Christmas remind us of His generous love for each one of us! May we all be blessed with the peace of Jesus, the Christ! I will be on my best behavior for the Holiday Season due to my parents (Josephine and Joe) visiting. It will be a challenge for me to be good. I’ll try!! And lastly “Migs” will be leaving shortly for obedience school. She will return in a month. Hopefully she will return as a “proper Southern Belle.” Blessings and prayers, Father John