House Project Requirements

The Electric House
Circuit Requirements
 The house must have at least 3 working circuits. Each circuit must function independently from the other circuit. You may
include a switch or turn circuit off and on manually
 Each circuit may use a maximum of 9Volts. Each circuit may have its own battery, or a common power station for both
circuits is allowed if the wiring is neat enough to trace.
 One circuit must be purely series and use at least two Christmas tree lamps, one circuit must be purely parallel and use at
least two Christmas tree lamps, and one circuit must be complex and use at least three Christmas tree lamps.
House Requirements
 The house must have at least four rooms and two floors. Each room must have at least one bulb to illuminate it when turned
 The house must have a front door and porch light. The porch light may be part of any of circuit.
 The maximum allowed length in any dimension is 40 cm. The base the house sits on, and the roof are included in the 40 cm
dimensions. For example, if you want a 10 cm front yard, then the house can only be 30 cm deep.
Materials you will need
 At least eight Christmas tree lamps. Your teacher may have pieces of Christmas light strings available if you cannot find
them elsewhere.
 At least one battery. Remember, no circuit may use more than 9 volts at any time.
 Wire. The extra wire from the Christmas tree lights works well. Your teacher may have pieces wire if you cannot find it
 Shoeboxes, Foam-core project board, cardboard or some other lightweight material may be used).
 Tape or glue to connect the walls. Items to decorate your house.
 House must be disposed of properly (per teacher’s instructions). Failure to do so can result in a 10 point deduction.
Due Date: 4/13/16
Structure 10
10 pts: 4 rooms, 2 floors, 1door/porch.
Series Circuit 20
20 pts: At least 2 bulbs, Bulbs behave correctly
when disconnected and reconnected..
15 pts: Wiring appears to be
correct, but bulbs do not light.
Parallel Circuit 25
25 pts: At least 2 bulbs, Bulbs behave correctly
when disconnected and reconnected.
20 pts: Wiring appears to be
correct, but bulbs do not light.
Complex Circuit 25
25 pts: At least 3 bulbs, Bulbs behave correctly
when disconnected and reconnected.
Creativity 12
Schematics 8
5 pts: Has 5 of the 7 features
3 pts: Has 3 of the 7 features
20 pts: Wiring appears to be
correct, but not all bulbs do not
A subjective grade for including
extra electronic features
reasonably thematic extra features
&/or circuit additions(ex. motors or
buzzer) in at least 3 of the
following locations: House exterior
(walls and roof), Porch, Interior
walls, Interior floors. Simply
painting or coloring will not earn
8 pts: Schematics drawn for all 3 circuits.
6 pts: Schematics drawn for 2
2 pts: Schematics drawn for 1
Total out of 100
Detach along dotted line: Return bottom portion no later than 03/2/16
You may work individually or in groups of no more than 3 students. Group members must have the same teacher for
Group Members: ________________________ ________________________
My child and I have read and understand the Electric House Major Grade Project, its due dates (4/13/16), and grading
procedures. We understand that late projects will not be accepted.
(Parent/Guardian Signature)
(Student’s Name)
(Student signature)