Period 1 – Honors English III AUGUST Wed, 29th – Class survey

Period 1 – Honors English III
Wed, 29th – Class survey, learning names, Q&A. Heads up: Crucible test on
Wednesday, Sept. 5th.
Thur, 30th – Syllabus, faculty website, google accounts, edmodo accounts, grammar
pre-test. HW: check edmodo for writing assignment, review for Crucible test.
Wed, 5th – Crucible Test, word roots preliminary test, HW: quizlet cards.
Thurs, 6th – Flashcards checked for completion, Proust Questionnaire with
partners, notes on Puritan Literature, url for Sinners sermon. HW: Chose one
Proust questions and respond to it in a one page typed response (due Monday) – be
ready to share with class. Skim Sinners sermon and respond to assignment on
Mon, 10th – Volunteers for Proust questions, notes on Puritan Lit and Age of Reason,
discuss purpose and audience for “Sinners…”, HW: Read Declaration of
Independence and paraphrase 5 self selected sections.
Wed, 12th – Work with vocab flashcards (stations to brainstorm words that use the
corresponding root), pass back papers, word root categorization worksheet, discuss
and collect homework tomorrow!
Thur, 13th – Discuss homework in groups, quiz yourself over the “A” word roots,
Notes on naturalism, quick instruction on skimming and taking notes, Read “To
Build a Fire” and answer one question on edmodo.
Substitute: Mon, 17th –Quick quiz over A root words. Read and annotate “Civil
Wed, 19th - Clear up nationalism vs. naturalism with dates and purpose/themes, etc.
Have students read and take notes on timeline source for Romanticism and
Transcendentalism – use outline provided in class, PSAT heads up, Junior Project
heads up (begins second quarter), Salem permission slips (due Oct 3!!), cartoon
caption activity, collect “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience…”
Thur, 20th – Work with notes on Romanticism and Transcendentalism. Read Moby
Dick excerpt: think, pair, share. Assign Melville short story (Bartleby), quiz on
Mon, 24th – Short quiz over Bartleby, report out on story and Moby Dick excerpt,
show artwork of the time, read Sojourner Truth. Pass back papers, heads up on
progress reports (all work needs to be in by Wed). HW: Check IC!! Extra Credit
offered: give a dramatic reading to the class of “Ain’t I a Woman”
Wed, 26th – Pass back papers, Tell Tale Heart, assign B word roots, watch dramatic
readings of Sojourner Truth’s “Ain’t I a Woman” speech. Gradebook closes today!!
Thurs, 27th – Watch second dramatic reading, posted parts of Ralph Waldo
Emerson’s “Self-Reliance” and had students highlight poetic phrases. Class built a
“found poem” from these that reinforced Transcendentalism, notes were taken,
students assigned their own poems that mimic Emerson’s idea and the
characteristics of the movement OR find a pithy quote from a Transcendentalist
writer and be ready to share on Monday. Extra credit offered: If you were to create a
Twitter account for Ralph Waldo Emerson, give me 15 tweets that he would post
after any modern day event (getting coffee, stuck in traffic, watching TV, etc).
Mon, 1st – Share homework. Study “C” word roots – quiz over A, B, and C next
Wednesday. Present students with pieces of writing and have them classify using
evidence which literary movement they belongs to (stations activity). Pass
homework in, bring stations activity to class on Wed for discussion. Reminder:
Wed, 3rd – Salem Field Trip Permission Slips Due Today!! Discuss Stations activity.
Pause for rhetoric study using current campaign speeches? Discuss with
class…Student Services visit tomorrow! HW: Watch 30 minutes of debate (20 with
sound, 10 without).
Thurs, 4th – Student Services visit. Explain assignment on Edmodo – due Wed. Quiz
over A, B, C root words on Wed. as well!
Wed, 10th – Quiz over word roots (A, B, C). Question posed: What must be present
in order for a speech to occur?
Thurs, 11th – Discussion over quiz, Edmodo assignment was due yesterday!
Question posed: What must be present in order for a speech to occur? Introduce
rhetoric: Aristotelian Triad, web resources, vice presidential debates Thursday
night! If time, look at famous speeches and find rhetorical devices. Some will be
defined each day, remember to take notes, AND study word roots D and E (we’ve got
to get moving on those!) HW: Watch vice presidential debates and find logos,
pathos, and ethos used by EACH candidate – use Edmodo.
Mon, 15th - Review triangle (speaker, audience, message) and Logos, Ethos, Pathos.
Discuss homework assignment. Art of Rhetoric handout and scavenger hunt (use
web and posters in room). Suggest list of vocab words in notes: include rhetoric,
explicit, implicit, tone, diction, and inference. Remind to study D and E words – quiz
on Thursday. Reminder: PSAT on Wed! Watch speech together and fill in graphic
Wed, 17th – PSAT
Thur, 18th – D and E quiz. Discuss purpose of commencement speech, watch again.
Use graphic organizer to review. Watch presidential debate from the 16th. Seek and
find rhetorical devices in MLK speech for HW.
Mon, 22 – Review activity: rhetorical devices in MLK speech. Find more! Pass Back
papers. Reminders: Salem on Wed, Conferences tonight, F and G quiz end of the
week. In groups (no larger than three) – use faculty website to find one of the Top
100 speeches. Find rhetorical devices in speech. HW: Watch last presidential
Wed, 24th – Field trip to Salem – assignment for remaining students (DBQ).
Thu, 25th – Discussion over Salem, HW: typed 2 page reflection:
Write a response that explores what your impressions were of Salem, what you
learned, any positive/negative/neutral reactions you have, etc.
Class viewed J.K. Rowling's commencement speech to Harvard in 2003, discussed
her use of logos, pathos, and ethos. In contrast, class viewed portion of Will Ferrell's
speech. Heads up: F and G quiz, return to literary movements next week.
Mon, 29th – Collect Salem assignment. Use pbs timeline to take notes over Realism
and Modernism: split the class in two... Find an event that happened during the
assigned movement and complete quick research in which you will “teach the class”
on Wed. Make sure you find an event that you can clearly connect to the themes and
characteristics of the literary movement! F and G quiz on Wed. Extra Credit: As we
move quickly through the movements, students can “teach” the class on any of the
following: The Beat Generation, Harlem Renaissance, or any other movement we
did not spend time on. HW: Read 1-27 in Winter’s Bone.
Wed, 31st – F and G quiz. Halloween Treat: Poltergeist.
Thur, 1st – Reminder: Salem reflections due. L, M, P quiz next Thursday. HW: Read
to the bottom of page 70. Socratic Seminar – find evidence for the following topics:
Consider the meaning of the poem at the beginning of the book: how does it
relate to the novel?
What is the tine of the book? How does Woodrell use imagery to attain this
Examine the role nature plays in the novel
What assumptions can be made about the families in the book? Is this stated
implicitly or explicitly?
What time period does the story take place?
The idea of escapism…
What role does music play in the story?
Examine the family norms exhibited in the story.
Mon, 5th – Q&A over Winter’s Bone, Esquire article, remember that you are reading
the text with a larger question in mind: What literary movement do you feel
influenced this writer? Why? If you had to classify him, how would you do so? With
time remaining: study for L, M, P quiz on Thursday, read to page 114 and be ready to
discuss questions 1, 7, 10, 17, 23, 25, 31.
Substitute: Thur, 8th – Quiz over L, M, P. Discussion over Winter’s Bone questions,
and Modernism vs. Realism. HW: Read to page 150 for Monday.
Wed, 14th – Noodle Tools with Mrs. Denecker…
Thur, 15th – HW: Finish Winter’s Bone. Assignment due after break (Nov. 29th):
Justify which literary movement most influenced Daniel Woodrell’s novel, Winter’s
Bone – Realism or Modernism. Intro to Junior project: share packet, websites,
calendar. Have a GREAT break – remember to think about careers and find an
Independent reading book!
Mon, 26th -