SECTION 3 SUBJECT PROGRAMME: DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY (including Professional Studies) CONTENTS PAGE Autumn Term 2010 UWE: Placement A: UWE: Placement A 6 September – 24 September 27 September – 8 October 11 October – 29 October 1 November - 14 December 3-D-2 3-D-6 3-D-10 3-D-13 4 January - 19 January 20 January - 4 February 7 February - 25 February 28 February – 8 April 3-D-19 3-D-22 3-D-26 3-D-28 26 April - 20 May 23 May – 3 June 6 June - 29 June 30 June – 1 July 3-D-33 3-D-37 3-D-39 3-D-42 Spring Term 2011 UWE: Placement B: UWE: Placement B: Summer Term 2011 Placement B: UWE: Placement B/C: UWE: A note on Policy Frameworks and Web Materials: The UK Government formed in May 2010 is currently reshaping education policy and guidance for teachers and schools. Consequently there is considerable remodelling of Government departments, agencies, and their web pages. We have therefore: listed policy and statutory requirements which were correct at the time of writing this handbook; we will give the latest guidance in sessions and online materials; will uploaded documents to our virtual learning environment (VLE) wherever possible, and have minimised references to websites in the current handbook. You are advised to check that all policy materials you use reflect latest government policy, and are referring to the key documents currently in force. 3-D-1 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY UWE BLOCK: 6 September – 24 September 2010 Subject Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS UWE Block 1 6 – 10 September 2010 Introduction to the PGCE D & T training programme. Read Handbook thoroughly and note key sections C13, C11, C8 The model of the Design and Technology teacher at UWE. Undertake suggested readings (Dodd, Attar, Penfold, Eggleston) H and S: Core Level Organisation strategies. Introduction to the assignments and assessment requirements. D&T Seminar 1: A rationale for Design and Technology: the place in the curriculum: an historical and contemporary perspective Read the Programmes of Study (PoS) for D&T in the National Curriculum (2008). MCC, BT: Portfolio E4 C1, C4 Set up D and T Seminar and Professional Studies File Set up Q14 Subject Knowledge Development Portfolio Q14, Q15 Q14 MCC C7 H and S: Core Level Q10, Q22, Q30 MCC E4 Study DATA Minimum Competences RP No 4 (Revised Ed 2003). C2 Q14, Q15 Defining D&T specialist areas:MT, FT, ECT, TT, GP and Product Design. Subject Knowledge Development: Individual needs audit through completion of subject knowledge profile. Reflect on own learning experience in the field of designing and making to identify main and second specialist areas. Complete UWE SKP Block 1 Action Plan. C7 plus specialist fields H and S Core Level Q22, Q25 EL:PL&T, MCC E3, E4 C1, C6 Attend compulsory Basic Skills Workshops Introduction to ICT in D&T: CAD/CAM and how to enhance students’ learning. D&T Workshop 1 Communicating ideas, modelling ideas. Use SK profile to record workshops attended. Q23 C1 – C6, C14 Q14, Q6, Q30, Q32 Complete tasks set in Workshop 1. Start key word glossary Q14 Subject Knowledge Development File EL: O&M, MCC Whole group visit to SS Great Britain C1 Focus on DATA H&S competences. Attend H&S training programme. Introduction to core competences. Introduction to Health and Safety and DATA Competences Q14 L2 Food Safety in Catering CIEH. 3-D-2 E3 C8, C15 Q30, Q31, Q33 H and S: Core and Extension Levels EL:O&M, MCC E2 C3 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY UWE BLOCK: 6 September – 24 September 2010 Subject Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS UWE Block 1 13 – 17 September 2010 D&T Seminar 2 NC D and T in the NC. Introduction to PoS – key concepts and key processes Design and Technology Framework. Schemes of Work development D&T Seminar 3 Learning and teaching in Design and Technology: classroom organisation, teaching whole classes, groups, individuals, differentiation, raising achievement, assessment for learning and monitoring student achievement. D and T Workshop 1 continued Practical realisation Read NC D and T Programmes of Study and familiarise yourself with the structure: Importance, Key Concepts, Key Processes, Range and Content and Curriculum Opportunities. C7, C14 H and S Core Level EL:O&M, MCC E4 C6 Q10, Q22, Q24, Q25, Q30, Q31 Download UWE proforma Scheme of Work and lesson plan. Analyse the D and T pedagogical approaches on SK Profile Use sessions and Power Cover (supported by technical staff) to continue SK development. Q1,Q8,Q10 EL:PLT MCC E4 H and S: Core Level Q14 UWE Block 1 20 – 24 September 2010 D & T Seminar 4 Q11, Q22,Q25 Q30, Q31 Undertake required readings from Seminar. Planning and preparing to teach Managing the D&T environment: Entry and exit routines H&S, risk assessment Managing behaviour in specialist rooms. Developing Subject Knowledge for teaching: E3 C2 D and T Workshop 1 Communicating Ideas, Modelling Ideas Select and attend Basic Skills workshops using SKP Action Plan.. Independent practice and attend generic ICT workshops. Complete workshop and display in the Street for assessment and feedback 3-D-3 C12 Q14 EL:PL&T, MCC E3 Q14, Q32 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY UWE BLOCK: 6 September – 24 September 2010 Subject Sessions D and T Seminar 5 Directed Study H&S DATA Set up PP Placement A File Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS EL:PL&T, MCC Preparation for PP in School A. Further guidance on Enabling Learning: The Process of Learning and Teaching assignment. Further Recommended Reading Curriculum Development: Attar D (1990) Wasting Girls’ Time, the History and Politics of Home Economics, Virago Dodd T (1978) Design and Technology in the School Curriculum, Hodder & Stoughton Penfold (1988) Craft, Design and Technology Past, Present and Future, Trentham Books Teaching Design and Technology: Barnes B et al (2002) Issues in Teaching Design and Technology Davies L (2005) 100 Red Hot Starters for Design & Technology, Letts Owen-Jackson (ed) (2001) Aspects of Teaching Design and Technology: perspectives on practice Owen-Jackson (2001) Teaching Design and Technology in Secondary Schools: a reader, Routledge Farmer Owen-Jackson (2000) Learning to Teach Design and Technology in the Secondary School: a companion to school experience, Routledge Farmer Rutland M (ed) (1997) Teaching Food Technology in Secondary Schools, David Fulton Spendlove D (2008) 100 Ideas for Teaching Design & Technology, Continuum DATA (Rev 2003) Minimum Competences to Teach Design and Technology in the Secondary School: Research Paper No 4, DATA HSE: BSI (2002) Compendium of Essential Design and Technology Standards, BSI BS4163: 2000 Health and Safety for Design and Technology in Schools and Similar Establishments: Code of Practice, BSI 2000 DATA (1998) The Health and Safety Training Standards in Design and Technology, DATA DATA Risk Assessment in Secondary Schools Design and Technology Environments DATA Safety in Technology: Food and Textiles (syllabus for L2 Food Safety in Catering) Subject Specialisms: Separate book lists will be issued for each specialist area. 3-D-4 Professional Studies at UWE: 6 September – 24 September 2010 A note on Policy Frameworks and Web Materials: The UK Government formed in May 2010 is currently reshaping education policy and guidance for teachers and schools. Consequently there is considerable remodelling of Government departments, agencies, and their web pages. We have therefore: listed policy and statutory requirements which were correct at the time of writing this Handbook; we will give the latest guidance in sessions and online materials; will uploaded documents to our virtual learning environment (VLE) wherever possible, and have minimised references to websites in the current Handbook. You are advised to check that all policy materials you use reflect latest government policy, and are referring to the key documents currently in force. Indicative Professional Studies Sessions Directed Study QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Prior to this session: Wednesday September 8th Capel S., Leask M. and Turner T. ((Eds)(2009) QTS Standards Becoming a Teacher I: The Curriculum ‘Big Learning to Teach in the Secondary School (QTS) Picture’ (5th Edition) London: Routledge Falmer Ch 7. Q3a, Q3b, Q6, The School, Curriculum and Society; and Q7a, Q7b, Q8 Capel S., Leask M., and Turner T. (Eds)(2010) Units 9.00-10.00 Lead Lecture 2D67; Readings for Learning to Teach in the 10.30-12.00 Seminar rooms Secondary School London: Routledge BT, CC Ch7. The School, Curriculum and Society See also: suggested reading from online topic Every Child Welcome, Orientation and Overview Matters Policy pages in PS materials section of the UWE (ECM) Virtual Learning Environment (VLE): E4 Blackboard. Access online the Government’s Schools Common core System Structural Reform Plan and latest skills for the guidance on curriculum at the DfE website; Children’s and, when published the Autumn 2010 White Workforce (CCS) Paper on Education For the next session: Access the Byron C4, C5 Report (2008) and the Byron Progress Review (2010) online via the VLE and research guidance on e-safety for schools Follow up to this session: QTS Tuesday September 14th Look at the VLE materials and latest government guidance on Child Protection and Q3, Q18, Q19 Becoming A Teacher II: Teacher’s Safeguarding (inc e-safety).Record actions Professional Responsibilities and Duties: arising from CP& S briefing on your action Units Child Protection and Safeguarding plan. BT, CC Preparation for next PS Session: ECM 9.00-10.00 Lead Lecture 2D67; Audit and develop your awareness of: How people learn: An introduction to theories E1, E2, E3 10.30-12.00 Seminar CCS of learning and how these relate to work in schools. Teaching styles and their impact on C1, C2, C3, C5, pupils’ learning. Read Capel et al (2009) Ch5 C6 on learning, and Capel et al (2010) Ch5 For this session: QTS Tuesday September 21st Engage critically with readings on Learning Theory provided in advance of session, and Q11, Q12, Q13 Curriculum Challenges I: Enabling Units critique contrasting viewpoints with a view to Learning and Teaching- Learning Theory exploring this in later assessed work. BT, CC, EL - Capel et al (2009) Ch 5. ECM 9.00-10.00 Lead Lecture 2D67; - Capel et al (2010) Ch 5. Follow Up: 10.30-12.00 Seminar E3, E4 CCS Access the online learning materials via the VLE and library resources to support this C2, C3 process Further Professional Development Trainees to access online Professional Studies VLE materials and locate the appropriate topic pages and independently, or in a study group, explore the web links and readings. Your progress through the guiding questions and suggested further development on each topic will continue through the course and be dependent on your individual training needs. By the end of the course you will be expected to have engaged with all of the Professional Studies topics. 3-D-5 PLACEMENT A: 27 September – 8 October 2010 STUDENT TIME Attendance on Placement Responsibility for Planned Teaching (RPT) Directed Study (DS) Personal Study in Placement (PS:Sch) SPT SM HOURS EACH WEEK Full-time 6 - 8 hours during this block 12.5 5 1 hour for trainee group 1½ hours for individual or pair of trainees Senior Professional Tutor Agenda – During this block you will need to: Organise induction programme for trainee(s) and inform them of Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures. Maintain the green placement file for each trainee, placing in it the yellow copies of mentor session weekly review sheets, SPT record sheets and lesson observation feedback forms. Monitor the work of your mentors. Organise trainee’s work on placement-based directed study tasks, see shaded box on relevant page. Run weekly, timetabled Professional Studies sessions covering content outlined on relevant page. Allocate each trainee to a tutor group/tutor in FE. Subject Mentor Agenda – During this block you will need to: Introduce trainee to the Faculty/Department including staff (both teaching and support) and provide the trainee(s) with copies of Faculty/Department policies, Schemes of Work and examination specifications. Discuss and organise trainee’s timetable for this and the next block. Support trainee in lesson planning (using UWE proforma or agreed alternative proforma), evaluating and target setting. Monitor trainee teaching file, lesson evaluations and completion of directed study tasks. Complete one formal lesson observation and feedback during this block (yellow copy to SPT) identifying targets for development. Additionally, a weekly written lesson observation feedback is strongly recommended. Review trainee’s Subject Knowledge Profile and set up SK development programme for this and the next block. Facilitate trainee’s work on the Enabling Learning: The Processes of Learning and Teaching assignment. Run weekly timetabled Subject Mentor sessions covering content outlined in the SM session section. Ensure weekly Mentoring Session Records are completed and yellow copies passed to SPT. During this block the following items should be placed in the trainee’s green school file, held by the SPT Trainee timetable (with RPT, DS, PS, SPT/SM contact clearly marked) Copies of 2 Mentor Session Weekly Review Sheets 1 written lesson observation feedback form 3-D-6 Item provided by Trainee/mentor Subject Mentor DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT A: 27 September – 8 October 2010 Mentor Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Introduction to D and T staff (teaching and technical) Introduction to D & T department’s facilities, resources and access to ICT facilities. Introduction to D & T faculty/ department’s policies. C7, C15 Provide trainee with timetable for this and next week taking account the trainees’ specialist areas Support trainees in using the D and T lesson plan proforma to prepare and plan lessons or episodes in lessons Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Week beginning 17 September 2010 Q32, Q30 Read department handbook. Relate facilities to NC requirements. Identify school’s ICT facilities and begin work on identified requirements for ICT action plan. BT: Portfolio H and S: Core Levels E2 C1 Q7, Q9, Q22, Q22, Q25 Plan and deliver the required number of lessons using the UWE LP proforma. Ensure all lessons are fully evaluated Submit PP File to Subject Mentor for scrutiny EL:PL&T, BT E 3, E4 C3 Discuss trainees main and subsidiary specialist area requirements Use the Subject Knowledge Profile to develop programme of subject knowledge development to support teaching. Identify other opportunities for Subject Knowledge for teaching development Introduction to KS2/3 schemes of work. KS3 NC PoS. Discuss approaches to teaching D&T Identify projects to be made/constructed/practised (at UWE) in preparation for main placement. Discuss the D&T learning environment . Workshop procedures. Preparation of practical areas. Use of practical demonstration. Different needs of learners. Motivating learners. Undertake a number of lesson observations to familiarise yourself with the curriculum demands of your chosen specialist areas. Discuss your SK development needs with your Subject Mentor Identify a range of SK activities for the placement (and to continue into the next placement) Specialist fields Q14, Q15 MCC H and S Core and Extension levels E3 C1 Using a lesson observation proforma observe a number of lessons in all 4 specialist areas as KS2, 3 and 4. Note the different types of learning and teaching activities taking place. Note teachers’ class management strategies including entry and exit routines, starters and plenaries. Q1, Q10, Q 25, Q22, Use lesson observations to identify strategies. Continue to develop key word glossary. Prepare and teach at least ONE demonstration in specialist area. Record ideas for enhancing the D&T learning environment, eg displays, handling collections. Q10, Q18, Q31 3-D-7 EL: O&M, MCC EL: O&M, MCC H and S Core Levels E2, E3 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT A: 27 September – 8 October 2010 Mentor Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Week beginning 4 October 2010 Q26, Q28 Introduce D&T department or Faculty monitoring and assessment policies and strategies. Engage in some informal monitoring and feedback to students. BT:AS E3 C2 Set up a minimum of two lesson observations of KS4 GCSE teaching in trainees’ main specialist area as part of 14-19 curriculum understanding (where possible). Support trainees’ MCC preparation (see handbook). Set up one lesson observation of AS/A2 level teaching (11-18 schools/ colleges) as part of 14-19 curriculum understanding (where possible). Discuss Health & Safety practice in D&T. Identify trainee’s level of H & S training. Discuss issues emerging from observations of trainees’ early teaching experiences. Help them to evaluate critically and use this to improve their effectiveness. NB One formal observation this block. Discuss requirements of EL:PL&T assignment. Discuss with trainee the timetable for next block. Provide Schemes of Work for groups on timetable. Familiarise yourself with GCSE specification for the groups to be observed. Ask for copies of the Schemes of Work for KS 4. Gather resources, titles of textbooks etc to support MCC. H and S Core and Extension levels Q22 Read AS/A2 specification. Record your impressions of the lesson. Identify some of the differences between KS3, 4 and 5. H and S Core and Extension levels Q14, Q15 Familiarise yourself with workshops/FT rooms/other facilities H & S procedures, handbook, isolation switches and safety equipment and COSHH regulations. Know Fire Exit procedures. H and S Core and Extension levels Q30 Use the guidance provided and support from your Subject Mentor to evaluate all lessons or part lessons taught. Record targets from discussions Identify lesson or part lesson for EL:PL&T assignment C1 – C15 Identify your subject knowledge development needs to meet the Schemes of Work. Prepare list of projects/resources to develop during next UWE Block 3-D-8 MCC MCC BT: Portfolio MCC E2 C3 Q 7, Q 9, Q32, Q29 BT: Portfolio Q14 Professional Studies in School: 27 September – 8 October 2010 Indicative Content Senior Professional Tutor Sessions Directed Study Session 1: Context Setting Read the school/college mission statement, prospectus and most recent inspection report. Familiarise yourself with the school’s staff handbook or other guidance including Child Protection and Safeguarding/E-Safety policy Welcome your trainee group and introduce them to your institution. This will include: 1. a discussion based on a programme of shadowing: - a pupil - a teacher - an LSA in a structured way, perhaps using a few key focus questions or looking at particular issues; 2. a welcome and an introduction to the institution for a member of the senior leadership team; 3. a list of key post-holders; 4. a programme of being introduced to key people, systems and initiatives that will support trainees in finding their feet and being most effective in supporting learning; 5. a schedule for observing colleagues across the school teaching a range of pupil age and ability groups; 6. attachment to a tutor group or pastoral team; 7. outline briefing on fire, H&S and e-safety policy and child protection procedures. Familiarise yourself with the staff handbook and in particular the section(s) on classroom management, behaviour for learning, rewards and sanctions. In a trainee group devise a list of key information that you need and key questions that would help you understand the nature of this setting – and discuss priorities. Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS QTS Standards Q7, Q8, Q9, Q14, Q15 Every Child Matters Policy E1, E2, E3, E4 Common Core Skills for the Children’s Workforce C1, C3 Units BT, EL Ensure that you introduce yourself to key support staff, e.g. - school library/resource centre - ICT systems manager - LSA/HLTA staff Session 2: Structured Review & Target Setting Discuss trainees’ first impressions of the school/college and how these have changed during this first section of the placement. Ask trainees to share their own professional strengths to reflect on what challenges they will face and how they will action plan their development to overcome these during this placement. Confirm the programme for key player briefings/ scheduled developmental experience for when trainees return, e.g. spending time with a Child Protection Officer, SEN and GT teams, extracurricular activities; briefing on curriculum development across the whole school; ‘learning to learn’ etc. Discuss and make links to the Enabling Learning (reflective writing about early teaching) assignment to be completed on return to UWE. Gather the appropriate policies, contextual data about classes, e.g. lists of SATS/CATs etc performance indicators, SEN/GT registers in order to further your knowledge about the placement setting and the classes you will teach. QTS Q3, Q5, Q21 Unit BT ECM E1, E2 CCS C3, C4, C5 Speak with your pastoral team colleagues and gather information about the PSHE programme to be followed by the group(s) you are attached to for the remainder of the term. Negotiate a role where you can learn about the work of a tutor and the pastoral team for when you return. Ensure you have been briefed on child protection and e-safety issues. SPT to organise: Prospectus/key performance data/key policy extracts for trainees. Programme of contextualisation/welcome, e.g. meet key post-holders, pupil/staff shadowing and staff observations. Attachment to, and active involvement in, a tutor group/pastoral team. Appropriate Child Protection in outline and H&S briefing, e.g. fire evacuation; absence reporting Opportunities to engage with ‘best practice’ and innovation outside of the trainees’ teaching area In-school QA for training process: oversight of quality of training programme and mentor-trainee interaction. 3-D-9 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY UWE BLOCK: 11 October – 29 October 2010 Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS D&T Workshop 2 Revisit and re-audit subject knowledge profile. Specialist Fields: Designing and making. Introduction to Cross Curriculum Activity BLITZ! Develop SK through completion of a minimum of TWO design and make tasks Work collaboratively as a team Specialist fields Q14, Q32, Q6, Q30 D&T Seminar 6 Bring BT Portfolio and PP file to support reflection on PP. Subject Sessions UWE Block 2 11 October-15 October Review and reflection on PP in School A. Learning objectives to learning outcomes MCC E2, E4 Q1, Q 7, Q8 C15, C14 EL: PL&T BT: Portfolio Bring and review lesson plan for EL:PLT assignment E3 C1, C2 Developing Subject Knowledge for teaching: Select and attend Basic Skills workshops using SKP Action Plan. C12 Q14, Q23, Q17 EL:PL&T, MCC Independent practice and attend generic ICT workshops. E3 Use Power Cover (supported by technical staff) to continue SK development. Using ICT in subject teaching: training sessions of specialist D&T software as available. Health & Safety (legal requirements) COSHH, good workshop practice Managing a hazardous environment. Complete tutorials on Pro Desktop, Speed Step, Fittingly Sew, Birchfield Sensory Analysis, Crocodile Clips/PCB Wizard All: 2D Design Corel Draw Focus Software Internet research activity to support Workshop 3. C12 Attend H & S training programme as appropriate. Read COSHH, H & S and CLEAPPs Handbook. Familiarise yourself with BS 4163: 2000. H and S Core and Extension Levels Q14, Q 21, Q3, Q30 Develop Scheme of Work for KS3 Workshop 2 Designing and Making: BLITZ C11, C15 Q 10, Q18, Q25, Q30 Q16, Q17 MCC E5 C1, C2 BT: Portfolio UWE Block 2 11 October-15 October D&T Seminar 7 Designing compelling learning experiences, PLTS, Cross-curriculum strategies MCC, EL:O&M E3, E4 3-D-10 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY UWE BLOCK: 11 October – 29 October 2010 Subject Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Developing Subject Knowledge for teaching: Select and attend Basic Skills workshops using SKP Action Plan. Independent practice and attend generic ICT workshops. Use Power Cover (supported by technical staff) to continue SK development. C12 Q14, Q23, Q17 D&T Workshop 4 Key Stage 4 Introduction to Examination Boards and Specifications. Interrogate OCR, AQA, EDEXEL, WJEC websites. Identify support on offer for teachers/students. EL:PL&T, MCC E3 Q 22, Q28 C1 – C15 MCC, BT:AS E3 D and T Workshop 5 BLITZ Attend briefing on the Bristol Blitz (History trainees) Research into Dig for Victory, Make do and Mend, Utility clothing and furniture, Propaganda and the Ministry of Information, Codes and ciphers Develop a range of appropriate activities to support cross curriculum workshop day. Work with groups of Y9 students from local partnership schools at UWE. C1 – C15 H and S Core and Extension levels Q7, Q24, Q32 UWE Block 2 25 October- 29 October D and T Workshop 3 Product Analysis Plan and deliver spot demo. D&T Seminar 8 The D and T learning environment: Classroom strategies for managing student behaviour. Preparation for Placement B Meet with Personal Tutor Begin to gather together a handling collection appropriate to your main specialist subject. Q8, Q22 EL: PL&T MCC Prepare support pack for spot demo to include worksheet, key words, display material and teaching notes. H and S Core levels Q22, Q25 Consider the issues of managing pupil behaviour in specialist rooms. List 10 specific strategies for your main specialist area. C1 – C15 H and S Core and Extension levels Q1, Q2, Q10, Q30, Q31 BT: Portfolio, SK Profile and other files 3-D-11 H and S Core and Extension Levels MCC, BT: Portfolio EL:O&M Q1 – 33 BT: Portfolio Professional Studies at UWE: 11 October – 29 October 2010 Professional Studies Sessions Directed Study Tuesday October 12th Read the appropriate sections of Capel et al (2009) and Capel et al (2010) and other readers/texts on the role of the tutor and on pastoral care. Curriculum Challenges II: Preparing for a Pastoral Role 9.00-10.00 2D67 Lead Lecture; 10.30-12.00 Seminar Pastoral Support for Learning and PSHEe. Access appropriate VLE PS materials including the MacDonald Report on PSHE, the proposed curriculum and Ministerial responses What is the role of the pastoral system? How can the form tutor support young people as learners? Set yourself a series of questions to informally investigate when on placement: e.g. How can the pastoral duties of a school support the Every Child Matters Agenda and child protection issues? What actions can schools take to counteract cyber-bullying and to respond to the guidance on online safety? Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS QTS Q11, Q12, Q13 Units BT, CC, EL ECM E3, E4 CCS C2, C3 Parent and Community Engagement: How do successful schools work in partnership with parents and carers? Transitions (KS2 – KS3 & KS4 – post 16). Looking outside the secondary school. How can schools link with the wider community? Tuesday October 19h Behaviour for Learning I: Managing B4L 9.00-10.00 2D67 Lead Lecture; 10.30-12.00 Seminar Tuesday October 26th Behaviour for Learning II: Strategies and Challenges 9.00-10.00 2D67 Lead Lecture; 10.30-12.00 Seminar Pre- Session Reading: - See Behaviour for Learning website - National Strategy behaviour management materials- (see online guidance in VLE for addresses) - Capel et al (2009) Ch 3. - Capel et al (2010) Ch 3. Follow up: - See suggested readings from online topic pages and as suggested in session. QTS Q10, Q15, Q18, Q19, Q20, Q21, Q30, Q31 - Access the websites recommended in the two Behaviour lectures and VLE online guidance. QTS Q10, Q15, Q18, Q19, Q20, Q21, Q30, Q31 Follow up: Identify the further information you will seek when you are in your placement setting to further your professional development. Unit BT CC EL ECM E2, E3 CCS C3, C4, C5 Units CC, EL ECM E2, E3 CCS C3, C4, C5 3-D-12 PLACEMENT A: 1 November – 14 December 2010 STUDENT TIME Attendance on Placement Responsibility for Planned Teaching (RPT) Directed Study (DS) Personal Study in Placement (PS:Sch) Contact Time SPT SM HOURS EACH WEEK Full-time 10 (This could be less in the first week) 7.5 5 1 hour for trainee group 1½ hours for individual or pair of trainees SPT Agenda – During this block you will need to: Maintain the green placement file for each trainee, placing in it the yellow copies of mentor session weekly review sheets, SPT session record sheets and teaching and learning observation feedback forms. Monitor the work of your mentors. Organise trainee’s work on all directed study tasks and discuss outcomes. Run weekly, timetabled Professional Studies sessions covering content outlined on relevant page. Use evidence in the trainee’s developing Becoming a Teacher Portfolio to help in the completion of the QTS Standards: Progress Report. Complete yellow QTS Standards: Progress Report for each trainee and discuss this with them. NB: trainee signature is required. Please ensure the trainee has a copy of this report and the original is returned to UWE as indicated below. Subject Mentor Agenda – During this block you will need to: Review and adjust the trainee’s timetable for this block as needed. Support trainee lesson planning (using UWE proforma or agreed alternative proforma), evaluating and target setting. Discuss school based tasks and how to complete them including monitoring Health and Safety where appropriate. Monitor trainee teaching file, lesson evaluations and completion of directed study tasks. Undertake formal lesson observation and feedback on three occasions during this block identifying targets for development. Additionally a weekly written lesson observation feedback is strongly recommended. Where possible undertake a paired observation of the trainee teaching with the UWE visiting Subject Tutor. Moderate your judgement of trainee’s progress with visiting UWE tutor. Support and monitor the trainee in developing their subject knowledge for teaching using their Subject Knowledge Profile and Action Plan. Sign first completed Action Plan and comment on trainee’s progress in this aspect. Advise and support the trainee in selecting the topic/area for the Meeting Curriculum Challenges Assignment. Run weekly timetabled Subject Mentor sessions covering content outlined in the SM session section. Ensure Mentoring Session Records are completed and yellow copies passed to SPT. During this block the following items should be placed in the trainee’s green school file, held by the SPT Trainee timetable (with RPT, DS, PS, SPT/SM contact clearly marked) Copies of 6 Mentor Session Weekly Review Sheets and SPT Session Record Sheet/s 3 written lesson observation feedback form 1 written feedback form Enabling Learning: The Processes of Learning and Teaching assignment feedback (if available) Photocopy of yellow Progress Report Item provided by Trainee/mentor Subject Mentor Subject Tutor (UWE) Trainee SPT Please return the following items to The Partnership Office, Department of Education, S Block, University of the West of England, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY - to arrive no later than the listed date. Item Date All items: Progress Report (signed by trainee and SPT) Friday 14 December Completed green placement file for each trainee (as above) Completed SPT questionnaire NB: The turn-around time for UWE to process the items you return, and forward them to each trainee’s second placement is very tight. Your co-operation in meeting these dates is very much appreciated. 3-D-13 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT A: 1 November–14 December 2010 Mentor Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Week beginning 1 November 2010 Review trainee’s timetable and check planning and preparation for RPT. Relate RPT planning to NC programmes of study and schemes of work. Q22, Q25 Specialist fields EL: PL&T E3, E4 C2 Scrutinise trainee’s Teaching File (Please do this weekly). Monitor use of Learning Objectives and Learning Outcomes/Success Criteria in lesson planning. Develop trainees understanding and use of KS3 PoS and use of 3 part lesson. Support the trainee in using plenaries to action plan and set SMART targets for future lessons. Support trainee in the development of a clear framework for classroom discipline based on high expectations for student behaviour. Discuss with trainee the issues of managing student behaviour in specialist facilities and the importance of room layout. Identify with the trainee some strategies to promote students’ independent learning. Plan and prepare lesson using the UWE Lesson Plan proforma at least three days in advance of the lesson. Observe and record progress by both able, less able and more able students to support future planning. Begin to compile list of starter activities for future use. Begin to compile a list of plenaries for future use. C1, C4, C6 Q1, Q14, Q22, Q25, Q26(b) Draw a plan of a relevant specialist room and suggest a different layout that could modify pupil behaviour. Draw up seating plans for all teaching groups. Explore the way in which resources are stored and managed. C8, C15 Q10, Q31 H and S Core and Extension Levels EL:O&M EL.PL&T, MCC E3, E4 C1, C2 E3 C2 Week beginning 8 November 2010 Introduce trainee to the school/college approach to monitoring student achievement both in class and out Demonstrate to the trainee the methods used for assessment, marking and record keeping. Support trainees in the development of their marking skills using faculty/ department policy on marking. Provide trainee with mark book as appropriate. Introduce trainee to support staff: technical, LSAs. Discuss how such staff are deployed within D & T. Arrange for the trainee to spend a day working with the technical staff (if available). Q11, Q12, Q26(a), Q27 Begin to develop assessment skills by marking a set of work, eg homework task, in class test etc. Provide feedback in the appropriate format (written/oral) EL:PL&T, BT:AS E3 C3, C4 Identify the key role played by the technical staff and how they are deployed within the Faculty/ Department. H and S Core and Extension Levels Q20, Q32, Q33 EL:O&M BT:Portfolio E2, E4 C4 3-D-14 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT A: 1 November–14 December 2010 Mentor Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Week beginning 15 November 2010 Check trainee’s SK Profile Action Plan. Set in placement SK development programme linked to RPT where appropriate. Develop D & T practical skills in chosen specialist areas. Produce practical resources that enhance students’ practical skill development. C7, C9, C10 Q14, Q22, Q25 (b) MCC H and S Core Levels E5 C2 Develop lesson differentiation to support targeted students. Use exemplar material to support trainee’s development of differentiated materials. Q18, Q19, Q17 Sensitively with the guidance of your SM, identify a student with SEN (this could include exceptional ability/gifted and talented). Arrange to observe or work with this student over a series of lessons. Reflect on the learning needs of this student and explore the nature of effective teaching strategies. Does the use of ICT make any specific contribution to this student’s development? Use the insight that you gain from these activities to help you plan more effectively for individuals in small groups of students within the largest classes with whom you work. EL:PL&T, MCC E1, E3, E4 C1, C2, C4, C5 Week beginning 22 November 2010 Focus on planning for personalised learning. Identify specific strategies with the trainee to develop literacy and numeracy through D & T. Discuss how ICT supports students’ learning in Design and Technology. Meet with SENCO and identify strategies used to support a pupil with special needs. Does the school have specialist resources for students’ physical requirements within practical lessons? Identify methods used to support the students in D & T. Consider: written communication oral communication visual communication Identify students who may have motor skill, co-ordination or spatial awareness difficulties. Recognise methods and techniques used to support these students. C11 continue to develop technical glossary note how key words are used in teaching rooms highlight the development of numeracy in at least 4 planned lessons C12, C14 3-D-15 Q1, Q19, Q20 EL.PL&T, MCC E1,E2, E3 C1, C2, C3 Q17, Q19, Q23 EL:PL&T E3 C1 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT A: 1 November–14 December 2010 Mentor Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Week beginning 29 November 2010 Set up a minimum of two lesson observations of AS/A2 teaching of D & T (where possible). Q22, Q15 Familiarise yourself with the relevant specification for the group to be observed. Discuss the approaches to teaching A level with the teacher. EL:PL&T, MCC E5 C4 Discuss issues emerging from observed lessons, focusing on starts and ends of lessons. (3 formal observations this block) Monitor the use of lesson objectives by trainees and how these are conveyed to students at the start of lessons and checked at the end. Develop a bank of appropriate leaning objective /learning outcome statements. Develop sets of questions to be used in a range of teaching/learning contexts. Q7 (a), Q9, Q29, Q25 (b) C15 EL:PL&T E3, E4 C1, C2 Week beginning 6 December 2010 Debrief trainee on the lesson observations that you have undertaken. Discuss the draft Progress Report with the trainee Monitor trainee’s safe working practice and application of COSHH. BT: Portfolio Q7, Q9 Audit your progress against the QTS Standards in your Becoming a Teacher Portfolio Ensure all Directed Study Tasks have been completed Ensure all lesson evaluations are completed Observe and develop safe working practice within H & S. C7, C10 H and S: Core Levels and Extension levels 3-D-16 Q30 Professional Studies in School: 1 November – 14 December 2010 Indicative Content SPT Sessions Session 1: Contextual Setting and Development Planning Re-welcome your trainee group. Link their experience at UWE to this placement, e.g. what 3 key things have they learnt/reflected on/practised at UWE that they can use/apply in this placement block? What are their aspirations for this block? How will they use their Review Point 1 (RP1) to improve their practice and professional performance during this placement? Discuss the ‘positives’ of being back in school/ college: - What are they enjoying/looking forward to? - What do they now need to do to consolidate their practice and move forward? - What experiences do they need to support their individual and collective development? How can you facilitate this at an appropriate rate/level? Directed Study Revisit your RP1and Subject Knowledge Profile/ICT Audit to reflect on targets and action planning Reflect on UWE based curriculum, Child Protection and e-Safety, AfL and BfL sessions and how your placement engages with curriculum development, pupil engagement and achievement and key teaching and learning issues. Revisit your list (from the first part of this placement) of key information to find out/key experiences/people to meet and devise a schedule for responding to this list. Study the behaviour management system and in your observations look for positive examples of steering and motivating learners Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS QTS As appropriate on an individual basis ECM As appropriate on an individual basis Units BT, EL CCS C1-5 Sessions 2 – 4 Divide the sessions between - some time for trainees to feedback on their week and professional learning; and the majority of the session for a scheduled input from yourself or a colleague (in any order/adjusted to your setting) Ensure that a more fulsome e-safety and Child Protection Briefing is put in place for all trainees. Trainee to record actions arising from CP& S briefing on their action plan. Curriculum Structures How is this setting responding to the change agenda at 11-19? (Could include input from Deputy Head (Curriculum) or key stage manager, vocational co-ordinator, etc.) How does this placement setting address its duties to promote social and community cohesion and equality issues? Supporting and Extending Learners How does this institution provide holistic support for learners and ensure pace, challenge and care? (Could include inputs from SENCO, LSA, G&T coordinator, pastoral team, other agencies, BfL leaders, NQTs.) What data or other systems are used to aid staff in monitoring and intervening? Assessment for Learning Brief trainees on the data collection and tracking systems, assessment, recording and reporting (ARR) structures across the whole institution – discuss how this can be used to enhance planning and achievement. Prepare for each of the topic sessions by reflecting on your level of knowledge and understanding and accessing appropriate preparatory online materials/articles/policy documentation. As shown below Access online the October 2010 White Paper on Education and commentary on this via the DfE and other websites Look at the placement’s prospectus and the range of learning/qualification choices on offer. Visit the DfE website and UWE’s VLE. Talk with older pupils (e.g. in tutor time with colleagues/their permission) about options choices and their views about the curriculum. QTS Q6, Q7, Q8 Read in-house policy and practice documents and read the VLE online guidance pages. Access DfE site for policy, research and other information. Follow up session by considering, in a discrete and professional way, needs of actual pupils you teach. QTS Q7 Reflect on key strengths and challenges for AFL and the nature of achievement and success as well as underachievement and ‘performance profiles’ for particular groups and individuals. Access the VLE section on assessment, and the DfE website. QTS Q7, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q26, Q28 3-D-17 Unit BT ECM E1 - E5 CCS C1 - C5 Unit BT ECM E1 - E5 CCS C1 - C5 Unit BT ECM E3, E5 Professional Studies in School: 1 November – 14 December 2010 Indicative Content SPT Sessions Directed Study Session 5: Professional Review Reflect on this placement/term. This session should review trainee progress, look at areas of personal development and identify targets for development. Refine your targets and identified strengths in response to professional dialogue. Complete the Progress Report, making summative comments on this placement, but with a formative aim of informing and shaping trainee self review, action planning and RP2 (Review Point 2) with UWE tutors in January. Due back at UWE on 14th December 2010 Begin to reflect on subject and ICT selfdevelopment for the vacation. Session 6: Summative Paperwork Review Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS QTS All, as appropriate Units BT, CC, EL ECM E1 - E5 CCS C1 - C5 QTS All, as appropriate Look through trainee planning and record keeping files and the QTS progress file together in a systematic manner. Ensure your files are in good order for this session, with items correctly filed in the QTS Portfolio. Note down any areas for praise for trainees and subject mentors, and areas for development in future mentoring and coaching. Reflect on your learning during this placement and also what has most powerfully impacted on your learning. Ask trainees to identify, from their observation of others or their own teaching, a well taught session where learning was strong. Discuss (ask the trainee to ‘unpack’): what were the key features that contributed to success? Complete an appropriate number of the ‘evidence of achievement of standards’ entries at the back of the QTS Portfolio booklet and check off which items have been added to the Portfolio. Units BT, CC, EL ECM E1 - E5 CCS C1 - C5 Read through, and discuss with trainees, their QTS portfolio ‘evidence of achievement of the standards’ pages (at the rear of the booklet). SPT to organise: Programme of SPT sessions with invited lead inputs as appropriate. Lesson observations outside of ‘main subject’ for trainees throughout the block. Ensure opportunities to engage with ICT systems and curriculum, e-safety, child protection procedures, Pastoral support system, G&T, SEN and EAL support are built into trainee experience. Provide key documentation for trainees: - mission statement - recent performance data - prospectus extracts - policy documentation including child protection and ICT Safe use (e-safety) guidance Review meeting to discuss progress report (due at UWE at end of placement) In-school QA of training process: oversight of training programme and mentor-trainee interaction. Return of appropriate paperwork to UWE by deadline. 3-D-18 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY UWE BLOCK: Tuesday 4 January – 19 January 2011 Subject Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Week 4 – 7 January 2011 D and T Seminar 9 Review of Placement A Review of teaching file and progress against the QTS Standards Identify targets for development against the QTS Standards MCC Assignment and Q14 SK portfolio review Review Teaching File and progress against the standards Identify targets for future development in preparation for Personal Tutorial Q1 – 33 MCC BT: Portfolio Complete workshop task using cross-curriculum themes. Q 25 D&T Workshop 6 Developing innovative approaches to teaching, eg using diverse cultures as design sources. How to support and develop PLTS in D and T. How D&T can contribute to pupils’ personal, social, spiritual, moral and cultural development. D&T Seminar 10 Personalised learning: meeting all needs at KS3, KS4 and beyond differentiation special needs including G&T EAL tackling underachievement assessing and responding to additional needs Group discussion identifying strategies to protect students from unacceptable material, eg on the internet. begin to draft the Scheme of Work for your MCC Assignment H and S: Core Levels and Extension levels MCC C15 Q1, Q10, Q21 E3 C2 EL: O&M, MCC E2, E3, E4 C1, C6 Week 10 – 17 January 2011 Developing Subject Knowledge for teaching: Select and attend Basic Skills workshops using SKP Action Plan. C12 Q14, Q23, Q17 EL:PL&T, MCC Independent practice and attend generic ICT workshops. E3 Use Power Cover (supported by technical staff) to continue SK development. MCC Assignment tutorials. Support for academic writing Organise Q14 Subject Knowledge Portfolio Start to draft written assignment 3-D-19 C1 – C15 Q 14, Q15 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY UWE BLOCK: Tuesday 4 January – 19 January 2011 Subject Sessions Directed Study D&T Seminar 11 Read GCSE specifications in specialist field. List topics to be taught as theory. Research the new Specialist diplomas MCC Assignment preparation Raising Achievement: routes to achieving economic well being including Diplomas 14-19 teaching Planning and preparing using specifications. Teaching theory through practical activity. Meet with Personal Tutor BT: Portfolio, SK Profile Q14 Subject Knowledge Portfolio and other files, Progress Report H&S Attend H & S programme. H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Q14, Q15, Q 22, H and S: Core Levels and Extension levels El: PL&T, MCC E5 C2, C4 Q1 - 33 H and S: Core Levels and Extension levels Week 18 – 19 January 2011 Developing Subject Knowledge for teaching: Select and attend Basic Skills workshops using SKP Action Plan. C12 Q14, Q23, Q17 EL:PL&T, MCC Independent practice and attend generic ICT workshops. E3 Use Power Cover (supported by technical staff) to continue SK development. D and T Seminar 12 Preparation for Placement B Prepare PP File Q1 - 33 Meet with Personal Tutor BT: Portfolio, SK Profile Q14 Subject Knowledge Portfolio and other files, Progress Report Q1 - 33 3-D-20 Further Recommended Reading Braddock S et al (1998) Techno Textiles, Thames & Hudson Edexcel A Level Design and Technology for Edexcel Product Design: Resistant Materials Technology Product Design: Graphics with Materials Technology, Heinemann Norman S et al (1995) Advanced Design and Technology, Longman Proudlove K (2001) The Science and Technology of Foods, Forbes Publishing RCA (1999) Schools Technology Project, Advanced Manufacturing: Design and Technology, Hodder & Stoughton 3-D-21 Professional Studies at UWE: Tuesday 4 January – 19 January 2011 Professional Studies Sessions Tuesday January 4th Diversity, Inclusion and Achievement I: Meeting Individual and Additional Needs (SEN) 12.00-13.00 2D67 Lead lecture; 13.30-15.00 Seminar Tuesday January 11th Diversity, Inclusion, and Achievement II: Achievement Patterns and Data, Strategies for Raising Achievement 9.00-10.00 2D67 Lead lecture; 10.30-12.00 Seminar Tuesday 18th January Diversity, Inclusion, and Achievement III: Approaches to Diversity, Addressing Social and Community Cohesion 9.00-10.00 2D67 Lead lecture; 10.30-12.00 Seminar Directed Study For this session: What do we mean by special needs and how can we integrate SEN learners into the mainstream classroom? Identify whether you need a general introduction to the issues across a broad range of needs; or specific information according to your own experience to date and carry out appropriate prior reading; Web search for the current SEN Code of Practice. Visit VLE TDA materials on SEN Follow Up Reading: Government policy and guidance on the DfE website Capel et al (2009) Ch 4; Capel et al (2010) Ch 4 Pre-Session Reading: Capel et al (2009) Ch4.Capel et al (2010) Ch4 DfE webpages and ministerial announcements See also: suggested reading from online topic pages. Focus Questions: Gender, ethnicities and achievement: What are the factors affecting achievement? What does the data suggest to us about achievement by gender and within majority and minority groups? What intervention strategies can be offered to raise achievement? Parent and Community Engagement: How do successful schools work in partnership with parents and carers? English as an Additional Language: What does teaching pupils for whom EAL mean for teachers? What does it mean for ‘the EAL pupil’? What can teachers do to support the learning and assess the achievements of EAL pupils? Reading: Capel et al (2009) Ch 4 section on EAL Prior to session: Access appropriate materials in VLE on Diversity and Social Cohesion, and where appropriate engage with policy backdrop (e.g. MacPherson Report (2001), Parekh Report; Ajegbo Report (2007)) and current policy on Social and Community Cohesion and Diversity: see DfE website. Address own subject knowledge development needs- e.g. in understanding the nature of multiethnic Britain over time; changing emphasis of government policy and current priorities. Follow up reading: Visit website of Runnymede Trust: (register to download publications, some of which are on VLE) Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS QTS Q1, Q3, Q5 Units BT, CC, EL ECM E1, E2, E3, E4, E5 CCS C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 QTS Q3, Q5, Q18, Q19, Q20 Units BT, CC, EL ECM E1, E2, E3, E4, E5 CCS C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 QTS Q1, Q3 Units BT, CC, EL ECM E1, E2, E3, E4, E5 CCS C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 Further Directed Study Trainees should visit VLE Professional Studies materials and locate the appropriate topic pages, and independently, or in a study group, explore the web links and readings. Your progress through the guiding questions and suggested further development on each topic will continue through the course and will vary according to your individual training needs. By the end of the course you will be expected to have engaged with all of the Professional Studies topics. 3-D-22 PLACEMENT B: 20 January - 4 February 2011 STUDENT TIME Attendance on Placement Responsibility for Planned Teaching (RPT) Directed Study (DS) Personal Study in Placement (PS:Sch) SPT SM HOURS EACH WEEK Full-time 6 - 8 hours in this block (Trainees should meet all classes they will be teaching in the next block) 12.5 5 1 hour for trainee group 1½ hours for individual or pair of trainees SPT Agenda – During this block you will need to: Organise induction activities for trainee(s), and inform them of Safeguarding and Child Protection Procedures. Maintain the green placement file for each trainee, placing in it the yellow copies of mentor session weekly review sheets, SPT Session Record Sheet and lesson observation feedback forms. Monitor the work of your mentors. Organise trainee’s work on all directed study tasks and discuss outcomes. Run weekly, timetabled Professional Studies sessions covering content outlined on relevant page. Allocate each trainee to a tutor group/tutor in FE. (NB They should not be given full responsibility for a tutor group.) Support trainees with preparation for the Enabling Learning: Organisation and Management presentation. Subject Mentor Agenda – During this block you will need to: Introduce trainee to the Faculty/Department including staff (both teaching and support) and provide the trainee with copies of Faculty/Department policies, Schemes of Work and examination specifications. Discuss and organise trainee’s timetable for this and the next block building on strengths and areas for development identified on the Progress Report from Placement A, Becoming a Teacher Portfolio and Subject Knowledge Profile. During this placement the trainee will have experience across the full range of age and ability. Support trainee in lesson planning (using UWE Proforma or agreed alternative proforma), evaluating and target setting. Monitor trainee’s teaching file, lesson evaluations and completion of directed study tasks. Complete one formal lesson observation and feedback (yellow copy to SPT) identifying SMART targets for development. Review trainee’s Subject Knowledge Profile and set up SK for teaching development programme for this and the next block. Run weekly timetabled Subject Mentor sessions covering content outlined in the SM session section. Ensure Mentoring Session Records are completed and yellow copies passed to SPT. During this block the following items should be placed in the trainee’s green school file, held by the SPT Trainee timetable (with RPT, DS, PS, SPT/SM contact clearly marked) Copies of 2 Mentor Session Weekly Review Sheets 1 written lesson observation feedback form 3-D-23 Item provided by Trainee/mentor Subject Mentor DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT B: 20 January – 4 February 2011 Mentor Sessions Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Directed Study H&S DATA Read departmental handbook. Examine departmental facilities in relation to SK/ICT development requirements. Identify department’s H & S policy. H and S: Core Levels and Extension levels Q4, Q32 Obtain class lists as appropriate Request copy of Independent Learning/Homework schedule for each group to be taught C1 – C15 Q3(a and b), 7(a), Q14 H and S: Core Levels and extension levels EL:PL&T, MCC Read all the Schemes of Work and specifications thoroughly. Use the UWE Scheme of Work Proforma to rewrite the relevant Schemes of Work to the timescale of the school/college B placement Plan in opportunities to undertake projects where possible during the block and identify those to be completed during the next UWE block H and S: Core Levels and extension levels Q14, Q22 Plan and prepare lessons using the UWE Lesson Plan Proforma at least three days in advance of the lesson. C1 – C15 H and S: Core Levels and extension levels Q10, Q11, Q14,Q22 Week 20 January – 28 January 2011 Introduction to D & T Department’s staff, facilities, resources and departmental policies (including H & S policy). Negotiate a timetable with trainee for the assessed part of the placement, building on feedback from Autumn Term Progress Report and their SK Profiles and BT Portfolios. Trainee should normally divide their RPT with 75% in their main specialist area and 25% in their second specialist area Ensure that trainee has copies of all relevant schemes of work and specifications. Support the students in re planning schemes of work to match their placement Support the trainee in planning, teaching and evaluating lessons. Use the Mentor Session Review Sheet to set SMART targets to develop planning, preparation and teaching. Discuss the faculty/ department’s approaches to managing pupil behaviour. Using their experience of School ‘A’ support trainees in developing a clear framework for classroom discipline. Discuss school’s policy towards inclusion. Work with trainees to develop a new action plan for their SK profiles. Draw up programme of subject knowledge development for the first part of the placement in agreement with trainee. Familiarise with departmental and schools ICT hardware and software library. Read school’s pupil/ behaviour management policy. EL: O&M E3, E4, E5 C1, C2 E3, E4 EL:PL&T, O&M, MCC E3, E4 Q1, Q30, Q31, Q32 EL:PL&T, BT: Portfolio E 1, E2, E3, C2 Identify gaps in SK/ICT audits and develop action plan in consultation with SM. Draft the Action Plan (to be finalised at the start of the next school/college block Meet with teacher i/c ICT and explore relevant subject facilities. Specialist fields Q14, Q22 MCC E3 Q17, Q23 MCC 3-D-24 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT B: 20 January – 4 February 2011 Mentor Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA H and S: Core Levels and Extension levels Discuss the nature and relationships between the trainee’s main specialist area and the other D and T specialisms Arrange for the trainee to observe lessons in their non-specialist D and T areas Observe at lease one lesson in each of your non specialist D and T areas Draw up list of common elements Draw up list of different elements 3-D-25 Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Q14, Q15 MCC, BT:Portfolio E3 Professional Studies in School: 20 January – 4 February 2011 Indicative Content Directed Study Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Welcome your trainee group and introduce them to your institution. A typical programme would include: a discussion based on the earlier shadowing of: a pupil; a teacher; or an LSA, perhaps using a few key focus questions or looking at particular issues; 1. A welcome and an introduction to the institution and the names/roles of the leadership team and key post-holders; 2. Planned sessions with key people, and explanations of key systems and initiatives that will support trainees in finding their feet and being most effective in supporting learning; 3. A schedule for observing colleagues across the school teaching a range of pupil age and ability groups; 4. Attachment to a tutor group or pastoral team; 5. Outline briefing on fire, H&S and child protection/safeguarding procedures. Trainee to record actions arising from CP& S briefing on their action plan. Read the school/college mission statement, prospectus and most recent inspection report. QTS Q1, Q3, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q14, Q15 Familiarise yourself with the staff handbook and in particular the section(s) on classroom management, behaviour for learning, rewards and sanctions. Units BT, EL In a trainee group devise a list of key information that you need and key questions that would help you understand the nature of this setting – and discuss priorities for responding to this list. CCS C1, C3 Session 2: Structured Review & Target Setting Discuss trainees’ first impressions of the school/college and how these have changed during this first section of the placement. Ask trainees to share their own professional strengths to reflect on their developmental targets for this placement. Encourage trainees to use the QTS Standards in their reflection, and their key recording documentation which evidences their level of achievement. Ensure trainees and Subject Mentors understand the concept of SMART development targets focused on quality of teaching and learning and evidence based practice. Confirm the programme for key player briefings/ scheduled developmental experience for when trainees return, e.g. spending time with SEN and GT teams, extra-curricular and extended schools sessions; briefing on curriculum development across the whole school; child protection and esafety policies; ‘learning to learn’ etc. Use Review Point 1 and 2, Subject Knowledge, your ICT Audit, the Report from your first placement and the QTS Portfolio containing previous feedback/mentor records to prepare for, and follow up this session SPT Sessions Session 1: Context Setting ECM E3, E4 Ensure that you introduce yourself to key support staff, e.g. - school library/resource centre - ICT systems manager - LSA/HLTA staff Gather the appropriate policies, contextual data about classes, e.g. lists of SATS/CATs etc performance indicators, SEN/GT registers in order to further your knowledge about the placement setting and the classes you will teach. QTS Q3, Q5, Q21 Units BT EL MCC ECM E1, E2 CCS C3, C4, C5 Speak with your pastoral team colleagues and gather information about the PSHE programme to be followed by the group(s) you are attached to for the remainder of the term. Negotiate a role where you can learn about the work of a tutor and the pastoral team for when you return. SPT to organise: Copies of Prospectus; key performance data/most recent inspection report; key policy extracts for trainees; Programme of contextualisation/welcome, e.g. meet key post-holders, pupil/staff shadowing and staff observations; Attachment to a tutor group/pastoral team; Appropriate briefings for H&S, e.g. fire and emergency evacuation; absence reporting and for Child Protection/Safeguarding and E-Safety; In-school QA for training process: oversight of training programme and mentor-trainee interaction 3-D-26 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY UWE BLOCK: 7 February – 25 February 2010 Subject Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS UWE Block 4 8 – 12 February 2011 D&T Seminar 13 Monitoring and Assessment in Design and Technology Develop a statement bank for feedback and reporting on pupil progress. Q1, Q10, Q12, Q27, Q29 C15 EL:PL&T, BT:AS E1 - 5 C1 - 3 D&T Workshop 7 AS/A2 teaching. Planning and preparing to raise student examination performance Small group activity with A level students from school/college. Scrutinise a range of specifications and support material from examination boards Q10, Q13, Q 29, Q32 Specialist fields EL:O&M, BT:AS MCC E5 C1 D&T Seminar 14 Taking risks: innovative classroom approaches H and S: Core Levels Q8, Q29, Q24 E3, E4 C12 Q14, Q23, Q17 UWE Block 4 14 – 18 February 2011 Developing Subject Knowledge for teaching: Select and attend Basic Skills workshops using SKP Action Plan. EL:PL&T, MCC Independent practice and attend generic ICT workshops. E3 Use Power Cover (supported by technical staff) to continue SK development. D & T Seminar 15 From good to outstanding – how to become an outstanding teacher Preparation for D & T Exhibition 18 February 2011 Private view for family and friend 6 – 8 pm Read the section in your handbook on Grade Criteria for the inspection of ITE 2008 - 11 Ofsted criteria BT: Portfolio Set up and display appropriately a range of work completed during the PGCE. To be available for viva with External Examiner. H and S: Core Levels and Extension levels MCC Complete workshop task and present as a wall display in groups. Work collaboratively with Business Education trainees C7, C10, C 12 Q2, Q24, Q31 UWE Block 4 21 – 22 February 2011 D&T Workshop 8 Work related learning Industry linked project. MCC E5 C2 D & T Seminar 16 Preparation for Placement B EL: O&M BT: Assessment H and S: Core Levels and extension levels 3-D-27 Q1 - 33 Professional Studies at UWE: 7 February – 25 February 2011 Professional Studies Sessions Directed Study Tuesday February 8th Innovation in Practice I: Reconceptualising Learning Visit suggested websites related to the Change Agenda and qualifications framework at 14-19, and DfE website for the latest policy guidance and case studies of innovation. 9.00-10.00 Lead Lecture 2D67; Seminar 10.30-12.00 Briefing materials and suggested reading from online topic pages. Tuesday February 15th Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS QTS All standards Unit BT ECM E1, E2, E3, E4, E5 CCS C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 Innovation in Practice II: Reforming the Qualifications Framework: Functional Skills, Diplomas and Work based learning 9.00-10.00 Lead Lecture 2D67; Seminar 10.30-12.00 Tuesday February 22nd Subject Studies Additional Events (dates to be confirmed, according to the availability of speakers and guests- check the VLE for announcements and further details) Entering the Profession Marketplace The Street (main corridor) 10.00am – 2.00pm Representatives from the General Teaching Council, local authorities, Supply Agencies and so on, will be invited to set up stalls in the ground floor corridor. Trainees will be able to visit stalls and ask questions during their coffee break and during lunch. Details of any additional inputs or provision during this day will be provided via group tutors. Entering the Profession: The Headteacher’s View ‘What I look for in applications and applicants...’ Briefing Session from a guest speaker Entering the Profession: Top Tips and Important Information Guidance of Entering the Jobs market: Guest speaker from an Education Recruitment Cover Agency Further Directed Study Trainees should access online the Professional Studies materials and locate the appropriate topic pages, and independently, or in a study group, explore the web links and readings. Your progress through the guiding questions and suggested further development on each topic will continue through the course and be dependent on your individual training needs. By the end of the course you will be expected to have engaged with all of the Professional Studies topics. 3-D-28 PLACEMENT B: 28 February - 8 April 2011 STUDENT TIME Attendance on Placement Responsibility for Planned Teaching (RPT) Directed Study (DS) Personal Study in Placement (PS:Sch) SPT SM SPT: Agenda – During this block you will need to: In w/b 28.03.11 complete pink Mid-Point Report for each trainee and discuss this with them. Trainee signature required. (Please return to UWE as indicated below.) Maintain the green placement file for each trainee, placing in it the yellow copies of mentor session weekly review sheets, SPT Session Record Sheet/s and lesson observation feedback forms. Monitor the work of your mentors. Organise trainees’ work on all directed study tasks and discuss outcomes. Run weekly, timetabled Professional Studies sessions, covering content as outlined on relevant page. Monitor and support each trainee’s work on their Becoming a Teacher Portfolio. Use the trainee’s developing BT Portfolio to help them to evaluate their professional needs and identify further sources of support, Between 14.03.11 and 25.03.11 assess each trainee’s Enabling Learning: Organisation and Management presentation: NB trainee(s) to submit annotated bibliography prior to presentation. Support trainees in their search for a first post. HOURS EACH WEEK Full-time 15 by week beginning 14.03.11 2.5 5 1 hour for trainee group 1½ hours for individual or pair of trainees Subject Mentor: Agenda – During this block you will need to: Finalise the trainee’s timetable and agree Schemes of Work. Support trainee in lesson planning (using the UWE Proforma or alternative agreed proforma), evaluating and target setting throughout the assessed school experience. Monitor the trainee’s Teaching File through a weekly scrutiny during the Mentor session, reviewing progress made in meeting targets set in previous Mentor sessions and in lesson observations and feedback. Support and monitor the trainee in developing own subject knowledge using Subject Knowledge Profile and Action Plan. Please sign and comment on the Action Plan at the end of the block. Discuss school based directed tasks including monitoring Health and Safety as appropriate. Undertake formal lesson observation and feedback on two occasions during this block identifying targets for development. Additionally a weekly written lesson observation feedback is strongly recommended. Where possible undertake a paired observation of the trainee teaching with the UWE visiting Subject Tutor. Moderate your judgement of trainee’s progress with visiting UWE tutor. Support trainee in deciding on a topic/focus for the Enabling Learning: Organisation and Management Assignment. Run weekly timetabled Subject Mentor sessions covering content outlined in the SM session section. Ensure weekly Mentoring Session Records are completed and yellow copies passed to SPT. Support trainee(s) in applications for their first teaching post. During this block the following items should be placed in the trainee’s Placement File, held by the SPT Trainee timetable (with RPT, DS, PS, SPT/SM contact clearly marked) Copies of all Mentor Session Weekly Review Sheets, SPT Session Record Sheet/s 2 written lesson observation feedback forms 1 written lesson observation feedback form MCC assignment feedback (if available) EL:O and M presentation feedback Photocopy of pink Mid-Point Report Item provided by Trainee/mentor Subject Mentor Subject Tutor (UWE) Trainee SPT SPT Please return the following items to The Partnership Office, Department of Education, S Block, University of the West of England, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY – to arrive no later than the listed date. Item Date 6 April 2011 Marked EL: O&M presentation feedback pink copy and copy of annotated bibliography 6 April 2011 Pink Mid-Point Report (signed by SPT/Trainee) 3-D-29 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT B: 28 February – 08 April 2011 Mentor Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Week beginning 28 February 2011 Review trainee timetable to ensure planning, preparation and the resources to be used are at an appropriate level. Plan lessons (using UWE LP Proforma) at least three days in advance of teaching to allow for SM/teacher scrutiny and guidance Continue to undertake the Ensure trainees are capable of projects/activities yourself to identifying NC level descriptors ensure that you are confident to and delivering planned lessons to teach meet NC statutory requirements Develop support material such as through schemes of work. starter activities, worksheets, PP presentations etc For the following five weeks of the placement up to the end of term Q 1, Q14, Q15, Q22, Q33 C1 - 15 BT: Portfolio E3 C2 Undertake two formal lesson observations and use these as the basis for discussion. Examine in detail : how the trainee sets up and manages the teaching environment. the setting of good learning objectives and how these are conveyed to the pupils use of resources, including displays and the board. the teaching of skills through demonstration. lesson structure based on challenging and exciting activities and where appropriate the 3 part lesson setting and use of homework/independent learning (IL) use of a plenary Continue to collect evidence for your Becoming a Teacher Portfolio. Identify any standards for which, as yet, you have no evidence. Consider how you might plan opportunities that enable you to develop in these aspects of the requirements. Make a study of examination materials in your main subject specialisation. Explore the methods of assessment used such as coursework, project work, timed written papers and oral and aural assessment, and in each case consider issues such as language used, presentation, structure and marks allocated. Consider how assessment reflects and affects curriculum decisions. Q11, Q12, Q13 Examine the range of textual and visual materials available to support post-16 teaching. Use these to help you plan and prepare your lesson plans. Q22, Q25 Focus on trainees’ understanding of the 14 – 19 (where appropriate) curriculum through planning for and teaching at least one GCSE group. Attach trainees to an A level group. Where appropriate trainee should plan and prepare a module of work from the AS/A2 specification to teach with the usual teacher. Ensure teaching file is completed up to date and includes resource material, PPs, handouts and lesson evaluations, schemes of work and differentiated lessons plans. H & S and risk assessment should be included in all practical D & T lesson plans. (see previous guidance issued on Managing Paperwork) Q 22, Q25, Q29, Q31 EL:PL&T, BT Portfolio E1–5 C1, C2 EL:O&M, BT:AS E3, E4 C2 EL:PL&T, MCC E5 C4 3-D-30 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT B: 28 February - 8 April 2011 Mentor Sessions Directed Study Discuss the importance of monitoring and feedback to pupils both formal and informal Advise students on procedures for report writing/ useful tips. Give feedback on trainees’ reports samples. Look at past reports written by D & T colleagues: Devise a bank of phrases, noting difficult spellings Either write a set of reports as required by the school leading to a Parents’ Evening or choose 3 pupils you teach (high, middle, low attainer) and write reports for these pupils. (NB These are for practice only and will not be sent to parents) 3-D-31 H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Q4, Q5, Q26, Q27, Q28 BT:AS E3 C1, C2 Professional Studies in School: 28 February – 8 April 2011 Indicative Content SPT Sessions Directed Study Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Revisit your RP1/2 to reflect on targets and action planning for your achievement. QTS As appropriate on an individual basis Reflect on UWE based curriculum, AfL and BfL sessions and how your placement engages with curriculum development, pupil engagement and achievement and key teaching and learning issues. Units BT, EL Session 1: Contextual Setting and Development Planning Re-welcome your trainee group. Link their experience at UWE to this placement, e.g. what 3 key things have they learnt/reflected on/practised at UWE that they can use/apply in this placement block? What are their aspirations for this block? How will they use their Review Point 1 and 2 (RP1/2) to improve their practice and professional performance during this placement? What evidence will inform RP3 with their subject mentor? How will they demonstrate levels of understanding and progression? Discuss the ‘positives’ of being back in school/ college: - What are they enjoying/looking forward to? - What do they now need to do to consolidate their practice and move forward? - What experiences do they need to support their individual and collective development? How can you facilitate this at an appropriate rate/level? Sessions 2 – 5: Divide the sessions between - some time for trainees to feedback on their week and professional learning, and - the majority of the session for a scheduled input from yourself or a colleague on these topics: Prepare for each of the topic sessions by reflecting on your level of knowledge and understanding and accessing appropriate preparatory online materials/articles/policy documentation. Session 2: First Appointments Explore with trainees the approach your institution takes to appointing staff: the advertisement and application process, the methods used for shortlisting, interview and selection. Where possible arrange formal mock interviews with senior colleagues, ideally videoing the process for structured feedback. Examine job advertisement details for key messages, update your CV and letter of application and provide a copy for your SPT/SM if they wish. Send your UWE personal tutor an email updating them on your progress for reference purposes. Session 3: Supporting and Extending Learners How does this institution provide holistic support for learners and ensure pace, challenge and care? (Could include inputs from SENCO, LSA, G&T coordinator, pastoral team, other agencies, BfL leaders, NQTs.) How is data used to monitor performance and support raising achievement? Session 4: The Curriculum and The Change Agenda How is this setting responding to change in the National Curriculum reform of the 11-19 curriculum and assessment system and changing education policy? (Could include input from Deputy Head (Curriculum) or key stage manager, vocational co-ordinator etc.) ECM and CCS As appropriate on an individual basis Revisit your list (from the first part of this placement) of key information to find out/key experiences/people to meet and devise a schedule for further responding to engaging with people on list. QTS Q7 Unit BT ECM E1-6 CCS C1 – C6 Read in-house policy and practice documents and read the Online pages. Access DfE sites for policy, research and other information. Follow up session by considering, in a discrete and professional way, needs of actual pupils you teach. QTS Q7 Look at the placement’s prospectus and the range of learning/qualification choices on offer. Visit PS materials on VLE Talk with older pupils (e.g. in tutor time with colleagues/their permission) about options, choice and their views about the curriculum. QTS Q6, Q7, Q8 3-D-32 Unit BT ECM E1 - E5 CCS C1 – C6 Unit BT ECM E1 – E5 CCS C1 - C5 Professional Studies in School: 28 February – 8 April 2011 Indicative Content SPT Sessions Directed Study Session 5: Mid-Point Progress Report Reflect on this placement/term. This session should review trainee progress, look at areas of personal development and identify targets for development. Draft your RP3 if not done (for completion with your subject mentor) and revisit your QTS Progress Portfolio and related paperwork/records. Refine your targets and identified strengths in response to professional dialogue with your SPT- set and record clear and stretching development targets. Begin to reflect on subject and ICT selfdevelopment targets for the vacation. Complete the Mid-Point Progress Report making summative comments on this placement, but with a formative aim of informing and shaping trainee self review, action planning and RP3/4 (Review Point 3/4). Due back at UWE on 6 April. Session 6: Paperwork Review Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS QTS All, as appropriate Units BT, CC, EL ECM E1 - E5 CCS C1 - C5 QTS As appropriate Look through trainee planning and record keeping files and the QTS progress file together in a systematic manner. Ensure your files are in good order for this session, with items correctly filed in the QTS Portfolio. Units BT, CC, EL Note down any areas for praise for trainees and subject mentors, and areas for development in future mentoring and coaching. Reflect on your learning during this placement and also what has most powerfully impacted on your learning. ECM E1, E2, E3, E4, E5 Ask trainees to identify, from their observation of others or their own teaching, a well taught session where learning was strong. Discuss (ask the trainee to ‘unpack’): what were the key features that contributed to success? Complete an appropriate number of the ‘evidence of achievement of standards’ entries at the back of the QTS Portfolio booklet and check off which items have been added to the portfolio. CCS C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 Read through, and discuss with trainees, their QTS portfolio ‘evidence of achievement of the standards’ pages (at the rear of the booklet). SPT to organise: Programme of SPT sessions, possibly with ‘expert’ input from colleagues on: first appointments; supporting and extending learners; curriculum and assessment structures, performance data use and achievement raising strategies. Meet with subject mentors and trainees to QA provision. Schedule the Classroom Management presentation for the ‘Organisation and Management’ assessment and remind trainees to book video recording equipment. Complete the assessment of the Classroom Management task, keeping a copy of the top sheet for your records/the trainee’s green placement file, and giving a copy to the trainee when your return the written part of the assignment. A copy of the top sheets to UWE must be sent to the Education Partnership Office at UWE. The presentation videos should only be sent in to UWE if they are SPECIFICALLY requested for moderation/for External Examiners or if trainees fail the assignment. In-school QA of training process: oversight of training programme and mentor-trainee interaction. Return of appropriate paperwork to UWE by deadline. 3-D-33 3-D-34 PLACEMENT B: 26 April – 20 May 2011 STUDENT TIME Attendance on Placement Responsibility for Planned Teaching (RPT) Directed Study (DS) Personal Study in Placement (PS:Sch) HOURS EACH WEEK Full-time 15 2.5 5 1 hour for trainee group 1½ hours for individual or pair of trainees SPT SM SPT Agenda – During this block you will need to: Maintain the green placement file for each trainee, placing in it the yellow copies of mentor session weekly review sheets, SPT Session Record Sheet/s and lesson observation feedback forms. Monitor the work of your mentors. Organise trainee work on all directed study based tasks and discuss outcomes. Run weekly, timetabled Professional Studies sessions covering content as outlined on relevant pages. Monitor and support each trainee’s work on their Becoming a Teacher Portfolio. Use the trainee’s developing BT Portfolio: a) To help them identify areas of strength and areas in need of further development, b) To help in the completion of the Final Report for each student. In w/b 16.05.11 complete blue Final Report for each trainee and discuss this with them. Trainee signature required. (Please return this to UWE as indicated below.) Begin to plan for final 4 weeks of the programme (see page 1-26). Subject Mentor Agenda – During this block you will need to: Review the trainee’s timetable according to individual training needs for this block, and amend as appropriate to ensure trainee meets the full range of age and ability. Agree any new Schemes of Work and/or topics with the trainee Continue to support trainee in lesson planning, evaluating and target setting throughout the assessed school experience in the light of targets identified on the Mid-point Report. Monitor the trainee’s Teaching File through a weekly scrutiny during the Mentor session reviewing progress made in meeting targets set in previous Mentor sessions and in lesson observations and feedback. Discuss and complete Review Point 3 in the Becoming a Teacher Portfolio with the trainee and monitor the trainee’s success in achieving the standards. Support and monitor the trainee in developing their subject knowledge using their Subject Knowledge Profile and Action Plan. Please sign and comment on the Action Plan at the end of the block. (NB. A minimum of 3 completed action plans are required for the BT Portfolio) Discuss completion of school based directed study tasks including monitoring Health and Safety as appropriate. Undertake formal lesson observation and feedback on two occasions during this block. Additionally a weekly written lesson observation feedback is strongly recommended. Where possible undertake a paired observation of the trainee teaching with the UWE visiting Subject Tutor. Moderate your judgement of trainee’s progress with visiting UWE tutor. Support trainee, as necessary, in preparing for the Becoming a Teacher: Assessment assignment Run weekly timetabled Subject Mentor sessions covering content outlined in the SM session section. Ensure Mentoring Session Records are completed and yellow copies passed to SPT. Continue to support trainee(s) in applications for their first teaching post if not yet achieved. Plan subject specific activities/teaching for the final school-based block in June to meet individual trainee needs identified in the SK Profile and Action Plan. During this block the following items should be placed in the trainee’s Placement File, held by the SPT Trainee timetable (with RPT, DS, PS, SPT/SM contact clearly marked) Copies of all Mentor Session Weekly Review Sheets and SPT Session Record sheet/s. 2 written lesson observation feedback forms 1 written lesson observation feedback form Photocopy of Final Report Item produced by Trainee/mentor Subject Mentor Subject Tutor (UWE) SPT Please return the following items to The Partnership Office, Department of Education, S Block, University of the West of England, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY - to arrive no later than the listed date. Item Date 20 May 2011 Final Report (signed by SPT/trainee) (All placements) 20 May 2011 Green Placement Files and SPT Questionnaires (Welsh Schools only) 3-D-35 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT B: 26 April – 20 May 2011 Mentor Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Week beginning 26 April 2011 Review trainee progress in the light of the mid-point report. Identify clear targets using Mentor Session Review Sheets to help trainee maintain progress. Agree new schemes of work and continue to monitor trainees’ teaching files, schemes of work and lesson plans/evaluations Q6, Q7(a), Q8, Q16 Continue to collect evidence for your BT Portfolio. Identify any standards for which as yet you have no evidence. Consider how you might plan opportunities so that you can address those standards BT:Portfolio E3, E4 C2, C6 From week beginning 3 May 2011 to the end of the placement Monitor lesson structure to ensure pupil motivation is maintained. Ensure clear learning objectives are set by trainees in planning. Discuss how to use plenaries in the most effective way Identify with the trainee ways of recording individual and group progress Scrutinise trainee Subject Knowledge Profile to help identify areas in need of further development in both main and second specialist areas. Work with trainees on a new Action Plan and targets for this block. Discuss ways in which the trainee can develop their subject knowledge in the next block. Review H & S. (NB: trainees will have completed UWE H & S training programme) Set up opportunities (where appropriate) to gain further experience by preparing materials, setting up demonstrations etc. Q4, Q10, Q15, Q18, Q19, Q21(b), Q22, Q25, Q29 Maintain your development in the planning of detailed lessons using the UWE Proforma. Ensure you plan lessons at least 3 days in advance of teaching Ensure progression and monitor and record the progress made by pupils in your mark book. EL:PL&T, BT:AS E3, E4 C2 Set yourself challenging targets in developing high level subject knowledge and capability Fully record your actions on your Action Plan. C1 – 15 Specialist Fields 7 (b), Q8, Q14,Q32 MCC, BT:Portfolio E5 C4 Ensure that you complete risk assessments and record in your lesson plans. Consider the environment equipment, processes, tools, materials and components regulatory framework 3-D-36 H and S: Core and Extension Levels Q3, Q21, Q30 BT:Portfolio E1, E2 C3 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT B: 26 April – 20 May 2011 Mentor Sessions Directed Study Discuss BT:Assessment assignment with trainee. Give guidance on the range of different assessment modes appropriate to D & T at different key stages. Discuss and show exemplars of forms of assessment including internal, external, summative, formative, diagnostic and ways in which students’ progress and attainment is recorded and reported. Consider the different modes of assessment used, eg through written work, aural or oral work, practical work, ICT-based work, group work, peer assessment. Organise for trainees to observe and participate in the marking and moderation of both GCSE/AS/A2 level coursework. H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS With the help of your SM and SPT, select up to 3 students of differing ages and abilities and write an assessment biography of them covering a reasonable period of time, eg a term, a year. If possible interview the students to discover their personal experiences of being assessed and their attitude to such aspects of the assessment methods used, fairness and usefulness. Use your findings to help you think about links between assessment and teaching, taking account of issues of continuity and progression, differentiation, role of ICT and the role of parents. Keep copies of students’ work (examples) for BT:AS assignment. Q11, Q12, Q13, Q26, Q27, Q28 Familiarise yourself with the assessment criteria, methods and modes for the respective examinations including the use of e-portfolios. Q27, Q28 3-D-37 BT:AS, Portfolio E5 C2, C4 BT:AS E3 Professional Studies in School/College: 26 April – 20 May 2011 Indicative Content Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS QTS Q11, Q12, Q13 SPT Sessions Directed Study Session 1: Raising Achievement Explore, with trainees, their experience of working with under-achieving groups. Discuss strategies to engage and enhance self-esteem and performance, especially for middle ability pupils. Reflect on your experience of working to stretch, extend and engage young people. Session 2: Assessment for Learning Brief trainees on the data collection and tracking systems, assessment, recording and reporting (ARR) structures across the whole institution – discuss how this can be used to enhance planning and achievement. Discuss school/college strategies for engaging with parents/carers/the community Session 3: Cross-Curricular Connections Reflect on key strengths and challenges for AfL and the nature of achievement and success as well as underachievement and ‘performance profiles’ for particular groups and individuals. Introduction to the school’s response to, and involvement in, cross-curricular initiatives such as KS3 strategy, literacy, ICT, numeracy, citizenship, work-related learning. Post 16: also Key Skills and Skills for Life initiatives. Look at The National Curriculum online Draft RP4 in preparation for the next session and prepare BT QTS Portfolio file. CCS C1 – C3 Session 4: Review Point 4 Discuss RP4 with trainees and talk about the Becoming a Teacher Portfolio and monitoring progress against the QTS standards. Discuss trainees’ progress, consider the ‘evidence’ they have cited, ensure each trainee understands what is required of them. Make explicit the links between RP4 and the Career Entry and Development Process Read ‘Qualifying to Teach: Handbook of Guidance’ on line at www/ (follow links from ‘In Training’) to reflect on where the standards are being met and evidenced during your training. QTS Trainee specific Reflect on the progress you have made so far and your learning journey and ‘distance travelled’ and ‘still to go’. ECM E3 – E5 Identify opportunities to further build your expertise in these areas. Units BT, EL ECM E3 – E5 CCS C3, C5 QTS Q7, Q11, Q12, Q13, Q26, Q28 Unit BT Access PS materials on VLE ECM E3, E5 CCS C1, C6 Read placement documentation related to curriculum innovation and gather examples. QTS Q6, Q21, Q25, Q29, Q30, Q31, Q32, Q33 Units BT, CC Revisit guidance on cross-curricular working; also see VLE, and DfE website. ECM E1 – E3 Unit BT CCS C3 SPT to organise: Arrange series of SPT sessions for trainees. Where possible observe trainees teach with subject mentors as part of your QA process. Complete Review Point 4 with trainee and ask them about their ‘distance travelled’ this year. Ask the trainee to send a copy of RP4 to their UWE tutor. Complete the School Experience Final Report with trainee and their subject mentor, returning a copy to UWE by the deadline. In-school QA for or training process: oversight of training programme and mentor-trainee interaction. Return of appropriate paperwork to UWE by deadline. In Welsh placement settings: Discuss CEDP process with trainees and ask trainee to draft Transition Point 1 before they leave and to send a copy to their personal tutor at UWE.) 3-D-38 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY UWE BLOCK: 23 May – 27 May 2011 (31 May – 3 June Reading Week) Subject Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Week beginning 27 May 2011 D & T Seminar 17 Review Placement File for evidence against the Standards Reflection on Placement B and the Standards for QTS D &T Seminar 18 H and S: Core Levels and Extension levels Attend briefing on cross curriculum week at Chepstow Castle Q10 Q24 Q30 Learning outside the classroom (LOTC) Primary Placement Preparation Introduction to the Primary National Curriculum KS1 and 2. Examination of KS2 D & T schemes of work and activities. KS2/KS3 progression in D & T including use of SATs. Planning primary school visits including H & S considerations. Visiting D & T primary teacher seminar/lecture. Preparation of materials for primary school visit. Primary H and S competences QQ1, Q18, Q21, Q32 BT:Portfolio E2, E3 C1, C4, C5 D&T Workshop 9 Primary D&T Complete a range of primary (KS2) D&T activities. D & T Workshop 11 Post 16 day Working with post 16 students D & T Workshop 10 Sharing ideas, and resources Starters Plenaries Statement banks Question banks Worksheets Websites Visits Resource Swap Shop (trainee managed) BT: Portfolio Q1 - 33 Q1, Q18 H and S: Core Levels and Extension levels Q14, Q25 Q4, Q14, Q22, Q23, Q24, Q30, Q32 BT:Portfolio E3 C2 D&T Workshop 12 Developing Creativity Workshop Conclusion and audit of H & S training. Q8 Choose from two workshops to develop your creativity Audit H & S course coverage and completion of H&S Accreditation Form. 3-D-39 H and S Core and Extension Levels Q3, Q30 BT:Portfolio Professional Studies at UWE: 23 May – 3 June 2011 Professional Studies Sessions Directed Study Tuesday May 24th Innovation in Practice III: Creativity and Cross-curricularity 9.00-10.00 2D67 Lead lecture; 10.30-12.00 Seminar Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS QTS Read through online briefing materials, see also suggested reading from online topic pages, and access DfE websites to consider models of innovation. Unit EL ECM E3 CCS C1, C3 3-D-40 B/C PLACEMENT: 6 June – 29 June 2011 STUDENT TIME HOURS EACH WEEK Attendance on Placement ( *some trainees will be in a new C placement between these dates.) Responsibility for Planned Teaching (RPT) Directed Study (DS) Personal Study in Placement (PS:Sch) SPT SM Full-time SPT Agenda* – During this block you will need to: This will be dependent on trainee's individual training needs. 1 hour for trainee group 1½ hours for individual or pair of trainees Maintain the green placement file for each trainee, placing in it the yellow copies of mentor session weekly review sheets SPT Session Record Sheet/s and lesson observation feedback forms. Subject Mentor Agenda* – During this block you will need to: Review the trainee’s timetable for this block and amend as appropriate to ensure it meets individual training needs. Agree any new Schemes of Work and/or topics with the trainee. Monitor the work of your mentors. Organise trainee work on all directed study tasks and discuss outcomes. Continue to support trainee in lesson planning, evaluating and target setting throughout the assessed school experience in the light of targets identified on the Final Report. Run weekly timetabled Professional Studies sessions covering content as outlined on relevant page. Undertake formal lesson observation and feedback on one occasion during this block. Discuss Review Point 4/draft Transition Point One in Becoming a Teacher Portfolio with each trainee and sign as required. Additionally a weekly written lesson observation feedback is strongly recommended. Support and monitor the trainee in developing their subject knowledge using their Subject Knowledge Profile and Action Plan. Where relevant, please sign and comment on an Action Plan at the end of the block. Run weekly timetabled Subject Mentor sessions covering content outlined in the SM session section. Ensure weekly Mentoring Session Records are completed and yellow copies passed to SPT. Discuss Transition Point One in the Career Entry and Development Profile with each trainee. (Please return signed confirmation to UWE as required.) Assess Becoming a Teacher assignments for each trainee (see page 2-10). (Please return result to UWE as required.) *This agenda will vary according to the placement and individual training needs of trainees. Continue to support trainee(s) in applications for their first teaching post if not yet achieved *This agenda will vary according to the placement and individual training needs of trainees. During this block the following items should be placed in the trainee’s Placement File, held by the SPT Trainee timetable (including programme of any visits to other institutions) 1 written lesson observation feedback form Copies of all Mentor Session Weekly Review Sheets Item provided by Trainee Subject Mentor Please return the following items to The Partnership Office, Department of Education, S Block, University of the West of England, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol BS16 1QY - to arrive no later than the listed date. Item Date Result of Becoming a Teacher assessment for each student 29 June 2011* (feedback form pink copy) 29 June 2011 Confirmation of Transition Point One (CEDP) 29 June 2011 Completed green Placement File(s) 29 June 2011 Completed SPT questionnaire *Please note the importance of this date due to moderation, external examining and Exam Board deadlines. 3-D-41 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY PLACEMENT B/C: 6 June – 24 June 2010 Mentor Sessions Directed Study H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS To be undertaken during this placement Review trainee performance using Final Report. Identify with the trainee areas in the standards that need development in this final block using the Becoming a Teacher Portfolio Discuss ways of addressing these gaps Support the trainee in SK development in particular to post14 and post-16 specifications. QTS all Undertake activity to meet standards as agreed with Subject Mentor BT:Portfolio E1-5 C1-6 Complete final audit of subject knowledge in you SK Profile and draw up final Action Plan Q14, Q15 BT:Portfolio Organise observation of AS/A2 level teaching in at least two other curriculum areas. Compare your experience of teaching D and T at post 16 with the other subject teaching BT:Portfolio Prepare trainees for primary placement. Discuss issues around KS2-3 transfer. Identify strategies used to assess student capability in D & T at the point of transfer. (Year 8 to Year 9 for middle and upper schools) Examine the QCA Primary Schemes of Work for D & T. Arrange a meeting with the member of staff with responsibility for the Key Stage 2 to 3 transfer Q13, Q21(b), Q25 (b) Discuss the development of crosscurriculum activities opportunities in Design and Technology. Encourage trainee to undertake research for the Chepstow Castle cross –curriculum week. BT:Portfolio E3 C2, C4, C5, C6 Research into medieval activity appropriate to your subject grouping Prepare some resource ideas Consider the issues involved in taking students on an educational visit off site Q3, Q8, Q21, Q30, MCC, BT:Portfolio E 1, E2, E3, E4 C3 3-D-42 Professional Studies during Placement C: 6 June – 24 June 2011 (Art & Design/D&T/History); 6 - 29 June all other subjects: Indicative Content SPT Sessions Session 1: Personal Professional Development Reflect with trainees how this block should be used to consider how the QTS standards have been addressed and to extend/deepen experience. Check trainees understand the BT Portfolio task and are engaging at an appropriate level. If not already done: Introduce trainees to how your school supports NQT and new staff induction, PPD (Postgraduate professional development), appraisal and the school selfevaluation framework – perhaps invite one or more NQTs and the PPD co-ordinator to attend/run part of the session. Session 2: The Career Entry and Development Profile Each trainee should use Review Point 4 (RP4) to draft their CEDP strengths and areas for further development. Read these drafts at the meeting and discuss trainees’ development as teachers. Focus on specific incidents or trends that they feel have been significant. Discuss their individual training needs at this stage in the course and encourage further reflection on individual needs analysis and ‘distance travelled’. Directed Study If already appointed – re-read any materials you have from your host school about induction and PPD. Devise a list of questions/things to find out. Access the online version of the CEDP or read your paper copy and re-read RP3 and 4, and recent feedback/selfevaluations in order to draft your CEDP. Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS QTS Q3, Q7, Q8, Q9 Unit BT ECM E1 – E5 CCS C3 Reflect on your use of your teaching, professional studies and subject studies files, and how they indicate your professional development and future needs. QTS Q3, Q7, Q8, Q9 Access online examples of the CEDP. ECM E1 - E5 Send a copy of your Transition Point 1 to your UWE tutor. Unit BT CCS C3 Session 3: Working with the Community Introduce trainees to the systems in place for liaison with parents and carers and the wider community, and for transition. (Colleagues such as Heads of Year or Extended Schools Co-ordinators could run this session.) In FE explore work of senior tutors/personal tutors, e.g. issues of confidentiality, policies re parents/carers, and transition arrangements. Access the DfE website/other sites to read good practice case studies and current research papers. QTS Q6, Q19, Q20, Q22, Q30 Unit EL ECM E2, E3, E4 CCS C1, C3, C4 SPT to organise: Arrange final series of SPT sessions for trainees. Revisiting of checklist in each trainee’s ‘green school file’ to check required paperwork is in place. Arrange a tutorial with trainees to complete their CEDP (Career Entry and Development Profile) and to discuss the ‘journey travelled’ during the training year. Submission and assessment of the Becoming a Teacher Portfolio task: keeping a copy of the top sheet for your records/the trainee’s green placement file, and giving a copy to the trainee when you return the written part of the assignment. A copy of the top sheets to UWE must be sent to the Education Partnership Office at UWE. The BT Portfolios should only be sent in to UWE if they are SPECIFICALLY requested for moderation or External Examiners or if trainees fail the assignment. In-school QA of training process: oversight of training programme and mentor-trainee interaction. Return of appropriate paperwork to UWE by deadline. 3-D-43 DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY CROSS-CURRICULAR WEEK: 27June -1 July 2011 Subject Sessions Directed Study 27 & 28 June 2011 Chepstow Castle Project :Crosscurricular Project Preparation day at UWE/Bradley Stoke Community School/Theale Green School Working in subject groups: Prepare materials, equipment and resources for the Chepstow Castle Project. Design a worksheet for the students to support the early style D and T activity H&S DATA Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS Q30 H and S: Core Levels and Extension levels 27 June 2011 Preparing for your NQT year CPD and the Masters in Teaching and Learning/Masters in Education 29 and 30 June 2011 Chepstow Castle Project Days Arrive at Chepstow Castle at 8.30 Transport to be arranged amongst the trainees 8.30 – 4.30 H and S: Core Levels and Extension levels Q6, Q8, Q30, Q32, Q33, BT: Portfolio E1 – 5 C2, C3 1 July 2011 Final Day Review progress and celebrate our achievements. QTS All D & T trainee presentation BT: Portfolio Formally evaluate the effectiveness of the Design and Technology PGCE course. Professional Studies Sessions Directed Study UWE week 48 Friday 1 July 2011 Lecture Room Session Use DCSF/TDA web materials to consider how teachers become ‘extended professionals and the role of Induction and Personal Professional Development. Becoming a Teacher‘The End of the Beginning’ Indicative QTS Standards, Units, ECM, CCS QTS Unit ECM Capel et al (op cit.) Units 8.1, 8.2 CCS Reviewing your Progress By this stage your self-review (eg BT Portfolio) should show you have engaged with all of the Standards for QTS and have made use of all of the appropriate materials within UWE’s online materials, associated readings, and web links, your own personal needs analysis and ICT/subject knowledge/tutorial self-review, and have engaged with all of the Professional Studies topics. 3-D-44