The Canterbury Tales Character Sketch Miss Woodward A character sketch is a written description of a character in a story. In writing a character sketch, you are to observe a character to get a feel of what this character is really like, and then relay that information to another reader in a clear, concise manner. Each student will give a summary of a character in the poem using the following criteria. Positive and negative aspects of the character What he/she looks like (physical features, dress, etc) What character is/does for a living (make sure you explain this job) Character profile/personality (serious, humorous, ironical, satirical, well-liked, etc) Social Class View points (political, social, etc) Any other criteria from the poem that tells what your character is like Be prepared to make a brief (3-5 minute) presentation in class about your character. A copy of this summary needs to be typed and handed in to be graded. This assignment will count as a quiz grade. Both parts need to be completed to get credit!!! Please make sure to include the page numbers in the book and line numbers of the poem where your character is discussed so we can take a look at it while you do your presentation. *** YOU NEED TO HAVE 2 COPIES OF YOUR SUMMARY. ALL SUMMARIES WILL BE HANED IN AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS ON THE DUE DATE. Therefore, you will need a second copy to do your in class presentation. Grading Rubric 1. Summary is typed and completed and handed in on time 2. Presentation is through and done on time 50 Points 50 Points *** Remember both parts of this assignment must be completed to receive credit. If you only do one part you will receive a zero for the assignment. DUE DATE: _________________ List of Characters 1. Knight 2. Squire 3. Yeoman 4. Prioress 5. Monk 6. Friar 7. Merchant 8. Oxford Cleric 9. Sergeant at the Law 10.Franklin 11.Haberdasher, Carpenter, Weaver, Dyer, Carpet-Maker 12.Cook 13.Skipper 14.Doctor 15.Wife of Bath 16.Parson 17.Plowman 18.Miller 19.Manciple 20.Reeve 21.Summoner 22.Pardoner 23.Host