- Parishes Online

Rev. David L. Smith, S. J., Pastor
St. Mary, Portsmouth, Residence
712-743-2625 Parish Office / E-mail - dsmithsj@netins.net
– 5:00pm – Saturday
PORTSMOUTH – 8:30am – Sunday
– 8:30am
–10:00am – Sunday
– 7:00pm
SHELBY COUNTY CATHOLIC SCHOOL – ANN ANDERSEN, PRINCIPAL –755-5634 or www.shelcocath.pvt.k12.ia.us
St. Boniface
207 Duren, P. O. Box 86, Westphalia, IA 51578
712-627-4255 (Phone), 712-627-4259 (fax)
Lorene Kaufmann, parish secretary (office hours vary, please call ahead)
St. Mary of the Assumption
104 N. 2nd St., P. O. Box 203, Panama, IA 51562-0203
712-489-2030 (Phone/Fax) or smpanama@fmctc.com
Karen Wingert, parish secretary
8-10, Mon, Tues, Wed. Fri. 9-11 on Thurs.
Prayer Line Contact: Call 489-2030
MASS INTENTIONS (February 22 - 28)
T–02/23–11:15am–LFH – Johnny Wageman (d)
W–02/24–8:30am – West. – Al Hughes (d)
T–02/25–8:30am–Pan. – Jerome Kohles (d)
F–02/26–8:30am–Ports.– Lottie McDermott (d)
S–02/27–5pm–Pan. – Joe Schwery (d)
S–02/28–8:30am–Ports. – Nola Schiltz (d)
S–02/28–10am–West. – Mike Goetz (d)
St. Mary Our Lady of Fatima
May our prayers and sacrifices encourage young men and
women to discern a vocation to priesthood or Consecrated
Life. If interested, contact Vocation Director, Fr. Pins
515-237-5050 or jpins@dmdiocese.org
502 4th St., P. O. Box 98, Portsmouth, IA 51565-0098
712-743-2625 (Phone) or hankhu@iowatelecom.net
Hank Hughes, parish secretary (office hours: M–F – 9:30am–5:30pm)
Prayer Line Contacts: Peg Petsche–743-3652/Arlene Pauley–743-2241
Call Fr. David at 743-2625 if a family
member is in the hospital or homebound.
If school is two hours late or cancelled due to bad
weather there will be NO MASS. Listen to KNOD.
NO Daily Mass if funeral is in parish of Mass.
There IS Daily Mass if funeral is not in parish with
-------------------------------------------------------------------SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION
Panama: after 5 p.m. Saturday Mass until last
confession heard or by appointment.
Portsmouth: after 8:30 a.m. Friday Mass until
last confession heard or by appointment.
Westphalia: after 10 a.m. Sunday Mass until last
confession heard or by appointment.
Parents should contact the rectory soon enough for
required preparation before baptism.
Those planning to marry must see
Father AT LEAST SIX MONTHS in advance of
desired date. No date can be set
before the initial interview in person.
PRAYER FOR THE JUBILEE OF MERCY…Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us to be merciful
like the heavenly Father, and have told us that whoever sees you sees God. Show us your face
and we will be saved. You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who manifests
his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church be your visible face in the world.
Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy
may be a year of grace from the Lord, and your church, with renewed enthusiasm, may bring
good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed, and restore sight to the
blind. Amen ----Pope Francis
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUBILEE OF MERCY….Mercy is “the beating heart of the Gospel” Pope Francis writes:
“It is absolutely essential for the Church and for the credibility of her message that she
herself live and testify to mercy.” Mercy, he says, is “the beating heart of the Gospel”
(Misericordiae Vultus). To live mercy, we must rediscover both the spiritual works of mercy
(counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the afflicted, forgive
offences, bear patiently those who do us ill, and pray for the living and the dead), and the
corporal works of mercy (feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked,
welcome the stranger, heal the sick, visit the imprisoned, and bury the dead). USCCB
QUESTION OF THE WEEK…. Which spiritual works of mercy might Christ be calling you to
practice? Which corporal works of mercy? USCCB
HUNGERING TO GIVE BACK …This week, CRS Rice Bowl takes us to Laos, where
Hongkham is using her love of cooking to provide for her family—and feed an entire school.
How do we use our passions and gifts for the betterment of those we meet? Visit
crsricebowl.org for more.
BETHLEHEM HOUSE…….Sister Joyce Blum, SFPA (489-2426 or 712-898-6680) or sisterjblum@fmctc.com
Laudato Si: “Pope Francis asked us to recognize that the natural environment has been gravely
damaged by our irresponsible behavior. The social environment has also suffered damage.
Both are ultimately due to the same evil. The notion that there are no indisputable truths to guide our
lives and hence human freedom is limitless. We have forgotten that “man is not only a freedom that he creates for himself. Man does not
create himself. He is spirit and will but also nature.”
Offertory Gifts
pg. 2
Sun. Feb. 28(10am)
Ray Schechinger
Lynn Schmitz
Lynn Schmitz
Jeff & Joy Schaben
Ellen Walsh Rosmann
Cindy Schechinger
Zachary Daly
Cade Sears
Brett Sears
Sun. March 6 (10am)
Darlene Wilwerding
Joni Schwery
Phil Zimmerman
Tony Goetz family
Joan Musich
Rose Schomers
Zachary Daly
Lexi Musich
Luke Musich
Sun. March 13(10am)
Jeff Schaben
Karen Brinker
Jamie Schechinger
Tim Hastert family
Maria Rosmann
Agnes Wehr
Ann Heithoff
Michael Heithoff
Joshua Zimmerman
Palm Sun. March 20 (10am)
Sue Gross
Jane Goetzinger
Ann Heithoff and Karen Brinker
Clarence & Karen Brinker
LaVonne Schulte
Terry Schulte
Zachary Daly
Samantha Schmitz
Jackson Schmitz
Chad Heithoff
Clarence Brinker
Glenn Gaul
Harold/Alice Schwery
Bill Holzer
Mark Kaufman
Rod Musich
Ed Rueschenberg
Frank Rueschenberg
Marcus Rueschenberg
Joan Schneider
Ray Schechinger
Norman Schmitz
Roger Schmitz
Financial Report: Tithes $636 Plate $62 Votive $19 Hall Rent $200
Ash Wednesday: Tithes $64.24 Plate $58
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Religious Ed News: Class Wednesday, February 24. Grades 7 thru 12
will be attending the Mission at St. Michael’s in Harlan starting at 7pm.
All other classes meet at regular times.
Walkers welcome: the gym is available for walkers during office
hours. Please call ahead to make sure Lorene is there.
Please Pray for the Sick & Recuperating!
Linda Kaufman
Leona Kaufmann
Charlotte Holzer
Glen Schechinger Margaret Swanson
Lori Nihsen
Michelle Altar
Mary Lou Keital
Urban Schneider
Jenny Schwery
John Zimmerman
Duane Kloewer
Ed Stephany
Delbert Rueschenberg
Bob Mages
Ivo Wilwerding
Darlene Wilwerding
New Lighthouse Titles at St. Boniface: Be sure to stop in and look over our new materials which have just arrived. Our
featured CD of the week is "The Four Last Things" by Father Michael Schmitz. Have you ever wondered why a merciful
God would send anyone to hell? Father's answer may surprise you as he tackles this and many other tough
theological questions in a logical way. He also does it in an entertaining way. One that will keep you focused whether you
are a young person or an adult. Now would be a great time to pick one up during our half price Lenten sale.
Picnic News: Thank you Don & Judy Schomers and Ed
Volunteers Needed: to have their foot washed at Holy Thursday
Rueschenberg for once again stepping up the Head the Picnic.
services. We would like to have men, women and students
We need Heads of Stands! Please contact Don, Judy or Ed to
included. Please call Joan Schneider 627-4684 to volunteer.
volunteer to Head a Stand. July will be here before we know it.
Thank you to Samantha Schmitz and Brett Sears for volunteering
Stations of the Cross: will be offered Wednesdays after 8:30 am Mass and at 6:30 pm on Wednesdays as well. Students will be leading
Stations March 2 and March 9. Come for Stations and go for Tacos at the Club! THERE WILL BE NO EVENING STATIONS WEDNESDAY,
Tri-Parish Pictorial Directory - We are asking for
volunteers to head up the committee for Westphalia. If
interested, please contact Lorene at the office (6274255). The dates are June 7 – June 11.
St. Boniface Parishioners are invited to a luncheon
appreciation Sunday, March 6, after the 10 AM Mass.
All are encouraged to attend.
Thank You: to our family, friends, and neighbors for making our 60th Wedding Anniversary so special. We appreciate the
anniversary party, all the cards, gifts and thoughtful anniversary greetings. God Bless You. Harold & Pearl Schulte
The family of Mick Keane would like to sincerely thank everyone for the outpouring of kindness and support during this difficult time. It’s a true
blessing to be part of such a thoughtful, generous, and loving community, your prayers, Cards, Visits, phone calls helped to comfort our family, and
your flowers, donations, and memorials were a wonderful tribute to Mick. We would like to say a special Thanks to Father David Smith SJ and
concelebrants, Fathers Mike Peters, Paul Koch, Ken Stecher for leading a deeply touching Mass. Also a Thank you to the musicians, Jodie, Meg,
Marcia and Cindy, and the ladies for serving the wonderful meal. In lieu of thank you’s a donation will be made to Shelby County Catholic School.
May God bless each and every one you. The Mick Keane family
ST. JOSEPH FISH FRY: St. Joseph Parish in Earling will be
hosting their second Fish Fry on Friday, February 26th –
serving from 5:00–8:00 PM in St. Joseph’s Parish Hall.
Meal includes: Pollock Fish, Potato, French Fries, Coleslaw,
Dinner Roll and Dessert. Cost: Adults: $10.00; Children 10 &
under: $5.00 and Children 2 & under are Free. Cash Bar
available. Proceeds go toward remodeling the Hall Kitchen.
ST PATRICK’S HALL, NEOLA…“All the fish you can eat”
Friday, Feb. 26, Friday, March 4, March 11 and March 18.
Serving Time: 5:30–7:30 P.M. Adults: $8.00 - Children (5-10
Yrs.): $3.00 - Children Under 5: Free. Dinner includes: Fried
Alaskan Pollock, Baked Potato, Cole Slaw, Relishes, & Dessert!
(May substitute grilled cheese sandwich for fish).
For Questions, contact the Parish Office at 712.485.2124
MINISTRIES Sun. Feb. 21(8:30am)
Zachary Daly
Cameron Springman
Suzy Wear (choir)
George Wear (choir)
Dewayne Stolz
Lector(1st) Brenda Arkfeld
(2nd/Pet) Joseph Fields
Lynn/Diane Martens
Bill Slaven
Ken Stein
Julie Stein
Gary Koke
Gaylen Smith
Jerry Plambeck
Carol Plambeck
Rich/Alma Leinen
Sun. Feb. 28(8:30am)
Connor Bruck
Kayla Pauley
Renae Arkfeld(choir)
Zita Smith (choir)
Julie Stein
John Fields
Hank Hughes
Deb Muell family
Lynn Martens
Bill Arkfeld
Jerry Buman
Gary Schaben
Sharon Pauley
Ruth Plambeck
Tom Reinig
John/Myra Buman
Sun. March 6 (8:30am)
Justine Buman
Tyler Buman
Jeanne Fields (choir)
Randy Fields (choir)
Janet Croghan
Renae Arkfeld
Zita Smith
George & Suzy Wear
Deb Leinen
Ken Leinen
Marv Leinen
Bill Sondag
Brenda Arkfeld
Duane Reinig
Linda Reinig
Phil & Doramae Heller
pg. 3
Sun. March 13 (8:30am) Palm Sun. March 20(8:30am)
Maggie Buman
Kody Bruck
Sam Buman
Mary Ohlinger
Bev Ohlinger
Linda Reinig
Doramae Heller
Hank Hughes
Marlin Smith
Dewayne Stolz
Jacob Koke
Nyra Sondag (narrator)
Tony Buman
Jeanne Fields (Spkr/Pet)
Ken & Deb Leinen
Dale/Sharon Pauley fam.
Dewayne Stolz
Ron Gau
Randy Fields
Dave Ohlinger
Joseph Fields
Mel Sporrer
John Fields
Jerry Sondag
Jennifer Foster
Gaylen Smith
Bill Sondag
Mary Ellen Reisz
Lisa Sondag
Jackie Schaben
Myra Buman/Mitz Wilke
Deb Muell family
Please note: We will pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet the last Saturday/Sunday of each month (February 28)
in observance of The Year of Mercy promulgated by Pope Francis.
Financial Report: Tithes $670.00 Plate $103 Votive $23 Fall Fund $105
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------First Monday – 6:40pm CDA Rosary & 7pm CDA Meeting in parish hall
--Second Friday – 11:30am – W.O.W.S. Luncheon & social at Club 191
…REL. ED. (grades 1–7) SCHEDULE: Feb 21, 28 – 9:20 – 10:45am
…CYO ( 8-12) SCHEDULE: Wed., Feb. 17 at 7pm – Class
Knights of Columbus meeting – Monday, March 7 at 7pm in the far
west room of the R. E. Center.
Please pray for the young men from our parish serving in the
military: Nathan Bruck, Michael Bruck, Cody Daeges
Upcoming Bloodmobiles: Thursday, April 14 and Tuesday, August 23.
IOWA CANS FOR CASH 2017 NCYC TRIP…..Please continue
saving cans for the NCYC by putting them in enclosure NW of
church. Thanks for your support.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HY-VEE/COUNTRY FAIR UPC BAR CODES ONLY - $37.46 to
date. Thanks for your contributions and please continue to save.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please pray for the sick & homebound: Thelma Schoemann, Karla
Pauley, Helen Barta, Jerry Schiltz, Anna Kenney, Janice Waltz,
Jean Schechinger, Ralph Kramer, Lori Reinig, Alvin Heller, Ed Leinen,
Judy Ellebracht, Neil Petsche, Mary Slaven and all on prayer line.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS COURT ST. MARIA GORETTI
#2498 FOOD COLLECTION…can be brought anytime. There is a
great need within the county so your generosity is appreciated.
NEW TRI-PARISH PICTORIAL DIRECTORY: Volunteers are needed to head up the committee for Portsmouth. If
interested, please contact Hank at 743-2625(office). The dates for Portsmouth are Tuesday, May 31 – Saturday, June 4.
ATTENTION 2016 HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS of St. Mary’s Our Lady of Fatima… Edwin Skalla Memorial Education Fund applications must be
completed and returned to the Rectory by March 15…..so please complete as soon as possible. Thanks – St. Mary’s Scholarship Committee
Coffee and rolls and bingo in the parish hall after Mass on
at 1:30pm at St. John’s Church in Persia, IA.
Feb. 21 in the parish hall.
PLEASE NOTE: COLLECTING OLD TOWELS through February to help care for the animals at the Harrison County Humane Society.
There is a basket in back of church for the towels. This is sponsored by Caroline Sondag, confirmand of St. Mary Our Lady of Fatima.
STATIONS OF THE CROSS AFTER Friday 8:30am Mass and
Cards can be sent to Neil Petsche at his new address:
CYO will lead the stations at 6:45 p.m. Wednesdays, March 9,
Madonna Rehabilitation Specialty Hospital / Room 407
16 and 23. All are invited to join us!
2500 Medical Center Drive Suite 400 / Bellevue, NE 68123
Fifteen Decade Rosary for Life – Sun., Feb. 21 from 1:30–2:30pm --St. Mary Our Lady of Fatima, Portsmouth
Persia Fire and Rescue Breakfast Buffet Sunday, February 28
at PIC Hall in Persia – 7:30 – 11am. Large variety of favorite
breakfast foods. – All you can eat! Adults – $10 / Children 3 to 12
– $5 and Two and under – Free
CYO Fundraiser Breakfast Sunday, March 6 after 8:30 a.m.
Mass until 11 a.m. –– Serving: Scrambled Eggs, Link Sausage,
Pancakes, French Toast, Biscuits/Gravy and Coffee/Juice/Milk.
Free Will Donation
SCCS ‘GO FOR THE GREEN’ RAFFLE….$10 per ticket. Winning ticket receives one-half of money collected. No limit on the number of
tickets you can buy! Winning ticket drawn on Feast of St. Patrick, March 17 at St. Mary’s Hall in Panama after Mass. Winner need not be
present to win. To purchase your ticket(s), call or stop by SCCS or from Catholic School parents or Father David Smith, S.J.
Song Leader
Sat. Feb. 27 (5pm)
Dean Klein family
Ashley Nihsen
Randy Mages
Gary Leinen family
Denise Assmann
Karen Muell
Joyce Kenkel (D)
Alex Assmann
Clayton Mages
JJ Schwery
Mary Ann Wendt
Meg Kohles
Ellen Schmidt
Don Mages
Matt Schmitz
Dennis Kohles
Clarence/Jann Reinig
Pat Michels
Sat. March 5 (5pm)
Mark Schmitz family
Ellen Schmidt
Ron Wingert
Joe Leuschen family
Cheryl Juhl
Ellen Schmidt
Mona Crall
Molly Wingert
Grace Wegner
Delaney Wegner
Bob Mages
Bob Mages
Jodie Wingert
Jayme Arkfeld
John Schwery
Mark Crall
Dave & Joyce Kenkel
Joyce (D) Kenkel
John & LuAnn Schwery
Financial Report: Tithes - $500.00, Plate – 90.25, Masses - $285.00
Meetings and Events
Wednesday, February 24, RE Classes
Wednesday, February 24, Lenten Speaker, St. Michael’s, Harlan, 7 p.m.
Thursday, February 25, Lenten speaker, St. Joseph’s, Earling, 7:00 p.m.
Thursday, February 25, Fireman’s meeting, 7:00 p.m.
Friday, February 26, Lenten Speaker, St. Mary’s, Panama, 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, Feb 27, Relay for Life, Dinner/Auction, 5:30 p.m., St. Mary’s Hall
Wed., March 2, Stations of the Cross, led by Sr. RE Students, 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 2, RE Classes
The hall is open for walkers in the morning during office hours.
pg. 4
Sat. March 12 (5pm)
Randy Mages family
Pat Kenkel
Randy Mages
Bob Mages family
Jamie Fahn
Mary Fahn
Jan Theulen
Konner Leinen
Edwin Mages
Reece Schwery
Will Schafer
Adult Choir
LuAnn Schwery
Jayme Arkfeld
John Schwery
Mark Crall
Jamie & Mary Fahn
Jan Theulen
Sat. March 19 (5pm)(Palm Sun.)
Brain Wageman family
Marilyn Schwery
Jay Fahn & Linda Fahn
David Mages family
Phil Wegner
Marilyn Keane
Ron Wingert
Kaitlyn Feldman
Lauren Leuschen
Lauren Wingert
Jodie Wingert
Youth Choir
LuAnn Schwery
Jayme Arkfeld
John Schwery
Mark Crall
Glenn & Mariann Wingert
Jay & Linda Fahn
STEWARDSHIP FUND: Donations to the Stewardship Fund
are always welcomed. We depend on these donations to help
with our monthly bills. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please pray for those on the prayer line…
Norine Mahlberg, Linus/Lucille Koch, Charlotte Fountain,
Eunice Blum, Ron Chamberlain, Ed Greiner, Punk Bruck,
Bob Mages, Brecken Fuller
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Food Collection for the Needy….Items may be dropped off
any time in the basket at church entry.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Larry Klein needs a couple people to be co-chairs for the
picnic this year. Dates are June 16 & 17. Please call him if
you would be willing to help call him at 747-2061.
NEW TRI-PARISH PICTORIAL DIRECTORY: Plans are underway to make a new directory. We are asking for
volunteers to head up the committee for Panama. If interested, please call the parish office 489-2030 & we will get you the
information. The dates are Tuesday, May 17 – Saturday, May 21. Thanks.
St. Mary’s, Panama will have Stations of the Cross on Thursday morning following the 8:30 a.m. mass.
Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make our Bloodmobile a success. Your generosity in giving blood, helping work and donating
bars & cookies is truly appreciated. Dee Dee Leinen and the Red Cross Bloodmobile. The next bloodmobile in Panama is June 15.
Jubilee Year Pilgrimage to Italy, November 7 – 17, 2016.
Includes Rome and audience with Pope Francis, Vatican Art
Museum & Sistine Chapel, Catacombs, Pompeii, Assisi, Monte
Cassino, Florence, Sorrento, Amalfi Coast, daily Mass and much
more. $3279 from Omaha or $3229 from Chicago. Price includes
air, hotels, most meals, tours, transfers & all government & airline
taxes. First Come. First Serve. Fr. John Vakulskas Jr., Box 347,
Okoboji, IA johnvakulskas@gmail.com or 712-490-8047.
Pope Francis has called a Jubilee of Mercy….”Men of Iowa”
is March 5, 2016 at St. Francis of Assisi Church in West Des
Moines. Join hundreds of faith-filled men as they discover true
faith and Christ's merciful love. Al Kresta, of 'Kresta in the
Afternoon' will lead our great speakers as we explore the beautiful
Catholic teachings. Visit www.iowacatholicmensconference.com
for information and tickets. You don't want to miss this one.
Fifth Annual Shelby County Relay for Life STEAK DINNER, LIVE AUCTION AND DANCE. February 27, at St. Mary’s Hall, Panama.
Doors open at 5:00 p.m., Serving at 5:30 and Auction at 7:00 p.m. with dance to follow WITH MUSIC BY THE Roadhaus Band.
Tickets: $20.00. Sponsored by DAZZLING DIVAS and “WE DON’T WHINE, WE FIGHT”
Little Wildcat Basketball Clinic Sat., February 27 - Shelby County Catholic School Gym –
Registration 9-9:30am Clinic 9:30-10:30am.
Enter through north door Free Admission All Children ages 3-5 years welcome! Questions? Call SCCS: 712-755-5634
GIRLS - Thu. Feb. 25 – 7pm – Portsmouth vs. Earling / Fri. Feb. 26 – 6pm – Harlan vs. Westphalia and 8pm - Panama
vs. winner of Thursday / Sun. Feb. 28 1pm – Second place / 3pm – Champions
BOYS – Fri. – Feb. 26 – 5pm – Portsmouth vs. Earling / Sun. Feb. 28 - 2pm - Losers of Friday’s games play for Second
Place and 4pm - Winners of Friday’s games play for championship.
PRAY AND FAST….Our 40 DAYS FOR LIFE 2016 campaign for Lent is from Feb. 10-March 20. We
fervently believe that prayer and fasting will end abortion, and your prayers are very much needed and
appreciated. Get the latest breaking news, daily devotionals, prayer requests, success stories and reports of
lives saved and abortion centers closing at 40daysforlife.com.
St. Peter, Defiance, St. Joseph, Earling, St. Michael, Harlan, St. Mary, Portsmouth, St. Mary, Panama,
St. Boniface, Westphalia invite you to take part in our upcoming “SURGE OF THE HEART” 2016
“LENTEN” PARISH MISSION. Featuring international Catholic speaker and author Jon Leonetti
“Who Is God and Why Love Him” on Wednesday, February 24 at 7pm at St. Michael, Harlan
“God’s Dream for Your Life” on Thursday, February 25 at 7pm at St. Joseph, Earling
“Living God’s Dream” on Friday, February 26 at 7pm at St. Mary, Panama
Free Will Donation (but not required). Please join us for one, two or all three of the sessions.
What better way to spend three evenings during Lent!
is scheduled for Sunday, March 6 at 1:00 p.m. at St. Boniface in Westphalia
At this service, we will celebrate the sacrament of anointing of the sick with special emphasis
on spiritual healing. The Sacrament of Anointing includes the forgiveness of sins. This
service is not a Mass and is not a general absolution reconciliation service, although priests
will be available after the service for individual confession. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy,
Pope Francis has asked us to take a new and deeper look at mercy. This service calls
anyone who is seeking healing of any kind and gives us all an opportunity to experience God’s mercy in our
lives. There will also be a similar service at St. Michael’s on Wednesday, March 9, 6:30pm.
Catholics Come Home …How do I take the initiative to invite my son or daughter back to the Catholic Church?
It can be very painful when a loved one is separated from the faith. However, many of the saints and other holy men and
women felt that same pain. The Holy Spirit endowed them with the wisdom to reach out with the truth of the Catholic faith in a
respectful, appealing, and effective manner. Pray, pray, pray for the souls of those who are away, and share your faith “with
gentleness and reverence” (1 Peter 3:15) with those you know, whether through your personal witness, your invitation to
Mass, or through the gift of a great Catholic book or CD. Remember that God wants your loved ones home even more than
you do! Remain trusting in His love for them and in the Holy Spirit to guide you to serve them as best you can.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zachary Daly (our seminarian) invites you to join him on
Tuesday evenings beginning March 1, 2016 St. Mary’s Hall, Panama at 7 PM
Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible
This seven-week study will help you make sense of the Bible and see how it relates to your everyday life. The series will
be held on Tuesday evenings beginning March 1st in St. Mary’s Hall, Panama at 7 PM. There is no charge for this study.
Participants do have an option of purchasing a study guide kit for $21.25, which includes a
workbook, a timeline chart and a bible timeline bookmark (plus postage); however, anyone can
participate without purchasing the study guide kit. Please try to fit this into your busy schedules.
To join Zachary in the study, fill out the registration and give to Zachary or your parish secretary.
If you want the optional study guide, please include a check payable to St. Mary of the
Assumption Parish for $21.25 Registration for Unlocking the Mystery
of the Bible
Name____________________________________ Check the box if you want a Study-kit ($21.25)
Two groups in our parish communities have just finished this series and have given it rave reviews.