November 18th, 2013
Present: Msgr. Scheyd, Fr. Jeremiah, Fr. Segura, Deacon Santulli. C. Ayoub , C. Otis , C. Betack,
E. Millette, E. Sloan, W. Malloy, J. Eckrich, R. Petronella, M. Hennessey, T. Marino, M. Gayer, M.
Doran, M. Pascale,
S. Goetz, J-P Berliet
Absent:, Fr. Carey, Deacon Pond, J. Otis, C. Hussey, L. Karl, P. O’Sullivan,
D. Howard, R. Phelan, A. Munnelly,
I. Opening Prayer at 7:33 pm
Meeting opened with a prayer from Msgr. Scheyd
II. Approval of October Minutes, Parish Reports, and Agenda:
The October Minutes were approved subject to one correction to be made by the Secretary.
The October Council Reports were approved as written and consolidated to include reports submitted
during the Council meeting.
The Agenda was approved as presented.
III. Business Manager’s Report
In the absence of R. Phelan, Msgr Scheyd indicated that the statement of Parish receipts and
disbursements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2013 that was discussed during the October
meeting of the Council will be mailed shortly, before Thanksgiving.
Msgr. Scheyd is considering discontinuing the printing and mailing of collection envelopes to
people who are not using them, as a cost cutting measure.
IV. Unfinished Business
Parish Gala
- Nobody has yet volunteered to be part of a committee that would organize the gala that
has been discussed over the last several meetings of the Council. It is now unpractical to
consider holding such a gala before the Fall of 2014.
- Ed Milllette emphasized that the Parish should consider holding such Gala, with an
ambitious fund raising target to support the thriving youth ministries, including religious
education, Youth Ministry, Emmaus, and the Music Ministry.
Msgr. Scheyd took the occasion to remind attendees that he wants to encourage
socialization in the Parish.
V. New Business
Pope Francis will be convening a synod of Bishops in the fall of 2014 and is seeking inputs from
the laity about pastoral issues regarding the family. Msgr. Scheyd distributed the questionnaire
that was prepared to gather such inputs to council members andhas asked that we submit our
individual responses by December 11, 2013, to comply with the schedule of activities to be
completed in connection with this research.
VI. Updates from Fathers Carey, Jeremiah and Segura
Father Jeremiah: no report
Father Carey: not in attendance, has returned to the rectory following his recovery from a fall at
the Queen of the Clergy residence in Stamford
Father Segura: No update
VII. Pastor’s Report
No additional report
The Emmaus program just held during the weekend of November 16th was a great success,
not least because it is bringing a new generation of leaders for the continuation of the
Msgr. Scheyd is hopeful to deemphasize fund raising after 1/1/14
VIII. Inputs, Comments and Announcements:
Jeanne Eckrich informed the Council that:
K. Redman is looking for a replacement to lead Meals on Wheels
Parish partners need some young volunteers to help with the Christmas Tea to be held on
December 6th
Getabout could be used when our Driving Miss Daisy program is short of drivers
Tom Marino announced that the Advent Christmas Concert will be held on December 15th at 2:30 pm
Maura Gayer reported that 150 people attended a silent auction held by the school during the previous
week and that this event raised in excess of $34,000 from228 donated items.
IX. Closing Prayer: offered by Father Segura
Meeting Closed at 9:00 pm
Next meeting: Monday, January 13th, 2014 at 7:30 pm, Stapleton Hall
Submitted by Jean-Pierre Berliet, Secretary
St Aloysius Church Parish Council
November 18, 2013 Meeting
Committee Reports
Knights of Columbus Submitted by Peter O’Sullivan
The Knights are enjoying a busy month:
- Our annual Tootsie Roll drive in late October generated over $2000 for charitable giving.
- Courtesy of Ed Millette, we were able to train 7 members in VIRTUS last week.
- Jointly with the Catholic Daughters, we held our Mass for deceased members on November
- We held a Men’s Night Out social on Thursday, November 14…(hopefully we will NOT have
read about it subsequently in the paper….;-0 )
- The Creche will be set up on Saturday, November 30.
- The Knights will sponsor a Coats for Christmas collection in front of the Church on Saturday
morning Nov 30 and Sunday morning Dec 1. Notices will be in the bulletin. Whatever we
collect will be donated to local charity…if anyone has a suggestion about which agency
would best benefit, please let Pete O’Sullivan know.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Submitted by Marie Pascale
Many programs were conducted since the last Parish Council meeting.
Second graders continue to prepare for their First Reconciliation to be celebrated on January
11,2014. Third grade students took part in an evangelization program called “Doers & Tellers”
which traces the beginnings of the church up to the present day. Along the way they are
introduced to the doers & tellers of the past (apostles), as well as saints and martyrs, and
popes and bishops. 4th graders participated in the All Saints Liturgy on Sunday, October 27 at
the 10 a.m. Mass. They also were required to do a “saint shield” , researching the life of a saint.
Their work was displayed at the coffee following Mass. All fifth graders went on a church tour
with Kathleen Redman. The tour focused on the sacramental windows and the signs of the
sacraments. The sixth grade continues along with their Bible study. All students who attend
Religious Education on Thursday attended Mass for the vigil of All Saints Day.
Our Confirmation Preparation Program contained many service opportunities for our Level 1
and Level 2 students. Some took part in a Cemetery Walk where they visited the graves of the
deceased and assisted with the All Souls Mass. They also began their collections for Project
1,000. The donations will purchase items to fill 1,000 Christmas stockings for the children in
Appalachia. Fr. Ian celebrated a “teaching” Mass for our Level 1 students. This program was
called “The Mass Unmasked.” Our Level 2 students along with one of their parents attended
the Gifts of the Spirits workshop. All Level 2 Confirmation students participated in the
Enrollment Mass where they entered their name stating their commitment to prepare to receive
Our Lady’s Guild Submitted by Margie Doran
-November 6, 2013 meeting began with 9am Mass celebrated by Fr. Ian followed by the
recitation of the Rosary.
-Fr. Ian was our speaker who opened with a talk of Blessed Mother and Her role in the
Catholic Church. Fr. Ian then presented a “do-it-yourself” retreat for a Consecration to Jesus
through Our Blessed Mother based on Fr. Michael Gaitley’s book “33 Days to Morning Glory”.
-Our Lady’s Guild has been bringing nonperishable food to the meeting, which is then
donated to St Vincent’s de Paul in Norwalk. Several members volunteer at the pantry on Mondays.
-Our Lady’s Guild made a $100 donation to the youth group’s peanut butter and jelly project
from our loose change jar.
-Our next meeting will be December 9 and Fr. Ian will consecrate all of the ladies who have
participated in the 33-day retreat. It is also our Christmas brunch and gifts for the residents of St.
Camillus nursing home will be collected.
- Our Lady’s Guild continues to organize and staff adoration on First Fridays.
Martha and Mary Ministries submitted by Jeanne Eckrich
Driving Miss Daisy – Michael Salvati is arranging rides for the Parish Partners
Christmas Tea. Mike is suggesting that we think about the
idea of using Getabout for driving on weekdays.
The Parish Newsletter – Katie O’Neill reports that it is going well thanks to Marie
Pelletier’s ongoing sharing of information from the front
Parish Partners – Jeanne Eckrich reports that the visits continue. Several have
Signed up and registered to drive and do errands. The meeting
Schedule will change in 2014 to Wednesday mornings at 10:00
In order to accommodate moms of schoolchildren who may
Want to volunteer to be a Parish Partner. We need younger
Volunteers. We will be meeting on Monday December 2nd to
Plan for the Christmas Tea on Friday, December 6th . Any
One who would like to help is more than welcome.
E Team – Carroll Yanicelli and her E team will once again help Parish
Partners with their Christmas Tea .
Meals on Wheels - Kathleen Redman continues to coordinate Meals on Wheels,
But is still looking for a replacement.
Hospitality - Michele Sloan reports that she has parents willing to help with the
Sunday coffee hours into February. Attendance is growing and the
Bagels and donuts from Dunkin Donuts still a hit. They make the
coffee in the kitchen.
YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY submitted by Deacon Steve Pond
There were six adults to help sponsor the corn maze trip to Plasko’s Farm in Trumbull on Sunday
afternoon, October 27th. It was a lovely fall day as we rode a school bus with the 30 kids and adults
from the Inspirica Family shelter. A volunteer, Denise Dagesse, an Inspirica volunteer and St.
Aloysius parishioner, was our leader and provided refreshments for the kids. Each child got to
experience the fun of the maze and a hay ride and received a small pumpkin. Thank you to the
parish for providing the bus for this outing.
It will be a slow process to build this ministry but we are committed to seeing it grow. More young
adults are being found in our community, some of whom graduated college within the last several
years and/or are here as employed single adults. The planning group is currently scheduling a
meeting to discuss ideas for our next event.
Youth & Family Ministry Submitted by Chris Otis
Our Mass Captain system continues to be used. This system utilizes teens and adult leaders who
work during the week before Sunday Mass to fill the roles of greeters, ushers and gift bearers.
We have been having our new lectors in for practice the week of their debut.
We held a special Mass for Teens on All Saints Day, November 1, the Holy Day of Obligation. The
Mass was at 6:30 a.m. in the Maple Street Room. It was attended by about 35 teens who then
received Breakfast Bags made by parent volunteers.
Sixteen teens and 9 adults went into NYC to feed the homeless on the morning of October 27.
Our next projects this month include teens acting as leaders to supervise the Project 1,000 stocking
stuffing; a mini mission trip to deliver the stockings on which 8-9 teens and 6 adults will head
down to Kentucky Thanksgiving weekend; teens will assist the Knights of Columbus on the “Love
Your Neighbor” Food Drive. In December, teens are also being lined up to host two children’s
events, act in a dramatic presentation to the Religious Ed students; attend two contemporary
Christian music concerts and the Mary movie; decorate the priests tree in the rectory; work in the
St. Stephen’s Food Pantry; and do another recital for the priests of Queen of the Clergy.
We continue to do 2 TGIF’s a month for the 8th graders. Our last one featured a cell phone church
scavenger hunt.
Our girls group of 7 will meet again this weekend and will each be inviting a friend to expand the
group that meets with the Fraternas. They will be taking on a service project and attending the
Mary movie together.
I continue to update our facebook page on which we post activities and pictures. We need to get
more followers. If you are a face book user – please “LIKE “ us! We are the St. Aloysius Youth
Group! You can easily find the page by clicking on the link on the home page of the parish website.
We will email and text teens as we build our lists. We will continue our marketing of programs to
parents, which has been very effective.
We have had two sessions since our last meeting. On October 23, Father Sam Kachuba presented a
talk entitled, “Raising a Whole Child in a Broken World” at a luncheon and evening program which
was attended by about 125 parents and on Wednesday, November 13, Joyce Sixsmith and teen
parishioner Lauren Howe presented a talk at 7:30 p.m. entitled “Parenting, Prayer and Prevention”
which addressed substance abuse. This was attended by about 35 parents.
Our next talk will be December 4th and will be given by Father Ian – it is entitled, “Mirroring Mary
in Motherhood” and will be a morning function featuring a small holiday boutique by some of our
We will be soliciting volunteers from this group to facilitate a mailing to our college parishioners
whose parents have submitted names and addresses for care packages from the parish. The first
mailing will be timed with the beginning of Advent and their exams.
Will and Emily have been given a draft of an overall outline of the proposed program and we will
be meeting to discuss how the program should be tailored to meet the schedules of our high school
teens. We have not met, but will be doing so soon.
I attended the Diocese’s congress last weekend and heard Bishop Caggiano speak and worked on
the Emmaus Team as well. I was given time at the closing ceremony to talk about getting involved
in youth ministry offerings and attending the Teen Mass.
We have been selected as the site for a gathering Bishop Caggiano will hold for the youth of the
Diocese. The event will be on Saturday, February 1 from 1-4 and will include Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament in the church.