Department of Education University of South Carolina Beaufort EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PRACTICUM MIDTERM/FINAL EVALUATION REPORT ID#: Grade: Check appropriate box: Teacher Candidate: Cooperating Teacher: University Supervisor: Number of formative observations this evaluation is based on: Number of visits this evaluation is based on: Please check appropriate box: Midterm Evaluation _____ University Supervisor _____ University Supervisor Final Date: School: Practicum I Practicum II _____Cooperating Teacher Evaluation Directions: Please refer to the Practicum Evaluation Scoring Rubric when completing this form. This rubric provides detailed descriptions for teacher candidates at each of the following levels: A= Exceeds Expectations (2 points each); M = Meets Expectations (1 points each); D = Does Not Meet Expectations (0 points each); NO= No Opportunity (NO will not hinder total points) PLANNING – Domain 1 E 1. CHECK ONE Develops learning objectives which are appropriate for the subject and grade level and are connected appropriately to the standards. (NAEYC Standard 5c: Using Content 2. Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum, ADEPT APS 2.A, APS 6.B; USCB CF F/I-2, F/I-3) Plans appropriate and logically sequenced lessons. (NAEYC Standard 5c: Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum, ADEPT APS 2.; USCB CF F/I-2) 3. M D NO SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION and EVIDENCE (required only if E, M, or D is checked) Plans developmentally appropriate and differentiated instruction to address diverse learning needs. (NAEYC Standard 1a: Child Development, ADEPT APS 2.A; USCB CF F/I-2, F/I-5) 4. 5. Plans appropriate assessment strategies and instruments. (NAEYC Standard 3b: Observing, Documenting, and Assessing to Support Young Children and Families, ADEPT APS 3.A; USCB CF F/I-2, F/I-5) Plans indicate a respect for cultural and linguistic diversity. (NAEYC Standard 2a: Building Family & Community Relationships; ADEPT APS 2.A; USCB CF N-3, F/I-2) Overall rating for planning (circle one): Exceeds Expectations (7-10 pts); Meets Expectations (5-6 pts); Does Not Meet Expectations (0-4 pts) Describe one strength in the area of planning: List at least one goal in the area of planning to be addressed: PRACTICUM I Fall 2013 1 INSTRUCTION – Domain 2 6. E CHECK ONE Implements effective instruction for students using knowledge of content and appropriate standards. (NAEYC Standard 4c: Effective Approaches; ADEPT APS 5.A; USCB M D NO SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION and EVIDENCE (required only if E, N, or Dis checked) CF F/I-2, F/I-3) 7. Communicates, and maintains high expectations for student achievement and participation. Students are given opportunities and support to assume responsibility for their own learning. (NAEYC Standard 4a: Effective Approaches, ADEPT APS 4.A., APS 4.B; USCB CF C-1, N-1) 8. Provides learning experiences that allow students to form connections between the specific subject area and other disciplines. (NAEYC Standard 4c: Effective Approaches; ADEPT APS 4.C; USCB CF N-3, C/I-3, R-2) 9. Uses instructional strategies to actively engage students. (NAEYC Standard 4b: Effective Approaches, ADEPT APS 5.B; USCB CF N-3, F/I-2) 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Provides appropriate instructional feedback to all students. (NAEYC Standard 3c: Observing, Documenting and Assessing, ADEPT APS 7.C; USCB CF C-1, F/I-2) Uses informal and formal assessments to guide instruction. (NAEYC Standard 3d: Observing, Documenting and Assessing, ADEPT APS 7.B; USCB CF R-1 F/I-5) Uses technology* to enhance student learning. (NAEYC Standard 6c: Becoming a Professional; ADEPT 9.B; USCB CF F/I-2) Implements strategies that address the needs of diverse learners**. (NAEYC Standard 5c: Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum, ADEPT APS 6.B; USCB CF F/I-2, F/I-5) Demonstrates an enthusiastic and positive attitude in the classroom. (NAEYC Standard 4c: Effective Approaches; ADEPT APS 8.B; USCB CF N-2, C-1) Uses appropriate voice tone, inflection, and nonverbal communication to manage instruction effectively. (NAEYC Standard 4a: Effective Approaches, ADEPT APS 9.A; USCB CF C-1, F/I-4) Overall rating for instruction (circle one): Exceeds Expectations (17-20 pts); Meets Expectations (8-16 pts); Does Not Meet Expectations (0-7 pts) Describe one strength in the area of instruction: List at least one goal in the area of instruction to be addressed: PRACTICUM I Fall 2013 2 CONTENT – Domain 3 E M D NO CHECK ONE 16. 17. 18. 19. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION and EVIDENCE (required only if E, M, or D is checked) Demonstrates a thorough command of the content taught. (NAEYC Standard 5a: Meaningful Curriculum, ADEPT APS 6.A; USCB CF F/I-2, F/I-3) Provides appropriate content. (NAEYC Standard 5a: Meaningful Curriculum, ADEPT APS 6.B, USCB CF F/I-3) Structures the content to provide meaningful learning. (NAEYC Standard 5a: Meaningful Curriculum, ADEPT APS 6.B; USCB CF N-3, F/I-2, F/I-3) Employs literacy strategies that assist learners in accessing content in their discipline. (NAEYC Standard 5a: Meaningful Curriculum, ADEPT APS 6.B; USCB CF C-1, F/I-3) Overall rating for content area (circle one): Exceeds Expectations (7-8 pts); Meets Expectations (4-6 pts); Does Not Meet Expectations (0-3 pts) Describe one strength in the area of content: List at least one goal in the area of content to be addressed: ENVIRONMENT – Domain 4 E CHECK ONE 20. M D NO SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION and EVIDENCE (required only if E, M, or D is checked) Promotes positive, collaborative peer interactions. (Standard 4a: Effective Approaches; ADEPT APS 8.C; USCB CF N-1, N-2) 21. Maintains a positive and safe classroom environment conducive for learning. (NAEYC Standard 1c: Child development; ADEPT APS 8.A; USCB CF F/I-4) 22. Demonstrates confidence and poise when managing the classroom environment. 23. (NAEYC Standard 4b: Effective Approaches; ADEPT APS 8; USCB CF F/I-4) Maintains effective rules, procedures, and routines. (NAEYC Standard 1c: Child development; ADEPT APS 9.A,;USCB CF F/I-4) 24. Provides for smooth transitions between activities and implements introductions and closures in lessons. (NAEYC Standard 4b: Effective Approaches; ADEPT APS 9.C; USCB CF F/I-2) Overall rating for environment (circle one): Exceeds Expectations (7-10 pts); Meets Expectations (5-6 pts); Does Not Meet Expectations (0-4 pts) Describe one strength in the area of environment: List at least one goal in the area of environment to be addressed: PRACTICUM I Fall 2013 3 PROFESSIONALISM 25. – Domain 5 E CHECK ONE Demonstrates a positive rapport with students, parents, colleagues, administrators, and supervisors. (NAEYC Standard 4a: Effective Approaches; ADEPT APS 10.A; USCB CF N-1, M D NO SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION and EVIDENCE (required only if D, M, or D is checked) N-2) 26. Demonstrates effective verbal communication that is appropriate for the intended audiences and uses standard English. (NAEYC Standard 6c: Becoming a Professional; ADEPT APS 10.C; USCB CF C-1) 27. Demonstrates effective external written communication that is appropriate for the intended audience and uses standard English. (NAEYC Standard 6b: Becoming a Professional, ADEPT APS 10; USCB CF C-1) 28. Adheres to the university and school/district rules, Standards of Conduct for South Carolina Educators, and FERPA requirements and acts appropriately when faced with legal issues with children.*** (NAEYC Standard 6b: Becoming a Professional; ADEPT APS 10.D; USCB CF R-4) 29. Is receptive to constructive criticism from cooperating teacher, university supervisor, and administrators and incorporates feedback. (NAEYC Standard 6c: Becoming a Professional; ADEPT APS 10.E; USCB CF R-1) 30. Demonstrates professional responsibility (e.g. preparedness, responsibility, initiative, time management). (NAEYC Standard 5c: Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum; ADEPT APS 10.D; USCB CF R-2, R-4) 31. Uses self-reflection to evaluate and improve professional practice. (NAEYC Standard 6d: Becoming a Professional; ADEPT APS 10; USCB CF R-1) Overall rating for professionalism (circle one): Exceeds Expectations (12-14 pts); Meets Expectations (6-11 pts); Does Not Meet Expectations (0-5 pts) Describe one strength in the area of professionalism: List at least one goal in the area of professionalism to be addressed: PRACTICUM I Fall 2013 4 Additional Early Childhood Content Knowledge 32. E CHECK ONE English Language Arts: Integrates listening, speaking, reading, and writing across a developmental continuum. Uses an integrated approach to include content from other disciplines. (NAEYC Standard 5a: Meaningful Curriculum; ADEPT APS 6.A, 6.B; USCB M D NO SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION and EVIDENCE (required only if D, M, or D is checked) CF F/I-3, F/I-2, C-1) 33. Science: Engages students in simple investigations, including making predictions, gathering and interpreting data, recognizing simple problems and drawing conclusions. Uses an integrated approach to include content from other disciplines. (NAEYC Standard 5a: Meaningful Curriculum; ADEPT APS 6.A, 6.B; USCB CF F/I-3, F/I-2, C-1) 34. Mathematics: Engages students in experiences that include operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis, and probability. Uses an integrated approach to include content from other disciplines. (NAEYC Standard 5a: Meaningful Curriculum; ADEPT APS 6.A, 6.B; USCB CF F/I-3, F/I-2, C-1) 35. Social Studies: Provides experiences in geography, history, economics, and social relations/civics across a developmental continuum. Uses an integrated approach to include content from other disciplines. (NAEYC Standard 5a: Meaningful Curriculum; ADEPT APS 6.A, 6.B; USCB CF F/I-3, F/I-2, C-1) Overall rating for content area (circle one): Exceeds Expectations (7-8 pts); Meets Expectations (4-6 pts); Does Not Meet Expectations (0-3 pts) Describe one strength in the content area: List at least one goal in the content area to be addressed: PRACTICUM I Fall 2013 5 Overall comments: Based on my work with , it is my assessment that he/she is performing at the following level for each performance domain: Please place a check () in the appropriate box. Planning: Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Instruction: Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Content Area: Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Environment: Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations Professionalism: Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations ECED Content Knowledge: Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations A teacher candidate at the practicum experience level must score Meets Expectations rating or above in each performance cluster to be scored as Satisfactory. The teacher candidate is: Unsatisfactory Satisfactory I attended an introductory meeting and understand the procedures and requirements of the evaluation report. ____________________________________________ Teacher candidate ____________________________________________ Cooperating teacher _________________ ___________________________ University supervisor I attended the midterm/final evaluation conference and agree with the data presented in the attached report. ____________________________________________ Teacher candidate PRACTICUM I Fall 2013 ____________________________________________ Cooperating teacher 6 ____________________________________________ University supervisor