APPLIED BACTERIOLOGY AND VIROLOGY (Level 2, 3 CU) a. Brief Course Description This course will cover viruses and prokaryotes and their influence on life processes of other organisms. Emphasis will be placed on their applications in genetics, evolution and biotechnology and host – parasite relationships. b. Course Objectives The objectives of the course are to: Demonstrate the understanding of bacteriology and virology Describe and discuss the dynamic nature of the genetic material of bacteria and viruses Demonstrate the use and importance of micro-organisms as biotechnological tools in plant and animal health Discuss and explain the economic importance of micro-organisms in industry c. Detailed Course Description Virology: (10 hrs) Overview, definition, general characteristics, sizes and organization of viruses, chemical composition of viruses, physical characteristics, Reproduction of viruses, classification: Bacteriophages: morphology, multiplication, Phytophages; plant virus diseases, different symptoms of virus diseases of plants. Transmission of plant viruses. Control of virus diseases of plants. Zoophages, replication, host cellular alteration due to viral infections. Classification of zoophages with special reference to HIV virus. Application of bacteriology/virology. Bacteriology: (20 hrs) Definition of bacteria, eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, classification and nomenclature of bacteria. Why study bacteria? Morphology of bacteria cells; shapes, forms and groupings. Bacterial cytology; various structures of bacterial cells (Appendages, cell envelope, cytoplasm and its inclusions). Staining of bacteria, bacterial smears, different dyes and their actions on bacterial cells. Mechanism of staining bacterial cells, types of bacterial staining. Growth of bacteria, the bacterial growth curve, factors affecting the growth of bacteria. Nutrition of bacteria, different groups of bacteria based on their nutrition behaviour. Identification of bacteria, principles on which bacterial isolates are categorized. Biochemical activities; acid/gas from carbohydrates; oxidation-fermentation test, Reaction in litmus milk, production of indole. The methyl red test, Voges-ProsKauer test, oxidase test, urease production, hydrogen sulphide production, proteolytic activities, starch hydrolysis, catalase production, phosphatase test, nitrate reduction, Haemolysis. Classification of bacteria; different bacterial groups and representative families; phototrophic bacteria, Gram negative facultatively anaerobic rods, Gram negative chemoautotrophic bacteria, Gram positive cocci, endospore-forming rods and cocci, Actinomycetales and related organisms. Examine bacteria of medical importance. Practicals – (30 hours) d. Mode Delivery: Lectures, assignment, tutorials and practicals Assessment: Practicals, assignment and tests (40%) and Examination (60%)