Math 2345-Spring 05 - Texas Tech University

Math 2345-Spring 05
Business Statistics
Professor: Dr. Kathleen Gilliam
Office: Math 117B; 742-2580 (ext: 253)
Office Hours: MW 3:00-5:00, F 10:00-12:00 and by appointment
Teaching Assistants: See announcements for full details on TA's
WEB Site:
Prerequisites: Math 1330 and 1331 with at least grade of C and basic computer literacy.
Textbook: "Business Statistics: A first course" by Levine, Krehbiel, and Berenson
Civility in the Classroom: Students are expected to assist in maintaining a classroom environment which
is conducive to learning. In order to assure that all students have an opportunity to gain from time spent in
class troublesome behavior will not be tolerated. At a minimum, this includes using cellular phones,
making offensive remarks, reading newspapers, sleeping or engaging in any other form of distraction.
Homework and Quizzes: Homework will be assigned daily. There will be 9 in-class multiple choice
quizzes and 3 take-home computer projects based on the Homework Assignments. The lowest three scores
out of the 12 scores will be dropped and the remaining scores will be worth 20 of the final grade.
Tests: There will be three midterms and a Comprehensive final. For each test you need to bring an orange
scantron sheet, pencils and a calculator. Each of the tests will be worth 20.
Make-up Exams and Quizzes: Requests for make-ups will be granted ONLY when accompanied by a
letter from an appropriate university official, i.e. the Dean of Students. In all other cases, no make-up will
be given, and the procedures outlined in this syllabus will be followed. There are no exceptions to this
Grading Policies: Grades will be assigned based on your overall course average:
90-100 A
80-89.9 B 70-79.9 C
60-69.9 D
59.9 and below F
Lectures: The schedule below indicates the daily topics to be covered in class, the due dates for the
computer project and the dates for the exams and quizzes. On any given day the material actually covered
might overlap with the material indicated for the lecture just before or for the lecture just after the date
Math 2345 Calendar (Spring 2005)
Date Material Covered Description
Jan. 12
Jan. 14 Numerical Data and Organizations
Jan. 19 Categorical Data and Graphing
Jan. 21 Computer essentials, Excel and Word and Quiz 1
Jan. 24 Mean, Median, and Mode, Empirical Rule
Text Readings (Homework)
Ch 1 (1.2;1.6;1.32;1.38,L56,1.62)
Ch 2.1-2.3 (2.2;2.8;2.12,2.14)
Ch 2.4-2.5 (2.26;2.28;2.34)
Appendix 2.1
Ch 3.1-3.2 (3.2;3.4;3.8)
Jan. 26 Box plots And Distribution Shapes
Jan 28 Empirical Rule and Coefficient of Correlation
Jan. 31 Basic Probability and Conditional Probability
Feb. 2 More Probabilities and Quiz 2
Feb 4 Discrete Random Variable and Its Applications
Fob 7 Binomial Distribution
Feb: 9 Normal Distribution
Feb.11 Normal Distribution (Cont.) and Quiz 3
Feb.14 Summary and Review for EX1
Midterm Exam 1
Feb. 18 Sampling Distributions
Feb. 21 Confidence Interval for Mean andProject 1 due
Feb. 23 Confidence Interval for Proportion
Feb. 25 Intro. Testing Statistical Hypotheses and Quiz 4
Feb. 28 Hypotheses Testing for a Single Mean
Ch 3.3 (3.20;3.22)
Ch 3.4-3.6 (3.31, 3.37)
Ch 4.1- 4.2 (4.2;4.4;4.8;4.14;4.l6)
Ch 4.2
Ch 5.1-5.2 (5.2;5.4;5.8(a-e);5.12(a-f)
Ch 5.3 (5.14;5.16;5.18;5.20(a-d)
Ch 5.4 (5.22;5.26;5.28;5.30)
Ch 5.5
Ch 6.1 (6.2;6.8;6.10)
Ch 6.2-6.4(6.12;6.14;6.16;6.18;6.22)
Ch 6.5 (6.24;6.34;6.36;6.38)
Ch 7.1 (7.2;7.6;7.16)
Ch 7.2-7.4(;7.18;7.22;7.28; 7.36; 7.42;
Ch 7.5 (7.48;7.52;7.62;7.66;7.68)
Ch 8.1 (8.2;8.4;8.6)
Ch 8.2-8.3 (8.32;8.34)
Ch 9.1 (9.2;9.4;9.6)
Ch 9.2
Mar. 2 Hypotheses Testing for a Single Proportion
Mar. 4 Hypotheses Testing for two Means and Quiz 5
Mar. 7 Comparing two Related Samples
Mar. 9 Z Test for the Difference Between two Proportions
Mar. 11 Some Remarks of Testing and Quiz 6
Mar. 21 Review for EX2
Mar. 23
Midterm Exam 2
Mar. 25 Linear Regression Model
Mar. 30 Residual Analysis and Project 2 due
Apr. 1 Inferences About Slope and Coefficient
Apr. 4 Some remarks and Quiz 7
Apr.6 Intro to Multiple Regression
Apr. 8 Inferences of Multiple Regression
Apr. 11 Some remarks and Quiz 8
Apr 13 Intro to Time-Series Analysis
Apr 15 Trend Fitting
Apr. 18 Intro to P Chart
Apr. 20 Remarks and Quiz 9
Apr. 22 Review for EX3
Apr. 25
Midterm Exam 3
Apr. 27 Intro to Xbar and R Charts
Apr. 29 Review for the final and Project 3 due
May 3 Review for the final
Final Exam:
Ch 10.1-10.2 (10.2;10.4;10.6)
Ch 10.3-10.5 (10.10;10.12;10.20)
Ch 10.6-10.7 (10.35;10.48(a))
Ch 10.8
Ch 11.1-11.2 (11.2;11.6
Ch 11.3-11.4 (H.20-,11.22)
Ch 11.5
Ch 12.1-12.2(12.50;12.52;12.2)
Ch 12.3-12.4 (12.3;12.10)
Ch 13.1-13.4 (13.2)
Ch 13.5
Ch 13.6 (13.11;13.12)
9:00 MWF Section Monday May 9,10:30AM—1:OOPM, Room AG 214
2:00 MWF Section Monday May 9,7:30AM—10:OOAM, Room CH 107
DisabledStudents: Please advice me of your condition and provide a letter of verification as soon as possible.I
will make necessary accommodation.