Database Programming and Administration Assignment 2 Luke Randall Rob Howard Thomas McGannon 10185864 10100000 10181651 Oracle Username: ljrandal Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon Page 1 of 13 Table of Contents 1. Instructions ............................................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Running the Program ...................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Modifying Parameters ..................................................................................................................... 5 2. Overview of Task .................................................................................................................................. 6 3. Design of the Solution........................................................................................................................... 8 3.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 8 3.2 Function Diagrams ........................................................................................................................ 10 3.3 Assumptions .................................................................................................................................. 11 3.4 Functions and Procedures ............................................................................................................. 11 3.5 Views ............................................................................................................................................ 12 3.6 Entity-Relationship Diagram ........................................................................................................ 13 Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon Page 2 of 13 1. Instructions 1.1 Running the Program Logging In 1. To login using iSQL Plus, navigate to and enter your username and password. 2. You should now see the screen in Figure 1. You can now proceed to enter commands. Figure 1 - iSQL Plus Running a Daily Settlement 1. To run the daily settlement for today, run FSS_Settlement.DailySettlement with no parameters. This can be accomplished from iSQL Plus by typing in the commands below and then pressing the execute button. Ideally this should be scheduled. Note: To run the daily settlement for a past date, pass that date to the DailySettlement procedure in the format DDMONYYYY, for example 10JUN2006. BEGIN exec FSS_Settlement.DailySettlement; END; Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon Page 3 of 13 2. The daily deskbank file will now have been produced in the storage directory specified in the reference table. Running a Monthly Settlement 1. To run the monthly settlement for the specified month, run the commands listed below. Note that the parameter must be in the format MONYYYY, for example JUN2006. BEGIN exec FSS_Settlement.MonthlySettlement(MONYYYY); END; 2. The monthly deskbank file will now have been produced in the storage directory specified in the reference table. Running the Daily Banking Summary 1. To run the daily banking summary, run the commands listed below. Note that the parameter must be in the format DDMONYYYY, for example 10JUN2006. BEGIN exec FSS_Settlement.DailyBankingSummary (DDMONYYYY); END; 2. The daily banking summary will now have been created in the storage directory Running the Monthly Banking Summary 1. To run the monthly banking summary, run the commands listed below. Note that the parameter must be in the format MONYYYY, for example JUN2006. BEGIN exec FSS_Settlement.MonthlyBankingSummary (MONYYYY); END; 2. The monthly banking summary will now have been created in the storage directory. Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon Page 4 of 13 Running the Monthly Client Statements 1. To generate the monthly statement for a particular client, run the commands listed below. Note that the date parameter must be in the format MONYYYY, for example JUN2006. The ClientID parameter should be numeric. BEGIN exec FSS_Settlement.MonthlyClientStatement (MONYYYY, ClientID); END; 2. The monthly client statement for the selected client will now be created in the storage directory. Running the Fraud Report 1. To generate a fraud report, run the command listed below. BEGIN exec FSS_Settlement.FraudReport; END; 1.2 Modifying Parameters The program can be modified in a number of ways simply through the database environment. These modifications are done in the FSS_ALL_REFERENCE view. This view consists of a ReferenceID (which must be unique), a reference name, a reference value and a comment. To modify single values (eg: the storage directory), modify the Reference value. The following is a sample list of parameters that can be modified from this table: Holiday Run Flag: This is either Y or N, which refers to whether or not the program is to be run on holidays (as defined by FSS_HOLIDAYS) and weekends. DIR: This is the full path to the storage directory where all output files (deskbank files and reports) will be stored. FEE1: This refers to the percentage of total turnover charged to merchants on transactions. Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon Page 5 of 13 2. Overview of Task The task at hand is to implement a Financial Settlement System for a Smartcard Transaction Centre. A limited trial deployment of a Smartcard System has been underway for some time now, and this deployment is now moving into the next phase of deployment. The next phase will involve the number of merchants being increased. This means that there is a requirement that the settlement process be automated in order to maximise efficiency and minimise delay. During the trial period the merchants were reimbursed manually, but this is no longer feasible or desired. During the initial phase merchants were also not charged any fee on Smartcard transactions. There is a requirement that fees are now implemented, so that merchants will be automatically debited a set percentage fee at the end of each month. At the end of each day, assuming the transactions for each merchant are above the minimum settlement amount, they will be settled. This involves a daily Deskbank file being created – which is sent to the bank in order to credit the merchants accounts with the required amount. A daily settlement report must also be able to be produced for the accountants. This is simply a humanreadable version of the daily Deskbank file. At the end of each month, all outstanding transactions will be settled (ie: those which were below the minimum settlement amount), as well as fees will be debited from the merchants’ accounts. A monthly Deskbank file must be produced containing these transactions. Again, a human-readable monthly settlement report must also be produced for the accountants. To ensure accountability and traceability, monthly statement reports will be generated for each merchant at the end of each month. These statements will show the deposits into their bank accounts during the month as well as the amount of fees for the service. Finally, to aid in fraud detection a fraud report will be able to be created. This will list those cards Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon Page 6 of 13 (and the transactions from those cards) where the old value of the current transaction is greater than the new value of the previous transaction. Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon Page 7 of 13 3. Design of the Solution 3.1 Overview The daily settlement procedure works by looping through all the non-settled transactions from the beginning of the month to the date given. If a non-settled transaction is found, then the program will loop through all unsettled transactions of that client and produce a total transaction amount. If the total transaction amount is greater then the minimum required amount the transactions are marked as settled and inserted into the daily settlement table. As the loop continues, if another transaction of the same client is found, it will be ignored as the previous settlement would have marked it as settled. By the end of the procedure, any non-settled transactions which have a transaction total above the minimum amount will be settled. The daily deskbank file and daily bank summary will then be printed to a file. The monthly settlement procedure is similar to the daily settlement, however captures the total transaction amounts of all settled and non-settled transactions. If an account has not been settled it will deduct the monthly fee from the total which it must CREDIT the merchant. Otherwise it will DEBIT the merchant the monthly fee. The monthly deskbank file and monthly bank summary will then be printed to a file. Both the daily and monthly procedures check to see if they are already running before they start. If they are already running, the procedures will exit without performing any tasks. The Deskbank files are generated completely using Dynamic SQL. The layout of the Deskbank file is defined in the ljrandal.FSS_DESKBANK_REF table. This table defined the padding, justification, order, field size, field name/value and datasource of each field. The RecordType field is used to indicate whether the field is for the Header , Footer (7) or the data rows (1). If text is in the FieldValue field, it is assumed that this is hardcoded. If this field is NULL then it is assumed that the field listed in the FieldName is used from the table specified in the DataSource Field. Note that only one table can be used as a data source. The TimeFrame field determines whether the field applies for the daily Deskbank ('D'), the monthly Deskbank ('M'), or both ('B'). Modifying any of these fields will take effect in all Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon Page 8 of 13 future generated Deskbank files. Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon Page 9 of 13 3.2 Function Diagrams Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon Page 10 of 13 3.3 Assumptions A month is defined by a Gregorian month, not a 30 day period. The program can be run more than once per day. If this assumption is incorrect, when the value of "ONCPD" in fss_local_reference (named "Once Per Day Only") is changed to 'Y', the program will be disallowed from executing more than once per day. 3.4 Functions and Procedures Public dailySettlement monthlySettlement … … Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon Page 11 of 13 dailyBankSummary monthlyBankSummary monthlyClientStatement outputDailyDeskbank outputMonthlyDeskbank fraudReport … … … … … … Private getReferenceValue setReferenceValue canExecute getNewTransactions cleanUp addLog printSummaryFooter printSummaryHeader outputDBHeaderFooter outputDeskbankContent … … … … … … … … … … 3.5 Views Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon Page 12 of 13 3.6 Entity-Relationship Diagram FSS_ALL_REFERENCE FSS_MONTHLY_SETTLEMENT FK1 CLIENTID CLIENTNAME CLIENTBANKBSB CLIENTBANKACCNR CLIENTTOTAL DOWNLOADDATE LODGEMENTREF TRANSACTIONTYPE SETTLEMENTDATE MERCHANTID REFERENCEID REFERENCENAME REFERENCEVALUE REFCOMMENT NUMBER VARCHAR2(85) VARCHAR2(6) VARCHAR2(10) NUMBER DATE VARCHAR2(15) VARCHAR2(15) DATE NUMBER VARCHAR2(5) VARCHAR2(25) VARCHAR2(50) VARCHAR2(255) FSS_LOCAL_REFERENCE PK REFERENCEID FSS_REFERENCE VARCHAR2(5) PK REFERENCENAME VARCHAR2(25) REFERENCEVALUE VARCHAR2(50) REFCOMMENT VARCHAR2(255) REFERENCEID VARCHAR2(5) REFERENCENAME VARCHAR2(25) REFERENCEVALUE VARCHAR2(50) REFCOMMENT VARCHAR2(255) FSS_DAILY_SETTLEMENT FSS_MERCHANT PK MERCHANTID NUMBER MERCHANTFIRSTNAME MERCHANTLASTNAME MERCHANTSTREETNR MERCHANTSTREETNAME MERCHANTSUBURB MERCHANTSTATE MERCHANTPOSTCODE MERCHANTTELEPHONENR MERCHANTFAXNR MERCHANTBANKBSB MERCHANTBANKACCNR MERCHANTACCOUNTTITLE MERCHANTSTATUS VARCHAR2(35) VARCHAR2(50) VARCHAR2(15) VARCHAR2(35) VARCHAR2(35) VARCHAR2(3) VARCHAR2(4) VARCHAR2(15) VARCHAR2(15) VARCHAR2(6) VARCHAR2(10) VARCHAR2(32) VARCHAR2(1) FK1 CLIENTID CLIENTNAME CLIENTBANKBSB CLIENTBANKACCNR CLIENTTOTAL DOWNLOADDATE LODGEMENTREF TRANSACTIONTYPE SETTLEMENTDATE MERCHANTID NUMBER VARCHAR2(85) VARCHAR2(6) VARCHAR2(10) NUMBER DATE VARCHAR2(15) VARCHAR2(15) DATE NUMBER FSS_DESKBANK_REF FSS_DAILY_TRANSACTIONS_VIEW TRANSACTIONNR CLIENTID CLIENTNAME CLIENTBANKBSB CLIENTBANKACCNR CLIENTTOTAL DOWNLOADDATE TERMINALID PROCESSED PROCESSEDDATE RECORDTYPE FIELDNAME FIELDVALUE FIELDSIZE FIELDORDER TIMEFRAME PADDINGCHAR JUSTIFICATION DATASOURCE NUMBER NUMBER VARCHAR2(86) VARCHAR2(6) VARCHAR2(10) NUMBER DATE VARCHAR2(10) CHAR(1) DATE VARCHAR2(1) VARCHAR2(50) VARCHAR2(100) NUMBER NUMBER CHAR(1) CHAR(4) VARCHAR2(4) VARCHAR2(30) FSS_ORGANISATION FSS_RUN_TABLE FSS_HOLIDAY PK FSS_DAILY_TRANSACTIONS_VIEW TRANSACTIONNR DOWNLOADDATE TERMINALID CARDID TRANSACTIONDATE CARDOLDVALUE TRANSACTIONAMOUNT CARDNEWVALUE TRANSACTIONSTATUS ERRORCODE MERCHANTID MERCHANTNAME MERCHANTBANKBSB MERCHANTBANKACCNR NUMBER DATE VARCHAR2(10) VARCHAR2(17) DATE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER VARCHAR2(1) VARCHAR2(25) NUMBER VARCHAR2(86) VARCHAR2(6) VARCHAR2(10) RUNID TERMINALID FSS_TERMINAL_TYPE VARCHAR2(10) PK FK2 FK1 TERMINALTYPE SAMID TERMINALSTATUS MERCHANTID TYPENAME VARCHAR2(3) VARCHAR2(10) VARCHAR2(1) NUMBER VARCHAR2(3) TYPENAME VARCHAR2(3) TYPEDESCRIPTION TERMINALPREFIX TYPESTATUS MINTRANAMT MAXTRANAMT CREATEDBY CREATEDDATE VARCHAR2(50) CHAR(24) VARCHAR2(1) NUMBER NUMBER VARCHAR2(10) DATE FSS_TRANSACTION PK FSS_SMARTCARD PK DATE DATE VARCHAR2(15) VARCHAR2(255) FSS_TERMINAL PK CARDID VARCHAR2(17) DATEISSUED ISSUEVALUE CARDSTATUS CURRENTVALUE DATE NUMBER VARCHAR2(1) NUMBER FK2 FK3 TRANSACTIONNR NUMBER DOWNLOADDATE TERMINALID CARDID TRANSACTIONDATE CARDOLDVALUE TRANSACTIONAMOUNT CARDNEWVALUE TRANSACTIONSTATUS ERRORCODE DATE VARCHAR2(10) VARCHAR2(17) DATE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER VARCHAR2(1) VARCHAR2(25) Luke Randall/Rob Howard/Thomas McGannon ORGNR NUMBER ORGNAME ORGSTREETNR ORGSTREET ORGSUBURB ORGSTATE ORGPOSTCODE ORGPHONENR ORGENQUIRYNR ORGBSBNR ORGBANKACCOUNT ORGACCOUNTITLE COMMENTS VARCHAR2(50) VARCHAR2(25) VARCHAR2(50) VARCHAR2(35) VARCHAR2(3) VARCHAR2(6) VARCHAR2(18) VARCHAR2(12) VARCHAR2(6) VARCHAR2(10) VARCHAR2(26) VARCHAR2(255) VARCHAR2(10) RUNSTART RUNEND RUNOUTCOME REMARKS HOLIDAY_DATE DATE PK FSS_DAILY_TRANSACTIONS PK TRANSACTIONNR NUMBER DOWNLOADDATE TERMINALID CARDID TRANSACTIONDATE CARDOLDVALUE TRANSACTIONAMOUNT CARDNEWVALUE TRANSACTIONSTATUS ERRORCODE PROCESSED PROCESSEDDATE DATE VARCHAR2(10) VARCHAR2(17) DATE NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER VARCHAR2(1) VARCHAR2(25) CHAR(1) DATE FSS_LOG OCCURRED COMPONENT SEVERITY MESSAGE DATE VARCHAR2(100) VARCHAR2(50) VARCHAR2(300) Page 13 of 13